MU Gen ED Code Legend | ||
In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
Penn State University Course | Millersville Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
A E 124S Orient | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
A E 202 Intr Bldg Mech Sys | ITEC 2X2 Intl Bldg Mech Sys | |
A E 210 Intro Arch Struc | ITEC 2X1 Intro Arch Struc | |
A E 221 Arch Bldg Matls | ITEC 2X1 Arch Bldg Matls | |
A E 222 Working Drawings | ITEC 243 Tech Sketching/Design/Rendrng | |
A E 421 Arch Struct 1 | ITEC 4X1 Arch Struct 1 | |
A ED 303 Arts - Elem School | ERCH 3X3 Arts - Elem School | |
A&A 101 Art/Des Theory 1 | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
A&A 102S Art/Des Studio 1 | ART 1X2 Art/Des Studio 1 | |
A&A 103 Art / Des Theory 2 | ART 1X3 Art / Des Theory 2 | |
A&A 104 Art / Des Studio 2 | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
A&A 197A Core 1 / Theory | ELEC 1X7 Core 1 / Theory | |
A&A 197B Core 2 / Theory | ELEC 1X8 Core 2 / Theory | |
AA 100 Intro to International Arts | ART 1X0 Intro to International Arts | G1 |
AA 130N Creative Arts Therapy | ART 1X3 Creative Arts Therapy | G1 |
AA 197C Special Topics- InterDomain | ELEC 1X9 Special Topics- InterDomain | |
AA 297 Spc Topics: Magic by Design | Does Not Transfer | |
AAA S 100 Blks in 20th Cent | AFAM 1X1 Blks in 20th Cent | G3 |
AAA S 103 Racism & Sexism | SOCY 1X3 Racism & Sexism | |
AAA S 147 Malcolm X | AFAM 2XX Malcolm X | G3 |
AAAS 105 Environmnt Africa | AFAM 2XX Environment Africa | G3 |
AAAS 110 Introduction to Contemp Africa | HIST 281 African History | W, G3 |
AAAS 146 Life of M L King | AFAM 2XX Life of M L King | G1 |
ACCTG 101 Intro Fin Acctg | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACCTG 104 Intro Man Acctg | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACCTG 200 Intro Financial Acctg | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACCTG 204 Intro Managerial Acctg | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACCTG 206 Intro Fed Inc Tax | BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1 | |
ACCTG 211 Fin Mgl Acc Dec Mk | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACCTG 211 Fin Mgl Acc Dec Mk | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACCTG 306 Principles of Taxation | BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1 | |
ACCTG 310 Fed Tax I | BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1 | |
ACCTG 340 Cost Acctg | BUAD 364 Cost Accounting | |
ACCTG 403 Auditing | BUAD 461 Auditing | |
ACCTG 404 Managerial Accounting | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACCTG 405 Prin of Tax I | BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1 | |
ACCTG 432 Acctg Info Systems | BUAD 363 Accounting Information System | |
ACCTG 471 Int Accounting I | BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1 | |
ACCTG 472 Int Fin Acctg II | BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1 | |
ADMJ 012 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
ADMJ 013 Juvenile Delinquency | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3, W |
ADMJ 111 Intro to American Crim Justice | SOCY 231 Intro to the Criminal Justice | G3 |
ADTED 460 Intro to Adult Ed | EDUC 4X6 Intro to Adult Ed | |
ADTED 470 Intro to Distance Education | ELCT 4X7 Intro to Distance Education | |
AE 202 Intro to Arch Eng Concepts | ITEC 2X2 Intro to Arch Eng Concepts | |
AE 221 Arch Building Materials | ITEC 2X1 Arch Building Materials | |
AED 225 Diversity, Pedagogy & Visual | ART 2X5 Diversity, Pedagogy & Visual | |
AEE 100 Agricultural Education Orient | UNIV 103 First Yr: Agri Education | |
AEE 465 Leadership Pract | ELEC 4XX Leadership Pract | |
AERSP 97 Special Topics | Does Not Transfer | |
AF AM 126 Pop Arts in America | MUSI 1X3 Pop Arts in America | |
AFAM 100 Living While Black | AFAM 1XX Living While Black | G3 |
AFAM 145 African American Religions | AFAM 1X5 African American Religions | G3 |
AFAM 152 African American History | HIST 1X2 African American History | G3 |
AFR 105 Environment Africa | BIOL 1X5 Environment Africa | G2 |
AFR 110 Intro Contemporary Africa | SOCY 11X Intro Contemporary Africa | G3 |
AFR 191 Early African History | HIST 1X9 Early African History | G3 |
AFR 192 Modern African History | HIST 1X9 Modern African History | G3 |
AG 150 Be a Master Student | ELEC 1X5 Be a Master Student | |
AG 150S Be A Master Student | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
AG 160 Intro Ethics/Issues in Agri | ELEC 1X6 Intro Ethics/Issues in Agri | |
AG BM 101 Econ Prin Agribus | ECON 1X1 Econ Prin Agribus | G3 |
AG BM 308 Ag Bus Dec Making | BUAD 3X8 Ag Bys Dec Making | |
AG EC 101 Intro Ag Economics | ECON 1X1 Intro Ag Economics | G3 |
AGBM 101 Economic Princ in Agribusiness | ECON 1X1 Economic Princ in Agribusiness | |
AGBM 102 Economics of the Food System | Does Not Transfer | |
AGECO 121 Plant Stress | BIOL 1X1 Plant Stress | G2 |
AIR 151 Foundation of AF I | MILS 1X5 Foundation of AF I | |
AIR 152 Foundation of AF II | MILS 1X2 Foundation of AF II | |
AM ST 050 Lit and Lore Mng | ENGL 2X5 Lit and Lore Mng | G1 |
AM ST 083S 1st - Year Smnr | ELEC 1XX 1st - Year Smnr | |
AM ST 100 Intro to American Studies | SSCI 1XX Intro to American Studies | G3 |
AM ST 103 American Masculinities | SOCY 1X3 American Masculinities | P |
AM ST 104 Women & Amer Exper | HIST 250 Women in American History | W, G3 |
AM ST 105 Pop Cul & Folklife | SOCY 2X1 Pop Cul & Folklife | G3 |
AM ST 140Y Rl in Am Life | PHIL 14X Religion in Am Life/Thought | G1 |
AM ST 160 Intro Asian Am St | SSCI 16X Intro to Asian Amer Studies | G3 |
AM ST 196 Intro to Am Folk | HIST 1XX Intro to Am Folk | G3 |
AM ST 307 American Art | ART 313 Art in America | G1 |
AM ST 400 Early America to 1765 | HIST 4X1 Early America to 1765 | |
AM ST 441 History of Sport in American S | WSSD 350 Sport in America | W |
AM ST 480 Museum Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
AM ST 482 Public Heritage | ANTH 2X4 Public Heritage | |
AM ST 491W Amer Themes, Amer Eras | HIST 4X2 Amer Themes, Amer Eras | |
AMST 100 Intro to Am St | SSCI 1X1 Intro to American Studies | G3 |
AMST 104 Women and Amer Exper | WSTU 1X1 Women and Amer Exper | |
AMST 105 Pop Culture and Folklife | HUMN 1X5 Pop Culture and Folklife | G1 |
AMST 106N Mass Media and Society | COMM 220 Survey of Media | G1 |
AMST 135 Alt Voices Am Lit | ENGL 13X Alt Voices Am Lit | G1 |
AMST 170 Intro to American Folklore | HUMN 1X7 Intro to American Folklore | G1 |
AMST 196 Intro to American Folklore | HUMN 1X6 Intro to American Folklore | G1 |
AMSTD 301 Am Civ | HIST 456 Intellectual Culturl U.S. Hist | W, G3 |
AMSTD 442 American Folklore | ENGL 338 Folklore and Literature | G1, W |
AMSTD 456 Mass Culture | ANTH 4X6 Mass Culture | G3 |
AMSTD 491 Sem Am Culture | ANTH 4X1 Sem Am Culture | |
AN SC 100 Intro to Animal Industries | Does Not Transfer | |
AN SC 297A Dairy Judging | Does Not Transfer | |
ANSC 100 Intro to Animal Industries | Does Not Transfer | |
ANSC 107 Intro Eq Sc & Ind | Does Not Transfer | |
ANTH 001 Introductory Anthropology | ANTH 201 People, Primates, and Prehist | G3 |
ANTH 002 Intro Archaeology | ANTH 123 Introduction To Archeology | G3 |
ANTH 008 Aztecs, Mayas and Incas | ANTH 221 People and Cultures of Mexico | W, G3 |
ANTH 009 Rise of Civ in the Old World | ANTH 2XX Rise of Civ in the Old World | G3 |
ANTH 010 Mediterranean Prehistory | ANTH 223 People and Cultures Of Mediter | G3 |
ANTH 011 Intro NA Archy | ANTH 1X1 Intro NA Archy | |
ANTH 021 Intro Biol Anth | ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 045 Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 046 Cultural Anth | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 140 Anthropology of Alcohol | ANTH 1X4 Anthropology of Alcohol | G3 |
ANTH 146 North American Indians | ANTH 222 American Indian | W, G3 |
ANTH 216 Sex and Evolution | ANTH 2X6 Sex and Evolution | G3 |
ANTH 242 Peasant Societies | ANTH 2X2 Peasant Societies | G3 |
ANTH 297 Special Topics | ANTH 2X7 Special Topics | G3 |
ANTH 420 Archaeology of the Near East | ANTH 4X2 Archaeology of the Near East | |
ANTH 421 Intro Geospatial Sci in ANTH | ANTH 4X2 Intro Geospatial Sci in ANTH | |
ANTH 445W Ethnographic Film | ANTH 227 Culture Through Film | G3, W |
ANTH 476W Anthropology of Gender | ANTH 328 Male/Female | W, G3 |
ANTH 492 Field Techniques | ANTH 4X3 Field Techniques | |
ANTH 493 Inter Field Meth | ANTH 425 Field Study | |
ANTHY 001 Intr Anthropology | ANTH 201 People, Primates, and Prehist | G3 |
APLNG 280N Intl Comp Research | INTL 201 Intro to International Studies | G3 |
ARAB 001 El Mod Std Arab I | FORL 1X1 El Mod Std Arab I | G1 |
ARAB 002 El Mod Std Arab II | FORL 1X2 El Mod Std Arab II | G1 |
ARAB 401 Adv Lang/Cult I | FORL 2X1 Adv Arab Lang/Cult 1 | G1 |
ARAB 402 Adv Lang/Cult II | FORL 2X2 Adv Arab Lang/Cult 2 | G1 |
ARCH 100 Arch and Ideas | ITEC 1XX Arch and Ideas | |
ARCH 110 Des - Plan Theory 1 | ART 142 Design 1 | G1 |
ARCH 121 Visual Comm 1 | ART 1X1 Visual Comm 1 | G1 |
ARCH 122 Visual Comm II | ART 1X2 Visual Comm II | |
ARCH 130A Basic Dsgn - Res 1 | ITEC 1X3 Basic Dsgn - Res 1 | |
ARCH 131S Basic Dsgn Studio I | ITEC 1X1 Basic Dsgn Studio I | |
ARCH 132 Basic Dsgn Studio II | ITEC 1X2 Basic Dsgn Studio II | |
ARCH 198A Visual Comm 1 | ART 1X8 Visual Comm 1 | |
ARCH 203 Arch Materials 1 | ITEC 2X3 Arch Materials 1 | |
ARCH 210 Des -Plan Theory 1 | ITEC 2X1 Des - Plan Theory 1 | |
ARCH 211 Des - Plan Theory 2 | ITEC 2X2 Des - Plan Theory 2 | |
ARMY 101 Army Org & Func | MILS 1XX Army Org & Func | |
ARMY 102 Military Profession | MILS 1X2 Military Profession | |
ARMY 201 Leadership and Ethics | MILS 2XX Leadership and Ethics | |
ARMY 203 Army Ops | MILS 301 Management and Leadership | |
ART 001 Vis Art/Stdio: Intr | ART 141 Fundamentals of Studio Art | G1 |
ART 002 Learning and Web Design | DESN 1X2 Learning and Web Design | |
ART 003 Images for the Web | ART 1XX Images for the Web | G1 |
ART 010 Intro Vis Studies | ART 1XX Intro Vis Studies | G1 |
ART 020 Intro Drawing | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ART 030 Intro Sculpture | ART 282 Sculpture 1 | G1 |
ART 040 Intro Printmaking | ART 361 Survey Printmaking 1 | |
ART 050 Intro Painting | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
ART 080 Intro Ceramics | ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building | G1 |
ART 090 Intro Photo | ART 306 Fine Art Photo 1 | G1 |
ART 100 Creations / Vis Arts | ART 1X1 Creations / Vis Arts | G1 |
ART 101 Intro to Web Design | ART 1X1 Intro to Web Design | |
ART 110S Ideas as Vis Image | ART 1XX Ideas as Visual Images | G1 |
ART 111 Ideas as Objects | ART 1XX Ideas as Objects | G1 |
ART 120 Beginning Drawing | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ART 122 Commentary on Art | ART 1X2 Commentary on Art | G1 |
ART 140 Elem Printmaking | ART 362 Printmaking 1 | |
ART 201 Intro Digital Arts | ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art | |
ART 270 Begin Graph Design | ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1 | |
ART 271 Typography | ART 244 Typography | |
ART 290 Begin Photography | ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 | G1 |
ART 296 Independent Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 297B Lrng & Web Design | ART 2XX Lrng & Web Design | |
ART 299 Foreign Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
ART H 111 Anc to Med Art | ART 2X1 Anc to Med Art | |
ART H 197A History of Comics | ART 3X7 History of Comics | G1 |
ART H 226 Hist Seq Art:The Comic Book | ART 22X Hist Seq Art:The Comic Book | G1 |
ART H 303 It Ren Art | ART 302 The Italian Renaissance | G1 |
ART H 312 Romsque & Goth Art | ART 3X2 Romsque & Goth Art | G1 |
ART H 326 Art Since 1940 | ART 3X6 Art Since 1940 | G1 |
ART H 397A Art Since 1940 | ART 3X7 Art Since 1940 | G1 |
ART H 497A Trad W African Art | ART 4X7 Trad W African Art | G1 |
ART H 497C Photo in Africa | ART 4X9 Photo in Africa | |
ARTH 001S First Year Seminar | ART 1XX First Year Seminar | G1 |
ARTH 100 Introduction to Art | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
ARTH 105 Pictures and Power | ART 201 Hist and Aesthtcs of Photgrphy | G1 |
ARTH 111 Ancient to Medieval Art | ART 301 The Ancient World | G1 |
ARTH 112 Renaissance to Modern Art | ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C | G1 |
ARTH 120 Asian Art and Architecture | ART 1X2 Asian Art and Architecture | G1 |
ARTH 130 African, Oceanic & Native Amer | ART 1X3 African, Oceanic & Native Amer | G1 |
ARTH 201 Ancient to Medieval Architectu | ART 2X1 Ancient to Medieval Architectu | G1 |
ARTH 202 Renaissance to Modern Architec | ART 2X2 Renaissance to Modern Architec | G1 |
ARTH 225 Sexuality & Modern Vis Culture | HUMN 2XX Sexuality & Modern Vis Culture | |
ARTH 226 The Comic Book | ART 2X6 The Comic Book | G1 |
ARTH 280 Design & Decorative Arts | ART 2X8 Design & Decorative Arts | G1 |
ARTH 303 Italian Renaissance Art | ART 302 The Italian Renaissance | G1 |
ARTH 304 Southern Baroque Painting | ART 3X4 Southern Baroque Painting | G1 |
ARTH 305 European Art from 1780 - 1860 | ART 303 The 19th Century | G1 |
ARTH 307 American Art | ART 313 Art in America | G1 |
ARTH 308N American Arch | ART 3X8 American Arch | G1 |
ARTH 325 Impressionism to Surrealism | ART 3XX Impressionism to Surrealism | G1 |
ARTS 001 The Arts | HMFA 1XX The Arts | G1 |
ARTS 005 Performing Arts | HMFA 1XX Performing Arts | G1 |
ASIA 100 What is Asia? | ANTH 1X1 What is Asia? | G3 |
ASTRO 001 Astro Universe | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
ASTRO 005 Sky and Planets | SCMA 1X5 Sky and Planets | G2 |
ASTRO 007N The Artistic Universe | PHYS 1X7 The Artistic Universe | G2 |
ASTRO 010 Elem Astro | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
ASTRO 011 Elem Astro Lab | PHYS 1XX Elem Astro Lab | L, G2 |
ASTRO 020 First Year Astronomy Seminar | PHYS 1X2 First Year Astronomy Seminar | |
ASTRO 130 Blk Holes Universe | PHYS 1X0 Blk Holes Universe | G2 |
ASTRO 296 Independent Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
ASTRO 6 Stars and Galaxies | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
B A 303 Marketing & Log | BUAD 436 Marketing Strategy | |
B A 364Y Intl Bus & Society | BUAD 362 Intermediate Accounting 2 | |
B LOG 301 Bus Log Mgmt | BUAD 3X1 Bus Log Mgmt | |
BA 100 Intro to Bus | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BA 241 Legal Env Bus | BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business | G3 |
BA 242 Soc Eth Env Bus | BUAD 355 Business and Society | G3 |
BA 243 Soc Legal & Ethical Env Busi | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
BA 250 Small Business | BUAD 356 Small Business Management | |
BA 297 Special Topics | BUAD 2XX Special Topics | |
BA 297A Special Topics - Career Planni | ELEC 2X7 Special Topics Career Planning | |
BA 301 Fin & Fin Serv | BUAD 3XX Fin & Fin Serv | |
BA 304 Mgmt & Org | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
BA 321 Ctmp Skls Bus Prof | BUAD 3X1 Ctmp Skls Bus Prof | |
BA 322 Ind Eff Bus Prof | BUAD 3X2 Ind Eff Bus Prof | |
BA 342 Resp/Sustain/Ethical Bus | BUAD 3X2 Resp/Sustain/Ethical Bus | |
BA 355 Bus and Society | BUAD 355 Business and Society | G3 |
BA 364 Intl Business and Society | BUAD 355 Business and Society | G3 |
BA 364Y Intl Bus & Society | BUAD 355 Business and Society | G3 |
BA 395A Prac in Bus Admin | BUAD 3X5 Prac in Bus Admin | |
BA 420 Prep for Career Management | UNIV 1X1 Prep for Career Management | |
BBH 019 Hlth & Disease | ELEC 1XX Health & Disease | |
BBH 045 Alchl Awareness Ed | WELL 1X5 Alchl Awareness Ed | WELL |
BBH 046 Intro Human Sex | WELL 1X9 Intro to Human Sex | WELL |
BBH 048 Values & Health | WELL 1XX Values & Health Behv | WELL |
BBH 101 Intro Biobeh Hlth | BIOL 1XX Intro Biobeh Hlth | G2 |
BBH 119 Beh Hlth & Disease | ELEC 1X9 Beh Hlth & Disease | |
BBH 143 Drugs Beh & Hlth | WSSD 1X3 Drugs Beh & Hlth | |
BBH 146 Hlth & Hum Sex | BIOL 207 Human Sexuality | G2, W, D |
BBH 148 Coping with College | UNIV 1X1 Coping with College | |
BBH 148S Copng with College | PSYC 1XX Coping with College | |
BBH 251 Straight Talks I | Does Not Transfer | |
BE SC 492 Cur Tpcs In Soc Sc | SSCI 4XX Cur Tpcs in Soc Sc | |
BESC 370 Community Psych | PSYC 3X1 Community Psych | |
BESC 376 Intro Hum Svc Org | SOWK 3X1 Intro Hum Svc Org | |
BESC 395 Be Sc Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
BESC 407 Small Groups Couns | PSYC 4X1 Small Groups Couns | |
BESC 408 Grp Facil/Ldshp Sk | SOWK 4X1 Grp Facil/Ldshp Sk | |
BESC 459 Basic Couns Skills | PSYC 447 Counseling Strategies | |
BESC 464 Fem/Masc | WSTU 4X1 Fem/Masc | |
BI SC 002 Genet Ecol Evol | BIOL 102X Genet Ecol Evol (no Lab) | G2 |
BI SC 003 Environmental Sci | BIOL 1X3 Environmental Sci | G2 |
BIOE 100S Bioe Seminar | BIOL 1X1 Bioe Seminar | |
BIOL 001 Biol Skills Prep | BIOL 1XX Biol Skills Prep | |
BIOL 003 Peer Learning in Biology | Does Not Transfer | |
BIOL 011 Intro Biol 1 | BIOL 1X1 Intro Biol 1 | |
BIOL 020 Plts Plcs & Pple | BIOL 208 Plants and People | G2 |
BIOL 027 Plant Biol | BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany | G2, L |
BIOL 029 Mammalian Anatomy | BIOL 1X9 Mammalian Anatomy | G2, L |
BIOL 033 Gent Evol Humans | BIOL 205 Heredity | G2 |
BIOL 041 Physiology | BIOL 1X4 Physiology | G2 |
BIOL 055 Biology of Aging | BIOL 1XX Biology of Aging | G2 |
BIOL 101 Princ of Biol 1 | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIOL 102 Princ of Biol 2 | BIOL 1XX Princ of Biol 2 | G2, L |
BIOL 110 Biology Conc Biod | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIOL 110L Biology Conc Biod | BIOL 11XL Biology Conc Biod | L, G2 |
BIOL 120 Plants, People & Places | BIOL 208 Plants and People | G2 |
BIOL 120A Plants Places & People | BIOL 208 Plants and People | G2 |
BIOL 129 Mammalian Anatomy | BIOL 1X9 Mammalian Anatomy | L, G2 |
BIOL 133 Genl Evol Humans | BIOL 1X3 Genl Evol Humans | |
BIOL 141 Physiology | BIOL 14X Physiology | G2 |
BIOL 155 Biology of Aging | BIOL 1X5 Biology of Aging | G2 |
BIOL 160N Fitness Exercise Physiology | BIOL 1X6 Fitness Exercise Physiology | G2 |
BIOL 161 Anatomy & Physiology I Lecture | BIOL 1X1 Anatomy & Physiology I Lecture | |
BIOL 169 What it Means to be Human | ELEC 1XX What it Means to be Human | |
BIOL 210 Ecology | BIOL 140 Introductory Ecology | G2, L |
BIOL 220W Biology Pop Comm | BIOL 2XX Biology Pop Comm | L, G2 |
BIOL 222 Genetics | BIOL 204 Human Biology | W, G2 |
BIOL 230W Biology Mol Cells | BIOL 263 Cell Biology | L, W, G2 |
BIOL 240W Biol Func Dev Org | BIOL 2XX Biol Func Dev Org | |
BIOL 297 Fld Stdy Biodv & Evol | BIOL 2XX Fld Stdy Biodv & Evol | L, G2 |
BIOL 322 Genetic Analysis | BIOL 3X2 Genetic Analysis | G2 |
BIOL 416 Biol Cancer | BIOL 471 Biol Cancer | |
BIOL 448 Ecology of Plant Reproduction | BIOL 4X8 Ecology of Plant Reproduction | |
BIOL 474 Astrobiology | BIOL 4X4 Astrobiology | G2 |
BIOL 494 Research Project | Does Not Transfer | |
BIOL 497 Biology of RNA | BIOL 4X7 Biology of RNA | |
BISC 001 Struct/Funct Orgnsm | BIOL 1XX Struct/Funct Orgnsm | G2 |
BISC 002 Genet Ecol Evol | BIOL 1XX Genet Ecol Evol | G2 |
BISC 003 Environmental Science | GEOG 130 Intro to Environmental Science | G2 |
BISC 004 Human Body | BIOL 204 Human Biology | G2, W |
BKLV 297A Emerg Instr Techno | EDFN 2XX Emerg Instr Techno | |
BL ST 100 Blks in 20th Cent | SSCI 1XX Blks in 20th Cent | G3 |
BL ST 145 Afro-Am Religion | AFAM 2XX Afro-Am Religion | G3 |
BL ST 297 Afr / Am Woman | SSCI 212 The Black Woman | G3 |
BLAW 243 Legal Env of Bus | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
BMB 001 Bases Humn Disease | BIOL 1XX Bases Humn Disease | G2 |
BMB 211 Elem Biochemistry | CHEM 326 Biochemistry 1 | G2 |
BMB 251 Molecular and Cell Biology I | BIOL 362 Cell and Developmental Biology | G2, L, W |
BMB 406 Molecular Biology | BIOL 3X4 Molecular Biology | |
BME 100 First Year Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
BME 100S BME Seminar | UNIV 1XX BME Seminar | |
BME 402 Biomedical Instrumentation | BIOL 4X2 Biomedical Instrumentation | |
BMS 001 Bases Humn Dis | BIOL 1X1 Bases Humn Dis | |
BRASS 112J Trombone Sec | MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band | |
BRASS 120J Trumpet: Primary 1 | MUSI 2X2 Trumpet: Primary 1 | |
BRASS 122J Trombone Prim 1 | MUSI 2X2 Trombone Prim 1 | |
BRASS 180 Trumpet Perf II | MUSI 1X8 Trumpet Perf II | |
BUS 305 Foundation Bus | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUS 361 Operations Management | BUAD 452 Production and Operations Mngt | |
C ART 415 Apprch to Painting | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
C E 370 Intro Envir Engr | ELEC 3X7 Intro Envir Engr | |
C E 3XX BS Civil Engineering Awarded | PHYS 3XX BS Civil Engineering Awarded | |
C E T 308 Const Mthds & Matl | ITEC 331 Construction Technology 1 | |
C E T 332W Const Mgt 1 | ITEC 433 Construction Project Managemnt | |
C E T 435 Const Estimating | ITEC 4X5 Const Estimating | |
C HIS 320 Contemp World Hist | HIST 3X2 Contemp World Hist | G1 |
C HIS 440 European History | HIST 340 Twentieth Century Europe | W, G3 |
C HUM 300W Intr in Humanities | HUMN 3X4 Intr in Humanities | |
C I 280 Intro Tchng Engl Lang Learners | ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners | |
C I 295 Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr | Does Not Transfer | |
C I 295A Introductory Field Exp ERCH | Does Not Transfer | |
C I 405 Strat in Classroom Manage | EDUC 4X5 Strat in Classroom Manage | |
C I 412W Secondary Teaching | EDFN 4X2 Secondary Teaching | |
C I 495A Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
C I 495C Cl Ap Inst/Sec Ed | EDFN 4X5 Cl Ap Inst/Sec Ed | |
CAMS 001 Greek and Roman Literature | Does Not Transfer | |
CAMS 002 Literatur of Ancient Near East | Does Not Transfer | |
CAMS 005 Mediterranean Civ | HIST 1X5 Mediterranean Civ | G3 |
CAMS 010 Mesopotamian Civilization | Does Not Transfer | |
CAMS 012 Lands of the Bible | Does Not Transfer | |
CAMS 015 Wonders of the Ancient World | Does Not Transfer | |
CAMS 020 Egyptian Civilization | Does Not Transfer | |
CAMS 025 Greek Civilization | HIST 211 Greek Civilization | G3, W |
CAMS 033 Roman Civilization | HIST 212 Roman Civilization | G3 |
CAMS 045 Classical Myth | HUMN 202 Classical Mythology | G1, W |
CAMS 180 Ancient Warfare | HIST 1X8 Ancient Warfare | |
CAMS 200 Ancient Philosophy | PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy | G1, W |
CAMS 4 Jewish and Christian | Does Not Transfer | |
CAP 100S Undergrad Exp | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CAP 110S FYS/CAP/BSE | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CAP 120 F Y S / CAP / Bus | BUAD 1X2 F Y S / CAP / Bus | |
CAP 120S F Y S/Cap/Bus | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CAP 140S F Y S/Cap/Hum | UNIV 1X4 F Y S/Cap/Hum | |
CAP 150S F Y S/Cap/Pub | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CAP 160S F Y S / CAP / Set | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CAS 084S First-Year Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CAS 100 Effective Speech | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
CAS 100A Effective Speech | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
CAS 100B Effective Speech - Group | COMM 203 Small Group Communication | D, G1, W |
CAS 101 Intro to Human Communication | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 126 Developmental Listening | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 137 Rhetoric and Civic Life I | ENGL 13XH Rhetoric and Civic Life I | G1 |
CAS 138 Rhetoric and Civic Life II | ENGL 1X8 Rhetoric and Civic Life II | G1 |
CAS 162N Communicating Care | COMM 461 Health Communication | P |
CAS 175 Persuasion and Propaganda | COMM 17X Persuasion and Propaganda | G1 |
CAS 200 Language, Culture & Communicat | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 201 Rhetorical Theory | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 202 Comm Thry | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
CAS 202S Comm Thry | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
CAS 203 Interpersonal Communication | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
CAS 204 Communication Research Methods | COMM 301 Communication Research | W |
CAS 211 Informative Speaking | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 213 Persuasive Speaking | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 214W Speech Writing | COMM 21X Speech Writing | G1 |
CAS 215 Argumentation | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 232N Horror Film and Identity | COMM 2X2 Horror Film and Identity | G1 |
CAS 250 Small Group Communication | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 252 Business & Professional Commun | COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn | |
CAS 271 Intercultural Communication | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 272 Political Comm & Technology | COMM 220 Survey of Media | G1 |
CAS 283 Comm & Info Tech 1 | COMM 2X3 Comm & Info Tech 1 | |
CAS 297 Special Topics in Comm Arts | COMM 279 Experimental | |
CAS 301 Rhetorical Theory | WRIT 280 Intro to Rhetoric for Writers | G1, W |
CAS 302 Social Influence | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 303 Communication Theory | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
CAS 311 Methods of Rhetorical Criticis | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 315 Debate Civic Life | COMM 3X5 Debate Civic Life | |
CAS 321 Rhetoric and Law | Does Not Transfer | |
CAS 352 Organizational Communication | COMM 224 Organizational Communication 1 | |
CAS 395 Forensics Practicum | ELEC 3X9 Forensics Practicum | |
CAS 404 Conflict Resolution/Negotiatio | COMM 450 Communication/Conflict Mgmnt | D, P |
CAS 426W Comm Ethics | COMM 206 Communication and Media Law | |
CAS 478 Contemp Amer Rhet | ENGL 4X8 Contemp Amer Rhet | |
CE 100 FYS Topics in Civ/Env Eng | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CE 100S Civil/Enviro Engineer:FYS | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
CED 102 Whats the Right Thing To Do? | ELEC 1X2 Whats the Right Thing To Do? | |
CED 201 Intro Envir Resource Economics | ECON 307 Environmental Economics | W, G3 |
CERSE 081 Cer & Gl Mod Wld | ELEC 1X1 Cer & Gl Mod Wld | |
CHE 100 Explore Ch E FYS | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar: Chem Eng | |
CHEM 001 Molecular Sci | CHEM 1XX Molecular Science | L, G2 |
CHEM 002 Molecular Science | CHEM 1X2 Molecular Science | G2 |
CHEM 003 Molecular Science w/lab | CHEM 1X1 Molecular Science w/lab | L, G2 |
CHEM 005 Kitchen Chemistry | CHEM 1X5 Kitchen Chemistry | |
CHEM 006 Prob Solving Chem | CHEM 1X1 Prob Solving Chem | |
CHEM 011 Intro Chemistry | CHEM 102 Science of Chemistry 2 | L, G2 |
CHEM 012 Chem Princ | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2 |
CHEM 013 Chem Princ | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHEM 014 Exper Chem | CHEM 1X2 Exper Chem | L, G2 |
CHEM 015 Exper Chem | CHEM 1XX Exper Chem Lab | G2, L |
CHEM 017 Intro & Gen Chem | CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry | |
CHEM 034 Organic Chem | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | L, G2 |
CHEM 038 Organic Chem | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHEM 039 Organic Chem | CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHEM 101 Intro Chemistry | CHEM 10X Intro Chemistry | L, G2 |
CHEM 111 Expr Chem I | CHEM 1X1 Exper Chem I | L |
CHEM 112 Chemical Principles 2 | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2 |
CHEM 113 Experimental Chemistry 2 | CHEM 1X3 Experimental Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHEM 130 Introductory Chemistry | CHEM 1X0 Introductory Chemistry | G2 |
CHEM 202 Fnds Orgnic Chem 1 | CHEM 2X2 Fnds Orgnic Chem 1 | G2 |
CHEM 203 Fnds Orgnic Chem 2 | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | L, G2 |
CHEM 210 Organic Chem I | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | L, G2 |
CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry II | CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHEM 213 Organic Chemistry Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
CHEM 316 Professnal Chemist | CHEM 188 Freshman Seminar in Chemistry | |
CHEM 395 Chem T A Training | Does Not Transfer | |
CHEM 450 Phy Chem Thermodyn | CHEM 341 Physical Chemistry 1 | W |
CHIS 320 Contemp World Hist | HIST 3X1 Contemp World Hist | G3 |
CHNS 001 Elem Chinese 1 | FORL 1XX Elem Chinese 1 | G1 |
CHNS 002 Lvl One Chns B | FORL 1X2 Lvl One Chns B | G1 |
CHNS 003 Level Two Chinese A | FORL 2X3 Level Two Chinese A | G1 |
CHNS 110 Level Two Chinese B | FORL 2X1 Level Two Chinese B | G1 |
CHNS 401 Level Three Chinese A | FORL 3X1 Level Three Chinese A | G1 |
CHNS 402 Level Three Chinese B | FORL 3X2 Level Three Chinese B | G1 |
CHNS 403W Level Four Chinese A | FORL 4X3 Level Four Chinese A | G1, W |
CI 185 Social Justice in Education | ERCH 1X8 Social Justice in Education | |
CI 211 Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr | ELED 1XX Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr | |
CI 280 Intro to Teachng Eng Lang Lean | ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners | |
CI 295 Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr | ELED 1XX Field Experience Tchng Pract | |
CI 296 Indep Studies | EDFN 2XX Indep Studies | |
CI 297 Special Topics | EDFN 2X7 Special Topics | |
CI 297B Praxis Prep | EDFN 2X7 Praxis Prep | |
CJ 100 Intro CJ | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CLJ 012 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
CLJ 111 Intro Am Crim Jus | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CMAS 258N Intro to Cmas | SOWK 2X8 Intro to Child Maltreat & Advo | |
CMDIS 146 Intro to Comm Dis | COMM 1XX Intro to Comm Disorders | |
CMLIT 001 Intro West Lit I | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
CMLIT 002 Intro West Lit 2 | ENGL 232 World Literature 2 | G1 |
CMLIT 003 Intro to African Literatures | ENGL 1X3 Intro to African Literatures | G1 |
CMLIT 004 Intro to Asian Literature | ENGL 1X4 Intro to Asian Literature | G1 |
CMLIT 005 Lit of Americas | ENGL 2XX Lit of Americas | G1 |
CMLIT 010 Intro to World Lit | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
CMLIT 011 Hero in World Lit | ENGL 1X1 Hero in World Lit | G1 |
CMLIT 100 Intro to Comp Lit | ENGL 232 World Literature 2 | G1 |
CMLIT 101 Race/Gender/W Lit | ENGL 1X1 Race/Gender/W Lit | G1 |
CMLIT 102 Master West Lit | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
CMLIT 105 Literary Humor | ENGL 2X5 Literary Humor | G1 |
CMLIT 106 Arthurian Legend | ENGL 2X6 Arthurian Legend | G1 |
CMLIT 108 Mythology | HUMN 202 Classical Mythology | G1, W |
CMLIT 109 N Amer Myth | ENGL 1X9 N Amer Myth | G1 |
CMLIT 120 Literature of the Occult | ENGL 2X2 Literature of the Occult | G1 |
CMLIT 122 Global Science Fiction | ENGL 242 Reading Our World:Glob Sci-fi | G1, W |
CMLIT 141 Religion & Lit | ENGL 2X1 Religion & Lit | G1 |
CMLIT 143 Human Rights and World Lit | ENGL 2X3 Human Rights and World Lit | G1 |
CMLIT 153 Intl Lit & Film | ENGL 2XX Intl Lit & Film | G1 |
CMLIT 184 The Short Story | ENGL 2X4 The Short Story | G1 |
CMLIT 191 Intro to Video Game Culture | SOCY 1X1 Intro to Video Game Culture | |
CMLIT 415 Graphic Novels | ENGL 4X5 Graphic Novels | G1 |
CMPEN 111 Computer Hardware | CSCI 1XX Computer Hardware | |
CMPEN 111S Computer Hardware | Does Not Transfer | |
CMPEN 270 Digital Design | DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills | |
CMPEN 271 Intro Digital Sys | CSCI 2X1 Intro Digital Sys | |
CMPEN 275 Digital Design Lab | CSCI 2X5 Digital Design Lab | |
CMPEN 331 Comp Org & Design | CSCI 3X1 Comp Org & Design | |
CMPEN 362 Communication Networks | CSCI 3X2 Communication Networks | G2 |
CMPEN 431 Intro to Computer Architecture | Does Not Transfer | |
CMPEN 472 Microprocessors and Embed Sys | Does Not Transfer | |
CMPEN 475 Functional Verification | Does Not Transfer | |
CMPEN 482 Computer Eng Project Design | Does Not Transfer | |
CMPET 117 Digital Electronics | AENG 262 Semiconductor Electronics | |
CMPET 120 Digital Electronics Lab | AENG 1XX Digital Electronics Lab | |
CMPET 401 Data Com & Network | CSCI 395 Computer Networks | W |
CMPSC 001 Basic Programming | CSCI 1XX Basic Programming | |
CMPSC 100 Cmp Fundamentals | CSCI 1X1 Cmp Fundamentals | G2 |
CMPSC 101 C++ PROGRAMMING | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CMPSC 102 Intro VB Programming | CSCI 111 Prob Solv with Visual Basic | G2 |
CMPSC 121 Intro Prgmg Tech | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CMPSC 122 Intermed Progrmg | CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 | G2 |
CMPSC 131 Programming & Comp I: Fund | CSCI 1X1 Programming & Comp I: Fund | |
CMPSC 132 Prog & Comp II | CSCI 1X2 Prog & Comp II | |
CMPSC 140 Intro to Data Proc | CSCI 1X4 Intro to Data Proc | |
CMPSC 144 Data Org & Access | CSCI 1X2 Data Org & Access | |
CMPSC 154 Adv Asm I/O & JCL | CSCI 1X3 Adv Asm I/O & JCL | |
CMPSC 164 Programming Trends | CSCI 1X4 Programming Trends | |
CMPSC 200 Prmg Engr Matlab | CSCI 20X Prog for Engineers w MATLAB | |
CMPSC 201 Prgmg for Engrs | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CMPSC 201C Prgmg Engrs C | CSCI 2X2 Prgmg Engrs C | G2 |
CMPSC 203 Bus Pgm Aplcn | CSCI 2X1 Bus Pgm Aplcn | |
CMPSC 221 OOP with Web | CSCI 2X0 OOP with Web | |
CMPSC 311 Intro to Systems Programming | CSCI 3X1 Intro to Systems Programming | |
CMPSC 312 Comp Organ Archite | CSCI 370 Computer Architecture | |
CMPSC 360 Discrete Math/CS | CSCI 140 Discrete Structures | |
CMPSC 421 Net-Centric Computing | CSCI 4X1 Net-Centric Computing | |
CMPSC 430 Database Design | CSCI 466 Database Management Systems | |
CMPSC 436 Communications & Networking | CSCI 4X6 Communications & Networking | |
CMPSC 438 Comp Network Arch | CSCI 395 Computer Networks | W |
CMPSC 441 Artificial Intelligence | CSCI 450 Artificial Intelligence | W |
CMPSC 444 Secure Programming | CSCI 4X4 Secure Programming | |
CMPSC 447 Software Security | CSCI 4X7 Software Security | |
CMPSC 451 Numerical Computations | CSCI 4X1 Numerical Computations | |
CMPSC 458 Fundamentals of Comp Graphics | CSCI 4X8 Fundamentals of Comp Graphics | |
CMPSC 460 Princ Prog Lang | CSCI 330 Programmng Lang and Softw Engn | |
CMPSC 461 Programming Language Concepts | CSCI 330 Programmng Languages | |
CMPSC 463 Design Analysis Algorithms | CSCI 467 Analysis of Algorithms | |
CMPSC 465 Data Structures and Algorithms | CSCI 4X5 Fundamentals of Comp Graphics | |
CMPSC 469 Formal Languages | CSCI 340 Computational Models | |
CMPSC 470 Compilers | CSCI 435 Compiler Construction | |
CMPSC 472 Operating Systems | CSCI 380 Operating Systems | |
CMPSC 473 Operating Systems Design | Does Not Transfer | |
CMPSC 475 App Programming | CSCI 47X App Programming | |
CMPSC 487W SW Engr Dsgn | CSCI 420 Software Engineering | |
CMPSC 804 CMP Fndmtls/Appls | CSCI 1X8 CMP Fndmtls/Appls | |
CMPSC 805 Comp Appli Prob | CSCI 1X5 Comp Appli Prob | |
CN ED 100 Eff Career Dec Mak | ELEC 1X1 Eff Career Dec Mak | |
CN ED 200 Peer Mentoring | Does Not Transfer | |
CN ED 297F Fresh Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CN ED 301 Stdnt Organ Mgmt | Does Not Transfer | |
CN ED 302 Role of Res Asst | Does Not Transfer | |
CN ED 303 Career Srch for Ed | ELEC 3X4 Career Srch for Ed | |
CN ED 304 Education of the Peer Assistan | ELEC 3X4 Education of the Peer Assistan | |
CN ED 397 Special Topics: Counslr Ed | ELEC 3X7 Special Topics: Counslr Ed | |
CN ED 397C The First Job | Does Not Transfer | |
CNED 100 Eff Career Dec Making | Does Not Transfer | |
CNED 297A Eff Plcs & Pple | ELEC 2X9 Eff Plcs & Pple | |
CNED 297B Prsnl Fnan Planng | BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning | |
CNED 297D Academic Success I | UNIV 1X9 Academic Success I | |
CNED 297E Academic Writing | ENGL 2X9 Academic Writing | |
CNED 302 Role of Res Asst | PSYC 3XX Role of Res Asst | |
CNED 410 Psy Rehab | PSYC 4XX Psy Rehab | |
COMM 001 Newspaper Prac | COMM 1X1 Newspaper Prac | |
COMM 001H Newspaper Prac | Does Not Transfer | |
COMM 020N Critical Media Literacy | COMM 1X2 Critical Media Literacy | G1 |
COMM 100 Mass Media & Soc | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
COMM 110 Media & Democracy | COMM 1X1 Media & Democracy | |
COMM 118 Intr Media Effects | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
COMM 150 Cinema Art | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | W, G1 |
COMM 160 Basic News Writing Skills | ENGL 16X Basic News Writing Skills | G1 |
COMM 168 American Journalism | COMM 16X American Journalism | G1 |
COMM 180 Elec Media & Telcm | COMM 1X8 Elec Media & Telcm | |
COMM 190 Gaming and Interactive Media | ELEC 1X9 Gaming and Interactive Media | |
COMM 197 Special Topics | COMM 1X7 Special Topics | |
COMM 197A Intr Media Effects | COMM 2X7 Intr Media Effects | |
COMM 215 Basic Photography | COMM 21X Basic Photography | G1 |
COMM 222N Social Justice Image | COMM 2X2 Social Justice Image | G1 |
COMM 230 Writing for the Media | COMM 2X3 Writing for the Media | G1 |
COMM 230W Writing for Media | COMM 23X Writing for Media | W, G1 |
COMM 234 Digital Cultures | COMM 2X4 Digital Cultures | G1 |
COMM 241 Graphic Design | COMM 24X Graphic Design | |
COMM 242 Basic Video/Film | COMM 2X2 Basic Video/Film | |
COMM 250 Film Hist Theory | COMM 25X Film Hist Theory | G1 |
COMM 251 Nature of Media | COMM 2X1 Nature of Media | G1 |
COMM 260W News Writing | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
COMM 269 Photojournalism | COMM 2X9 Photojournalism | G1 |
COMM 270 Intro to Multimedia Production | COMM 2XX Intro to Multimedia Production | |
COMM 271 Multimedia News | COMM 326 Media Writing: News | W |
COMM 292 Intro Media & Politics | COMM 3X2 Intro Media & Politics | |
COMM 297D Still Photography | COMM 2X7 Still Photography | G1 |
COMM 320 Intro Advertising | COMM 32X Intro Advertising | |
COMM 360 Radio Reporting | COMM 325 Broadcast News Reporting | W |
COMM 370 Public Relations | COMM 251 Public Relations 1 | G1 |
COMM 387 Into to B/C Mgmt | COMM 3X7 Into to B/C Mgmt | |
COMM 401 Mass Media in History | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
COMM 403 Mass Communs Law | COMM 206 Communication and Media Law | |
COMM 409 News Media Ethics | ENGL 328 Ethics in Print Media Journlsm | |
COMM 411 Clt Asp Mass Media | COMM 330 Media and Women's Culture | P |
COMM 413 Media & Public | COMM 4XX Media & Public | |
COMM 415 Adv Photography | ART 2X4 Adv Photography | |
COMM 428 Strategic Communications | COMM 4X8 Strategic Communications | |
COMM 467 News Editing | COMM 4X7 News Editing | |
COMM 476 Sports Writing | ENGL 3X6 Sports Writing | |
COMM 495 Internship | COMM 4XX Internship | |
COMM 497E Media & Govrnmt | COMM 4XX Media & Govrnmt | |
COMM 497F Campaigns & Elect | COMM 4XX Campaigns & Elect | |
COMP 350 Oop Math & Sci 1 | CSCI 3XX OOP Math & Sci 1 | |
CRIM 012 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
CRIM 100 Intro Am Crim Jus | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CRIM 113 Introduction to Law | GOVT 1X3 Introduction to Law | G3 |
CRIM 201 Presumed Innocent? | SOCY 2X1 Presumed Innocent? | |
CRIM 225N Crime in Film & Society | SOCY 2X5 Crime in Film & Society | G3 |
CRIMJ 012 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
CRIMJ 013 Juv Delinquency | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3 |
CRIMJ 083 1st Year Seminar | SOCY 1X8 1st Year Seminar | |
CRIMJ 100 Intro to Crim Justice | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CRIMJ 113 Intro to Law | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CRIMJ 12 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | G3, W |
CRIMJ 159 FBI History | SOCY 1X5 FBI History | G3 |
CRIMJ 200 Intro to Crimj | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CRIMJ 210 American Policing | SOCY 21X American Policing | G3 |
CRIMJ 220 Courts and Prosecution Process | SOCY 331 Socy of Policing and Courts | G3 |
CRIMJ 230 Corrections in America | SOCY 332 Modern Corrections | G3 |
CRIMJ 234 Scientific Crim Investigation | SOCY 2X4 Scientific Crim Investigation | |
CRIMJ 250W Research Methods in Criminal J | SOCY 305 Social Research Methods | W |
CRIMJ 260 Statistical Analysis for Socia | SOCY 302 Social Statistics | |
CRIMJ 300 Crimj Studies | SOCY 30X Crimj Studies | |
CRIMJ 301 Am Legal Sys | SOCY 331 Socy of Policing and Courts | G3 |
CRIMJ 304 Security Admin | SOCY 3X4 Security Admin | |
CRIMJ 424 Drugs and Crime | SOCY 4X4 Drugs and Crime | |
CRIMJ 425 Organized Crime | SOCY 4X5 Organized Crime | |
CRIMJ 441 Juvenile Justice System | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3 |
CSA 297 Special Topics | UNIV 2X9 Special Topics | |
CSD 146 Intro to Comm Sci and Disorder | BIOL 1X6 Intro to Comm Sci and Disorder | G2 |
CSD 218 American Sign Language I | ELEC 2X8 American Sign Language I | G1 |
CSD 269 Deaf Culture | SSCI 26X Deaf Culture | P |
CSE 103 Intro Prgmg Tech | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CSE 120 Intermed Progrmg | CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 | G2 |
CSE 121 Intro Progmg Tech | CSCI 1X1 Intro Progmg Tech | G2 |
CSE 231 Intro Comp Org | CSCI 2XX Intro Comp Org | |
CSE 271 Intro Digital Sys | CSCI 2X1 Intro Digital Sys | |
CSE 297A Windows Programing | CSCI 2XX Windows Programing | |
CSE 297D Sftwre Dev Environ | CSCI 2X7 Sftwre Dev Environ | |
CSE 312 Microcomp Sys / Prog | CSCI 3XX Microcomp Sys / Prog | |
CYBER 100 Computer Systems Literacy | CSCI 1XX Computer Systems Literacy | |
D S M 101 Food Safety / Sanit | Does Not Transfer | |
DANCE 100 Dance Appreciation | WSSD 1X0 Dance Appreciation | |
DANCE 270 Inro to Bf | WELL 2X7 Inro to Bf | WELL |
DANCE 361 Intermediate Modern Dance I | WELL 3X1 Intermediate Modern Dance I | |
DART 202 2D Digital Art | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
DART 204 Animation Fundamentals | DESN 342 Kinetic Design and Animation | |
DART 206 Web Design & Visual Developmen | DESN 201 Understanding Web Design | G1 |
DIGIT 100 Intro to Digital Humanities | ELEC 1X1 Intro to Digital Humanities | |
DIGIT 110 Text Encoding Fundamentals | ELEC 1X2 Text Encoding Fundamentals | |
DIGIT 210 Large Scale Text Analysis | ELEC 1X3 Large Scale Text Analysis | |
DMD 100 Digital Multimedia Desn Found | DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills | |
E C E 451 Instrcton in ERCH Ed Devlp Thy | ERCH 4X5 Instrcton in ERCH Ed Devlp Thy | |
E C E 479 The Young Child's Play as Ed P | ERCH 4X9 The Young Child's Play as Ed P | |
E E 210 Circuits & Devices | ITEC 2X1 Circuits & Devices | |
E MCH 011 Statics | PHYS 1XX Statics | |
E MCH 012 Dynamics | PHYS 2XX Dynamics | |
E MCH 013 Strength Materials | PHYS 1XX Strength Materials | |
E MCH 210 Statics - Som | ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials | |
E MCH 211 Statics | PHYS 21X Statics | |
E MCH 212 Dynamics | PHYS 22X Dynamics | |
E MCH 213 Strength Materials | PHYS 23X Strength Materials | |
E MCH 315 Mech Resp Eng Mat | PHYS 3X5 Mech Resp Eng Mat | |
E MCH 316 Exp Det Mch Res | PHYS 3X6 Exp Det Mch Res | |
E R M 210 Environ & Food | GEOG 2X1 Environ & Food | G3 |
EARTH 002 Earth System | ESCI 1X2 Earth System | G2 |
EARTH 100 Environment Earth | ESCI 1XX Environment Earth | G2 |
EARTH 101 Natural Disasters | ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds | G2 |
EARTH 102 Natural Disasters | ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds | G2 |
EARTH 103N Earth Futures | ESCI 1X3 Earth Futures | G2 |
EARTH 105 Enviroments of Africa | GEOG 248 Geography of Africa | |
EARTH 111 Water/Society | ESCI 1X1 Water/Society | L, G2 |
EARTH 150 Dinosr Extinctn | ESCI 1X5 Dinosr Extinctn | G2 |
EARTH 155 Sci Controversies & Debate | ESCI 1X5 Sci Controversies & Debate | G2 |
EARTH 197F Special Topics- InterDomain | ESCI 1X7 Special Topics- InterDomain | G2 |
EB H 045 Alchl Awareness Ed | WELL 1X2 Alchl Awareness Ed | WELL |
EBF 200 Intro Energy & Earth Sci Econ | ELEC 2XX Intro Energy & Earth Sci Econ | |
EBF 301 Global Fin for Earth, Energy | ELEC 3X1 Global Fin for Earth, Energy | |
ECNMS 313 Money & Banking | ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking | G3 |
ECON 002 Microec Anly | ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 | G3 |
ECON 004 Macroec Anly | ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics | G3 |
ECON 014 Prins of Econ | ECON 100 Introductory Economics | G3 |
ECON 102 Intro Microeconomic Analysis | ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics | G3 |
ECON 104 Macroec Anly | ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics | G3 |
ECON 106 Statistical Found for Econ | ECON 231 Applied Statistcs 1 | G3 |
ECON 296 Independent Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
ECON 302 Intermediate Microeconomic Ana | ECON 318 Intermediate Microeconomics | G3 |
ECON 304 Intermediate Macroeconomic Ana | ECON 319 Intermediate Macroeconomics | G3 |
ECON 306 Intro Econometrics | ECON 333 Econometrics | |
ECON 315 Labor Economics | ECON 345 Labor Economics | G3 |
ECON 323 Public Finance | ECON 316 Public Finance | G3 |
ECON 333 International Economics | ECON 325 International Economics | G3 |
ECON 342 Industrial Organization | Does Not Transfer | |
ECON 351 Money and Banking | ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking | G3 |
ECON 370 Comparative Economic Developme | Does Not Transfer | |
ECON 372 Transition to Market Economies | Does Not Transfer | |
ECON 390 Stat Fdns Economet | ECON 231 Applied Statistcs 1 | G3 |
ECON 401 History of Economic Thought | ECON 365 History of Economic Thought | G3 |
ECON 404 Current Economic Issues | Does Not Transfer | |
ECON 423 State & Local Taxation | Does Not Transfer | |
ECON 424 Income Distribution | Does Not Transfer | |
ECON 428 Environmental Economics | ECON 207 Environmental Economics | G3, W |
ECON 433 Adv Intl Trade | ECON 325 International Economics | G3 |
ECON 443 Econ of Law & Reg | ECON 310 Economics of Justice | P |
ECON 451 Monetary Thy & Pol | ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking | G3 |
ECON 471 Growth & Development | ECON 4X7 Growth & Development | |
ECON 474 East Asian Economies | ECON 330 Asian Economies | P |
ECON 497 Special Topics | ECON 488 Seminar in Economics | W |
ED 100S First Year Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
ED 197S First Year Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
ED&G 100 Intro Engr Dsgn | ITEC 243 Tech Sketching/Design/Rendrng | |
EDMTH 301 Math El Ed I | MATH 3X1 Math El Ed I | |
EDPSY 010 Indiv Diff | EDFN 2X1 Indiv Diff | |
EDPSY 014 Learn Instruc | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
EDPSY 101 Statistical Data | EDFN 1X1 Statistical Data | |
EDPSY 297 Special Topics | EDFN 2X7 Special Topics | |
EDPSY 297B Iss in Adlt Litera | EDFN 2X7 Iss in Adlt Litera | |
EDPSY 400 Intro Stat in Ed | EDFN 4X1 Intro Stat in Ed | |
EDSGN 012S Solar Racers FYS | Does Not Transfer | |
EDSGN 100 Intro Engr Dsgn | ITEC 1X1 Intro Engr Dsgn | |
EDSGN 130 Architectural Graphics & CAD | ITEC 1X3 Architectural Graphics & CAD | |
EDTHP 115 Ed in Am Society | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
EDTHP 115A Issues in Am Educ | EDUC 11X Issues in Am Educ | |
EDTHP 115S Issues in Am Educ | EDUC 11X Issues in Am Educ | |
EDTHP 297A Mult Prsp Fam/Commun/Ed | ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers | W, D |
EDTHP 297B Global Persp On Education | ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers | D, W |
EDTHP 416 Soc of Ed | EDFN 4X2 Soc of Ed | |
EDTHP 430 His of Ed in US | EDFN 4X3 His of Ed in US | |
EDTHP 497A Immig, Ethn, Sch | EDFN 3X4 Immig, Ethn, Sch | |
EDUC 100 First Year Seminar | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
EDUC 100S First-Year Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
EDUC 302 Basic Prep Tchng | EDUC 3X2 Basic Prep Tchng | |
EDUC 305 Creative Arts | ERCH 316 Creative Experncs Young Child | |
EDUC 315 Soc & Clt Factors | EDUC 3X5 Soc & Clt Factors | |
EDUC 410 Child & Soc Inst | EDUC 4X1 Child & Soc Inst | |
EDUC 421 Childrens Lit | EDUC 333 Children's Literature | |
EDUC 422 Lit For Child / Adol | EDUC 333 Children's Literature | |
EDUC 425 Literacy Assessment | EDUC 4XX Literacy Assessment | |
EDUC 454 Mod El Sc Ed | EDUC 4X5 Mod El Sc Ed | |
EDUC 462 Computers Tchrs | EDFN 330 Microcomputers in Classroom | |
EDUC 466N ESL Foundations | EDUC 4X6 ESL Foundations | |
EDUC 470 Higher-Order Think | EDUC 4X7 Higher-Order Think | |
EE 008S Digital Music | MUSI 1X8 Digital Music | |
EE 211 El Cir & Pwr Dist | ITEC 21X El Cir & Pwr Dist | |
EE 212 Int Electron Meas | ITEC 2X2 Int Electron Meas | |
EE 310 Electronic Circuit Design I | ITEC 261 Electronic Systems | |
EE 311 Electronic Circuit & Design II | ITEC 3X1 Electronic Circuit & Design II | |
EE 315 Electrical Signals and Circuit | ITEC 3X5 Electrical Signals and Circuit | |
EE 352 Signals and Systems | ITEC 3X3 Signals and Systems | |
EE 353 Signals and Systems | ITEC 3X3 Signals and Systems | |
EE 481 Control Systems | ITEC 4X1 Control Systems | |
EE 485 Energy Systems | ITEC 4X5 Energy Systems | |
EE 497 Special Topics | ITEC 4X7 Special Topics | |
EE 9 First Year Seminar in EE | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
EE T 101 Elec Circuits 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
EE T 109 Elec Cir Lab 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
EE T 211 Microprocessors | ITEC 2XX Microprocessors | |
EENG 361 Electromagnetics | PHYS 321 Electromagnetic Fields 1 | |
EENG 430 Electr Matrl Sci | PHYS 322 Electromagnetic Fields 2 | |
EET 105 Electrical Systems | AENG 261 Electronic Systems | |
EG 050 Engr Meth & Graph | ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions | |
EG 130 Arch Graph & CAD | ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions | |
EG T 101 Tech Drwg Fund | ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions | |
EG T 102 Intro to CAD | ITEC 1X2 Intro to CAD | |
EG T 114 Spatial Anly & CAD | ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting | |
EGEE 101 Energy & Envirnmnt | SCMA 1X1 Energy & Envirnmnt | G2 |
EGEE 102 Environ Protection | ELEC 1X2 Environ Protection | |
EGEE 120 Oil: Intl Evolution | SCMA 1X2 Oil: Intl Evolution | G2 |
EM SC 100S EMS First - Yr Smnr | ELEC 1XX EMS First - Yr Smnr | |
EM SC 121 Minerals & Modern Society | ESCI 1X2 Minerals & Modern Society | G2 |
EM SC 150 Fiery Furnace | ELEC 1XX Fiery Furnace | |
EM SC 270N E&S in Contemp Cult | ESCI 2X7 E&S in Contemp Cult | |
EM SC 302 Esp Orientation | ESCI 3X2 Esp Orientation | |
EM SC 470W Ug Collab Research | ESCI 4X7 Ug Collab Research | |
EMCH 211 Statics | PHYS 21X Statics | |
EMCH 212 Dynamics | PHYS 2X2 Dynamics | G2 |
EMCH 213 Strength of Materials | ITEC 2X3 Strength of Materials | |
EME 444 Energy Enterprise | PHYS 4X4 Energy Enterprise | |
EMET 100 Computing Tools | AENG 101 Introduction to Engineering | G2 |
EMSC 100S Earth & Min Sci First Year Sem | UNIV 103 First Yr: Earth & Min Science | |
ENGL 001 Understanding Lit | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGL 002 Tradition Engl Lit | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
ENGL 003 Traditions Am Lit | ENGL 235 Early American Literature | G1 |
ENGL 004 Basic Writing Skills | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGL 005 Writing Tutorial | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGL 010 Comp & Rhetoric 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGL 015 Rhetoric & Comp | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGL 015S Rhetoric and Composition | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGL 020 Comp & Rhetoric 2 | ENGL 2XX Comp & Rhetoric 2 | G1 |
ENGL 030 Honors Fresh Comp | ENGL 110H Hnrs:English Composition | COMP |
ENGL 050 Intr Creative Writ | ENGL 1XX Intr Creative Writ | |
ENGL 083S 1st-Year Smnr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
ENGL 097 Special Topics | ENGL 2X9 Special Topics | |
ENGL 100 Engl Lang Anal | ENGL 221 Intro to Linguistic Analysis | G1 |
ENGL 101 Understanding Lit | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGL 103 Great Books Amer | ENGL 2X3 Great Books Amer | G1 |
ENGL 104 The Bible as Lit | ENGL 332 Literature of the Bible | |
ENGL 105 Popular Culture & Folklore | ENGL 2X5 Popular Culture & Folklore | G1 |
ENGL 110 News Pract | ENGL 1XX News Pract | |
ENGL 115 Arts of Love | ENGL 1X5 Arts of Love | G1 |
ENGL 129 Shakespeare | ENGL 19X Shakespeare | G1 |
ENGL 129H Shakespeare | ENGL 12XH H:Shakespeare for Non-Majors | G1 |
ENGL 133 Mod Am Lit to WWII | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
ENGL 134 American Comedy | ENGL 2XX American Comedy | G1 |
ENGL 135 Alt Voices Am Lit | ENGL 2X5 Alt Voices Am Lit | G1 |
ENGL 136 Graphic Novel | ENGL 1XX Graphic Novel | |
ENGL 137H RCL I | ENGL 13XH H:Rhetoric and Civic Life 1 | G1 |
ENGL 138H RCL II | ENGL 1X8H H:Rhetoric and Civic Live 2 | G1 |
ENGL 139 Black American Lit | ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 | W, G1 |
ENGL 140 Contemporary Lit | ENGL 2X2 Contemporary Lit | G1 |
ENGL 145 Modern Irish Lit | ENGL 2X5 Modern Irish Lit | G1 |
ENGL 180 Life and Nature | ENGL 18X Life and Nature | G1 |
ENGL 182C Lit & Empire | ENGL 2X2 Lit & Empire | G1 |
ENGL 182S Lit & Empire | ENGL 2X2 Lit & Empire | G1 |
ENGL 183Z Adventure Literature | ENGL 1X8 Adventure Literature | G1 |
ENGL 184 The Short Story | ENGL 2XX The Short Story | G1 |
ENGL 191 Science Fiction | ENGL 292 Science Fiction | G1, W |
ENGL 192 Lit for Fantasy | ENGL 2X2 Lit for Fantasy | G1 |
ENGL 193N The Craft of Comics | ENGL 3X3 The Craft of Comics | G1 |
ENGL 194 Women Writers | ENGL 2XX Women Writers | G1 |
ENGL 200 Intro Crit Read | ENGL 2X1 Intro Crit Read | |
ENGL 201 What is Literature | ENGL 2X1 What is Literature | G1 |
ENGL 202 Writing/Soc Sci | ENGL 2X2 Writing/Soc Sci | G1 |
ENGL 202A Writing/Soc Sci | ENGL 311 Advanced Composition | AW |
ENGL 202B Writing / Humanities | ENGL 311 Advanced Composition | AW |
ENGL 202C Technical Writing | ENGL 312 Technical Writing | AW |
ENGL 202D Business Writing | ENGL 316 Business Writing | AW |
ENGL 202H Writing / Humanities | ENGL 311 Advanced Composition | AW |
ENGL 211W Writ Studies | ENGL 21XW Writ Studies | G1, W |
ENGL 212 Intro Fiction Wrtg | ENGL 2X2 Intro Fiction Wrtg | |
ENGL 213 Intro to Poetry Writing | ENGL 2X3 Intro to Poetry Writing | G1 |
ENGL 215 Intro Article Wrtg | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
ENGL 218 Technical Writing | ENGL 312 Technical Writing | AW |
ENGL 221 Brit Lit to 1798 | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
ENGL 221W Brit Lit to 1798 | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
ENGL 222 British Lit from 1798 | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
ENGL 223N Shakespeare: Page, Stage, Scre | ENGL 2X3 Shakespeare: Page, Stage, Scre | G1 |
ENGL 226 Latina & Latino Border Theory | ENGL 2X6 Latina & Latino Border Theory | G1 |
ENGL 232 Amer Lit From 1865 | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
ENGL 232W Amer Lit from 1865 | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
ENGL 234 Sports, Ethics and Literature | ENGL 23X Sports, Ethics and Literature | G1 |
ENGL 261 Expl Lit Forms | ENGL 26X Expl Lit Forms | |
ENGL 262 Reading Fiction | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGL 263 Reading Poetry | ENG 2XX Reading Poetry | G1 |
ENGL 265 Reading Nonfiction | ENGL 2XX Reading Nonfiction | G1 |
ENGL 268 Reading Drama | ENGL 2XX Reading Drama | G1 |
ENGL 281 TV Script Writing | ENGL 3XX TV Script Writing | |
ENGL 297 Special Topics | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGL 297A Literary Magazine | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGL 297H Frshmn Hnrs Smnr | ELEC 2XX Frshmn Hnrs Smnr | |
ENGL 401 Studies in Genre | ENGL 414 The English Novel | |
ENGL 402 Literature and Society | ENGL 4X2 Literature and Society | G1 |
ENGL 404 Identity, Difference & Place | ENGL 4X4 Identity, Difference & Place | G1, D |
ENGL 413 Advanced Poetry Writing | ENGL 4X3 Advanced Poetry Writing | |
ENGL 437 Poet in America | ENGL 427 Modern American Poetry | |
ENGL 444 Shakespeare | ENGL 405 Shakespeare | |
ENGL 447 Restoration & 18th Century | ENGL 408 Restoration and 18th Cen Lit | |
ENGL 456 Brit Fict 1900-45 | ENGL 4X2 Brit Fict 1900-45 | |
ENGL 471 Rhet Traditions | ENGL 4X1 Rhet Traditions | |
ENGR 097S First Year Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGR 100 Intro to Engr | AENG 1XX Intro to Engr | |
ENGR 100S Intro to Engr | ELEC 1XX Intro to Engr | |
ENGR 297 Special Topics | ITEC 2X7 Special Topics | |
ENGR 297A Wepo-06 | ITEC 2X7 Wepo-06 | |
ENGR 297C Special Topics | ELEC 29XC Special Topics in Engineering | |
ENGR 310 Entrepren Leadership | ELEC 3X1 Entrepren Leadership | |
ENGR 420Y Dsgn Gbl Society | ITEC 4X2 Dsgn Gbl Society | |
ENT 202 Insect Connection | BIOL 2X2 Insect Connection | |
ENT 222 Bees and Humans | BIOL 2X2 Bees and Humans | |
ENT 297 Special Topics | BIOL 2XX Special Topics | |
ENVST 100 Visions of Nature | ENVI 10X Visions of Nature | |
ERM 150 ERM First Year Engagement | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
ERM 151 Careers & Issues in ERM | UNIV 1X2 Careers & Issues in ERM | |
ERM 200 ERM Orientation | UNIV 1X2 ERM Orientation | |
ESACT 007 Aerobic Fitness | WELL 1X1 Aerobic Fitness | WELL |
ESACT 016 Archery 1 | WELL 1X5 Archery 1 | WELL |
ESACT 031 Badminton 1 | WELL 12X Badminton 1 | WELL |
ESACT 031A Badminton 2 | WELL 1X1 Badminton 2 | WELL |
ESACT 037 Basketball 1 | WELL 1XX Basketball 1 | WELL |
ESACT 058 Bowling 1 | WELL 1X5 Bowling 1 | WELL |
ESACT 061 Camping | WELL 1XX Camping | WELL |
ESACT 064 Canoeing 1 | WELL 1X4 Canoeing 1 | WELL |
ESACT 076 Dance - Ballet 1 | WELL 1XX Dance - Ballet 1 | WELL |
ESACT 079 Dance Ballroom 1 | WELL 1X1 Dance Ballroom 1 | WELL |
ESACT 088 Dance - Folk / Sq 1 | WELL 1X8 Dance - Folk / Sq 1 | WELL |
ESACT 096 Dance-Jazz I | WELL 1XX Dance-Jazz I | WELL |
ESACT 117 Ex For Stress Mgmt | WELL 1XX Ex For Stress Mgmt | WELL |
ESACT 120 Fencing 1 | WELL 1X2 Fencing 1 | WELL |
ESACT 126 Fitness and Games | WELL 1X6 Fitness and Games | WELL |
ESACT 129 Fitness For Life | WELL 1XX Fitness For Life | WELL |
ESACT 138 Golf 1 | WELL 1XX Golf I | |
ESACT 147 Horseback Riding 1 | WELL 1XX Horseback Riding 1 | WELL |
ESACT 147A Horseback Riding 2 | WELL 1XX Horseback Riding 2 | WELL |
ESACT 177 Jogging 1 | WELL 1X1 Jogging 1 | WELL |
ESACT 180 Judo 1 | WELL 1XX Judo 1 | WELL |
ESACT 186 Lacrosse | WELL 1X2 Lacrosse | WELL |
ESACT 214 Personal Def 1 | WELL 13X Personal Def 1 | WELL |
ESACT 220 Personalized Fit | WELL 1XX Personalized Fit | WELL |
ESACT 223 Physical Condition | WELL 22X Physical Condition | WELL |
ESACT 238 Racquetball 1 | WELL 1XX Racquetball 1 | WELL |
ESACT 244 Recreational Act | WELL 1X2 Recreational Act | WELL |
ESACT 265 Scuba I | WELL 2X6 Scuba I | WELL |
ESACT 265A Scuba II | WELL 26X Scuba II | WELL |
ESACT 274 Ski - Downhill 1 | WELL 1XX Ski - Downhill 1 | WELL |
ESACT 280 Soccer 1 | WELL 1XX Soccer 1 | WELL |
ESACT 289 Softball 1 | WELL 1XX Softball 1 | WELL |
ESACT 297A Intrnl Sport/Game | WELL 1XX Intrnl Sport/Game | WELL |
ESACT 297E Int'l Sports&Games | WELL 1X7 Int'l Sports&Games | |
ESACT 297F Masters Fly Fishing | WELL 1X7 Masters Fly Fishing | WELL |
ESACT 303 Strength Training | WELL 1X6 Strength Training | WELL |
ESACT 342 Tennis 1 | WELL 1XX Tennis I | WELL |
ESACT 357 Volleyball 1 | WELL 1X4 Volleyball 1 | WELL |
ESACT 360 Fitness Walking | WELL 1X6 Fitness Walking | WELL |
ESACT 378 Yoga 1 | WELL 1XX Yoga 1 | WELL |
ESC 211 Material Safety & Equipment | NFMT 311 Matls,Safty,Hlth Issues, Equip | |
ESC 212 Basic Nanotechnology Processes | NFMT 312 Basic Processes | |
ESC 213 Materials in Nanotechnology | NFMT 313 Thin Film Utilization | |
ESC 214 Patterning for Nanotechnology | NFMT 314 Lithography | |
ESC 215 Materials Modification in Nano | NFMT 315 Materials Modification | |
ESC 216 Character Testing of Nanotech | NFMT 316 Characterizatn,Packing,Testing | |
ESL 004 ESL Comp for Acad. Comm I | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 015 ESL Comp for Acad Comm II | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ET 322 Strength of Materials | ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials | |
EXSCI 051 Fitness Activities | WELL 1XX Fitness Activities | WELL |
EXSCI 052 Adventure Act | WELL 1XX Adventure Act | WELL |
EXSCI 175 Movement Ex Sci | WSSD 1XX Movement Ex Sci | |
EXSCI 297 Special Topics | Does Not Transfer | |
FDSC 105 Food Facts & Fads | Does Not Transfer | |
FDSC 223 Science thru Wine Beer & Bread | ELEC 2XX Science thru Wine Beer & Bread | |
FIN 100 Intro to Fin | BUAD 1X1 Intro to Fin | |
FIN 108 Personal Finance | BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning | |
FIN 301 Corporation Fin | BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 | W |
FIN 305 Financial Mgmt Bus | BUAD 342 Managerial Finance 2 | |
FIN 305W Financial Mgmt Bus | BUAD 342 Managerial Finance 2 | |
FIN 306W Investment Valu | BUAD 345 Investment Analysis | |
FIN 330 Personal Fin Plan | BUAD 203 Personal Finance | G3 |
FIN 397A Special Topics | FIN 3X9 Special Topics | |
FIN 409 Real Estate Investment | BUAD 343 Real Estate Fundamentals | |
FIN 420 Invst Port Anly | BUAD 4X2 Invst Port Anly | |
FINAN 320 Fin Mgmt | BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 | W |
FOR 201 Global Change & Ecosystems | SCMA 2X1 Global Change & Ecosystems | G2 |
FOR 203 Fld Dendrology | BIOL 2X3 Fld Dendrology | |
FOR 209 For Envrn & Man | BIOL 2X9 For Envrn & Man | G2 |
FORT 150 Dendrology | BIOL 1X5 Dendrology | |
FORT 160 Silvicultural Practices | BIOL 1X6 Silvicultural Practices | |
FR 001 Elementary French 1 | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FR 002 Elementary French 2 | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
FR 003 Intermediate French | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
FR 111 Elementary French | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
FR 111 Elementary French | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FR 112 Intermediate French | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
FR 112 Intermediate French | FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 | G1 |
FR 137 Paris: Anatomy of a City | Does Not Transfer | |
FR 138 French Culture Through Film | FREN 13X French Culture Through Film | G1 |
FR 139 France & Fr-Spk Wld | FREN 1XX France & Fr-Spkng Wrld | G1 |
FR 201 Oral Communication & Comprehen | Does Not Transfer | |
FR 202 Grammar and Composition | Does Not Transfer | |
FR 308 Business Writing in French | Does Not Transfer | |
FR 331 Fr Cult and Civ 1 | FREN 331 French Civilization 1 | |
FR 332 Fr Cult and Civ 2 | FREN 332 French Civilization 2 | |
FR 402Y Adv Gram & Wrtng | FREN 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 | W, G1 |
FRNSC 100 Intro Forensic Sci | SSCI 10X Intro Forensic Sci | |
FRNSC 200 CSI | ELEC 20X CSI | |
GAME 140 Game & Inter Media | CSCI 1XX Game & Inter Media | |
GAME 220 Intro to Game Design | ELEC 2X2 Intro to Game Design | |
GD 001S 1st-Yr Smnr GD | ART 1X1 1st-Yr Smnr GD | |
GD 100 Intro Graphic Dsgn | ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1 | |
GD 101 Thinking Creativel | ART 1X2 Thinking Creativel | G1 |
GEOG 001 Global Parks & Sustainability | GEOG 1XX Global Parks & Sustainability | G3 |
GEOG 010 Physical Geography: An Introdu | GEOG 230 Physical Geography | G3 |
GEOG 020 Human Geography: An Introducti | GEOG 120 Human Geography | D, G3 |
GEOG 030 Geog Hum Envt Reln | GEOG 101 The Global Environment | G3 |
GEOG 040 World Regional Geography | GEOG 141 World Regional Geography | G3 |
GEOG 100 Economic Geography | GEOG 222 Economic Geography | G3 |
GEOG 102 The American Scene | GEOG 120 Human Geography | D, G3 |
GEOG 110 Climates of the World | Does Not Transfer | |
GEOG 111 Biogeog & Glob Eco | GEOG 11X Biogeog and Glob Eco | G3 |
GEOG 115 Landforms of the World | Does Not Transfer | |
GEOG 120 Urban Geography | GEOG 227 Urban Geography | G3 |
GEOG 121 Mapping | GEOG 281 Map Interpretation and Analys | G3 |
GEOG 122 The American Scene | GEOG 344 North America | G3 |
GEOG 123 Geog Dvlpg World | GEOG 13X Geog Dvlpg World | G3 |
GEOG 124 Elements of Cultural Geography | GEOG 120 Human Geography | D, G3 |
GEOG 126 Econ Geog | GEOG 222 Economic Geography | G3 |
GEOG 128 Geography of International Aff | GEOG 226 Political Geography | G3, W |
GEOG 160 Mapping | GEOG 295 Geographic Information Systems | |
GEOG 200 Geography of Pennsylvania | GEOG 245 Geography of Pennsylvania | G3 |
GEOG 30N Environment & Society | GEOG 202 Environmental Sustainability | G3 |
GEOG 314 Biogeography & Global Ecology | GEOG 333 Biogeography | G3 |
GEOG 321 Cartography - Maps & Map Const | GEOG 384 Cartography 1 | |
GEOG 352 Image Analysis | Does Not Transfer | |
GEOG 401W Historical Geography of N Amer | Does Not Transfer | |
GEOG 402 Cultural & Anthropogeography | Does Not Transfer | |
GEOG 405 Geography of Population | Does Not Transfer | |
GEOG 410 Geography of Water Sources | Does Not Transfer | |
GEOG 417 Satellite Climatology | GEOG 43X Satellite Climatology | |
GEOG 436 Ecology, Economoy, & Society | GEOG 4X6 Ecology, Economoy, & Society | G3 |
GEOG 460 Political Geography | Does Not Transfer | |
GEOG 498A Special Topics | GEOG 4X8 Special Topics | |
GEOG 498B Special Topics | GEOG 4X9 Special Topics | |
GEOG 498C Special Topics | GEOG 4X7 Special Topics | |
GEOG 6N Maps and Geospatial Revolution | GEOG 1X6 Maps and Geospatial Revolution | |
GEOSC 001 Physical Geology | ESCI 221 Physical Geology | G2, L |
GEOSC 002 Historical Geology | ESCI 222 Historical Geology | L, G2 |
GEOSC 010 National Park Geol | ESCI 1XX National Park Geol | G2 |
GEOSC 020 Planet Earth | ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth | G2, L |
GEOSC 021 Earth & Life: Origin & Evolutn | ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth | G2 |
GEOSC 040 The Sea Around Us | ESCI 104 The World Ocean | G2 |
GEOSC 212N Earthquakes & Human History | ESCI 2X2 Earthquakes & Human History | G2 |
GEOSC 402Y Natural Disasters | ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds | G2 |
GEOSC 498A Hazwoper | ESCI 4X8 Hazwoper | |
GER 001 Elementary German 1 | GERM 101 Elementary German 1 | G1 |
GER 002 Elementary German 2 | GERM 102 Elementary German 2 | G1 |
GER 003 Intermediate German | GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 | G1 |
GER 008 Business German | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 011 Intensiv Basic Ger | GERM 101 Elementary German 1 | G1 |
GER 011 Intensiv Basic Ger | GERM 102 Elementary German 2 | G1 |
GER 012 Intens Intermed Ger | GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 | G1 |
GER 012 Intens Intermed Ger | GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 | G1 |
GER 015 Reading German 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 016 Reading German 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 099 Foreign Study (German) | GERM 1X9 Foreign Study | G1 |
GER 100 German Cult and Civzn | HMFA 1XX Ger Clt and Civzn | G1 |
GER 157 PA Germans: Cult of Sectarians | GERM 1XX PA Germ Cult Sects | G1 |
GER 190 20th Century German Lit | ENGL 1X9 20th Century German Lit | G1 |
GER 200 Contemporary German Culture | GERM 2XX Cont Ger Culture | G1 |
GER 201 Conversation and Composition | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 208W Business German | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 245 The Vikings | HIST 216 Vikings | G3 |
GER 301 Intermed Conversation & Comp | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 302W Intermed Conversation & Comp 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 308W German Business Communication | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 310 Intro to Study of German Liter | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 401 Advanced Conversation & Comp | Does Not Transfer | |
GLIS 101 Globalization | INTL 1X1 Globalization | G3 |
H P A 057 Cons Chce Hlth Cre | WSSD 1X7 Cons Chce Hlth Cre | |
H&HD 297S HHD First-Year Sem | WSSD 2X7 HHD First-Year Sem | |
H&SS 297A Intern/Jb/Grd srch | Does Not Transfer | |
HD FS 129 Intro to HD FS | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
HD FS 229 Infancy Childhood | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
HD FS 232 Creatvty & Play ERCH Care & Ed | ERCH 2X2 Creatvty & Play ERCH Care & Ed | |
HD FS 239 Adol Dev | PSYC 2X9 Adol Dev | G3 |
HD FS 287W Intercultrl Community-Building | COMM 227 Communicatn/Cultre/Community | D, G1, W |
HD FS 397A Child Maltreatment in Ecologic | SOWK 3X7 Child Maltreatment in Ecologi | |
HD FS 412 Adult-Child Relationships | PSYC 4X2 Adult-Child Relationships | |
HDEV 101 Human Growth and Develop | PSYC 2X1 Human Growth and Develop | G3 |
HDFS 108N Art & Sci of Human Flourishing | UNIV 103 First Year Seminar | |
HDFS 129 Intro to HD FS | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
HDFS 197 Special Topics | ELEC 1X9 Special Topics | |
HDFS 200 Quant Skills Human Services | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
HDFS 216 Personal Skills | Does Not Transfer | |
HDFS 218 Marriage | SOCY 2X8 Marriage | G3 |
HDFS 229 Infancy Childhood | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
HDFS 239 Adolescent Development | PSYC 2X9 Adolescent Development | G3 |
HDFS 249 Adult Dev Aging | PSYC 229 The Adult Years | G3 |
HDFS 250 Sexual Identity | PSYC 2X5 Sexual Identity | G3 |
HDFS 254N Reading our lives: Human Diver | ENGL 2X5 Reading our lives: Human Diver | G1, D |
HDFS 287 Intercultural Comm Building | SOCY 2X7 Intercultural Comm Building | G3 |
HDFS 287X Intercul Com-Bldg | SOCY 2X7 Intercul Com-Bldg | G3 |
HDFS 301 Val/Ethics H Dev | PSYC 3XX Value/Ethics Hum Devl Profsns | |
HDFS 302A Ldrshp / Tech Skls A | PSYC 3XX Ldrshp/Tech Skls A | |
HDFS 311 HD FS Intervention | PSYC 3XX HD FS Intervention | |
HDFS 312W Empirical Inquiry | PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 | W |
HDFS 315 Family Development | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
HDFS 395 Internship | PSYC 3X9 Internship | |
HDFS 411 Helping Rels | PSYC 4XX Helping Rels | |
HDFS 414 Resolv Problems | PSYC 4XX Resolv Problems | |
HDFS 418 Family Rltsps | PSYC 4XX Family Rltsps | |
HDFS 428 Infant Dev | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
HDFS 429 Adv Child Dev | PSYC 4XX Adv Child Dev | |
HDFS 432 Prob Child/Adol | PSYC 4X2 Prob Child/Adol | G3 |
HDFS 433 Dev Trans Adult | PSYC 229 The Adult Years | G3 |
HDFS 455 Dev & Admin | PSYC 4XX Dev & Admin | |
HDFS 469 Family Change Global Economy | ECON 203 Introduction to World Economy | G3 |
HDFS 496B Inst Task Research | PSYC 4X6 Inst Task Research | |
HDFS 496I Adapt | Does Not Transfer | |
HEBR 010 Jewish Civ | HIST 1X1 Jewish Civ | |
HIED 302 Role of RA: Theory & Practice | ELEC 3X2 Role of RA: Theory & Practice | |
HIST 001 Western Heritage 1 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 | G3 |
HIST 002 Western Civilization II | HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present | G3 |
HIST 003 The American Nation: Historica | HIST 2XX The American Nation: Historica | G3 |
HIST 005 Mediterranean Civilizations | HIST 1X0 Mediterranean Civilizations | G3 |
HIST 010 World History 1 | HIST 206 The World to 1500 | G3 |
HIST 011 World History 2 | HIST 2XX World History 2 | G3 |
HIST 012 History of Pennsylvania | HIST 260 History of Pennsylvania | W, G3 |
HIST 019 Eur 1815 to Pres | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
HIST 020 Amer Civ to 1877 | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
HIST 021 Amer Civ From 1877 | HIST 1XX Amer Civ from 1877 | G3 |
HIST 083S First-Year Seminar in History | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
HIST 100 Ancient Greece | HIST 211 Greek Civilization | G3, W |
HIST 101 The Roman Republic and Empire | HIST 212 Roman Civilization | G3 |
HIST 102 Canaan and Israel in Antiquity | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 103 The History of Madness, Mental | HIST 1X3 The History of Madness, Mental | G3 |
HIST 104 Ancient Egypt | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 105 The Byzantine Empire | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 107 Medieval Europe | HIST 313 History of Middle Ages | G3, W |
HIST 108 The Crusades: Holy War | HIST 1X8 The Crusades: Holy War | G3 |
HIST 110 Nature and History | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 113 Baseball in Comparative Hist | HIST 1X3 Baseball in Comparative Hist | G3 |
HIST 116 Family & Sex Roles in Mod Hist | HIST 1X6 Family & Sex Roles in Mod Hist | G3 |
HIST 117 Women in US History | HIST 250 Women in American History | W, G3 |
HIST 118 Modern Jewish History: 1492 to | HIST 343 Modern Jewish History | G3, W |
HIST 120 Europe Since 1848 | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
HIST 121 History of the Holocaust 1933- | HIST 3X2 The Holocaust | G3 |
HIST 122 History of Science 1 | HIST 1X2 History of Science 1 | G3 |
HIST 123 History of Science 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 124 History of Western Medicine | HIST 480 History of Medicine | G3 |
HIST 130 Intro to the Civil War Era | HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction | G3, W |
HIST 141 Medieval and Modern Russia | HIST 14X Medieval and Modern Russia | G3 |
HIST 142 History of Communism | HIST 1X2 History of Communism | G3 |
HIST 143 History of Facism and Nazism | HIST 342 Hitler and Nazism | G3, W |
HIST 144 World at War: 1939 - 1945 | HIST 1X4 World at War: 1939 - 1945 | G3 |
HIST 150 Colonial Pennsylvania | HIST 1XX Colonial Pennsylvania | G3 |
HIST 151 Tech & Society in Am. History | HIST 1X5 Tech & Society in Am. History | G3 |
HIST 152 African-American History | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 153 The Indians in North America | HIST 1XX The Indians in North America | G1 |
HIST 155 American Business History | HIST 253 American Business History | |
HIST 156 History of the American Worker | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 158 History of American Immigratio | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 160 American Naval History | HIST 1XX American Naval HIstory | |
HIST 161 The Battle of Gettysburg | HIST 2XX Battle of Gettysburg | G3 |
HIST 165 Intro to Islamic Civilization | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 172 Survey of Japanese Civilizatio | HIST 1X7 Intro Japanese Civ | G3 |
HIST 173 Vietnam in War and Peace | HIST 470 The Vietnam War | P |
HIST 174 History of Traditional East As | HIST 1X4 History of Traditional East As | G3 |
HIST 175 History of Modern East Asia | HIST 290 Far East in Modern Times | |
HIST 176 Survey of Indian History | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 178 Latin-American History to 1820 | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 179 Latin-Ameri History Since 1820 | HIST 284 Modern Latin America | G3, W |
HIST 181 Introduction to the Middle Eas | HIST 291 Modern Middle East | W, G3 |
HIST 191 Early African History | HIST 2XX Early African History | G3 |
HIST 192 Modern Af Hist | HIST 1X2 Modern Af Hist | |
HIST 203 History of Monsters | HUMN 2X3 History of Monsters | G1 |
HIST 240 Harlem: History, Culture and P | HIST 494 Perspectives on Harlem Renaiss | P |
HIST 412 Med Intellect Hist | HIST 313 History of Middle Ages | G3, W |
HIST 414 Renaissance and Reformation | HIST 320 Renaissance and Reformation | G3, W |
HIST 418 The French Revolution and Napo | HIST 332 French Revolution | G3, W |
HIST 427 German Since 1860 | HIST 224 Modern Germany | G3, W |
HIST 433 Imperial Russia, 1700-1917 | HIST 241 Imperial Russia | |
HIST 434 History of the Soviet Union | HIST 242 Soviet Union | G3 |
HIST 440 Colonial America to 1753 | HIST 351 17th Century British America | G3, W |
HIST 441 Revolutionary America, 1753-17 | HIST 352 Provincl and Revolutry America | G3, W |
HIST 442 The Early American Republic | HIST 354 The New Nation | G3, W |
HIST 444 Uniited States in Civil War | HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction | W, G3 |
HIST 454 American Military History | HIST 4XX American Military History | G3 |
HIST 472 Ottoman Empire | HIST 4X2 Ottoman Empire | |
HIST 485W 19th - Cent China | HIST 4X5 19th - Cent China | |
HIST 497D Amer Polit Culture | HIST 4XX Amer Polit Culture | G3 |
HL ED 046 Intro Human Sex | WELL 1X6 Intro Human Sex | |
HL ED 384 Applied Kines | WSSD 3X4 Applied Kines | |
HLED 013 Std First Aid, CPR | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
HLED 019 Man and Disease | WELL 1XX Man & Disease | WELL |
HLED 045 Alchl Awareness Ed | WSSD 1XX Alchl Awareness Ed | |
HLED 046 Intro Human Sex | WELL 1XX Intro Human Sex | WELL |
HLED 303 Emer Care | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
HLHED 443 Alcohol Drug Educ | WELL 1XX Alcohol Drug Educ | WELL |
HM 201 Intro to Mngmnt in Hosp Indust | BUAD 2X1 Intro to Mngmnt in Hosp Indust | G3 |
HM 202 Colloquium Hospitality Mgmt | Does Not Transfer | |
HM 228 Hospitality Food Safety | Does Not Transfer | |
HM 329 Intro to Food Prod & Service | Does Not Transfer | |
HM 335 Hosp Financial Accounting | BUAD 3X5 Hosp Financial Accounting | |
HM 380 Hotel Management | BUAD 3X8 Hotel Management | G3 |
HM 386 Intro to Gaming/Casino Ind | Does Not Transfer | |
HONOR 301 Role of Knowledge | HNRS 3X1 Role of Knowledge | |
HORT 101 Hort Sci | ELEC 1XX Hort Sci | |
HORT 150 Plants and Humans | BIOL 208 Plants and People | G2 |
HORT 202 Planet Propagation | ELEC 2XX Plant Propagation | |
HORT 420 Plant Grow Reg | BIOL 4X2 Plant Grow Reg | |
HPA 057 Cons Choice Health Care | Does Not Transfer | |
HPA 101 Intro Health Service Org | Does Not Transfer | |
HRIM 201 Intro Hosptly Mgt | BUAD 2X1 Intro Hosptly Mgt | |
HRIM 202 Colloquium in Hospitality Mang | Does Not Transfer | |
HRIM 228 Hospitality Food Saftey | Does Not Transfer | |
HRIM 250 Princ Quan Fd Prod | Does Not Transfer | |
HRIM 270 Hsptly Admin Sem | BUAD 2X7 Hsptly Admin Sem | |
HRIM 295W Field Exp 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
HRIM 305 Restaurant MGMT | BUAD 3X5 Restaurant MGMT | |
HRIM 310 Purch & Cost Control | BUAD 3X1 Purch & Cost Control | |
HRIM 319 Hosp Fac Mgmt | BUAD 3X9 Hosp Fac Mgmt | |
HRIM 329 Intro to Food Production & Ser | Does Not Transfer | |
HRIM 335 Hosp Fin Acctg | BUAD 3X5 Hosp Fin Acctg | |
HRIM 380 Hotel Management | BUAD 3X8 Hotel Management | |
HRIM 497A Meetings & Events I | Does Not Transfer | |
HSSCI 6000 Structure & Func of Human Body | Does Not Transfer | |
HSSCI 6001C Clinical: Funds of Pratc. Nurs | Does Not Transfer | |
HSSCI 6001L Fundamentals of Pratc. Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
HSSCI 6002C Clinical Cncpt Bsc Med Surg Nu | Does Not Transfer | |
HSSCI 6002L Concepts Basic Med, Surg, Nurs | Does Not Transfer | |
HUM 100N Foundations in Humanities | HUMN 1XX Foundations in Humanities | G1 |
HUM 311 Western Tradition 1 | HUMN 3X1 Western Tradition 1 | G1 |
HUM 312 Westrn Tradition 1 | HUMN 3X2 Westrn Tradition 1 | G1 |
HUM 313 Western Tradition 3 | HUMN 3X3 Western Tradition 3 | G1 |
HUMAN 001 West Clt Heritage | HMFA 2XX West Cultural Heritage | G1 |
HUMAN 002 Shaping Mod Mind | ELEC 2X2 Shaping Mod Mind | |
HUMAN 101 Mod Sc & Hum Vals | HMFA 1XX Mod Society & Human Values | G1 |
I E 302 Engr Economy | ECON 3XX Engr Economy | G3 |
I E 311 Prin Solid Proc | ITEC 3XX Prin Solid Proc | |
I E 322 Qntv Methods | MATH 3XX Qntv Methods | |
I E 327 Mthds Wk Meas | BUAD 3XX Mthds Wk Meas | |
I E 328 Production Engr | ELEC 3X8 Production Engr | |
I E 450 Mfg Sys Eng | ELEC 4X5 Mfg Sys Eng | |
I E T 308 Stat Quality Cntrl | ITEC 3XX Stat Quality Cntrl | |
I E T 311 Elem of Metallurgy | ITEC 3XX Elem of Metallurgy | |
I H S 400 Prin Ind H and S | OSEH 4X0 Prin Ind H and S | |
I H S 420 Fire Protection | OSEH 4X0 Fire Protection | |
I H S 430 INS Prog Mgmt | OSEH 4X3 ONS Prog Mgmt | |
I HUM 300W Intr in Humanities | HUMN 1X1 Intr in Humanities | G1 |
I HUM 410 Rel and Culture | SOCY 310 Sociology of Religion | P |
I HUM 430 Phil and Lit | PHIL 4X3 Phil and Lit | G1 |
IB 303 Intnatl Bus Oper | BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business | G3 |
IB 399 Foreign Studies | ELEC 3X9 Foreign Studies | |
IB 499 Foreign Stuides | ELEC 4X9 Foreign Studies | |
IE T 101 Mfg Mtls & Proc | ITEC 130 Prod Materials and Process | |
IE T 215 Production Design | ITEC 2XX Production Design | |
IE T 216 Prod Dsgn Lab | ITEC 2XX Prod Dsgn Lab | |
IET 101 Manufacturing Mat, Proc, Lab | ITEC 1X1 Manufacturing Mat, Proc, Lab | |
IET 308 Statistical Quality Control | ELEC 3X8 Statistical Quality Control | |
IET 321 Manufacturing Process | ITEC 3X1 Manufacturing Process | |
IFS 129 Intro to IFS | PSYC 1X9 Intro to IFS | |
IFS 229 Infancy Childhood | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
IFS 239 Adol Dev | PSYC 2XX Adol Dev | G3 |
IFS 249 Adult Dev Aging | PSYC 229 The Adult Years | G3 |
INART 001 The Arts | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
INART 003 Reception of Arts | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
INART 005 Performing Arts | THEA 1XX Performing Arts | G1 |
INART 010 Pop Media Arts | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
INART 050 Sci Mus | MUSI 1X5 Sci Mus | |
INART 055 Hist El Mus | MUSI 1X5 Hist El Mus | G1 |
INART 100 Arts Seminar | HUMN 1X1 Arts Seminar | G1 |
INART 110 Drama Mass Media | COMM 11X Drama Mass Media | G1 |
INART 115 Popular Music | MUSI 263 Popular Music | G1 |
INART 116 Rock 1950s | MUSI 1X6 Rock 1950s | G1 |
INART 125 Punk Rock | MUSI 2X5 Punk Rock | G1 |
INART 200 Elvis Presley | MUSI 20X Elvis Presley | G1 |
INART 205 The Beatles | SOCY 2X5 The Beatles | |
INART 215 Craft of Singing | MUSI 2X5 Craft of Singing | |
INART 258 Fund MIDI Dig Aud | MUSI 1X8 Fund MIDI Dig Aud | |
INART 258B Fund Dig Aud | MUSI 2X8 Fund Dig Aud | |
INART 294 Research Projects | ART 2X4 Research Projects | |
INFSY 307 Algorithmic Concepts | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
INS 301 Insurance | BUAD 347 Risk and Insurance | |
INSYS 100 World Tech | CSCI 1X1 World Technologies | |
INT U 200 Int U & Wld Affrs | ANTH 2XX Int U & Wld Affrs | G3 |
INTAG 100 Intro to Intl Agriculture | ELEC 1XX Intro to Intl Agriculture | |
INTST 100 Intro Int'l Stdies | INTL 201 Intro to International Studies | G3 |
INTST 493 International Studies | INTL 4X3 International Studies | |
IST 110 Info People Tech | CSCI 1X0 Info People Tech | G2 |
IST 111S Seminar in Inforation Sciences | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
IST 140 Intro App Dev | CSCI 14X Intro App Dev | |
IST 210 Org Data | CSCI 2XX Org Data | |
IST 211 Adv Reltional Dbms | CSCI 466 Database Management Systems | |
IST 220 Netwk & Telecom | CSCI 2XX Netwk & Telecom | |
IST 225 PC Hardware Basics | CSCI 2X5 PC Hardware Basics | G2 |
IST 227 Network Admin | CSCI 2X8 Network Admin | G2 |
IST 230 Lang Log Disc Math | CSCI 140 Discrete Structures | |
IST 240 Intro Comp Lang | CSCI 24X Intro Comp Lang | |
IST 250 New Med Web | CSCI 2XX New Med Web | |
IST 256 Program for Web | CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming | G2 |
IST 260W Intro Sys Dsgn | CSCI 2X6 Intro Sys Dsgn | |
IST 301 Info and Org | CSCI 3X2 Info and Org | |
IST 302 IT Project Management | CSCI 3X3 IT Project Management | G2 |
IST 311 Ood & Software | CSCI 3X1 Ood & Software | |
IST 321 IT Sys Intg 1 | CSCI 3XX IT Sys Intg 1 | |
IST 331 Org Des Info Sys | CSCI 3XX Org Des Info Sys | |
IST 397A Basic Databse Prog | CSCI 3XX Basic Databse Prog | |
IST 402 Emerging Issues & Technologies | CSCI 4X2 Emerging Issues & Technologies | G2 |
IST 432 Legal/Reg Env of Info Science | CSCI 4X3 Legal/Reg Env of Info Science | |
IST 451 Net Security | CSCI 4X1 Net Security | |
IST 452 Legal/Reg Env of Privacy/Sec | CSCI 4X5 Legal/Reg Env of Privacy/Sec | |
IST 495 Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
IT 001 Elem Italian 1 | ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 | G1 |
IT 002 Elem Italian 2 | ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2 | G1 |
IT 003 Inmd Italian | ITAL 2X1 Inmd Italian | G1 |
IT 130 Ital Cult & Civil | ITAL 1X3 Ital Cult & Civil | G1 |
J ST 004 Jewish & Christian | PHIL 2X4 Jewish & Christian | |
JAPNS 1 Level One Japanese A | JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese 1 | G1 |
JAPNS 110 Level Two Japanese B | JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese 1 | G1 |
JAPNS 2 Level One Japanese B | JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese 2 | G1 |
JAPNS 3 Level Two Japanese A | JAPN 1X3 Level Two Japanese A | |
JST 010 Jewish Civ | HIST 1X1 Jewish Civ | G3 |
KEYBD 120J Piano Prim 1 | MUSI 1X1 Piano Prim 1 | |
KINES 001 Outdoor Pursuits | WELL 1X1 Outdoor Pursuits | WELL |
KINES 003 Drugs in Sports | WELL 1X3 Drugs in Sports | |
KINES 004 Prin of Fly Fishing | WELL 1X4 Prin of Fly Fishing | WELL |
KINES 005 Hlth Asp Sport | WELL 1X3 Hlth Asp Sport | WELL |
KINES 006 Cycling | WELL 1X6 Cycling | |
KINES 010 Rock Climbing | WELL 1X1 Rock Climbing | WELL |
KINES 011 Skiing | WELL 1X1 Skiing | WELL |
KINES 011A Intermediate Downhill Skiing | WELL 1X1 Intermediate Downhill Skiing | |
KINES 012 Snowboarding | WELL 1X2 Snowboarding | WELL |
KINES 013 Std First Aid CPR | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
KINES 017 Ballroom Dancing | WELL 1XX Ballroom Dancing | WELL |
KINES 024 Lifetime Sports | WELL 1XX Lifetime Sports | WELL |
KINES 025 Court Sports | WELL 1XX Court Sports | WELL |
KINES 026 Archery / Bowhunting | WELL 1X6 Archery / Bowhunting | WELL |
KINES 027 Badminton 1 | WELL 1XX Badminton 1 | WELL |
KINES 028 Fencing | WELL 1X8 Fencing | WELL |
KINES 029 Golf 1 | WELL 1X1 Golf 1 | WELL |
KINES 042 Ice Skating - Beg | WELL 1X2 Ice Skating - Beg | WELL |
KINES 043 Power Skating | WELL 1X3 Power Skating | WELL |
KINES 044 Racquetball 1 | WELL 1X4 Racquetball 1 | WELL |
KINES 047 Swim-Beginner | WELL 1X7 Swim-Beginner | |
KINES 048 Tennis 1 | WELL 1XX Tennis 1 | WELL |
KINES 056 Intro Martial Arts | WELL 1XX Intro Martial Arts | WELL |
KINES 057 Personal Defense | WELL 1X7 Personal Defense | WELL |
KINES 058 Judo 1 | WELL 1X8 Judo 1 | WELL |
KINES 060 Healthful Living | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
KINES 061 Fit Thry & Practice | WELL 1XX Fit Thry & Practice | WELL |
KINES 062 Cardio Activities | WELL 16X Cardio Activities | WELL |
KINES 063 Aerobic Dance | WELL 11X Aerobic Dance | WELL |
KINES 067 Phys Conditioning | WELL 1XX Phys Conditioning | WELL |
KINES 068 Strength Training | WELL 1X1 Strength Training | WELL |
KINES 068 Strength Training | WELL 1XX Strength Training | WELL |
KINES 072 Fitness Walking | WELL 1X2 Fitness Walking | WELL |
KINES 076 Tai Chi | WELL 1X6 Tai Chi | |
KINES 077 Yoga 1 | WELL 1X9 Yoga 1 | WELL |
KINES 081 Wellness Theory | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
KINES 082 Act Mthds Stress | WSSD 2X8 Act Mthds Stress | |
KINES 083 Exer Stress Mgmt | WELL 1X3 Exer Stress Mgmt | WELL |
KINES 084 Fitness for Life | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
KINES 088 Varsity Sport | Does Not Transfer | |
KINES 089 Wilderness Experience | WELL 18X Wilderness Experience | WELL |
KINES 090 Team Sports | WELL 1X9 Team Sports | WELL |
KINES 090A Team Spt - Volleyball | WELL 1X9 Volleyball | WELL |
KINES 090B Team Spt - Basketball | WELL 1X9 Team Spt - Basketball | |
KINES 090C Teamspt - T Handball | WELL 1X2 Teamspt - T Handball | WELL |
KINES 091C Tm Spt Outdr Rugby | WELL 1X1 Tm Spt Outdr Rugby | WELL |
KINES 091D Ultimate Frisbee | WELL 1X1 Ultimate Frisbee | WELL |
KINES 092 Personal Fitness & Wellness | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
KINES 093 Masters Act (SPT) | WELL 1X3 Masters Act (SPT) | |
KINES 096 Independent Study in PE | WELL 19X Independent Study in PE | WELL |
KINES 100 Cultural Behav Found Kines | WSSD 1X1 Cultural Behav Found Kines | |
KINES 101 Biophysical Found Kinesiology | WSSD 1X1 Biophysical Found Kinesiology | |
KINES 105 Lifetime Act | WELL 1X5 Lifetime Act | WELL |
KINES 126 Ele Sch Hlth Prog | WELL 352 Health Ed in Elem School | WELL |
KINES 127 The Physical Ed Prog for Elem | WELL 1X7 The Physical Ed Prog for Elem | |
KINES 135 Intro Ath Trng | WSSD 1XX Intro Ath Trng | |
KINES 141 Phys Act: Cultural & Histcl | WSSD 1XX Phys Act: CUltural & Histrcl | |
KINES 150 Mvmt Bioscience | WSSD 1X5 Mvmt Bioscience | |
KINES 165 Hl Ed Concepts | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
KINES 171 Movement Forms | WSSD 1X1 Movement Forms | |
KINES 180 Intro to Kines | WSSD 1X8 Intro to Kines | |
KINES 197A Spcl Tpcs: Biophys Basis Kines | WSSD 1X7 Spcl Tpcs: Biophys Basis Kines | |
KINES 200 Msle Trng | WELL 2X1 Msle Trng | |
KINES 202 Func Anatomy | WSSD 2X2 Func Anatomy | |
KINES 203 Med Trm Health Pro | WSSD 2X3 Med Trm Health Pro | |
KINES 231 At Clin Prac 1 | WSSD 2XX At Clin Prac 1 | |
KINES 233 Emer Care At | WSSD 2X1 Emer Care At | |
KINES 295A Obs of Pub Sch HPE | WSSD 3X5 Aob of Pub Sch HPE | |
KINES 295B Careers/Obs Kines | WSSD 2X5 Careers/Obs Kines | |
KINES 297 Special Topics | WSSD 2X7 Special Topics | |
KINES 297A Orion Wild Orient | WSSD 2XX Orion Wild Orient | |
KINES 303 Emer1stAid/Saf/Aed | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
KINES 321 Psy Movement Behav | WSSD 450 Kines and Phys of Coaching | |
KINES 345 Ethics Movement | WSSD 3X5 Ethics Movement | |
KINES 360 Movement Skills | WSSD 3X6 Movement Skills | |
KINES 380 El Sch Act | WSSD 3X8 El Sch Act | |
KINES 397A Emergency Care | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
KINES 403 Em Med Tech | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
KINES 65 Lifetime Jogging | WELL 1X5 Lifetime Jogging | |
KINES 77 Yoga for a Lifetime | WELL 1X7 Yoga for a Lifetime | |
L I R 187 LIR Freshman Seminar | BUAD 1X7 LIR Freshman Seminar | |
L ST 100 Info Search Strat | ELEC 1X1 Info Search Strat | |
LARCH 009 Res L`Scape Design | ELEC 1X2 Res L`Scape Design | |
LARCH 060 History of Larch | ELEC 1XX History of Larch | |
LARCH 211 Design 1 | ELEC 2X1 Design 1 | |
LARCH 221 Theory Seminar | ELEC 2X2 Theory Seminar | |
LARCH 231 Intro to Des Impl | ELEC 2X3 Intro to Des Impl | |
LARCH 241 Plants & Design | ELEC 2X4 Plants & Design | |
LARCH 251 Dsgn Visual 1 | ELEC 2X4 Dsgn Visual 1 | |
LARCH 297A Orientation Sem | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
LATIN 001 Elementary Latin | LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1 | G1 |
LATIN 002 Elementaru Latin | LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 | G1 |
LATIN 003 Intermediate Latin | LATN 202 Intermediate Latin 2 | G1 |
LATIN 296 Indep Studies | LATN 2X6 Indep Studies | |
LE ST 190 Surv Leisure Svcs | ELEC 1X9 Surv Leisure Svcs | |
LE ST 325 Prin Environ Intrp | ELEC 3X5 Prin Environ Intrp | |
LE ST 326 Nat Hist Intrp | ELEC 3X6 Nat Hist Intrp | |
LE ST 327 Cult Hist Intrp | ELEC 3X7 Cult Hist Intrp | |
LER 100 Employment Relations | BUAD 353 Labor-Management Relations | |
LER 136 Race/Gender/Employ | SOCY 1X3 Race, Gender, and Employment | |
LER 201 Employment Law | BUAD 2X1 Employment Law | |
LER 400 Compar Employ Relations Syst | BUAD 4X1 Compar Employ Relations Syst | |
LER 458Y History of Work in America | HIST 4X8 History of Work in America | W |
LER 464 Comm Skls Ldrs | COMM 4X1 Comm Skls Ldrs | |
LING 001 The Study of Language | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
LING 100 Foundations of Linguistics | ENGL 1X5 Foundations of Linguistics | |
LIR 100 Industrial Relations | BUAD 1XX Industrial Relations | |
LIR 201 Employment Law | BUAD 2XX Employment Law | |
LIT 491 Seminar in Lit | ENGL 4X1 Seminar in Lit | |
LL ED 005 College Rdg Imp 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
LL ED 010 College Rdg Imp 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
LL ED 297A Lang & Comp | ELEC 2XX Lang & Comp | |
LL ED 297B Reading for Meaning | ELEC 2X7 Reading for Meaning | |
LL ED 497 Early Literacy Learning | ERCH 4X7 Early Literacy Learning | |
LLED 005 College Reading Imprvmt I | Does Not Transfer | |
LLED 10 College Reading Improvement II | Does Not Transfer | |
LLED 400 Teaching Rdng in Elem School | ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading | |
LLED 401 Teaching LA in Elem School | EDUC 4X1 Teaching LA in Elem School | |
LLED 402 Teaching Child Literature | MDLV 335 Lit for Chldrn and Young Adol | |
LTNST 100 Intro to Lat Studies | LATS 201 Introduction to Latino Studies | D, G1 |
M E 023 Intro Thermal Sci | PHYS 2XX Intro Thermal Sci | |
M E 030 Engr Thermo 1 | PHYS 2XX Engr Thermo 1 | |
M E 300 Engr Thermo 1 | PHYS 3X0 Engr Thermo 1 | |
MA SC 422 Intro Appl Stat 1 | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
MASC 440 D E Cont Models | MATH 467 Partial Differential Equations | |
MASC 460 Lin Alg Disc Mod | MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 | G2 |
MATH 003 Basic Skills | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 004 Intermed Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 005 College Algebra 1 | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 006 Plane Trigonometry | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
MATH 010 Prep Skills for Succes in Math | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 017 Finite Math | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MATH 018 El Linear Algebra | MATH 1X1 El Linear Algebra | G2 |
MATH 021 College Algebra 1 | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 022 College Algebra 2 | MATH 1X2 College Algebra 2 | G2 |
MATH 026 Plane Trigonometry | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
MATH 030 Problem Solving | MATH 13X Problem Solving | G2 |
MATH 034 Math of Money | MATH 1X4 Math of Money | |
MATH 035 General View Math | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MATH 036 Insights into Math | MATH 1X6 Insights into Math | |
MATH 037 Finite Math | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MATH 040 Alg Trig Anly Geom | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MATH 041 Trig/Anly Geom | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MATH 081 Technical Math 1 | MATH 1X1 Technical Math 1 | |
MATH 082 Technical Math 2 | MATH 1XX Technical Math 2 | |
MATH 088 Tech Math & Calc | MATH 1X1 Tech Math & Calc | G2 |
MATH 097 Special Topics | MATH 1XX Special Topics | |
MATH 097D Prob Solv: Math 21 | MATH 1X7 Prob Solv: Math 21 | |
MATH 110 Tech Calculus 1 | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
MATH 111 Tech Calculus 2 | MATH 1X1 Tech Calculus 2 | G2 |
MATH 140 Calc Anly Geom 1 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 140A Calc Alg Trig | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 140B Calculus and Biology I | MATH 1X0 Calculus and Biology I | G2 |
MATH 140E Calc Engr Apps I | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 141 Calc Anly Geom 2 | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MATH 141B Calculus and Biology II | MATH 1X1 Calculus and Biology II | G2 |
MATH 161 El Calc Anal Geom | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 162 El Calc Anal Geom | MATH 162 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MATH 200 Prob Solv in Math | MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 | G2 |
MATH 200H Prob Solv in Math | MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 | G2 |
MATH 201 Problem Solving in Math II | MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 | G2 |
MATH 220 Matrices | MATH 2XX Matrices | |
MATH 230 Calc/Vector Anly | MATH 311 Calculus 3 | G2 |
MATH 231 Calc Several Var | MATH 2XX Calc Several Var | |
MATH 232 Integral Vector Calculus | MATH 2X2 Integral Vector Calculus | |
MATH 250 Ord Diff Equations | MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation | |
MATH 251 Ord & Part Deff Eq | MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation | |
MATH 297 Special Topics | MATH 2X7 Special Topics | |
MATH 297A Vector & Tensor | MATH 2X7 Vector & Tensor | |
MATH 310 Elem Combinatorics | MATH 3X1 Elem Combinatorics | |
MATH 311 App Modern Algebra | MATH 3X1 App Modern Algebra | |
MATH 311W Discrete Math | MATH 310 Intro to Mathematical Proof | W |
MATH 312 Concepts of Real Anal | MATH 3X2 Concepts of Real Anal | G2 |
MATH 409 Math Stat 1 | MATH 4X2 Math Stat 1 | |
MATH 414 Intro Prob Theory | MATH 335 Mathematical Statistics 1 | |
MATH 417 Qual Theory Differential Equat | MATH 4X7 Qual Theory Differential Equat | |
MATH 418 Probability | MATH 31X Probability | |
MATH 427 Fdtns of Geometry | MATH 353 Survey of Geometry | |
MATH 436 Linear Algebra | MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 | G2 |
MATH 441 Matrix Algebra | MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 | G2 |
MATH 470 Algebra for Teachers | MATH 4X1 Algebra for Teachers | |
MATH 471 Geom for Teachers | MATH 4X4 Geom for Teachers | |
MATH 484 Linear Programs | MATH 4X4 Linear Programs | |
MATH 486 Mathematical Theory of Games | MATH 4X6 Mathematical Theory of Games | G2 |
MATSC 081 Materials Today | ITEC 2X2 Materials Today | |
MATSC 101 Enrgy / Fuels in Soc | SSCI 1XX Enrgy / Fuels in Soc | |
MATSE 081 Materials Today | ITEC 2X2 Materials Today | |
MATSE 259 Engr Matls | ITEC 2X9 Engr Matls | |
MCH T 111 Mech - Statics | ITEC 1XX Mech - Statics | |
ME 101 First Year Seminar: Toy Fund. | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
ME 101S Toy Fundamentals | Does Not Transfer | |
ME 370 Vibration Mech Sys | ITEC 3X7 Vibration Mech Sys | |
ME T 206 Dynamics & Mach Ele | ITEC 2XX Dynamics & Mach Ele | |
MET 111 Mech-Statics | AENG 345 Statics/Strength of Materials | |
MET 358 Process Des Engr | ITEC 3X8 Process Des Engr | |
METBD 110 Solids Modeling 1 | ITEC 1X1 Solids Modeling 1 | |
METBD 111 Solids Modeling 2 | ITEC 1X2 Solids Modeling 2 | |
METEO 003 Intro Meteo | ESCI 107 The Atmosphere | G2 |
METEO 005 Severe and Unusual Weather | ESCI 1X5 Severe and Unusual Weather | G2 |
METEO 007 Climate Sciences | ESCI 245 Environmental Meteorology | L, G2 |
METEO 101 Wx Forecasting | ESCI 1XX Wx Forecasting | |
METEO 201 Intro Weather Anly | ESCI 2XX Intro Weather Anly | |
METEO 215 WX Fcst Prep Lab | ESCI 442 Adv Wthr Anlys/Forecstng Pract | |
METEO 273 Intro Programming Meteorology | ESCI 2X3 Intro Programming Meteorology | |
METEO 297 Intro Wea Anly 1 | ESCI 2XX Intro Weather Anly 1 | |
METEO 297B Survey Atmos Sci | ESCI 241 Meteorology | L, G2 |
METEO 297D Intro Wea Anly 2 | ESCI 2XX Intro Weather Anly 2 | |
METEO 300 Fund Atmos Sci | ESCI 241 Meteorology | L, G2 |
METEO 411 Intro Synoptic Lan | ESCI 441 Synoptic Meteorology Lec-Lab 1 | |
METEO 414 Mesoscale Meteo | ESCI 444 Mesoscale Meteorology | |
METEO 415 Forecasting Pract | ESCI 442 Synoptic Meteorology Lec-Lab 2 | |
METEO 473 Appl Cmptrs Meteo | ESCI 4XX Appl Computers Meteo | |
MGMT 100 Survey of Mgmt | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MGMT 215 Entrepreneur Mindset | ENTR 201 The Art of Entrepreneurship | G3 |
MGMT 297 Special Topics | BUAD 2X7 Special Topics | |
MGMT 301 Basic Mgmt Concept | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MGMT 321 Ldrshp & Motiv | BUAD 4XX Ldrshp & Motiv | |
MGMT 331 Mgmt & Org | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MGMT 341 Hum Rsrch Mgmt | BUAD 352 Human Resource Management | |
MGMT 443 Perform Mgmt | BUAD 352 Human Resource Management | |
MGMT 471 Strategic Mgmt | BUAD 455 Strategy and Policy | W |
MGMT 497 Special Topics:Social Entrepre | ENTR 201 The Art of Entrepreneurship | G3 |
MICRB 150 Intro Med Lab Tech | Does Not Transfer | |
MICRB 151A Clinical Chem | Does Not Transfer | |
MICRB 151C Hematology | Does Not Transfer | |
MICRB 151D Immunohematology | Does Not Transfer | |
MICRB 151E Urinalysis | Does Not Transfer | |
MICRB 151F Immunol/Serology | Does Not Transfer | |
MICRB 151W Clinical Microbiology | Does Not Transfer | |
MICRB 201 Intro Microbiology | Does Not Transfer | |
MICRB 202 Intro Micrb Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
MICRB 415 General Virology | BIOL 4X5 General Virology | |
MIS 100 Mgmt Info Systems | BUAD 307 Management Information Systms | |
MIS 103 Micro App Bus | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
MIS 106 Spec Micro App Bus | BUAD 1X6 Spec Micro App Bus | |
MIS 106 Spec Micro App Bus | BUAD 1X7 Spec Micro App Bus | |
MIS 204 Intro Bus Inf Sys | CSCI 2X2 Intro Bus Inf Sys | |
MIS 250 Spreadsheet Anlys and Info Mgt | INTE 2X5 Spreadsheet Anlys and Info Mgt | |
MIS 297A Computer Appl-Bus | CSCI 2X7 Computer Appl-Bus | |
MIS 301 Business Analytics | BUAD 3X1 Business Analytics | |
MIS 390 Info Sys Mgt Appl | BUAD 207 Information Science | |
MIS 432 Inf Sys An / Dsg & Imp | CSCI 4XX Inf Sys An / Dsg & Imp | |
MKTG 220 Personal Selling | BUAD 333 Personal Selling | |
MKTG 221 Cntmpry Am Mktg | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MKTG 301 Prin of Mktg | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MKTG 301W Prin of Mktg | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MKTG 310 Public Relations and Marketing | BUAD 31X Public Relations and Marketing | |
MKTG 327 Retailing | BUAD 336 Retail Marketing | |
MKTG 330 Consumer Behavior | BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior | |
MKTG 342 Marketing Research | BUAD 431 Marketing Research | |
MNGMT 310 Org Struc Proc | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MNGMT 441 Organization Devlpmt | BUAD 351 Organization Theory | |
MNGMT 451 Entrep Sm Bus Mgmt | BUAD 356 Small Business Management | |
MRKT 370 Marketing Princip | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MS&IS 200 Intro Stat Bus Dec | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
MTHED 411 Tchg Sec Math 2 | MATH 4X3 Tchg Sec Math 2 | |
MTHED 412 Tchg Sec Math 1 | MATH 4X4 Tchg Sec Math 1 | |
MTHED 420 Teaching Math Elem Schools | ERCH 455 Tchg Math to Young Children | |
MUSI 103 Concert Choir | MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 004 Film Music | MUSI 1X4 Film Music | |
MUSIC 005 Intro/Western Music | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUSIC 007 Evolution of Jazz | MUSI 2XX Evolution of Jazz | G1 |
MUSIC 008 Rud of Mus | MUSI 103 Language of Music | G1 |
MUSIC 009 Intro World Musics | MUSI 368 International Music and Arts | P |
MUSIC 040S 1st - Yr Smnr Mu Ed | MUSI 171 Introduction to Music Educ | |
MUSIC 050 Bgn Piano / Nonmusic | MUSI 1XX Begn Piano/Nonmusic | |
MUSIC 052 Voice Cl/Nonmusic | MUSI 15X Voice for Non-Music Majors | |
MUSIC 054 Bgn Cl Gtr / Nonmus | MUSI 1X4 Bgn Cl Gtr / Nonmus | |
MUSIC 076 Chamber Orchestra | MUSI 122A Applied Music:Chamber | |
MUSIC 076 Chamber Orchestra | MUSI 123A Applied Music:Chamber | |
MUSIC 076 Chamber Orchestra | MUSI 222A Applied Music:Chamber | |
MUSIC 076 Chamber Orchestra | MUSI 223A Applied Music:Chamber | |
MUSIC 077 Philharmonic Orch | MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band | |
MUSIC 078 Sym Wind Ensemble | MUSI 1X2 Sym Wind Ensemble | |
MUSIC 079 Pep Band | MUSI 329 Applied Music Marching Band | |
MUSIC 079 Pep Band | MUSI 229 Applied Music Marching Band | |
MUSIC 079 Pep Band | MUSI 129 Appl Music in Marching Band | |
MUSIC 079 Pep Band | MUSI 429 Applied Music Marching Band | |
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band | MUSI 220 Applied Music Symphonic Band | |
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band | MUSI 121 Appl Music in Symphonic Band | |
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band | MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band | |
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band | MUSI 221 Applied Music Symphonic Band | |
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band | MUSI 421 Applied Music Symphonic Band | |
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band | MUSI 420 Applied Music Symphonic Band | |
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band | MUSI 320 Applied Music Symphonic Band | |
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band | MUSI 321 Applied Music Symphonic Band | |
MUSIC 081 Marching Blue Band | MUSI 229 Applied Music Marching Band | |
MUSIC 081 Marching Blue Band | MUSI 129 Appl Music in Marching Band | |
MUSIC 081 Marching Blue Band | MUSI 329 Applied Music Marching Band | |
MUSIC 082 Concert Band | MUSI 1X2 Concert Band | |
MUSIC 082 Concert Band | MUSI 1X3 Concert Band | |
MUSIC 083 Campus Band | MUSI 1X3 Campus Band | |
MUSIC 084 Jazz Ensemble | MUSI 124 Appl Music in Jazz Ensemble | |
MUSIC 084 Jazz Ensemble | MUSI 125 Appl Music in Jazz Ensemble | |
MUSIC 086 Perc Ensemble | MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr | |
MUSIC 087 Mallet Ensemble | MUSI 1X1 Mallet Ensemble | |
MUSIC 088 Campus Choir | MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 089 University Choir | MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 089 University Choir | MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 089 University Choir | MUSI 226 Applied Music Choir | |
MUSIC 090 Glee Club | MUSI 19X Glee Club | |
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice | MUSI 1X2 Cham Mus for Voice | G1 |
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice | MUSI 1X9 Cham Mus for Voice | G1 |
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice | MUSI 1X0 Cham Mus for Voice | G1 |
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice | MUSI 1X1 Cham Mus for Voice | G1 |
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice | MUSI 1X3 Cham Mus for Voice | |
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale | MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale | MUSI 327 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale | MUSI 326 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale | MUSI 227 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale | MUSI 226 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale | MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir | MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir | MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir | MUSI 226 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir | MUSI 227 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir | MUSI 426 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir | MUSI 327 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir | MUSI 326 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir | MUSI 427 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 104 Chamber Singers | MUSI 122A Applied Music:Chamber | |
MUSIC 109 The Music of the Beatles | MUSI 1X9 The Music of the Beatles | G1 |
MUSIC 110 Keybd Skl 1/Mus | MUSI 108 Private Instruction Keybd | |
MUSIC 115 Voice Cl/Mus | MUSI 1XX Voice Cl/Mus | |
MUSIC 116 Intermediate Voice Class | MUSI 1XX Intermediate Voice Class | |
MUSIC 121 Basic Mus 1 | MUSI 1XX Basic Mus 1 | |
MUSIC 122 Basic Mus II | MUSI 12X Basic Mus II | |
MUSIC 129S 1st Yr Perf Seminar | MUSI 1X9 1st Yr Perf Seminar | G1 |
MUSIC 131 Music Theory 1 | MUSI 1X2 Music Theory 1 | |
MUSIC 132 Music Theory 2 | MUSI 1X3 Music Theory 2 | G1 |
MUSIC 154 Wwnd Tech 1 | MUSI 323 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr | |
MUSIC 162 Intro Music History | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUSIC 170 Keybd Skl II/Mus | MUSI 1X7 Keybd Skl II/Mus | |
MUSIC 189 Studio Ensemble | MUSI 1X8 Studio Ensemble | |
MUSIC 191 Chamb Mus Winds | MUSI 220A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble | |
MUSIC 191 Chamb Mus Winds | MUSI 121A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble | |
MUSIC 191 Chamb Mus Winds | MUSI 120A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble | |
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass | MUSI 423 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr | |
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass | MUSI 323 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr | |
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass | MUSI 422 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr | |
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass | MUSI 322 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr | |
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass | MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr | |
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass | MUSI 123 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr | |
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass | MUSI 222 Appl Music Orchestra Chambr | |
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass | MUSI 223 Appl Music Orchestra Chambr | |
MUSIC 1X1 Music Major Crs | MUSI 1X1 Music Major Crs | |
MUSIC 1X7 Non-music Major Tr Crs | MUSI 1X7 Non-music major transfer crs | |
MUSIC 1X9 Music Majors | MUSI 1X9 Music Majors | |
MUSIC 207N Jazz & African American Exp | MUSI 2X7 Jazz & African American Exp | G1 |
MUSIC 241 Music for Classroom Teachers | ERCH 2X1 Music for Classroom Teachers | |
MUSIC 261 Surv Mus Hist I | MUSI 362 Music History and Literature 1 | W |
MUSIC 295A Early Fd Ex Mued | EDUC 2X5 Early Fd Ex Mued | |
MUSIC 2XX Music Block | MUSI 2XX Music Block | |
MUSIC 498D Horn Excerpts | Does Not Transfer | |
NAVSC 101 Intro to Nav Sc | MILS 1X1 Intro to Nav Sc | |
NAVSC 102 Sea Power | MILS 1X2 Sea Power | |
NMT 210W Intro Nano Maf Tec | ITEC 2X1 Intro Nano Maf Tec | |
NUCE 001 Atomic Adventures | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
NURS 100 First Year Seminar in Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 111 Nursing Roles | NURS 1X1 Nursing Roles | |
NURS 112 Health Patterns | NURS 1X2 Health Patterns | |
NURS 113 Childbearing Care | NURS 1X3 Childbearing Care | |
NURS 114 Childrearing Care | NURS 1X4 Childrearing Care | |
NURS 116 Clin Immersion I | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 200W Nursing Research | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 203 First Aid & CPR | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 211 Health Patterns | NURS 2X1 Health Patterns | |
NURS 212 Health Patterns | NURS 2X2 Health Patterns | |
NURS 213 Health Patterns | NURS 2X3 Health Patterns | |
NURS 214W Psych/Leadership | NURS 2X4 Psych/Leadership | |
NURS 216 Clin Immersion II | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 225 Pathophysiology | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 230 Fund of Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 245 Violence Society | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 250 Prof Role Dev I | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 251 Health Assessment | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 305 Intro to Pharm | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 310 Nurs Care Older Adult | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 352 Adv Hlth Assess RN | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 357 Intro Nurs Inform | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 390 Tr Prof NS Role | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 402 Holistic Health | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 407 Drugs of Abuse and Mental Heal | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 409 Forensic Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 411 Sem Forensic Nurs | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 417 Fam/Cmty Hlth Concepts | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 430 Org/Adm Nurse Mang | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 440 Nurs Crit Care | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 441 Caring for Veteran | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 452 Women Hlth Issues | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 464 Dying and Death | PHIL 280 Thanatopsis:Viewing Death | G1 |
NURS 465 Concepts & Complex | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 475 Concepts in Practice | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 496B Nurse Res 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 496C Nurse Res 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 100 Contemp Nutr Conc | BIOL 1X5 Contemp Nutr Conc | |
NUTR 120 Food Preparation | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 170 Careers in Nutrition | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 175Z Healthy Food For All | WELL 1X5 Healthy Food For All | |
NUTR 251 Intro Prin Nutr | BIOL 256 Nutrition | W, G2 |
NUTR 358 Assessment of Nutritional Stat | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 360 Disseminating Nutrition Info | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 370 Profession of Dietetics | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 445 Nutrient Metabolism I | BIOL 3X5 Nutrient Metabolism I | |
NUTR 446 Nutrient Metabolism II | BIOL 3X6 Nutrient Metabolism II | |
NUTR 451 Nutrition Throughout Life Cycl | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 452 Nutritional Aspects of Disease | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 453 Diet in Disease | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 456 Community Nutrition | Does Not Transfer | |
O T 101 Intro OT | Does Not Transfer | |
O T 103 Act An: Da Liv Sk | Does Not Transfer | |
O T 105W Act An: GP Int Sk | Does Not Transfer | |
O T 107 Act An: Ther Dev | Does Not Transfer | |
O T 202 OT: DD | Does Not Transfer | |
O T 204 OT: PS | Does Not Transfer | |
O T 206 OT: PD | Does Not Transfer | |
O T 295A OT: FE 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
O T 295B OT: Field Exp 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
OLEAD 100 Intro to Leadership | Does Not Transfer | |
OPMGT 301 Operations Mgmt | BUAD 452 Production and Operations Mngt | |
OT 100 Struct Fnd Ot | Does Not Transfer | |
OT 101 Concept Fund Ot | Does Not Transfer | |
OT 103 Occ Perf Lifespan | Does Not Transfer | |
OT 105W Act An: Gp Int Sk | Does Not Transfer | |
OT 107 Anly: Asst Text Adpt | Does Not Transfer | |
OT 202 Ot: DD | Does Not Transfer | |
OT 204 Ot: Ps | Does Not Transfer | |
OT 206 Ot: Pd | Does Not Transfer | |
OT 295A Special Topics | Does Not Transfer | |
OT 295B Special Topics | Does Not Transfer | |
P E 004 Aerobic Dance 1 | WELL 1X4 Aerobic Dance 1 | WELL |
P E 058 Bowling I | WELL 1X5 Bowling I | |
P E 238 Racquetball I | WELL 2X3 Racquetball I | WELL |
P E 277 Slimnastics 1 | WELL 1X7 Slimnastics 1 | WELL |
P T 100 PTA - - Intro | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 101 PTA Computer | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 150 PTA Procedures - I | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 160 Therap Exercise - I | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 201 PTA Licensure | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 204 PTA Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 205 Human Musculature | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 250 PTA -- Procedures II | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 260 Therap Exercise - II | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 270 Pathophysiology | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 270A Pathophysiology | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 280 Rehabilitation | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 280W Rehabilitation | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 281 Rehab 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 282W Rehab 2W | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 290 Prof Issues | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 297 Special Topics | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 384 Applied Kines | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 395E PTA -- Practicum I | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 395F PTA Practicum II | Does Not Transfer | |
P T 395G PTA Practicum III | Does Not Transfer | |
PACC 320 Intermed Acctg 1 | BUAD 261 Intermediate Accounting 1 | |
PE 120 Fencing I | WELL 12X Fencing I | WELL |
PE 126 Fitness and Games | WELL 1XX Fitness and Games | WELL |
PE 138 Golf 1 | WELL 1X8 Golf 1 | WELL |
PE 147 Horseback Riding I | WELL 14X Horseback Riding I | WELL |
PE 147A Horseback Riding II | WELL 17X Horseback Riding II | WELL |
PE 303 Strength Training | WELL 1X3 Strength Training | WELL |
PE 357 Volleyball I | WELL 35X Volleyball I | WELL |
PERCN 120J Percn Prin 1 | MUSI 1X4 Percn Prin 1 | |
PERCN 170J Percn Prim 2 | MUSI 1X3 Percn Prim 2 | |
PERCN 220J Percn Prim 3 | MUSI 2X1 Percn Prim 3 | |
PERCN 270J Percn Prim 4 | MUSI 2X2 Percn Prim 4 | |
PH SC 007 Physical Science | PHYS 1XX Physical Science | G2 |
PHED 001 Health & PHED | WELL 1XX Health & PHED | WELL |
PHED 005 Physical Ed | WELL 1X1 Physical Ed | WELL |
PHED 005T Physical Ed | WELL 1X2 Physical Ed | WELL |
PHED 006 Physical Ed | WELL 1X1 Physical Ed | WELL |
PHED 007 Physical Ed | WELL 1X2 Physical Ed | WELL |
PHIL 001 Basic Prob of Phil | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 002 Pol & Soc Theory | PHIL 1X2 Pol & Soc Theory | G1 |
PHIL 003 Rel Abs | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHIL 004 Basic Prob of Phil | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 005 Philosophy, Art and Film | PHIL 327 Philosophy in Film | G1 |
PHIL 006 Literature & Philosophy | PHIL 1X6 Literature & Philosophy | |
PHIL 007 Asian Phil | PHIL 361 Oriental Philosophy | W, G1 |
PHIL 008 Philosophy and Feminism | PHIL 1X8 Philosophy and Feminism | G1 |
PHIL 009 Philosophy, Race and Diversity | PHIL 2X9 Philosophy, Race and Diversity | G1, D |
PHIL 010 Crit Think & Argu | PHIL 1XX Crit Think & Argu | G1 |
PHIL 011 Philosophy, Science and Truth | PHIL 314 Philosophy of Science | W, G1 |
PHIL 012 Elem Symbol Logic | PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic | G1 |
PHIL 013 Philosophy, Nature and Environ | PHIL 2X3 Philosophy, Nature and Environ | G1 |
PHIL 014 Philosophy of Love and Sex | PHIL 202 Love and Sexuality | G1 |
PHIL 083S 1st-Year Smnr | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 100 Meaning / Hum Exist | PHIL 1X1 Meaning / Hum Exist | G1 |
PHIL 102 Existentialism | PHIL 3XX Existentialism | G1 |
PHIL 103 Introduction to Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHIL 103W Intro Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHIL 105 Intro Philos Law and Legal Stu | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHIL 106 Intro Bus Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | W, G1 |
PHIL 107 Intro Phil Tech | PHIL 2XX Intro Phil Tech | G1 |
PHIL 108 Intro Soc Pol Phil | PHIL 407 Political and Social Philosphy | G1, W |
PHIL 109 Philosophy of Art | PHIL 383 Philosophy of Art | G1, W |
PHIL 109H Intro Aesthetics | PHIL 1X9H H:Intro Aesthetics | G1 |
PHIL 110 Intro to Philosophy of Science | PHIL 314 Philosophy of Science | W, G1 |
PHIL 111 Oriental Phil | PHIL 361 Oriental Philosophy | W, G1 |
PHIL 115 Phil of Education | PHIL 1XX Phil of Education | |
PHIL 118 Environmental Philosophy | PHIL 345 Humanity and Environment | P |
PHIL 123 Intro to Ethics in Media & Jou | PHIL 2X3 Intro to Ethics in Media & Jou | G1 |
PHIL 124 Intro Phil Relig | PHIL 382 Philosophy of Religion | G1 |
PHIL 125 Intro to Thry Knowl | PHIL 1X5 Intro to Thry Knowl | G1 |
PHIL 127 Intro Phil Mind | PHIL 1X7 Intro Phil Mind | G1 |
PHIL 132 Intro Bioethics | PHIL 285 Moral Problems in Medicine | G1 |
PHIL 200 Ancient Philosophy | PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy | W, G1 |
PHIL 201 Medieval Philosophy | PHIL 2X1 Medieval Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 202 Modern Phil | PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy | G1, W |
PHIL 203 19th Century Philosophy | PHIL 2X3 19th Century Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 204 20th Cent Phil | PHIL 20X 20C Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 207 Medieval Phil | PHIL 2X7 Medieval Phil | G1 |
PHIL 208 Contemporary Phil | PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy | W, G1 |
PHIL 233 Ethics and Technology | PHIL 2X3 Ethics and Technology | G1 |
PHIL 297 Special Topics | PHIL 2X7 Special Topics | G1 |
PHIL 409 Aesthetics | PHIL 383 Philosophy of Art | W, G1 |
PHIL 427 Phil of Mind | PHIL 4X7 Phil of Mind | G1 |
PHLOS 345 Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHLOS 490 Phil Topics | PHIL 4XX Phil Topics | |
PHOTO 100 Intro Photo | ART 201 Hist and Aesthtcs of Photgrphy | G1 |
PHOTO 321 Flow Visualization | ART 3X1 Flow Visualization | |
PHSC 008 Physical Science | PHYS 1XX Physical Science | G2 |
PHYS 001 Science of Phys | PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics | G2 |
PHYS 100 Science of Phys | PHYS 1X1 Science of Phys | G2 |
PHYS 150 Technical Physics | PHYS 1X1 Technical Physics | G2 |
PHYS 150 Technical Physics | PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics | G2 |
PHYS 201 General Physics | PHYS 231 General Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHYS 202L General Physics | PHYS 232 General Physics 2 | L, G2 |
PHYS 204 General Physics | PHYS 232 General Physics 2 | G2, L |
PHYS 211 Mechanics | PHYS 231 General Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHYS 212 Elect & Magnetism | PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus | G2, L |
PHYS 212L Elect & Magnetism | PHYS 232 General Physics 2 | L, G2 |
PHYS 212R Elect & Magnetism | PHYS 232 General Physics 2 | L, G2 |
PHYS 213 General Physics: Fluids and Th | PHYS 2X3 General Physics: Fluids and Th | G2 |
PHYS 213R Fluids&Thermal Phy | PHYS 231 General Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHYS 214 Wave Motion&Quan | PHYS 233 Wave-Particle Theory | |
PHYS 214R Wave Motion & Quan | PHYS 233 Wave-Particle Theory | |
PHYS 215L Intro Phys | PHYS 2X5 Intro Phys | L, G2 |
PHYS 237 Intro Modern Phys | PHYS 233 Wave-Particle Theory | |
PHYS 250 Intro Phys 1 | PHYS 131 Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHYS 251 Intro Physics 2 | PHYS 132 Physics 2 | G2, L |
PHYS 297A Honors Phys Astro | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
PL SC 001 Intro To Amer Nat Govt | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PL SC 003 Intro to Comparative Politics | GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms | G3 |
PL SC 014 International Relations | GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics | G3 |
PL SC 110 Rights in America | GOVT 1X0 Rights in America | G3 |
PL SC 130 Amer Pol Campaigns | GOVT 1X3 Amer Pol Campaigns | G3 |
PL SC 135 Pol Ecol Crisis | GOVT 1X5 Pol Ecol Crisis | |
PL SC 419 The Bureaucratic State | GOVT 41X The Bureaucratic State | G3 |
PL SC 433 Pol Foundations US | GOVT 4X3 Pol Foundations US | G3 |
PL SC 439 The Politics of Terrorism | GOVT 43X The Politics of Terrorism | G3 |
PL SC 467 Internat Relations of Mid East | GOVT 323 Govt/Politics of Middle East | D, G3 |
PL SC 471 Amer Const Law | GOVT 4X7 Amer Const Law | G3 |
PL SC 490 Policy Making/Eval | GOVT 4X9 Policy Making/Eval | |
PLSC 001 Intro to Am Nat Gov | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PLSC 002 American Public Policy | Does Not Transfer | |
PLSC 003 Intro to Comparative Politics | GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms | G3 |
PLSC 007 Contemp Political Ideologies | Does Not Transfer | |
PLSC 014 Intnatl Relations | GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics | G3 |
PLSC 017 Intro to Political Theory | GOVT 231 Intro to Political Theory | G3 |
PLSC 020 Comparative Politics:W Europe | GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms | G3 |
PLSC 083S 1st-Year Smnr | GOVT 1XX 1st-Year Smnr | |
PLSC 117 Political Ideol | GOVT 231 Intro to Political Theory | G3 |
PLSC 125 PA Government & Politics | Does Not Transfer | |
PLSC 137 US Intelligence & Policy Makin | GOVT 2XX US Intelligence Policy Making | G3 |
PLSC 145 The United States and Asia | Does Not Transfer | |
PLSC 290N Compar Viol: Polit Crim Persp | GOVT 2X9 Compar Viol: Polit Crim Persp | G3 |
PLSC 291 Intro to Peace | SSCI 2XX Intro to Peace | |
PLSC 301 Intro to Political Analysis | Does Not Transfer | |
PLSC 309 Quantitative Politicl Analysis | GOVT 401 Politicl Resrch Skls and Mthds | |
PLSC 403 The Legislative Process | Does Not Transfer | |
PLSC 405 The American Presidency | Does Not Transfer | |
PLSC 408 Intro to Political Research | Does Not Transfer | |
PLSC 419 The Bureaucratic State | GOVT 4X9 The Bureaucratic State | |
PLSC 426 PI Parties and GRPS | GOVT 4X6 PI Parties and GRPS | |
PLSC 471 American Constitutional Law | GOVT 4X7 American Constitutional Law | G3 |
PSU 000 Unv Col 1st-Yr Smn | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 001 Abngtn 1st - Yr Smnr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 003 Altoona 1st - YR SMR | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 005 Bks - Lv 1st - YR Smnr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 006 Bus Adm 1st - YR Smr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 007 Bhrnd 1st-Yr Smnr | UNIV 1X1 Bhrnd 1st-Yr Smnr | |
PSU 008 Cmwlth 1st Year Smnr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 008S Unv Col 1st-Yr Smn | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 009 Comm 1st - Yr Smnr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 012 Eng 1st-Yr Smnr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 014 Hhdev 1st Yr Smnr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 015 Lib Art 1st-Yr Smr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 016 Sci 1st Yr Smnr | ELEC 1X6 Sci 1st Yr Semnr | |
PSU 017 Schl Ist 1st Yr Sr | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSU 5 First Year Seminar Berks | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PSY 002 Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 013 Devl Psychology | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSY 015 Elementary Statistics in Psych | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 021 Cur App Psy | PSYC 1X1 Cur App Psy | G3 |
PSY 037 Mental Health | PSYC 1X2 Mental Health | G3 |
PSY 170W Psychology of Women | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 201W Basic Research Methods in Psyc | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 202 Introduction to Perception | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 204 Introduction to Learning | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 209 Evolutionary Psychology | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 212 Introduction to Abnormal Psych | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 213 Intro to Developmental Psychol | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSY 217 Social Psychology | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSY 221 Intro to Cognitive Psychology | PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology | |
PSY 231 Industrial Psy | PSYC 329 Industrial Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 236 Intro to Psychologies of Relig | PSYC 328 Psycholgy and Religion | P |
PSY 238 Intro to Personality Psycholog | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 243 Personal Well-Being & Asjustme | PSYC 256 Psychology Human Adjustment | G3, W |
PSY 270 Intro to Psychology of Gender | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 426 Adolescence | PSYC 2XX Adolescence | G3 |
PSY 436 Mental Hlth School | PSY 4X6 Mental Hlth School | |
PSY 437 Psy of Adjustment | PSYC 4X1 Psy of Adjustment | |
PSY 474 Psy Excepl Child | PSYC 4X4 Psy Excepl Child | |
PSY 482 Clinical Psy | PSYC 4X2 Clinical Psy | |
PSY 487 Health Psy | PSYC 356 Health Psychology | |
PSYC 400 Health Psych | PSYC 356 Health Psychology | |
PSYC 402 Exper Social Psych | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSYC 405 Develop Psych | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSYC 406 Adolescence | PSYC 2XX Adolescence | G3 |
PSYC 415 Abnorm Psy | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | W, G3 |
PSYC 482 Personality Theory | PSYC 335 Personality Theory | G3 |
PSYCH 100 Intro Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSYCH 105 Psy Science Prof | PSYC 1X5 Psy Science Prof | |
PSYCH 175N Mental Illness and Movies | PSYC 1X5 Mental Illness and Movies | G3 |
PSYCH 200 Elem Stat Psych | PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 | W |
PSYCH 212 Devl Psychology | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSYCH 221 Intro Soc Psych | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSYCH 231 Intro Psy Gender | PSYC 2X1 Intro Psy Gender | |
PSYCH 232 Cross-Cultural Psychology | PSYC 2X2 Cross-Cultural Psychology | G3 |
PSYCH 238 Intro Person Psy | PSYC 2X8 Intro Person Psy | G3 |
PSYCH 243 Intr Welbe Pos Psy | PSYC 2X3 Intr Welbe Pos Psy | G3 |
PSYCH 253 Intro Psych Percept | PSYC 2X5 Intro Psych Percept | |
PSYCH 256 Intro Cog Psy | PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology | |
PSYCH 260 Neur Hum Behav | PSYC 415 Physiological Psychology | |
PSYCH 261 Intro Psych Lrning | PSYC 2X6 Intro Psych Lrning | |
PSYCH 270 Intro Abnorm Psych | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | W, G3 |
PSYCH 281 Intro INDS-ORG Psy | PSYC 329 Industrial Psychology | G3, W |
PSYCH 296 Independent Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
PSYCH 301 Basic Methods Psyc | PSYC 3XX Basic Methods Psyc | |
PSYCH 301W Basic Methods Psy | PSYC 3X1 Basic methods Psy | |
PSYCH 410 Child Development | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3 |
PSYCH 412 Adolescence | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSYCH 413 Cognitive Dev | PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology | |
PSYCH 420 Adv Social Psy | PSYC 4X2 Adv Social Psy | |
PSYCH 422 Human Sexuality | PSYC 4X2 Human Sexuality | |
PSYCH 441 Health Psy | PSYC 356 Health Psychology | |
PSYCH 445 Forensic Psychology | PSYC 4X5 Forensic Psychology | |
PSYCH 456 Advanced Cognitive Psych | PSYC 4X2 Advanced Cognitive Psych | |
PSYCH 470 Abnormal Psychology | PSYC 437 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSYCH 478 Clin Neuropsy | PSYC 4X8 Clin Neuropsy | |
PSYCH 481 Intro to Clinical Psychology | PSYC 4X1 Intro to Clinical Psychology | |
PSYCH 492 Current Topics in Psyc | PSYC 377 Special Topics in Psychology | |
PSYCH 496 Independent Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
PT 204 PTA Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
PT 395W PTA -- Practicum I | Does Not Transfer | |
PUBPL 201 Intro to HLS | EHEM 2X1 Intro to HLS | |
PUBPL 304W Public Policy Analysis | GOVT 205 Intro to Public Policy | G3 |
PUBPL 403 Contemporary US Foreign Pol | GOVT 355 American Foreign Policy | G3 |
PUBPL 408 Amer Campaigns and Elections | GOVT 312 American Political Parties | G3, W |
PUBPL 409 The Politics of Legislation | GOVT 315 Congress and Lawmaking | W, G3 |
PUBPL 420 Constitutional Law/Public Pol | GOVT 314 American Judiciary | G3 |
PUBPL 490 Sem Public Policy | GOVT 408 Seminr in Govt and Pltcl Affrs | |
QBA 101 Intro to QBA | BUAD 358 Management Science | |
QBA 102 El Bus Statistics | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
QBA 200 Intro Stat Bus Dec | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
QBA 201 Quan Meth Bus Dec | BUAD 358 Management Science | |
R SOC 011 Intro Rural Soc | SOCY 2X1 Intro Rural Soc | G3 |
RADSC 101 Radiol Intro/Proc | Does Not Transfer | |
RADSC 110 Patient Care | Does Not Transfer | |
RADSC 295A RADSC 295A | Does Not Transfer | |
RCLED 005 College Rdg Imp 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
REST 301 R Est Fundamntls | BUAD 30X Real Estate Fundamentals | |
RHS 100 Intro to Disability Culture | SOWK 1X9 Intro to Disability Culture | G3 |
RHS 300 Intro Rehab Servic | SOWK 3X3 Intro Rehab Servic | |
RHS 301 Counseling | SOWK 2X1 Counseling | |
RHS 400W Case Management | SOWK 3X4 Case Management | |
RHS 402 Families Rehab Set | SOWK 4X2 Families Rehab Set | |
RHS 403 Md Aspct Disability | SOWK 403 Social Work Practice 3 | |
RL ST 001 World Religions | PHIL 313 World Religions | G1 |
RL ST 003 Religions of East | PHIL 1X3 Religions of East | G1 |
RL ST 012 Lands of the Bible | Does Not Transfer | |
RL ST 107 Introduction to Islam | PHIL 3X7 Introduction to Islam | G1 |
RL ST 120 New Testament | Does Not Transfer | |
RL ST 124 Early Christianity | PHIL 1X4 Early Christianity | |
RL ST 137 Women & Relig | WSTU 2X7 Women & Relig | G3 |
RLST 001 World Religions | PHIL 313 World Religions | W, G1 |
RLST 004 Jewish & Christian | PHIL 3XX Jewish & Christian | G1 |
RLST 012 New Testament | PHIL 2X1 New Testament | G1 |
RLST 070 Biblical Prophecy | Does Not Transfer | |
RLST 101 Comp Religion | PHIL 313 World Religions | W, G1 |
RLST 103 Intro to Hinduism | PHIL 1X3 Intro to Hinduism | G1 |
RLST 107 Intro to Islam | PHIL 3X7 Intro to Islam | G1 |
RLST 110 Hebrew Bible | PHIL 11X Hebrew Bible | G1 |
RLST 120 New Testament | PHIL 2X2 New Testament | G1 |
RLST 125 Modern Christianity | PHIL 2X5 Modern Christianity | G1 |
RLST 140 Rel in Am Life | SOCY 310 Sociology of Religion | P |
RLST 146 Life of M L King | HIST 1X6 Life of M L King | G3 |
RM 303 Real Estate Fundamentals | BUAD 3X3 Real Estate Fundamentals | |
RPTM 101 Intro Rec Services | WELL 1X1 Intro Rec Services | |
RPTM 120 Leisure/Human Beh | WELL 1X2 Leisure/Human Beh | |
RPTM 210 Comm Recr/Tourism | WELL 2X1 Comm Recr/Tourism | |
RPTM 220 Sustainability & Society | GEOG 229 Sustainable Tourism | G3 |
RPTM 236 Ldrsp/Grp Dynamics Recr Serv | WELL 2X2 Ldrsp/Grp Dynamics Recr Serv | |
RPTM 277 Inclusive Leisure Services | WELL 2X3 Inclusive Leisure Services | |
RPTM 297 Special Topics: Prof Develop | Does Not Transfer | |
RPTM 297A ODS Counselor | Does Not Transfer | |
RPTM 297B Cht | Does Not Transfer | |
RPTM 300 Tourism/Leisure Behavior | WELL 3X1 Tourism/Leisure Behavior | |
RPTM 410 Mktg Recreation Services | WELL 4X1 Mktg Recreation Services | |
RPTM 496 Indep Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
RUS 001 Elementary Russian 1 | RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 | G1 |
RUS 002 Elementary Russian 2 | RUSS 102 Elementary Russian 2 | G1 |
RUS 003 Intermediate Russian | RUSS 201 Intermediate Russian 1 | G1 |
RUS 100 Russian Culture and Civilizati | Does Not Transfer | |
RUS 110 Rus Folklore | HUMN 1X1 Rus Folklore | G1 |
RUS 214 Intermed Russian 3 | RUSS 202 Intermediate Russian 2 | G1 |
RUS 305 Adv Rus Conv | RUSS 3X5 Adv Rus Conv | |
SC 100 Intro Research | SSCI 1X1 Intro Research | |
SC 120N Plts Pple and Plcs | BIOL 1X2 Plts Pple and Plcs | G2 |
SC 125N History of Disease | BIOL 12X History of Disease | G2 |
SC 135N Society and Disease | BIOL 1X5 Society and Disease | G2 |
SC 220 STEM Learning | UNIV 1X1 STEM Learning | |
SC 240 Learning Assistant Experience | Does Not Transfer | |
SC 297B Special Topics Science Seminar | SSCI 2X7 Special Topics Science Seminar | |
SC 401 Basic Sci & Diseas | BIOL 4X1 Basic Sci & Diseas | |
SCIED 140 Outdoor School Field Experienc | Does Not Transfer | |
SCIED 297A ODS | Does Not Transfer | |
SCIED 297C Investg Lt & Snd | EDUC 2X7 Investigating Light & Sound | |
SCIED 458 Teaching Elem School Science | EDUC 4X8 Teaching Elem School Science | |
SCLSC 320 Intro Statistics | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
SCM 200 Intro Stat Bus Dec | ECON 231 Applied Statistcs 1 | G3 |
SCM 301 Sup Chn Mgt | BUAD 453 Supply Chain Logistics Mgmnt | |
SCM 310 Intro to OM | BUAD 452 Productn/Operations Management | |
SOC 001 Intro to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 003 Intro Social Psy | SOCY 316 Social Psychology | W, G3 |
SOC 005 Social Problems | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SOC 012 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | G3, W |
SOC 013 Juv Delinquency | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | W, G3 |
SOC 015 Urban Sociology | SOCY 441 Urban Society | |
SOC 023 Pop & Policy Issues | SOCY 216 Human Population | G3, W |
SOC 030 Soc of Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
SOC 035 Soc of Aging | GERT 1X3 Soc of Aging | G3 |
SOC 110 Soc of Gender | SOCY 1X1 Soc of Gender | G3 |
SOC 119 Race and Ethnic Relations | SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations | G3 |
SOC 205N Critical Race Theory in Hum/SS | SOCY 2X5 Critical Race Theory in Hum/SS | G3 |
SOC 207 Research Methods | SOCY 305 Social Research Methods | |
SOC 417 Law and Society | SOCY 4X7 Law and Society | G3 |
SOC 435 Persp on Aging | SOCY 4X1 Persp on Aging | |
SOC 456 Gender, Occupations, & Profess | SOCY 4X6 Gender, Occupations, & Profess | |
SOC 467 Law and Society | SOCY 3X9 Law and Society | |
SOC 470 Inmd Social Stat | SOCY 302 Social Statistics | |
SOC 83S 1st Year Seminar | UNIV 1X8 1st Year Seminar | |
SOCIO 372 Social Conflict | SOCY 3XX Social Conflict | |
SOCIO 463 The Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
SOILS 101 Introductory Soils | Does Not Transfer | |
SOSC 481 Qual Res Methods | SSCI 4X1 Qual Res Methods | |
SPAN 001 Elementary Spanish | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 002 Elementary Spanish | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 003 Inmd Spanish | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 010 Intensive Span | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 010 Intensive Span | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 020 Intensive Span | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 020 Intensive Span | SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 083S 1st Year Smnr | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 100 Intermed Gram Comp | SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 110 Intermed Conv | SPAN 1X1 Intermed Conv | G1 |
SPAN 130 Iberian Civil | SPAN 331 Spanish Civilization 1 | |
SPAN 131 Ibero-Am Civil | SPAN 1XX Ibero-Am Civil | G1 |
SPAN 200 Intensive Grammar and Comp | SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 | G1, W |
SPAN 253 Intro to Hispanic Literature | SPAN 2X3 Intro to Hispanic Literature | G1, W |
SPAN 301 Adv Wrt Styl Span | SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 | W, G1 |
SPCOM 100 Effective Speech | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPCOM 100A Effective Speech | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPCOM 100B Effective Speech | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPCOM 126 Dev Listening | COMM 1X6 Dev Listening | G1 |
SPCOM 200 Effective Speech | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPLED 395W Obser Excep Settng | SPED 3X5 Obser Excep Settng | |
SPLED 400 Excpt Stu Ed Set | SPED 312 Disablt in Inclusive Settings | |
SPLED 401 Motivtng Ex Lrnrs | SPED 4X1 Motivtng Ex Lrnrs | |
SPLED 402 Hum Rts in Spled | SPED 4X2 Humn Rights in Spled | |
SPLED 403A Inclusive Specl Ed Elementary | SPED 4X3 Inclusive Specl Ed Elementary | |
SPLED 403B Inclusive Specl Ed Sec Se | SPED 4X6 Inclusive Specl Ed Sec Se | |
SPLED 419 Assistive Tech for Gen Ed Tchr | SPED 4X9 Assistive Tech for Gen Ed Tchr | |
SPLED 425 Human Var & Spled | SPED 212 Psychological Aspects Disabld | |
SPLED 461 Intro to ASD | SPED 4X1 Intro to ASD | |
SRA 111 Intro to SRA | ELEC 1X1 Intro to SRA | |
SRA 211 Threat & Terr & Crm | SOCY 2X1 Threat & Terr & Crm | |
SRA 221 Ovrvew of Infor Sec | CSCI 2X1 Ovrvew of Infor Sec | |
SRA 231 Decision Theory and Analysis | ELEC 2X1 Decision Theory and Analysis | |
SRA 311 Risk Analysis in Security Con | ELEC 3X1 Risk Analysis in Security Con | |
SRA 365 Stat for Security Risk Analys | ELEC 3X5 Stat for Security Risk Analys | |
SRA 421 Intelligence Environment | ELEC 4X1 Intelligence Environment | |
SSED 430 Teaching Elem Social Studies | ERCH 345 Social Studies for Young Lrnr | |
STAT 100 Stat Concepts | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
STAT 200 Elem Statistics | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
STAT 250 Biostatistics | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
STAT 301 Stat Anly 1 | MATH 30X Stat Anly 1 | G2 |
STAT 318 Elem Probability | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
STAT 401 Expt Methods 1 | MATH 4X1 Expt Methods 1 | |
STAT 414 Intro to Probability Theory | MATH 335 Mathematical Statistics 1 | |
STAT 418 Intro to Prob & Stoch Proc Eng | MATH 3X1 Intro to Prob & Stoch Proc Eng | G2 |
STAT 460 Intermed Applied Statistics | MATH 535 Statistical Methods 1 | |
STAT 462 Applied Regression Analysis | MATH 4X2 Applied Regression Analysis | |
STAT 464 Applied Non-Parametric Stats | MATH 4X4 Applied Non-Parametric Stats | |
STAT 480 Introduction to SAS | MATH 4X8 Introduction to SAS | |
STS 055 Space Science/ Technology | SCMA 1X5 Space Science / Technology | |
STS 100 Ascent of Humanity | HMFA 1XX Ascent of Humanity | G1 |
STS 101 Sci / Tech / Hum / Vals | ITEC 301 Technology and Humans | P |
STS 105 Food Facts & Fads | ELEC 1X5 Food Facts & Fads | |
STS 107 Intro Phil Tech | ELEC 1XX Intro Phil Tech | |
STS 124 History of Western Medicine | SCMA 1X4 History of Western Medicine | |
STS 130H World Food Problem | UNIV 103H H First Yr:World Food Problem | |
STS 150 Fiery Furnace | ELEC 1XX Fiery Furnace | |
STS 200 Critical Sts Issue | ITEC 301 Technology and Humans | P |
STS 201 Clm Ch/ Energy/ Biodiversity | ESCI 2X1 Clm Ch/ Energy/ Biodiversity | G2 |
STS 233 Ethics/Technology | PHIL 2XX Ethics/Technology | |
STS 235 Science and Religion | PHIL 23X Science and Religion | G1 |
STS 245 Globe Tech and Ethics | ITEC 301 Technology and Humans | P |
STS 497E Cryptography | ELEC 4XX Cryptography | |
SUR 111 Plane Surveying | MATH 1XX Plane Surveying | |
SUST 200 Leadership Sustainability | ELEC 2XX Leadership Sustainability | |
THEA 1 First-Year Seminar | UNIV 1X1 First-Year Seminar THEA | |
THEA 100 The Art of the Theatre | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THEA 101 Theatrical Imagination | THEA 1XX Theatrical Imagination | G1 |
THEA 102 Fundamentals of Acting | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1, W |
THEA 103 Fundamentals of Directing | Does Not Transfer | |
THEA 105 Introduction to Theatre | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THEA 110 Playscript Analysis | THEA 240 Script Analysis | G1 |
THEA 112 Introduction to Music Theatre | THEA 11X Introduction to Music Theatre | G1 |
THEA 115 Pop Culture | THEA 11X Pop Culture | G1 |
THEA 120 Acting 1 | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1, W |
THEA 130 Intro Thea Tech 1 | THEA 1X3 Intro Thea Tech 1 | |
THEA 131 Intro to Tech II | THEA 19X Intro to Tech 2 | G1 |
THEA 146 Basic Theatrical Makeup | THEA 1X6 Basic Theatrical Makeup | |
THEA 150 Fundamentals of Design | THEA 120 Stagecraft | |
THEA 152 Theatrical Design Foundations | THEA 1X5 Theatrical Design Foundations | |
THEA 160 Intro Costume Crft | THEA 1X1 Intro Costume Crft | |
THEA 170 Stage Light Fund | THEA 1X2 Stage Light Fund | |
THEA 180 Introduction to Stagecraft | Does Not Transfer | |
THEA 189 Theatre Prod Prac | THEA 1X9 Theatre Prod Prac | |
THEA 189 Theatre Prod Prac | THEA 1X8 Theatre Prod Prac | |
THEA 200 Script Analysis | THEA 240 Script Analysis | G1 |
THEA 207 Gender & Theatre | THEA 2X7 Gender & Theatre | G1 |
THEA 220 Acting 2 | THEA 230 Acting 2 | G1 |
THEA 221 Acting 3 | THEA 2XX Acting 3 | |
THEA 222 Acting Lab | THEA 2XX Acting Lab | |
THEA 250 Intro Scene Design | THEA 2X5 Intro Scene Design | |
THEA 251 Theatre Drafting Techniques | THEA 2X1 Theatre Drafting Techniques | |
THEA 252 Design Presentation Tech | THEA 2X2 Design Presentation Tech | |
THEA 260 Intro Costume Design | THEA 2X6 Intro Costume Design | |
THEA 261 Intro Costume Construction | THEA 2X7 Intro Costume Construction | |
THEA 270 Intro Lighting Design | THEA 2X8 Intro Lighting Design | |
THEA 282 Prod Practicum | THEA 2XX Production Practicum | |
THEA 289 Theatre Production Practicum | Does Not Transfer | |
THEA 297A Unarmed Viol Stage | THEA 27X Unarmed Viol Stage | |
THEA 322 Voice and Speech 1 | THEA 3XX Voice and Speech 1 | |
THEA 323 Voice and Speech 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
THEA 401 Theatre History I Anc to 1700 | THEA 4X1 Theatre History I Anc to 1700 | G1 |
THEA 401W Theatre History 1:Ancient-1700 | THEA 340 History of Theatre 1 | G1, W |
THEA 402W Theatre History 2:1700 - Prese | THEA 341 History of Theatre 2 | W, G1 |
THEA 454 Period Research for THEA | THEA 4XX Period Research for THEA | |
THEA 460 Adv Topics in Costume Design | THEA 4X6 Adv Topics in Costume Design | |
THEA 461 Adv Topics in Cost Construct | THEA 4X7 Adv Topics in Cost Construct | |
THEA 464 History of Fashion I | THEA 4X4 History of Fashion I | |
THEA 465 History of Fashion II | THEA 4X5 History of Fashion II | |
THEA 489 THEA Prod Practicum | Does Not Transfer | |
THEA 496 Independent Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
TRDEV 418 Inst Mthd T&D | Does Not Transfer | |
UKR 100 Ukr Cult & Civ | ELEC 1XX Ukr Cult & Civ | |
VB SC 050S Mechanism/Disease | BIOL 1XX Mechanism/Disease | |
VOICE 100 Voice Secondary | MUSI 141 Class Voice 1 | |
W F S 408 Mammalogy | BIOL 415 Mammalogy | |
WF ED 101 Early Field Exp | Does Not Transfer | |
WF ED 207W Assignm Techqs | Does Not Transfer | |
WF ED 445 Vocational Guild | Does Not Transfer | |
WILDL 101 Intro Wildl Mgmt | BIOL 1X1 Intro Wildl Mgmt | G2 |
WILDL 103 Animal Ident | BIOL 1X3 Animal Ident | |
WILDL 106 Wildl Mgmt Tech | BIOL 1X6 Wild Mgmt Tech | |
WILDL 207 Outdoor Recreation | ELEC 2X7 Outdoor Recreation | |
WILDL 208 Terrestrial Wild Management | BIOL 2X8 Terrestrial Wild Management | G2 |
WILDL 213 Wetland & Fisheries Mngmnt | BIOL 2X3 Wetland & Fisheries Mngmnt | G2 |
WLED 483 Evaluating Schools: English | ENGL 460 Teach ESL Listening/Speaking | |
WMNST 001 Intro Wmn Studies | WSTU 220 Intro to Women's & Gender Stdy | G3 |
WMNST 003 Women, Humanities, & The Arts | WSTU 2XX Women, Humanities, & The Arts | G1 |
WMNST 005 Women in Science, Tech & Engin | Does Not Transfer | |
WMNST 008 Philosophy and Feminism | Does Not Transfer | |
WMNST 100 Women/Gender St | WSTU 30X Women/Gender St | P |
WMNST 101 The African-American Woman | Does Not Transfer | |
WMNST 103 Racism & Sexism | Does Not Transfer | |
WMNST 105 Living in a Diverse World | WSTU 1X5 Living in a Diverse World | G3 |
WMNST 106 Wmn Gender and Arts | WSTU 36X Representing Wmn/Gndr Arts | P |
WMNST 117 Women in US History | HIST 250 Women in American History | G3, W |
WMNST 194 Women Writers | ENGL 2X4 Women Writers | G1 |
WMNST 200 Global Feminism | WSTU 2XX Global Feminism | G3 |
WMNST 205 Gender, Diversity and Media | COMM 330 Media and Women's Culture | D, P |
WMNST 301 Sexualities, Gender and Power | WSTU 3X1 Sexualities, Gender & Power | G3 |
WMNST 401 Fem Theory Practice | WSTU 330 Feminist Theory | P |
WMNST 497 Special Topics | WSTU 491 Topics in Women's Studies | |
WOMST 430 Women in American Society | WSTU 43X Women in American Society | P |
WWNDS 124 Saxophone Primary I | MUSI 1X4 Saxophone Primary I | |
YFE 211 Fnd Civ Com Engage | UNIV 2X1 Fnd Civ Com Engage |