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MU Gen ED Code Legend

Penn State University / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Penn State University Course Millersville Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
A E 124S Orient UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
A E 202 Intr Bldg Mech Sys ITEC 2X2 Intl Bldg Mech Sys
A E 210 Intro Arch Struc ITEC 2X1 Intro Arch Struc
A E 221 Arch Bldg Matls ITEC 2X1 Arch Bldg Matls
A E 222 Working Drawings ITEC 243 Tech Sketching/Design/Rendrng
A E 421 Arch Struct 1 ITEC 4X1 Arch Struct 1
A ED 303 Arts - Elem School ERCH 3X3 Arts - Elem School
A&A 101 Art/Des Theory 1 ART 142 2D Design G1
A&A 102S Art/Des Studio 1 ART 1X2 Art/Des Studio 1
A&A 103 Art / Des Theory 2 ART 1X3 Art / Des Theory 2
A&A 104 Art / Des Studio 2 ART 142 2D Design G1
A&A 197A Core 1 / Theory ELEC 1X7 Core 1 / Theory
A&A 197B Core 2 / Theory ELEC 1X8 Core 2 / Theory
AA 100 Intro to International Arts ART 1X0 Intro to International Arts G1
AA 130N Creative Arts Therapy ART 1X3 Creative Arts Therapy G1
AA 197C Special Topics- InterDomain ELEC 1X9 Special Topics- InterDomain
AA 297 Spc Topics: Magic by Design Does Not Transfer
AAA S 100 Blks in 20th Cent AFAM 1X1 Blks in 20th Cent G3
AAA S 103 Racism & Sexism SOCY 1X3 Racism & Sexism
AAA S 147 Malcolm X AFAM 2XX Malcolm X G3
AAAS 105 Environmnt Africa AFAM 2XX Environment Africa G3
AAAS 110 Introduction to Contemp Africa HIST 281 African History W, G3
AAAS 146 Life of M L King AFAM 2XX Life of M L King G1
ACCTG 101 Intro Fin Acctg BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACCTG 104 Intro Man Acctg BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACCTG 200 Intro Financial Acctg BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACCTG 204 Intro Managerial Acctg BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACCTG 206 Intro Fed Inc Tax BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1
ACCTG 211 Fin Mgl Acc Dec Mk BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACCTG 211 Fin Mgl Acc Dec Mk BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACCTG 306 Principles of Taxation BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1
ACCTG 310 Fed Tax I BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1
ACCTG 340 Cost Acctg BUAD 364 Cost Accounting
ACCTG 403 Auditing BUAD 461 Auditing
ACCTG 404 Managerial Accounting BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACCTG 405 Prin of Tax I BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1
ACCTG 432 Acctg Info Systems BUAD 363 Accounting Information System
ACCTG 471 Int Accounting I BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1
ACCTG 472 Int Fin Acctg II BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1
ADMJ 012 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology W, G3
ADMJ 013 Juvenile Delinquency SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency G3, W
ADMJ 111 Intro to American Crim Justice SOCY 231 Intro to the Criminal Justice G3
ADTED 460 Intro to Adult Ed EDUC 4X6 Intro to Adult Ed
ADTED 470 Intro to Distance Education ELCT 4X7 Intro to Distance Education
AE 202 Intro to Arch Eng Concepts ITEC 2X2 Intro to Arch Eng Concepts
AE 221 Arch Building Materials ITEC 2X1 Arch Building Materials
AED 225 Diversity, Pedagogy & Visual ART 2X5 Diversity, Pedagogy & Visual
AEE 100 Agricultural Education Orient UNIV 103 First Yr: Agri Education
AEE 465 Leadership Pract ELEC 4XX Leadership Pract
AERSP 97 Special Topics Does Not Transfer
AF AM 126 Pop Arts in America MUSI 1X3 Pop Arts in America
AFAM 100 Living While Black AFAM 1XX Living While Black G3
AFAM 145 African American Religions AFAM 1X5 African American Religions G3
AFAM 152 African American History HIST 1X2 African American History G3
AFR 105 Environment Africa BIOL 1X5 Environment Africa G2
AFR 110 Intro Contemporary Africa SOCY 11X Intro Contemporary Africa G3
AFR 191 Early African History HIST 1X9 Early African History G3
AFR 192 Modern African History HIST 1X9 Modern African History G3
AG 150 Be a Master Student ELEC 1X5 Be a Master Student
AG 150S Be A Master Student UNIV 103 First Yr:
AG 160 Intro Ethics/Issues in Agri ELEC 1X6 Intro Ethics/Issues in Agri
AG BM 101 Econ Prin Agribus ECON 1X1 Econ Prin Agribus G3
AG BM 308 Ag Bus Dec Making BUAD 3X8 Ag Bys Dec Making
AG EC 101 Intro Ag Economics ECON 1X1 Intro Ag Economics G3
AGBM 101 Economic Princ in Agribusiness ECON 1X1 Economic Princ in Agribusiness
AGBM 102 Economics of the Food System Does Not Transfer
AGECO 121 Plant Stress BIOL 1X1 Plant Stress G2
AIR 151 Foundation of AF I MILS 1X5 Foundation of AF I
AIR 152 Foundation of AF II MILS 1X2 Foundation of AF II
AM ST 050 Lit and Lore Mng ENGL 2X5 Lit and Lore Mng G1
AM ST 083S 1st - Year Smnr ELEC 1XX 1st - Year Smnr
AM ST 100 Intro to American Studies SSCI 1XX Intro to American Studies G3
AM ST 103 American Masculinities SOCY 1X3 American Masculinities P
AM ST 104 Women & Amer Exper HIST 250 Women in American History W, G3
AM ST 105 Pop Cul & Folklife SOCY 2X1 Pop Cul & Folklife G3
AM ST 140Y Rl in Am Life PHIL 14X Religion in Am Life/Thought G1
AM ST 160 Intro Asian Am St SSCI 16X Intro to Asian Amer Studies G3
AM ST 196 Intro to Am Folk HIST 1XX Intro to Am Folk G3
AM ST 307 American Art ART 313 Art in America G1
AM ST 400 Early America to 1765 HIST 4X1 Early America to 1765
AM ST 441 History of Sport in American S WSSD 350 Sport in America W
AM ST 480 Museum Studies Does Not Transfer
AM ST 482 Public Heritage ANTH 2X4 Public Heritage
AM ST 491W Amer Themes, Amer Eras HIST 4X2 Amer Themes, Amer Eras
AMST 100 Intro to Am St SSCI 1X1 Intro to American Studies G3
AMST 104 Women and Amer Exper WSTU 1X1 Women and Amer Exper
AMST 105 Pop Culture and Folklife HUMN 1X5 Pop Culture and Folklife G1
AMST 106N Mass Media and Society COMM 220 Survey of Media G1
AMST 135 Alt Voices Am Lit ENGL 13X Alt Voices Am Lit G1
AMST 170 Intro to American Folklore HUMN 1X7 Intro to American Folklore G1
AMST 196 Intro to American Folklore HUMN 1X6 Intro to American Folklore G1
AMSTD 301 Am Civ HIST 456 Intellectual Culturl U.S. Hist W, G3
AMSTD 442 American Folklore ENGL 338 Folklore and Literature G1, W
AMSTD 456 Mass Culture ANTH 4X6 Mass Culture G3
AMSTD 491 Sem Am Culture ANTH 4X1 Sem Am Culture
AN SC 100 Intro to Animal Industries Does Not Transfer
AN SC 297A Dairy Judging Does Not Transfer
ANSC 100 Intro to Animal Industries Does Not Transfer
ANSC 107 Intro Eq Sc & Ind Does Not Transfer
ANTH 001 Introductory Anthropology ANTH 201 People, Primates, and Prehist G3
ANTH 002 Intro Archaeology ANTH 123 Introduction To Archeology G3
ANTH 008 Aztecs, Mayas and Incas ANTH 221 People and Cultures of Mexico W, G3
ANTH 009 Rise of Civ in the Old World ANTH 2XX Rise of Civ in the Old World G3
ANTH 010 Mediterranean Prehistory ANTH 223 People and Cultures Of Mediter G3
ANTH 011 Intro NA Archy ANTH 1X1 Intro NA Archy
ANTH 021 Intro Biol Anth ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology G3
ANTH 045 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ANTH 046 Cultural Anth ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ANTH 140 Anthropology of Alcohol ANTH 1X4 Anthropology of Alcohol G3
ANTH 146 North American Indians ANTH 222 American Indian W, G3
ANTH 216 Sex and Evolution ANTH 2X6 Sex and Evolution G3
ANTH 242 Peasant Societies ANTH 2X2 Peasant Societies G3
ANTH 297 Special Topics ANTH 2X7 Special Topics G3
ANTH 420 Archaeology of the Near East ANTH 4X2 Archaeology of the Near East
ANTH 421 Intro Geospatial Sci in ANTH ANTH 4X2 Intro Geospatial Sci in ANTH
ANTH 445W Ethnographic Film ANTH 227 Culture Through Film G3, W
ANTH 476W Anthropology of Gender ANTH 328 Male/Female W, G3
ANTH 492 Field Techniques ANTH 4X3 Field Techniques
ANTH 493 Inter Field Meth ANTH 425 Field Study
ANTHY 001 Intr Anthropology ANTH 201 People, Primates, and Prehist G3
APLNG 280N Intl Comp Research INTL 201 Intro to International Studies G3
ARAB 001 El Mod Std Arab I FORL 1X1 El Mod Std Arab I G1
ARAB 002 El Mod Std Arab II FORL 1X2 El Mod Std Arab II G1
ARAB 401 Adv Lang/Cult I FORL 2X1 Adv Arab Lang/Cult 1 G1
ARAB 402 Adv Lang/Cult II FORL 2X2 Adv Arab Lang/Cult 2 G1
ARCH 100 Arch and Ideas ITEC 1XX Arch and Ideas
ARCH 110 Des - Plan Theory 1 ART 142 Design 1 G1
ARCH 121 Visual Comm 1 ART 1X1 Visual Comm 1 G1
ARCH 122 Visual Comm II ART 1X2 Visual Comm II
ARCH 130A Basic Dsgn - Res 1 ITEC 1X3 Basic Dsgn - Res 1
ARCH 131S Basic Dsgn Studio I ITEC 1X1 Basic Dsgn Studio I
ARCH 132 Basic Dsgn Studio II ITEC 1X2 Basic Dsgn Studio II
ARCH 198A Visual Comm 1 ART 1X8 Visual Comm 1
ARCH 203 Arch Materials 1 ITEC 2X3 Arch Materials 1
ARCH 210 Des -Plan Theory 1 ITEC 2X1 Des - Plan Theory 1
ARCH 211 Des - Plan Theory 2 ITEC 2X2 Des - Plan Theory 2
ARMY 101 Army Org & Func MILS 1XX Army Org & Func
ARMY 102 Military Profession MILS 1X2 Military Profession
ARMY 201 Leadership and Ethics MILS 2XX Leadership and Ethics
ARMY 203 Army Ops MILS 301 Management and Leadership
ART 001 Vis Art/Stdio: Intr ART 141 Fundamentals of Studio Art G1
ART 002 Learning and Web Design DESN 1X2 Learning and Web Design
ART 003 Images for the Web ART 1XX Images for the Web G1
ART 010 Intro Vis Studies ART 1XX Intro Vis Studies G1
ART 020 Intro Drawing ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 030 Intro Sculpture ART 282 Sculpture 1 G1
ART 040 Intro Printmaking ART 361 Survey Printmaking 1
ART 050 Intro Painting ART 352 Painting 1
ART 080 Intro Ceramics ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building G1
ART 090 Intro Photo ART 306 Fine Art Photo 1 G1
ART 100 Creations / Vis Arts ART 1X1 Creations / Vis Arts G1
ART 101 Intro to Web Design ART 1X1 Intro to Web Design
ART 110S Ideas as Vis Image ART 1XX Ideas as Visual Images G1
ART 111 Ideas as Objects ART 1XX Ideas as Objects G1
ART 120 Beginning Drawing ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 122 Commentary on Art ART 1X2 Commentary on Art G1
ART 140 Elem Printmaking ART 362 Printmaking 1
ART 201 Intro Digital Arts ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art
ART 270 Begin Graph Design ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
ART 271 Typography ART 244 Typography
ART 290 Begin Photography ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 G1
ART 296 Independent Studies Does Not Transfer
ART 297B Lrng & Web Design ART 2XX Lrng & Web Design
ART 299 Foreign Studies Does Not Transfer
ART H 111 Anc to Med Art ART 2X1 Anc to Med Art
ART H 197A History of Comics ART 3X7 History of Comics G1
ART H 226 Hist Seq Art:The Comic Book ART 22X Hist Seq Art:The Comic Book G1
ART H 303 It Ren Art ART 302 The Italian Renaissance G1
ART H 312 Romsque & Goth Art ART 3X2 Romsque & Goth Art G1
ART H 326 Art Since 1940 ART 3X6 Art Since 1940 G1
ART H 397A Art Since 1940 ART 3X7 Art Since 1940 G1
ART H 497A Trad W African Art ART 4X7 Trad W African Art G1
ART H 497C Photo in Africa ART 4X9 Photo in Africa
ARTH 001S First Year Seminar ART 1XX First Year Seminar G1
ARTH 100 Introduction to Art ART 100 Art in Culture G1
ARTH 105 Pictures and Power ART 201 Hist and Aesthtcs of Photgrphy G1
ARTH 111 Ancient to Medieval Art ART 301 The Ancient World G1
ARTH 112 Renaissance to Modern Art ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C G1
ARTH 120 Asian Art and Architecture ART 1X2 Asian Art and Architecture G1
ARTH 130 African, Oceanic & Native Amer ART 1X3 African, Oceanic & Native Amer G1
ARTH 201 Ancient to Medieval Architectu ART 2X1 Ancient to Medieval Architectu G1
ARTH 202 Renaissance to Modern Architec ART 2X2 Renaissance to Modern Architec G1
ARTH 225 Sexuality & Modern Vis Culture HUMN 2XX Sexuality & Modern Vis Culture
ARTH 226 The Comic Book ART 2X6 The Comic Book G1
ARTH 280 Design & Decorative Arts ART 2X8 Design & Decorative Arts G1
ARTH 303 Italian Renaissance Art ART 302 The Italian Renaissance G1
ARTH 304 Southern Baroque Painting ART 3X4 Southern Baroque Painting G1
ARTH 305 European Art from 1780 - 1860 ART 303 The 19th Century G1
ARTH 307 American Art ART 313 Art in America G1
ARTH 308N American Arch ART 3X8 American Arch G1
ARTH 325 Impressionism to Surrealism ART 3XX Impressionism to Surrealism G1
ARTS 001 The Arts HMFA 1XX The Arts G1
ARTS 005 Performing Arts HMFA 1XX Performing Arts G1
ASIA 100 What is Asia? ANTH 1X1 What is Asia? G3
ASTRO 001 Astro Universe PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
ASTRO 005 Sky and Planets SCMA 1X5 Sky and Planets G2
ASTRO 007N The Artistic Universe PHYS 1X7 The Artistic Universe G2
ASTRO 010 Elem Astro PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
ASTRO 011 Elem Astro Lab PHYS 1XX Elem Astro Lab L, G2
ASTRO 020 First Year Astronomy Seminar PHYS 1X2 First Year Astronomy Seminar
ASTRO 130 Blk Holes Universe PHYS 1X0 Blk Holes Universe G2
ASTRO 296 Independent Studies Does Not Transfer
ASTRO 6 Stars and Galaxies PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
B A 303 Marketing & Log BUAD 436 Marketing Strategy
B A 364Y Intl Bus & Society BUAD 362 Intermediate Accounting 2
B LOG 301 Bus Log Mgmt BUAD 3X1 Bus Log Mgmt
BA 100 Intro to Bus BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BA 241 Legal Env Bus BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business G3
BA 242 Soc Eth Env Bus BUAD 355 Business and Society G3
BA 243 Soc Legal & Ethical Env Busi BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BA 250 Small Business BUAD 356 Small Business Management
BA 297 Special Topics BUAD 2XX Special Topics
BA 297A Special Topics - Career Planni ELEC 2X7 Special Topics Career Planning
BA 301 Fin & Fin Serv BUAD 3XX Fin & Fin Serv
BA 304 Mgmt & Org BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
BA 321 Ctmp Skls Bus Prof BUAD 3X1 Ctmp Skls Bus Prof
BA 322 Ind Eff Bus Prof BUAD 3X2 Ind Eff Bus Prof
BA 342 Resp/Sustain/Ethical Bus BUAD 3X2 Resp/Sustain/Ethical Bus
BA 355 Bus and Society BUAD 355 Business and Society G3
BA 364 Intl Business and Society BUAD 355 Business and Society G3
BA 364Y Intl Bus & Society BUAD 355 Business and Society G3
BA 395A Prac in Bus Admin BUAD 3X5 Prac in Bus Admin
BA 420 Prep for Career Management UNIV 1X1 Prep for Career Management
BBH 019 Hlth & Disease ELEC 1XX Health & Disease
BBH 045 Alchl Awareness Ed WELL 1X5 Alchl Awareness Ed WELL
BBH 046 Intro Human Sex WELL 1X9 Intro to Human Sex WELL
BBH 048 Values & Health WELL 1XX Values & Health Behv WELL
BBH 101 Intro Biobeh Hlth BIOL 1XX Intro Biobeh Hlth G2
BBH 119 Beh Hlth & Disease ELEC 1X9 Beh Hlth & Disease
BBH 143 Drugs Beh & Hlth WSSD 1X3 Drugs Beh & Hlth
BBH 146 Hlth & Hum Sex BIOL 207 Human Sexuality G2, W, D
BBH 148 Coping with College UNIV 1X1 Coping with College
BBH 148S Copng with College PSYC 1XX Coping with College
BBH 251 Straight Talks I Does Not Transfer
BE SC 492 Cur Tpcs In Soc Sc SSCI 4XX Cur Tpcs in Soc Sc
BESC 370 Community Psych PSYC 3X1 Community Psych
BESC 376 Intro Hum Svc Org SOWK 3X1 Intro Hum Svc Org
BESC 395 Be Sc Internship Does Not Transfer
BESC 407 Small Groups Couns PSYC 4X1 Small Groups Couns
BESC 408 Grp Facil/Ldshp Sk SOWK 4X1 Grp Facil/Ldshp Sk
BESC 459 Basic Couns Skills PSYC 447 Counseling Strategies
BESC 464 Fem/Masc WSTU 4X1 Fem/Masc
BI SC 002 Genet Ecol Evol BIOL 102X Genet Ecol Evol (no Lab) G2
BI SC 003 Environmental Sci BIOL 1X3 Environmental Sci G2
BIOE 100S Bioe Seminar BIOL 1X1 Bioe Seminar
BIOL 001 Biol Skills Prep BIOL 1XX Biol Skills Prep
BIOL 003 Peer Learning in Biology Does Not Transfer
BIOL 011 Intro Biol 1 BIOL 1X1 Intro Biol 1
BIOL 020 Plts Plcs & Pple BIOL 208 Plants and People G2
BIOL 027 Plant Biol BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany G2, L
BIOL 029 Mammalian Anatomy BIOL 1X9 Mammalian Anatomy G2, L
BIOL 033 Gent Evol Humans BIOL 205 Heredity G2
BIOL 041 Physiology BIOL 1X4 Physiology G2
BIOL 055 Biology of Aging BIOL 1XX Biology of Aging G2
BIOL 101 Princ of Biol 1 BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIOL 102 Princ of Biol 2 BIOL 1XX Princ of Biol 2 G2, L
BIOL 110 Biology Conc Biod BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIOL 110L Biology Conc Biod BIOL 11XL Biology Conc Biod L, G2
BIOL 120 Plants, People & Places BIOL 208 Plants and People G2
BIOL 120A Plants Places & People BIOL 208 Plants and People G2
BIOL 129 Mammalian Anatomy BIOL 1X9 Mammalian Anatomy L, G2
BIOL 133 Genl Evol Humans BIOL 1X3 Genl Evol Humans
BIOL 141 Physiology BIOL 14X Physiology G2
BIOL 155 Biology of Aging BIOL 1X5 Biology of Aging G2
BIOL 160N Fitness Exercise Physiology BIOL 1X6 Fitness Exercise Physiology G2
BIOL 161 Anatomy & Physiology I Lecture BIOL 1X1 Anatomy & Physiology I Lecture
BIOL 169 What it Means to be Human ELEC 1XX What it Means to be Human
BIOL 210 Ecology BIOL 140 Introductory Ecology G2, L
BIOL 220W Biology Pop Comm BIOL 2XX Biology Pop Comm L, G2
BIOL 222 Genetics BIOL 204 Human Biology W, G2
BIOL 230W Biology Mol Cells BIOL 263 Cell Biology L, W, G2
BIOL 240W Biol Func Dev Org BIOL 2XX Biol Func Dev Org
BIOL 297 Fld Stdy Biodv & Evol BIOL 2XX Fld Stdy Biodv & Evol L, G2
BIOL 322 Genetic Analysis BIOL 3X2 Genetic Analysis G2
BIOL 416 Biol Cancer BIOL 471 Biol Cancer
BIOL 448 Ecology of Plant Reproduction BIOL 4X8 Ecology of Plant Reproduction
BIOL 474 Astrobiology BIOL 4X4 Astrobiology G2
BIOL 494 Research Project Does Not Transfer
BIOL 497 Biology of RNA BIOL 4X7 Biology of RNA
BISC 001 Struct/Funct Orgnsm BIOL 1XX Struct/Funct Orgnsm G2
BISC 002 Genet Ecol Evol BIOL 1XX Genet Ecol Evol G2
BISC 003 Environmental Science GEOG 130 Intro to Environmental Science G2
BISC 004 Human Body BIOL 204 Human Biology G2, W
BKLV 297A Emerg Instr Techno EDFN 2XX Emerg Instr Techno
BL ST 100 Blks in 20th Cent SSCI 1XX Blks in 20th Cent G3
BL ST 145 Afro-Am Religion AFAM 2XX Afro-Am Religion G3
BL ST 297 Afr / Am Woman SSCI 212 The Black Woman G3
BLAW 243 Legal Env of Bus BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BMB 001 Bases Humn Disease BIOL 1XX Bases Humn Disease G2
BMB 211 Elem Biochemistry CHEM 326 Biochemistry 1 G2
BMB 251 Molecular and Cell Biology I BIOL 362 Cell and Developmental Biology G2, L, W
BMB 406 Molecular Biology BIOL 3X4 Molecular Biology
BME 100 First Year Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
BME 100S BME Seminar UNIV 1XX BME Seminar
BME 402 Biomedical Instrumentation BIOL 4X2 Biomedical Instrumentation
BMS 001 Bases Humn Dis BIOL 1X1 Bases Humn Dis
BRASS 112J Trombone Sec MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
BRASS 120J Trumpet: Primary 1 MUSI 2X2 Trumpet: Primary 1
BRASS 122J Trombone Prim 1 MUSI 2X2 Trombone Prim 1
BRASS 180 Trumpet Perf II MUSI 1X8 Trumpet Perf II
BUS 305 Foundation Bus BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BUS 361 Operations Management BUAD 452 Production and Operations Mngt
C ART 415 Apprch to Painting ART 352 Painting 1
C E 370 Intro Envir Engr ELEC 3X7 Intro Envir Engr
C E 3XX BS Civil Engineering Awarded PHYS 3XX BS Civil Engineering Awarded
C E T 308 Const Mthds & Matl ITEC 331 Construction Technology 1
C E T 332W Const Mgt 1 ITEC 433 Construction Project Managemnt
C E T 435 Const Estimating ITEC 4X5 Const Estimating
C HIS 320 Contemp World Hist HIST 3X2 Contemp World Hist G1
C HIS 440 European History HIST 340 Twentieth Century Europe W, G3
C HUM 300W Intr in Humanities HUMN 3X4 Intr in Humanities
C I 280 Intro Tchng Engl Lang Learners ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners
C I 295 Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr Does Not Transfer
C I 295A Introductory Field Exp ERCH Does Not Transfer
C I 405 Strat in Classroom Manage EDUC 4X5 Strat in Classroom Manage
C I 412W Secondary Teaching EDFN 4X2 Secondary Teaching
C I 495A Internship Does Not Transfer
C I 495C Cl Ap Inst/Sec Ed EDFN 4X5 Cl Ap Inst/Sec Ed
CAMS 001 Greek and Roman Literature Does Not Transfer
CAMS 002 Literatur of Ancient Near East Does Not Transfer
CAMS 005 Mediterranean Civ HIST 1X5 Mediterranean Civ G3
CAMS 010 Mesopotamian Civilization Does Not Transfer
CAMS 012 Lands of the Bible Does Not Transfer
CAMS 015 Wonders of the Ancient World Does Not Transfer
CAMS 020 Egyptian Civilization Does Not Transfer
CAMS 025 Greek Civilization HIST 211 Greek Civilization G3, W
CAMS 033 Roman Civilization HIST 212 Roman Civilization G3
CAMS 045 Classical Myth HUMN 202 Classical Mythology G1, W
CAMS 180 Ancient Warfare HIST 1X8 Ancient Warfare
CAMS 200 Ancient Philosophy PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy G1, W
CAMS 4 Jewish and Christian Does Not Transfer
CAP 100S Undergrad Exp UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
CAP 110S FYS/CAP/BSE UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
CAP 120 F Y S / CAP / Bus BUAD 1X2 F Y S / CAP / Bus
CAP 120S F Y S/Cap/Bus UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
CAP 140S F Y S/Cap/Hum UNIV 1X4 F Y S/Cap/Hum
CAP 150S F Y S/Cap/Pub UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
CAP 160S F Y S / CAP / Set UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
CAS 084S First-Year Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
CAS 100 Effective Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
CAS 100A Effective Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
CAS 100B Effective Speech - Group COMM 203 Small Group Communication D, G1, W
CAS 101 Intro to Human Communication Does Not Transfer
CAS 126 Developmental Listening Does Not Transfer
CAS 137 Rhetoric and Civic Life I ENGL 13XH Rhetoric and Civic Life I G1
CAS 138 Rhetoric and Civic Life II ENGL 1X8 Rhetoric and Civic Life II G1
CAS 162N Communicating Care COMM 461 Health Communication P
CAS 175 Persuasion and Propaganda COMM 17X Persuasion and Propaganda G1
CAS 200 Language, Culture & Communicat Does Not Transfer
CAS 201 Rhetorical Theory Does Not Transfer
CAS 202 Comm Thry COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
CAS 202S Comm Thry COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
CAS 203 Interpersonal Communication COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
CAS 204 Communication Research Methods COMM 301 Communication Research W
CAS 211 Informative Speaking Does Not Transfer
CAS 213 Persuasive Speaking Does Not Transfer
CAS 214W Speech Writing COMM 21X Speech Writing G1
CAS 215 Argumentation Does Not Transfer
CAS 232N Horror Film and Identity COMM 2X2 Horror Film and Identity G1
CAS 250 Small Group Communication Does Not Transfer
CAS 252 Business & Professional Commun COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn
CAS 271 Intercultural Communication Does Not Transfer
CAS 272 Political Comm & Technology COMM 220 Survey of Media G1
CAS 283 Comm & Info Tech 1 COMM 2X3 Comm & Info Tech 1
CAS 297 Special Topics in Comm Arts COMM 279 Experimental
CAS 301 Rhetorical Theory WRIT 280 Intro to Rhetoric for Writers G1, W
CAS 302 Social Influence Does Not Transfer
CAS 303 Communication Theory COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
CAS 311 Methods of Rhetorical Criticis Does Not Transfer
CAS 315 Debate Civic Life COMM 3X5 Debate Civic Life
CAS 321 Rhetoric and Law Does Not Transfer
CAS 352 Organizational Communication COMM 224 Organizational Communication 1
CAS 395 Forensics Practicum ELEC 3X9 Forensics Practicum
CAS 404 Conflict Resolution/Negotiatio COMM 450 Communication/Conflict Mgmnt D, P
CAS 426W Comm Ethics COMM 206 Communication and Media Law
CAS 478 Contemp Amer Rhet ENGL 4X8 Contemp Amer Rhet
CE 100 FYS Topics in Civ/Env Eng UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
CE 100S Civil/Enviro Engineer:FYS UNIV 103 First Yr:
CED 102 Whats the Right Thing To Do? ELEC 1X2 Whats the Right Thing To Do?
CED 201 Intro Envir Resource Economics ECON 307 Environmental Economics W, G3
CERSE 081 Cer & Gl Mod Wld ELEC 1X1 Cer & Gl Mod Wld
CHE 100 Explore Ch E FYS UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar: Chem Eng
CHEM 001 Molecular Sci CHEM 1XX Molecular Science L, G2
CHEM 002 Molecular Science CHEM 1X2 Molecular Science G2
CHEM 003 Molecular Science w/lab CHEM 1X1 Molecular Science w/lab L, G2
CHEM 005 Kitchen Chemistry CHEM 1X5 Kitchen Chemistry
CHEM 006 Prob Solving Chem CHEM 1X1 Prob Solving Chem
CHEM 011 Intro Chemistry CHEM 102 Science of Chemistry 2 L, G2
CHEM 012 Chem Princ CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2
CHEM 013 Chem Princ CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHEM 014 Exper Chem CHEM 1X2 Exper Chem L, G2
CHEM 015 Exper Chem CHEM 1XX Exper Chem Lab G2, L
CHEM 017 Intro & Gen Chem CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry
CHEM 034 Organic Chem CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 L, G2
CHEM 038 Organic Chem CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHEM 039 Organic Chem CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHEM 101 Intro Chemistry CHEM 10X Intro Chemistry L, G2
CHEM 111 Expr Chem I CHEM 1X1 Exper Chem I L
CHEM 112 Chemical Principles 2 CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2
CHEM 113 Experimental Chemistry 2 CHEM 1X3 Experimental Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHEM 130 Introductory Chemistry CHEM 1X0 Introductory Chemistry G2
CHEM 202 Fnds Orgnic Chem 1 CHEM 2X2 Fnds Orgnic Chem 1 G2
CHEM 203 Fnds Orgnic Chem 2 CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 L, G2
CHEM 210 Organic Chem I CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 L, G2
CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHEM 213 Organic Chemistry Lab Does Not Transfer
CHEM 316 Professnal Chemist CHEM 188 Freshman Seminar in Chemistry
CHEM 395 Chem T A Training Does Not Transfer
CHEM 450 Phy Chem Thermodyn CHEM 341 Physical Chemistry 1 W
CHIS 320 Contemp World Hist HIST 3X1 Contemp World Hist G3
CHNS 001 Elem Chinese 1 FORL 1XX Elem Chinese 1 G1
CHNS 002 Lvl One Chns B FORL 1X2 Lvl One Chns B G1
CHNS 003 Level Two Chinese A FORL 2X3 Level Two Chinese A G1
CHNS 110 Level Two Chinese B FORL 2X1 Level Two Chinese B G1
CHNS 401 Level Three Chinese A FORL 3X1 Level Three Chinese A G1
CHNS 402 Level Three Chinese B FORL 3X2 Level Three Chinese B G1
CHNS 403W Level Four Chinese A FORL 4X3 Level Four Chinese A G1, W
CI 185 Social Justice in Education ERCH 1X8 Social Justice in Education
CI 211 Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr ELED 1XX Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr
CI 280 Intro to Teachng Eng Lang Lean ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners
CI 295 Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr ELED 1XX Field Experience Tchng Pract
CI 296 Indep Studies EDFN 2XX Indep Studies
CI 297 Special Topics EDFN 2X7 Special Topics
CI 297B Praxis Prep EDFN 2X7 Praxis Prep
CJ 100 Intro CJ SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CLJ 012 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology W, G3
CLJ 111 Intro Am Crim Jus SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CMAS 258N Intro to Cmas SOWK 2X8 Intro to Child Maltreat & Advo
CMDIS 146 Intro to Comm Dis COMM 1XX Intro to Comm Disorders
CMLIT 001 Intro West Lit I ENGL 231 World Literature 1 G1
CMLIT 002 Intro West Lit 2 ENGL 232 World Literature 2 G1
CMLIT 003 Intro to African Literatures ENGL 1X3 Intro to African Literatures G1
CMLIT 004 Intro to Asian Literature ENGL 1X4 Intro to Asian Literature G1
CMLIT 005 Lit of Americas ENGL 2XX Lit of Americas G1
CMLIT 010 Intro to World Lit ENGL 231 World Literature 1 G1
CMLIT 011 Hero in World Lit ENGL 1X1 Hero in World Lit G1
CMLIT 100 Intro to Comp Lit ENGL 232 World Literature 2 G1
CMLIT 101 Race/Gender/W Lit ENGL 1X1 Race/Gender/W Lit G1
CMLIT 102 Master West Lit ENGL 231 World Literature 1 G1
CMLIT 105 Literary Humor ENGL 2X5 Literary Humor G1
CMLIT 106 Arthurian Legend ENGL 2X6 Arthurian Legend G1
CMLIT 108 Mythology HUMN 202 Classical Mythology G1, W
CMLIT 109 N Amer Myth ENGL 1X9 N Amer Myth G1
CMLIT 120 Literature of the Occult ENGL 2X2 Literature of the Occult G1
CMLIT 122 Global Science Fiction ENGL 242 Reading Our World:Glob Sci-fi G1, W
CMLIT 141 Religion & Lit ENGL 2X1 Religion & Lit G1
CMLIT 143 Human Rights and World Lit ENGL 2X3 Human Rights and World Lit G1
CMLIT 153 Intl Lit & Film ENGL 2XX Intl Lit & Film G1
CMLIT 184 The Short Story ENGL 2X4 The Short Story G1
CMLIT 191 Intro to Video Game Culture SOCY 1X1 Intro to Video Game Culture
CMLIT 415 Graphic Novels ENGL 4X5 Graphic Novels G1
CMPEN 111 Computer Hardware CSCI 1XX Computer Hardware
CMPEN 111S Computer Hardware Does Not Transfer
CMPEN 270 Digital Design DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills
CMPEN 271 Intro Digital Sys CSCI 2X1 Intro Digital Sys
CMPEN 275 Digital Design Lab CSCI 2X5 Digital Design Lab
CMPEN 331 Comp Org & Design CSCI 3X1 Comp Org & Design
CMPEN 362 Communication Networks CSCI 3X2 Communication Networks G2
CMPEN 431 Intro to Computer Architecture Does Not Transfer
CMPEN 472 Microprocessors and Embed Sys Does Not Transfer
CMPEN 475 Functional Verification Does Not Transfer
CMPEN 482 Computer Eng Project Design Does Not Transfer
CMPET 117 Digital Electronics AENG 262 Semiconductor Electronics
CMPET 120 Digital Electronics Lab AENG 1XX Digital Electronics Lab
CMPET 401 Data Com & Network CSCI 395 Computer Networks W
CMPSC 001 Basic Programming CSCI 1XX Basic Programming
CMPSC 100 Cmp Fundamentals CSCI 1X1 Cmp Fundamentals G2
CMPSC 101 C++ PROGRAMMING CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CMPSC 102 Intro VB Programming CSCI 111 Prob Solv with Visual Basic G2
CMPSC 121 Intro Prgmg Tech CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CMPSC 122 Intermed Progrmg CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 G2
CMPSC 131 Programming & Comp I: Fund CSCI 1X1 Programming & Comp I: Fund
CMPSC 132 Prog & Comp II CSCI 1X2 Prog & Comp II
CMPSC 140 Intro to Data Proc CSCI 1X4 Intro to Data Proc
CMPSC 144 Data Org & Access CSCI 1X2 Data Org & Access
CMPSC 154 Adv Asm I/O & JCL CSCI 1X3 Adv Asm I/O & JCL
CMPSC 164 Programming Trends CSCI 1X4 Programming Trends
CMPSC 200 Prmg Engr Matlab CSCI 20X Prog for Engineers w MATLAB
CMPSC 201 Prgmg for Engrs CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CMPSC 201C Prgmg Engrs C CSCI 2X2 Prgmg Engrs C G2
CMPSC 203 Bus Pgm Aplcn CSCI 2X1 Bus Pgm Aplcn
CMPSC 221 OOP with Web CSCI 2X0 OOP with Web
CMPSC 311 Intro to Systems Programming CSCI 3X1 Intro to Systems Programming
CMPSC 312 Comp Organ Archite CSCI 370 Computer Architecture
CMPSC 360 Discrete Math/CS CSCI 140 Discrete Structures
CMPSC 421 Net-Centric Computing CSCI 4X1 Net-Centric Computing
CMPSC 430 Database Design CSCI 466 Database Management Systems
CMPSC 436 Communications & Networking CSCI 4X6 Communications & Networking
CMPSC 438 Comp Network Arch CSCI 395 Computer Networks W
CMPSC 441 Artificial Intelligence CSCI 450 Artificial Intelligence W
CMPSC 444 Secure Programming CSCI 4X4 Secure Programming
CMPSC 447 Software Security CSCI 4X7 Software Security
CMPSC 451 Numerical Computations CSCI 4X1 Numerical Computations
CMPSC 458 Fundamentals of Comp Graphics CSCI 4X8 Fundamentals of Comp Graphics
CMPSC 460 Princ Prog Lang CSCI 330 Programmng Lang and Softw Engn
CMPSC 461 Programming Language Concepts CSCI 330 Programmng Languages
CMPSC 463 Design Analysis Algorithms CSCI 467 Analysis of Algorithms
CMPSC 465 Data Structures and Algorithms CSCI 4X5 Fundamentals of Comp Graphics
CMPSC 469 Formal Languages CSCI 340 Computational Models
CMPSC 470 Compilers CSCI 435 Compiler Construction
CMPSC 472 Operating Systems CSCI 380 Operating Systems
CMPSC 473 Operating Systems Design Does Not Transfer
CMPSC 475 App Programming CSCI 47X App Programming
CMPSC 487W SW Engr Dsgn CSCI 420 Software Engineering
CMPSC 804 CMP Fndmtls/Appls CSCI 1X8 CMP Fndmtls/Appls
CMPSC 805 Comp Appli Prob CSCI 1X5 Comp Appli Prob
CN ED 100 Eff Career Dec Mak ELEC 1X1 Eff Career Dec Mak
CN ED 200 Peer Mentoring Does Not Transfer
CN ED 297F Fresh Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
CN ED 301 Stdnt Organ Mgmt Does Not Transfer
CN ED 302 Role of Res Asst Does Not Transfer
CN ED 303 Career Srch for Ed ELEC 3X4 Career Srch for Ed
CN ED 304 Education of the Peer Assistan ELEC 3X4 Education of the Peer Assistan
CN ED 397 Special Topics: Counslr Ed ELEC 3X7 Special Topics: Counslr Ed
CN ED 397C The First Job Does Not Transfer
CNED 100 Eff Career Dec Making Does Not Transfer
CNED 297A Eff Plcs & Pple ELEC 2X9 Eff Plcs & Pple
CNED 297B Prsnl Fnan Planng BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning
CNED 297D Academic Success I UNIV 1X9 Academic Success I
CNED 297E Academic Writing ENGL 2X9 Academic Writing
CNED 302 Role of Res Asst PSYC 3XX Role of Res Asst
CNED 410 Psy Rehab PSYC 4XX Psy Rehab
COMM 001 Newspaper Prac COMM 1X1 Newspaper Prac
COMM 001H Newspaper Prac Does Not Transfer
COMM 020N Critical Media Literacy COMM 1X2 Critical Media Literacy G1
COMM 100 Mass Media & Soc COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
COMM 110 Media & Democracy COMM 1X1 Media & Democracy
COMM 118 Intr Media Effects COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
COMM 150 Cinema Art ENGL 240 Introduction to Film W, G1
COMM 160 Basic News Writing Skills ENGL 16X Basic News Writing Skills G1
COMM 168 American Journalism COMM 16X American Journalism G1
COMM 180 Elec Media & Telcm COMM 1X8 Elec Media & Telcm
COMM 190 Gaming and Interactive Media ELEC 1X9 Gaming and Interactive Media
COMM 197 Special Topics COMM 1X7 Special Topics
COMM 197A Intr Media Effects COMM 2X7 Intr Media Effects
COMM 215 Basic Photography COMM 21X Basic Photography G1
COMM 222N Social Justice Image COMM 2X2 Social Justice Image G1
COMM 230 Writing for the Media COMM 2X3 Writing for the Media G1
COMM 230W Writing for Media COMM 23X Writing for Media W, G1
COMM 234 Digital Cultures COMM 2X4 Digital Cultures G1
COMM 241 Graphic Design COMM 24X Graphic Design
COMM 242 Basic Video/Film COMM 2X2 Basic Video/Film
COMM 250 Film Hist Theory COMM 25X Film Hist Theory G1
COMM 251 Nature of Media COMM 2X1 Nature of Media G1
COMM 260W News Writing ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
COMM 269 Photojournalism COMM 2X9 Photojournalism G1
COMM 270 Intro to Multimedia Production COMM 2XX Intro to Multimedia Production
COMM 271 Multimedia News COMM 326 Media Writing: News W
COMM 292 Intro Media & Politics COMM 3X2 Intro Media & Politics
COMM 297D Still Photography COMM 2X7 Still Photography G1
COMM 320 Intro Advertising COMM 32X Intro Advertising
COMM 360 Radio Reporting COMM 325 Broadcast News Reporting W
COMM 370 Public Relations COMM 251 Public Relations 1 G1
COMM 387 Into to B/C Mgmt COMM 3X7 Into to B/C Mgmt
COMM 401 Mass Media in History COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
COMM 403 Mass Communs Law COMM 206 Communication and Media Law
COMM 409 News Media Ethics ENGL 328 Ethics in Print Media Journlsm
COMM 411 Clt Asp Mass Media COMM 330 Media and Women's Culture P
COMM 413 Media & Public COMM 4XX Media & Public
COMM 415 Adv Photography ART 2X4 Adv Photography
COMM 428 Strategic Communications COMM 4X8 Strategic Communications
COMM 467 News Editing COMM 4X7 News Editing
COMM 476 Sports Writing ENGL 3X6 Sports Writing
COMM 495 Internship COMM 4XX Internship
COMM 497E Media & Govrnmt COMM 4XX Media & Govrnmt
COMM 497F Campaigns & Elect COMM 4XX Campaigns & Elect
COMP 350 Oop Math & Sci 1 CSCI 3XX OOP Math & Sci 1
CRIM 012 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology W, G3
CRIM 100 Intro Am Crim Jus SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CRIM 113 Introduction to Law GOVT 1X3 Introduction to Law G3
CRIM 201 Presumed Innocent? SOCY 2X1 Presumed Innocent?
CRIM 225N Crime in Film & Society SOCY 2X5 Crime in Film & Society G3
CRIMJ 012 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology W, G3
CRIMJ 013 Juv Delinquency SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency G3
CRIMJ 083 1st Year Seminar SOCY 1X8 1st Year Seminar
CRIMJ 100 Intro to Crim Justice SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CRIMJ 113 Intro to Law SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CRIMJ 12 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
CRIMJ 159 FBI History SOCY 1X5 FBI History G3
CRIMJ 200 Intro to Crimj SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CRIMJ 210 American Policing SOCY 21X American Policing G3
CRIMJ 220 Courts and Prosecution Process SOCY 331 Socy of Policing and Courts G3
CRIMJ 230 Corrections in America SOCY 332 Modern Corrections G3
CRIMJ 234 Scientific Crim Investigation SOCY 2X4 Scientific Crim Investigation
CRIMJ 250W Research Methods in Criminal J SOCY 305 Social Research Methods W
CRIMJ 260 Statistical Analysis for Socia SOCY 302 Social Statistics
CRIMJ 300 Crimj Studies SOCY 30X Crimj Studies
CRIMJ 301 Am Legal Sys SOCY 331 Socy of Policing and Courts G3
CRIMJ 304 Security Admin SOCY 3X4 Security Admin
CRIMJ 424 Drugs and Crime SOCY 4X4 Drugs and Crime
CRIMJ 425 Organized Crime SOCY 4X5 Organized Crime
CRIMJ 441 Juvenile Justice System SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency G3
CSA 297 Special Topics UNIV 2X9 Special Topics
CSD 146 Intro to Comm Sci and Disorder BIOL 1X6 Intro to Comm Sci and Disorder G2
CSD 218 American Sign Language I ELEC 2X8 American Sign Language I G1
CSD 269 Deaf Culture SSCI 26X Deaf Culture P
CSE 103 Intro Prgmg Tech CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CSE 120 Intermed Progrmg CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 G2
CSE 121 Intro Progmg Tech CSCI 1X1 Intro Progmg Tech G2
CSE 231 Intro Comp Org CSCI 2XX Intro Comp Org
CSE 271 Intro Digital Sys CSCI 2X1 Intro Digital Sys
CSE 297A Windows Programing CSCI 2XX Windows Programing
CSE 297D Sftwre Dev Environ CSCI 2X7 Sftwre Dev Environ
CSE 312 Microcomp Sys / Prog CSCI 3XX Microcomp Sys / Prog
CYBER 100 Computer Systems Literacy CSCI 1XX Computer Systems Literacy
D S M 101 Food Safety / Sanit Does Not Transfer
DANCE 100 Dance Appreciation WSSD 1X0 Dance Appreciation
DANCE 270 Inro to Bf WELL 2X7 Inro to Bf WELL
DANCE 361 Intermediate Modern Dance I WELL 3X1 Intermediate Modern Dance I
DART 202 2D Digital Art ART 142 2D Design G1
DART 204 Animation Fundamentals DESN 342 Kinetic Design and Animation
DART 206 Web Design & Visual Developmen DESN 201 Understanding Web Design G1
DIGIT 100 Intro to Digital Humanities ELEC 1X1 Intro to Digital Humanities
DIGIT 110 Text Encoding Fundamentals ELEC 1X2 Text Encoding Fundamentals
DIGIT 210 Large Scale Text Analysis ELEC 1X3 Large Scale Text Analysis
DMD 100 Digital Multimedia Desn Found DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills
E C E 451 Instrcton in ERCH Ed Devlp Thy ERCH 4X5 Instrcton in ERCH Ed Devlp Thy
E C E 479 The Young Child's Play as Ed P ERCH 4X9 The Young Child's Play as Ed P
E E 210 Circuits & Devices ITEC 2X1 Circuits & Devices
E MCH 011 Statics PHYS 1XX Statics
E MCH 012 Dynamics PHYS 2XX Dynamics
E MCH 013 Strength Materials PHYS 1XX Strength Materials
E MCH 210 Statics - Som ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials
E MCH 211 Statics PHYS 21X Statics
E MCH 212 Dynamics PHYS 22X Dynamics
E MCH 213 Strength Materials PHYS 23X Strength Materials
E MCH 315 Mech Resp Eng Mat PHYS 3X5 Mech Resp Eng Mat
E MCH 316 Exp Det Mch Res PHYS 3X6 Exp Det Mch Res
E R M 210 Environ & Food GEOG 2X1 Environ & Food G3
EARTH 002 Earth System ESCI 1X2 Earth System G2
EARTH 100 Environment Earth ESCI 1XX Environment Earth G2
EARTH 101 Natural Disasters ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds G2
EARTH 102 Natural Disasters ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds G2
EARTH 103N Earth Futures ESCI 1X3 Earth Futures G2
EARTH 105 Enviroments of Africa GEOG 248 Geography of Africa
EARTH 111 Water/Society ESCI 1X1 Water/Society L, G2
EARTH 150 Dinosr Extinctn ESCI 1X5 Dinosr Extinctn G2
EARTH 155 Sci Controversies & Debate ESCI 1X5 Sci Controversies & Debate G2
EARTH 197F Special Topics- InterDomain ESCI 1X7 Special Topics- InterDomain G2
EB H 045 Alchl Awareness Ed WELL 1X2 Alchl Awareness Ed WELL
EBF 200 Intro Energy & Earth Sci Econ ELEC 2XX Intro Energy & Earth Sci Econ
EBF 301 Global Fin for Earth, Energy ELEC 3X1 Global Fin for Earth, Energy
ECNMS 313 Money & Banking ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking G3
ECON 002 Microec Anly ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 G3
ECON 004 Macroec Anly ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
ECON 014 Prins of Econ ECON 100 Introductory Economics G3
ECON 102 Intro Microeconomic Analysis ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
ECON 104 Macroec Anly ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
ECON 106 Statistical Found for Econ ECON 231 Applied Statistcs 1 G3
ECON 296 Independent Studies Does Not Transfer
ECON 302 Intermediate Microeconomic Ana ECON 318 Intermediate Microeconomics G3
ECON 304 Intermediate Macroeconomic Ana ECON 319 Intermediate Macroeconomics G3
ECON 306 Intro Econometrics ECON 333 Econometrics
ECON 315 Labor Economics ECON 345 Labor Economics G3
ECON 323 Public Finance ECON 316 Public Finance G3
ECON 333 International Economics ECON 325 International Economics G3
ECON 342 Industrial Organization Does Not Transfer
ECON 351 Money and Banking ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking G3
ECON 370 Comparative Economic Developme Does Not Transfer
ECON 372 Transition to Market Economies Does Not Transfer
ECON 390 Stat Fdns Economet ECON 231 Applied Statistcs 1 G3
ECON 401 History of Economic Thought ECON 365 History of Economic Thought G3
ECON 404 Current Economic Issues Does Not Transfer
ECON 423 State & Local Taxation Does Not Transfer
ECON 424 Income Distribution Does Not Transfer
ECON 428 Environmental Economics ECON 207 Environmental Economics G3, W
ECON 433 Adv Intl Trade ECON 325 International Economics G3
ECON 443 Econ of Law & Reg ECON 310 Economics of Justice P
ECON 451 Monetary Thy & Pol ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking G3
ECON 471 Growth & Development ECON 4X7 Growth & Development
ECON 474 East Asian Economies ECON 330 Asian Economies P
ECON 497 Special Topics ECON 488 Seminar in Economics W
ED 100S First Year Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
ED 197S First Year Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
ED&G 100 Intro Engr Dsgn ITEC 243 Tech Sketching/Design/Rendrng
EDMTH 301 Math El Ed I MATH 3X1 Math El Ed I
EDPSY 010 Indiv Diff EDFN 2X1 Indiv Diff
EDPSY 014 Learn Instruc EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
EDPSY 101 Statistical Data EDFN 1X1 Statistical Data
EDPSY 297 Special Topics EDFN 2X7 Special Topics
EDPSY 297B Iss in Adlt Litera EDFN 2X7 Iss in Adlt Litera
EDPSY 400 Intro Stat in Ed EDFN 4X1 Intro Stat in Ed
EDSGN 012S Solar Racers FYS Does Not Transfer
EDSGN 100 Intro Engr Dsgn ITEC 1X1 Intro Engr Dsgn
EDSGN 130 Architectural Graphics & CAD ITEC 1X3 Architectural Graphics & CAD
EDTHP 115 Ed in Am Society EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDTHP 115A Issues in Am Educ EDUC 11X Issues in Am Educ
EDTHP 115S Issues in Am Educ EDUC 11X Issues in Am Educ
EDTHP 297A Mult Prsp Fam/Commun/Ed ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers W, D
EDTHP 297B Global Persp On Education ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers D, W
EDTHP 416 Soc of Ed EDFN 4X2 Soc of Ed
EDTHP 430 His of Ed in US EDFN 4X3 His of Ed in US
EDTHP 497A Immig, Ethn, Sch EDFN 3X4 Immig, Ethn, Sch
EDUC 100 First Year Seminar UNIV 103 First Yr:
EDUC 100S First-Year Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
EDUC 302 Basic Prep Tchng EDUC 3X2 Basic Prep Tchng
EDUC 305 Creative Arts ERCH 316 Creative Experncs Young Child
EDUC 315 Soc & Clt Factors EDUC 3X5 Soc & Clt Factors
EDUC 410 Child & Soc Inst EDUC 4X1 Child & Soc Inst
EDUC 421 Childrens Lit EDUC 333 Children's Literature
EDUC 422 Lit For Child / Adol EDUC 333 Children's Literature
EDUC 425 Literacy Assessment EDUC 4XX Literacy Assessment
EDUC 454 Mod El Sc Ed EDUC 4X5 Mod El Sc Ed
EDUC 462 Computers Tchrs EDFN 330 Microcomputers in Classroom
EDUC 466N ESL Foundations EDUC 4X6 ESL Foundations
EDUC 470 Higher-Order Think EDUC 4X7 Higher-Order Think
EE 008S Digital Music MUSI 1X8 Digital Music
EE 211 El Cir & Pwr Dist ITEC 21X El Cir & Pwr Dist
EE 212 Int Electron Meas ITEC 2X2 Int Electron Meas
EE 310 Electronic Circuit Design I ITEC 261 Electronic Systems
EE 311 Electronic Circuit & Design II ITEC 3X1 Electronic Circuit & Design II
EE 315 Electrical Signals and Circuit ITEC 3X5 Electrical Signals and Circuit
EE 352 Signals and Systems ITEC 3X3 Signals and Systems
EE 353 Signals and Systems ITEC 3X3 Signals and Systems
EE 481 Control Systems ITEC 4X1 Control Systems
EE 485 Energy Systems ITEC 4X5 Energy Systems
EE 497 Special Topics ITEC 4X7 Special Topics
EE 9 First Year Seminar in EE UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
EE T 101 Elec Circuits 1 Does Not Transfer
EE T 109 Elec Cir Lab 1 Does Not Transfer
EE T 211 Microprocessors ITEC 2XX Microprocessors
EENG 361 Electromagnetics PHYS 321 Electromagnetic Fields 1
EENG 430 Electr Matrl Sci PHYS 322 Electromagnetic Fields 2
EET 105 Electrical Systems AENG 261 Electronic Systems
EG 050 Engr Meth & Graph ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions
EG 130 Arch Graph & CAD ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions
EG T 101 Tech Drwg Fund ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions
EG T 102 Intro to CAD ITEC 1X2 Intro to CAD
EG T 114 Spatial Anly & CAD ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting
EGEE 101 Energy & Envirnmnt SCMA 1X1 Energy & Envirnmnt G2
EGEE 102 Environ Protection ELEC 1X2 Environ Protection
EGEE 120 Oil: Intl Evolution SCMA 1X2 Oil: Intl Evolution G2
EM SC 100S EMS First - Yr Smnr ELEC 1XX EMS First - Yr Smnr
EM SC 121 Minerals & Modern Society ESCI 1X2 Minerals & Modern Society G2
EM SC 150 Fiery Furnace ELEC 1XX Fiery Furnace
EM SC 270N E&S in Contemp Cult ESCI 2X7 E&S in Contemp Cult
EM SC 302 Esp Orientation ESCI 3X2 Esp Orientation
EM SC 470W Ug Collab Research ESCI 4X7 Ug Collab Research
EMCH 211 Statics PHYS 21X Statics
EMCH 212 Dynamics PHYS 2X2 Dynamics G2
EMCH 213 Strength of Materials ITEC 2X3 Strength of Materials
EME 444 Energy Enterprise PHYS 4X4 Energy Enterprise
EMET 100 Computing Tools AENG 101 Introduction to Engineering G2
EMSC 100S Earth & Min Sci First Year Sem UNIV 103 First Yr: Earth & Min Science
ENGL 001 Understanding Lit ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENGL 002 Tradition Engl Lit ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
ENGL 003 Traditions Am Lit ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
ENGL 004 Basic Writing Skills Does Not Transfer
ENGL 005 Writing Tutorial Does Not Transfer
ENGL 010 Comp & Rhetoric 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENGL 015 Rhetoric & Comp ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENGL 015S Rhetoric and Composition ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENGL 020 Comp & Rhetoric 2 ENGL 2XX Comp & Rhetoric 2 G1
ENGL 030 Honors Fresh Comp ENGL 110H Hnrs:English Composition COMP
ENGL 050 Intr Creative Writ ENGL 1XX Intr Creative Writ
ENGL 083S 1st-Year Smnr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
ENGL 097 Special Topics ENGL 2X9 Special Topics
ENGL 100 Engl Lang Anal ENGL 221 Intro to Linguistic Analysis G1
ENGL 101 Understanding Lit ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENGL 103 Great Books Amer ENGL 2X3 Great Books Amer G1
ENGL 104 The Bible as Lit ENGL 332 Literature of the Bible
ENGL 105 Popular Culture & Folklore ENGL 2X5 Popular Culture & Folklore G1
ENGL 110 News Pract ENGL 1XX News Pract
ENGL 115 Arts of Love ENGL 1X5 Arts of Love G1
ENGL 129 Shakespeare ENGL 19X Shakespeare G1
ENGL 129H Shakespeare ENGL 12XH H:Shakespeare for Non-Majors G1
ENGL 133 Mod Am Lit to WWII ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
ENGL 134 American Comedy ENGL 2XX American Comedy G1
ENGL 135 Alt Voices Am Lit ENGL 2X5 Alt Voices Am Lit G1
ENGL 136 Graphic Novel ENGL 1XX Graphic Novel
ENGL 137H RCL I ENGL 13XH H:Rhetoric and Civic Life 1 G1
ENGL 138H RCL II ENGL 1X8H H:Rhetoric and Civic Live 2 G1
ENGL 139 Black American Lit ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 W, G1
ENGL 140 Contemporary Lit ENGL 2X2 Contemporary Lit G1
ENGL 145 Modern Irish Lit ENGL 2X5 Modern Irish Lit G1
ENGL 180 Life and Nature ENGL 18X Life and Nature G1
ENGL 182C Lit & Empire ENGL 2X2 Lit & Empire G1
ENGL 182S Lit & Empire ENGL 2X2 Lit & Empire G1
ENGL 183Z Adventure Literature ENGL 1X8 Adventure Literature G1
ENGL 184 The Short Story ENGL 2XX The Short Story G1
ENGL 191 Science Fiction ENGL 292 Science Fiction G1, W
ENGL 192 Lit for Fantasy ENGL 2X2 Lit for Fantasy G1
ENGL 193N The Craft of Comics ENGL 3X3 The Craft of Comics G1
ENGL 194 Women Writers ENGL 2XX Women Writers G1
ENGL 200 Intro Crit Read ENGL 2X1 Intro Crit Read
ENGL 201 What is Literature ENGL 2X1 What is Literature G1
ENGL 202 Writing/Soc Sci ENGL 2X2 Writing/Soc Sci G1
ENGL 202A Writing/Soc Sci ENGL 311 Advanced Composition AW
ENGL 202B Writing / Humanities ENGL 311 Advanced Composition AW
ENGL 202C Technical Writing ENGL 312 Technical Writing AW
ENGL 202D Business Writing ENGL 316 Business Writing AW
ENGL 202H Writing / Humanities ENGL 311 Advanced Composition AW
ENGL 211W Writ Studies ENGL 21XW Writ Studies G1, W
ENGL 212 Intro Fiction Wrtg ENGL 2X2 Intro Fiction Wrtg
ENGL 213 Intro to Poetry Writing ENGL 2X3 Intro to Poetry Writing G1
ENGL 215 Intro Article Wrtg ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
ENGL 218 Technical Writing ENGL 312 Technical Writing AW
ENGL 221 Brit Lit to 1798 ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
ENGL 221W Brit Lit to 1798 ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
ENGL 222 British Lit from 1798 ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
ENGL 223N Shakespeare: Page, Stage, Scre ENGL 2X3 Shakespeare: Page, Stage, Scre G1
ENGL 226 Latina & Latino Border Theory ENGL 2X6 Latina & Latino Border Theory G1
ENGL 232 Amer Lit From 1865 ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
ENGL 232W Amer Lit from 1865 ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
ENGL 234 Sports, Ethics and Literature ENGL 23X Sports, Ethics and Literature G1
ENGL 261 Expl Lit Forms ENGL 26X Expl Lit Forms
ENGL 262 Reading Fiction ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENGL 263 Reading Poetry ENG 2XX Reading Poetry G1
ENGL 265 Reading Nonfiction ENGL 2XX Reading Nonfiction G1
ENGL 268 Reading Drama ENGL 2XX Reading Drama G1
ENGL 281 TV Script Writing ENGL 3XX TV Script Writing
ENGL 297 Special Topics Does Not Transfer
ENGL 297A Literary Magazine Does Not Transfer
ENGL 297H Frshmn Hnrs Smnr ELEC 2XX Frshmn Hnrs Smnr
ENGL 401 Studies in Genre ENGL 414 The English Novel
ENGL 402 Literature and Society ENGL 4X2 Literature and Society G1
ENGL 404 Identity, Difference & Place ENGL 4X4 Identity, Difference & Place G1, D
ENGL 413 Advanced Poetry Writing ENGL 4X3 Advanced Poetry Writing
ENGL 437 Poet in America ENGL 427 Modern American Poetry
ENGL 444 Shakespeare ENGL 405 Shakespeare
ENGL 447 Restoration & 18th Century ENGL 408 Restoration and 18th Cen Lit
ENGL 456 Brit Fict 1900-45 ENGL 4X2 Brit Fict 1900-45
ENGL 471 Rhet Traditions ENGL 4X1 Rhet Traditions
ENGR 097S First Year Seminar Does Not Transfer
ENGR 100 Intro to Engr AENG 1XX Intro to Engr
ENGR 100S Intro to Engr ELEC 1XX Intro to Engr
ENGR 297 Special Topics ITEC 2X7 Special Topics
ENGR 297A Wepo-06 ITEC 2X7 Wepo-06
ENGR 297C Special Topics ELEC 29XC Special Topics in Engineering
ENGR 310 Entrepren Leadership ELEC 3X1 Entrepren Leadership
ENGR 420Y Dsgn Gbl Society ITEC 4X2 Dsgn Gbl Society
ENT 202 Insect Connection BIOL 2X2 Insect Connection
ENT 222 Bees and Humans BIOL 2X2 Bees and Humans
ENT 297 Special Topics BIOL 2XX Special Topics
ENVST 100 Visions of Nature ENVI 10X Visions of Nature
ERM 150 ERM First Year Engagement UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
ERM 151 Careers & Issues in ERM UNIV 1X2 Careers & Issues in ERM
ERM 200 ERM Orientation UNIV 1X2 ERM Orientation
ESACT 007 Aerobic Fitness WELL 1X1 Aerobic Fitness WELL
ESACT 016 Archery 1 WELL 1X5 Archery 1 WELL
ESACT 031 Badminton 1 WELL 12X Badminton 1 WELL
ESACT 031A Badminton 2 WELL 1X1 Badminton 2 WELL
ESACT 037 Basketball 1 WELL 1XX Basketball 1 WELL
ESACT 058 Bowling 1 WELL 1X5 Bowling 1 WELL
ESACT 061 Camping WELL 1XX Camping WELL
ESACT 064 Canoeing 1 WELL 1X4 Canoeing 1 WELL
ESACT 076 Dance - Ballet 1 WELL 1XX Dance - Ballet 1 WELL
ESACT 079 Dance Ballroom 1 WELL 1X1 Dance Ballroom 1 WELL
ESACT 088 Dance - Folk / Sq 1 WELL 1X8 Dance - Folk / Sq 1 WELL
ESACT 096 Dance-Jazz I WELL 1XX Dance-Jazz I WELL
ESACT 117 Ex For Stress Mgmt WELL 1XX Ex For Stress Mgmt WELL
ESACT 120 Fencing 1 WELL 1X2 Fencing 1 WELL
ESACT 126 Fitness and Games WELL 1X6 Fitness and Games WELL
ESACT 129 Fitness For Life WELL 1XX Fitness For Life WELL
ESACT 138 Golf 1 WELL 1XX Golf I
ESACT 147 Horseback Riding 1 WELL 1XX Horseback Riding 1 WELL
ESACT 147A Horseback Riding 2 WELL 1XX Horseback Riding 2 WELL
ESACT 177 Jogging 1 WELL 1X1 Jogging 1 WELL
ESACT 180 Judo 1 WELL 1XX Judo 1 WELL
ESACT 186 Lacrosse WELL 1X2 Lacrosse WELL
ESACT 214 Personal Def 1 WELL 13X Personal Def 1 WELL
ESACT 220 Personalized Fit WELL 1XX Personalized Fit WELL
ESACT 223 Physical Condition WELL 22X Physical Condition WELL
ESACT 238 Racquetball 1 WELL 1XX Racquetball 1 WELL
ESACT 244 Recreational Act WELL 1X2 Recreational Act WELL
ESACT 265 Scuba I WELL 2X6 Scuba I WELL
ESACT 265A Scuba II WELL 26X Scuba II WELL
ESACT 274 Ski - Downhill 1 WELL 1XX Ski - Downhill 1 WELL
ESACT 280 Soccer 1 WELL 1XX Soccer 1 WELL
ESACT 289 Softball 1 WELL 1XX Softball 1 WELL
ESACT 297A Intrnl Sport/Game WELL 1XX Intrnl Sport/Game WELL
ESACT 297E Int'l Sports&Games WELL 1X7 Int'l Sports&Games
ESACT 297F Masters Fly Fishing WELL 1X7 Masters Fly Fishing WELL
ESACT 303 Strength Training WELL 1X6 Strength Training WELL
ESACT 342 Tennis 1 WELL 1XX Tennis I WELL
ESACT 357 Volleyball 1 WELL 1X4 Volleyball 1 WELL
ESACT 360 Fitness Walking WELL 1X6 Fitness Walking WELL
ESACT 378 Yoga 1 WELL 1XX Yoga 1 WELL
ESC 211 Material Safety & Equipment NFMT 311 Matls,Safty,Hlth Issues, Equip
ESC 212 Basic Nanotechnology Processes NFMT 312 Basic Processes
ESC 213 Materials in Nanotechnology NFMT 313 Thin Film Utilization
ESC 214 Patterning for Nanotechnology NFMT 314 Lithography
ESC 215 Materials Modification in Nano NFMT 315 Materials Modification
ESC 216 Character Testing of Nanotech NFMT 316 Characterizatn,Packing,Testing
ESL 004 ESL Comp for Acad. Comm I Does Not Transfer
ESL 015 ESL Comp for Acad Comm II ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ET 322 Strength of Materials ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials
EXSCI 051 Fitness Activities WELL 1XX Fitness Activities WELL
EXSCI 052 Adventure Act WELL 1XX Adventure Act WELL
EXSCI 175 Movement Ex Sci WSSD 1XX Movement Ex Sci
EXSCI 297 Special Topics Does Not Transfer
FDSC 105 Food Facts & Fads Does Not Transfer
FDSC 223 Science thru Wine Beer & Bread ELEC 2XX Science thru Wine Beer & Bread
FIN 100 Intro to Fin BUAD 1X1 Intro to Fin
FIN 108 Personal Finance BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning
FIN 301 Corporation Fin BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 W
FIN 305 Financial Mgmt Bus BUAD 342 Managerial Finance 2
FIN 305W Financial Mgmt Bus BUAD 342 Managerial Finance 2
FIN 306W Investment Valu BUAD 345 Investment Analysis
FIN 330 Personal Fin Plan BUAD 203 Personal Finance G3
FIN 397A Special Topics FIN 3X9 Special Topics
FIN 409 Real Estate Investment BUAD 343 Real Estate Fundamentals
FIN 420 Invst Port Anly BUAD 4X2 Invst Port Anly
FINAN 320 Fin Mgmt BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 W
FOR 201 Global Change & Ecosystems SCMA 2X1 Global Change & Ecosystems G2
FOR 203 Fld Dendrology BIOL 2X3 Fld Dendrology
FOR 209 For Envrn & Man BIOL 2X9 For Envrn & Man G2
FORT 150 Dendrology BIOL 1X5 Dendrology
FORT 160 Silvicultural Practices BIOL 1X6 Silvicultural Practices
FR 001 Elementary French 1 FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FR 002 Elementary French 2 FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
FR 003 Intermediate French FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 G1
FR 111 Elementary French FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
FR 111 Elementary French FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FR 112 Intermediate French FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 G1
FR 112 Intermediate French FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 G1
FR 137 Paris: Anatomy of a City Does Not Transfer
FR 138 French Culture Through Film FREN 13X French Culture Through Film G1
FR 139 France & Fr-Spk Wld FREN 1XX France & Fr-Spkng Wrld G1
FR 201 Oral Communication & Comprehen Does Not Transfer
FR 202 Grammar and Composition Does Not Transfer
FR 308 Business Writing in French Does Not Transfer
FR 331 Fr Cult and Civ 1 FREN 331 French Civilization 1
FR 332 Fr Cult and Civ 2 FREN 332 French Civilization 2
FR 402Y Adv Gram & Wrtng FREN 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 W, G1
FRNSC 100 Intro Forensic Sci SSCI 10X Intro Forensic Sci
GAME 140 Game & Inter Media CSCI 1XX Game & Inter Media
GAME 220 Intro to Game Design ELEC 2X2 Intro to Game Design
GD 001S 1st-Yr Smnr GD ART 1X1 1st-Yr Smnr GD
GD 100 Intro Graphic Dsgn ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
GD 101 Thinking Creativel ART 1X2 Thinking Creativel G1
GEOG 001 Global Parks & Sustainability GEOG 1XX Global Parks & Sustainability G3
GEOG 010 Physical Geography: An Introdu GEOG 230 Physical Geography G3
GEOG 020 Human Geography: An Introducti GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
GEOG 030 Geog Hum Envt Reln GEOG 101 The Global Environment G3
GEOG 040 World Regional Geography GEOG 141 World Regional Geography G3
GEOG 100 Economic Geography GEOG 222 Economic Geography G3
GEOG 102 The American Scene GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
GEOG 110 Climates of the World Does Not Transfer
GEOG 111 Biogeog & Glob Eco GEOG 11X Biogeog and Glob Eco G3
GEOG 115 Landforms of the World Does Not Transfer
GEOG 120 Urban Geography GEOG 227 Urban Geography G3
GEOG 121 Mapping GEOG 281 Map Interpretation and Analys G3
GEOG 122 The American Scene GEOG 344 North America G3
GEOG 123 Geog Dvlpg World GEOG 13X Geog Dvlpg World G3
GEOG 124 Elements of Cultural Geography GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
GEOG 126 Econ Geog GEOG 222 Economic Geography G3
GEOG 128 Geography of International Aff GEOG 226 Political Geography G3, W
GEOG 160 Mapping GEOG 295 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 200 Geography of Pennsylvania GEOG 245 Geography of Pennsylvania G3
GEOG 30N Environment & Society GEOG 202 Environmental Sustainability G3
GEOG 314 Biogeography & Global Ecology GEOG 333 Biogeography G3
GEOG 321 Cartography - Maps & Map Const GEOG 384 Cartography 1
GEOG 352 Image Analysis Does Not Transfer
GEOG 401W Historical Geography of N Amer Does Not Transfer
GEOG 402 Cultural & Anthropogeography Does Not Transfer
GEOG 405 Geography of Population Does Not Transfer
GEOG 410 Geography of Water Sources Does Not Transfer
GEOG 417 Satellite Climatology GEOG 43X Satellite Climatology
GEOG 436 Ecology, Economoy, & Society GEOG 4X6 Ecology, Economoy, & Society G3
GEOG 460 Political Geography Does Not Transfer
GEOG 498A Special Topics GEOG 4X8 Special Topics
GEOG 498B Special Topics GEOG 4X9 Special Topics
GEOG 498C Special Topics GEOG 4X7 Special Topics
GEOG 6N Maps and Geospatial Revolution GEOG 1X6 Maps and Geospatial Revolution
GEOSC 001 Physical Geology ESCI 221 Physical Geology G2, L
GEOSC 002 Historical Geology ESCI 222 Historical Geology L, G2
GEOSC 010 National Park Geol ESCI 1XX National Park Geol G2
GEOSC 020 Planet Earth ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth G2, L
GEOSC 021 Earth & Life: Origin & Evolutn ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth G2
GEOSC 040 The Sea Around Us ESCI 104 The World Ocean G2
GEOSC 212N Earthquakes & Human History ESCI 2X2 Earthquakes & Human History G2
GEOSC 402Y Natural Disasters ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds G2
GEOSC 498A Hazwoper ESCI 4X8 Hazwoper
GER 001 Elementary German 1 GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GER 002 Elementary German 2 GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
GER 003 Intermediate German GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 G1
GER 008 Business German Does Not Transfer
GER 011 Intensiv Basic Ger GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GER 011 Intensiv Basic Ger GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
GER 012 Intens Intermed Ger GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 G1
GER 012 Intens Intermed Ger GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 G1
GER 015 Reading German 1 Does Not Transfer
GER 016 Reading German 2 Does Not Transfer
GER 099 Foreign Study (German) GERM 1X9 Foreign Study G1
GER 100 German Cult and Civzn HMFA 1XX Ger Clt and Civzn G1
GER 157 PA Germans: Cult of Sectarians GERM 1XX PA Germ Cult Sects G1
GER 190 20th Century German Lit ENGL 1X9 20th Century German Lit G1
GER 200 Contemporary German Culture GERM 2XX Cont Ger Culture G1
GER 201 Conversation and Composition Does Not Transfer
GER 208W Business German Does Not Transfer
GER 245 The Vikings HIST 216 Vikings G3
GER 301 Intermed Conversation & Comp Does Not Transfer
GER 302W Intermed Conversation & Comp 2 Does Not Transfer
GER 308W German Business Communication Does Not Transfer
GER 310 Intro to Study of German Liter Does Not Transfer
GER 401 Advanced Conversation & Comp Does Not Transfer
GLIS 101 Globalization INTL 1X1 Globalization G3
H P A 057 Cons Chce Hlth Cre WSSD 1X7 Cons Chce Hlth Cre
H&HD 297S HHD First-Year Sem WSSD 2X7 HHD First-Year Sem
H&SS 297A Intern/Jb/Grd srch Does Not Transfer
HD FS 129 Intro to HD FS PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
HD FS 229 Infancy Childhood PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
HD FS 232 Creatvty & Play ERCH Care & Ed ERCH 2X2 Creatvty & Play ERCH Care & Ed
HD FS 239 Adol Dev PSYC 2X9 Adol Dev G3
HD FS 287W Intercultrl Community-Building COMM 227 Communicatn/Cultre/Community D, G1, W
HD FS 397A Child Maltreatment in Ecologic SOWK 3X7 Child Maltreatment in Ecologi
HD FS 412 Adult-Child Relationships PSYC 4X2 Adult-Child Relationships
HDEV 101 Human Growth and Develop PSYC 2X1 Human Growth and Develop G3
HDFS 108N Art & Sci of Human Flourishing UNIV 103 First Year Seminar
HDFS 129 Intro to HD FS PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
HDFS 197 Special Topics ELEC 1X9 Special Topics
HDFS 200 Quant Skills Human Services CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
HDFS 216 Personal Skills Does Not Transfer
HDFS 218 Marriage SOCY 2X8 Marriage G3
HDFS 229 Infancy Childhood PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
HDFS 239 Adolescent Development PSYC 2X9 Adolescent Development G3
HDFS 249 Adult Dev Aging PSYC 229 The Adult Years G3
HDFS 250 Sexual Identity PSYC 2X5 Sexual Identity G3
HDFS 254N Reading our lives: Human Diver ENGL 2X5 Reading our lives: Human Diver G1, D
HDFS 287 Intercultural Comm Building SOCY 2X7 Intercultural Comm Building G3
HDFS 287X Intercul Com-Bldg SOCY 2X7 Intercul Com-Bldg G3
HDFS 301 Val/Ethics H Dev PSYC 3XX Value/Ethics Hum Devl Profsns
HDFS 302A Ldrshp / Tech Skls A PSYC 3XX Ldrshp/Tech Skls A
HDFS 311 HD FS Intervention PSYC 3XX HD FS Intervention
HDFS 312W Empirical Inquiry PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
HDFS 315 Family Development SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
HDFS 395 Internship PSYC 3X9 Internship
HDFS 411 Helping Rels PSYC 4XX Helping Rels
HDFS 414 Resolv Problems PSYC 4XX Resolv Problems
HDFS 418 Family Rltsps PSYC 4XX Family Rltsps
HDFS 428 Infant Dev PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
HDFS 429 Adv Child Dev PSYC 4XX Adv Child Dev
HDFS 432 Prob Child/Adol PSYC 4X2 Prob Child/Adol G3
HDFS 433 Dev Trans Adult PSYC 229 The Adult Years G3
HDFS 455 Dev & Admin PSYC 4XX Dev & Admin
HDFS 469 Family Change Global Economy ECON 203 Introduction to World Economy G3
HDFS 496B Inst Task Research PSYC 4X6 Inst Task Research
HDFS 496I Adapt Does Not Transfer
HEBR 010 Jewish Civ HIST 1X1 Jewish Civ
HIED 302 Role of RA: Theory & Practice ELEC 3X2 Role of RA: Theory & Practice
HIST 001 Western Heritage 1 HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 G3
HIST 002 Western Civilization II HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present G3
HIST 003 The American Nation: Historica HIST 2XX The American Nation: Historica G3
HIST 005 Mediterranean Civilizations HIST 1X0 Mediterranean Civilizations G3
HIST 010 World History 1 HIST 206 The World to 1500 G3
HIST 011 World History 2 HIST 2XX World History 2 G3
HIST 012 History of Pennsylvania HIST 260 History of Pennsylvania W, G3
HIST 019 Eur 1815 to Pres HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 G3
HIST 020 Amer Civ to 1877 HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIST 021 Amer Civ From 1877 HIST 1XX Amer Civ from 1877 G3
HIST 083S First-Year Seminar in History UNIV 103 First Yr:
HIST 100 Ancient Greece HIST 211 Greek Civilization G3, W
HIST 101 The Roman Republic and Empire HIST 212 Roman Civilization G3
HIST 102 Canaan and Israel in Antiquity Does Not Transfer
HIST 103 The History of Madness, Mental HIST 1X3 The History of Madness, Mental G3
HIST 104 Ancient Egypt Does Not Transfer
HIST 105 The Byzantine Empire Does Not Transfer
HIST 107 Medieval Europe HIST 313 History of Middle Ages G3, W
HIST 108 The Crusades: Holy War HIST 1X8 The Crusades: Holy War G3
HIST 110 Nature and History Does Not Transfer
HIST 113 Baseball in Comparative Hist HIST 1X3 Baseball in Comparative Hist G3
HIST 116 Family & Sex Roles in Mod Hist HIST 1X6 Family & Sex Roles in Mod Hist G3
HIST 117 Women in US History HIST 250 Women in American History W, G3
HIST 118 Modern Jewish History: 1492 to HIST 343 Modern Jewish History G3, W
HIST 120 Europe Since 1848 HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 G3
HIST 121 History of the Holocaust 1933- HIST 3X2 The Holocaust G3
HIST 122 History of Science 1 HIST 1X2 History of Science 1 G3
HIST 123 History of Science 2 Does Not Transfer
HIST 124 History of Western Medicine HIST 480 History of Medicine G3
HIST 130 Intro to the Civil War Era HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction G3, W
HIST 141 Medieval and Modern Russia HIST 14X Medieval and Modern Russia G3
HIST 142 History of Communism HIST 1X2 History of Communism G3
HIST 143 History of Facism and Nazism HIST 342 Hitler and Nazism G3, W
HIST 144 World at War: 1939 - 1945 HIST 1X4 World at War: 1939 - 1945 G3
HIST 150 Colonial Pennsylvania HIST 1XX Colonial Pennsylvania G3
HIST 151 Tech & Society in Am. History HIST 1X5 Tech & Society in Am. History G3
HIST 152 African-American History Does Not Transfer
HIST 153 The Indians in North America HIST 1XX The Indians in North America G1
HIST 155 American Business History HIST 253 American Business History
HIST 156 History of the American Worker Does Not Transfer
HIST 158 History of American Immigratio Does Not Transfer
HIST 160 American Naval History HIST 1XX American Naval HIstory
HIST 161 The Battle of Gettysburg HIST 2XX Battle of Gettysburg G3
HIST 165 Intro to Islamic Civilization Does Not Transfer
HIST 172 Survey of Japanese Civilizatio HIST 1X7 Intro Japanese Civ G3
HIST 173 Vietnam in War and Peace HIST 470 The Vietnam War P
HIST 174 History of Traditional East As HIST 1X4 History of Traditional East As G3
HIST 175 History of Modern East Asia HIST 290 Far East in Modern Times
HIST 176 Survey of Indian History Does Not Transfer
HIST 178 Latin-American History to 1820 Does Not Transfer
HIST 179 Latin-Ameri History Since 1820 HIST 284 Modern Latin America G3, W
HIST 181 Introduction to the Middle Eas HIST 291 Modern Middle East W, G3
HIST 191 Early African History HIST 2XX Early African History G3
HIST 192 Modern Af Hist HIST 1X2 Modern Af Hist
HIST 203 History of Monsters HUMN 2X3 History of Monsters G1
HIST 240 Harlem: History, Culture and P HIST 494 Perspectives on Harlem Renaiss P
HIST 412 Med Intellect Hist HIST 313 History of Middle Ages G3, W
HIST 414 Renaissance and Reformation HIST 320 Renaissance and Reformation G3, W
HIST 418 The French Revolution and Napo HIST 332 French Revolution G3, W
HIST 427 German Since 1860 HIST 224 Modern Germany G3, W
HIST 433 Imperial Russia, 1700-1917 HIST 241 Imperial Russia
HIST 434 History of the Soviet Union HIST 242 Soviet Union G3
HIST 440 Colonial America to 1753 HIST 351 17th Century British America G3, W
HIST 441 Revolutionary America, 1753-17 HIST 352 Provincl and Revolutry America G3, W
HIST 442 The Early American Republic HIST 354 The New Nation G3, W
HIST 444 Uniited States in Civil War HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction W, G3
HIST 454 American Military History HIST 4XX American Military History G3
HIST 472 Ottoman Empire HIST 4X2 Ottoman Empire
HIST 485W 19th - Cent China HIST 4X5 19th - Cent China
HIST 497D Amer Polit Culture HIST 4XX Amer Polit Culture G3
HL ED 046 Intro Human Sex WELL 1X6 Intro Human Sex
HL ED 384 Applied Kines WSSD 3X4 Applied Kines
HLED 013 Std First Aid, CPR WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
HLED 019 Man and Disease WELL 1XX Man & Disease WELL
HLED 045 Alchl Awareness Ed WSSD 1XX Alchl Awareness Ed
HLED 046 Intro Human Sex WELL 1XX Intro Human Sex WELL
HLED 303 Emer Care WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
HLHED 443 Alcohol Drug Educ WELL 1XX Alcohol Drug Educ WELL
HM 201 Intro to Mngmnt in Hosp Indust BUAD 2X1 Intro to Mngmnt in Hosp Indust G3
HM 202 Colloquium Hospitality Mgmt Does Not Transfer
HM 228 Hospitality Food Safety Does Not Transfer
HM 329 Intro to Food Prod & Service Does Not Transfer
HM 335 Hosp Financial Accounting BUAD 3X5 Hosp Financial Accounting
HM 380 Hotel Management BUAD 3X8 Hotel Management G3
HM 386 Intro to Gaming/Casino Ind Does Not Transfer
HONOR 301 Role of Knowledge HNRS 3X1 Role of Knowledge
HORT 101 Hort Sci ELEC 1XX Hort Sci
HORT 150 Plants and Humans BIOL 208 Plants and People G2
HORT 202 Planet Propagation ELEC 2XX Plant Propagation
HORT 420 Plant Grow Reg BIOL 4X2 Plant Grow Reg
HPA 057 Cons Choice Health Care Does Not Transfer
HPA 101 Intro Health Service Org Does Not Transfer
HRIM 201 Intro Hosptly Mgt BUAD 2X1 Intro Hosptly Mgt
HRIM 202 Colloquium in Hospitality Mang Does Not Transfer
HRIM 228 Hospitality Food Saftey Does Not Transfer
HRIM 250 Princ Quan Fd Prod Does Not Transfer
HRIM 270 Hsptly Admin Sem BUAD 2X7 Hsptly Admin Sem
HRIM 295W Field Exp 1 Does Not Transfer
HRIM 305 Restaurant MGMT BUAD 3X5 Restaurant MGMT
HRIM 310 Purch & Cost Control BUAD 3X1 Purch & Cost Control
HRIM 319 Hosp Fac Mgmt BUAD 3X9 Hosp Fac Mgmt
HRIM 329 Intro to Food Production & Ser Does Not Transfer
HRIM 335 Hosp Fin Acctg BUAD 3X5 Hosp Fin Acctg
HRIM 380 Hotel Management BUAD 3X8 Hotel Management
HRIM 497A Meetings & Events I Does Not Transfer
HSSCI 6000 Structure & Func of Human Body Does Not Transfer
HSSCI 6001C Clinical: Funds of Pratc. Nurs Does Not Transfer
HSSCI 6001L Fundamentals of Pratc. Nursing Does Not Transfer
HSSCI 6002C Clinical Cncpt Bsc Med Surg Nu Does Not Transfer
HSSCI 6002L Concepts Basic Med, Surg, Nurs Does Not Transfer
HUM 100N Foundations in Humanities HUMN 1XX Foundations in Humanities G1
HUM 311 Western Tradition 1 HUMN 3X1 Western Tradition 1 G1
HUM 312 Westrn Tradition 1 HUMN 3X2 Westrn Tradition 1 G1
HUM 313 Western Tradition 3 HUMN 3X3 Western Tradition 3 G1
HUMAN 001 West Clt Heritage HMFA 2XX West Cultural Heritage G1
HUMAN 002 Shaping Mod Mind ELEC 2X2 Shaping Mod Mind
HUMAN 101 Mod Sc & Hum Vals HMFA 1XX Mod Society & Human Values G1
I E 302 Engr Economy ECON 3XX Engr Economy G3
I E 311 Prin Solid Proc ITEC 3XX Prin Solid Proc
I E 322 Qntv Methods MATH 3XX Qntv Methods
I E 327 Mthds Wk Meas BUAD 3XX Mthds Wk Meas
I E 328 Production Engr ELEC 3X8 Production Engr
I E 450 Mfg Sys Eng ELEC 4X5 Mfg Sys Eng
I E T 308 Stat Quality Cntrl ITEC 3XX Stat Quality Cntrl
I E T 311 Elem of Metallurgy ITEC 3XX Elem of Metallurgy
I H S 400 Prin Ind H and S OSEH 4X0 Prin Ind H and S
I H S 420 Fire Protection OSEH 4X0 Fire Protection
I H S 430 INS Prog Mgmt OSEH 4X3 ONS Prog Mgmt
I HUM 300W Intr in Humanities HUMN 1X1 Intr in Humanities G1
I HUM 410 Rel and Culture SOCY 310 Sociology of Religion P
I HUM 430 Phil and Lit PHIL 4X3 Phil and Lit G1
IB 303 Intnatl Bus Oper BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business G3
IB 399 Foreign Studies ELEC 3X9 Foreign Studies
IB 499 Foreign Stuides ELEC 4X9 Foreign Studies
IE T 101 Mfg Mtls & Proc ITEC 130 Prod Materials and Process
IE T 215 Production Design ITEC 2XX Production Design
IE T 216 Prod Dsgn Lab ITEC 2XX Prod Dsgn Lab
IET 101 Manufacturing Mat, Proc, Lab ITEC 1X1 Manufacturing Mat, Proc, Lab
IET 308 Statistical Quality Control ELEC 3X8 Statistical Quality Control
IET 321 Manufacturing Process ITEC 3X1 Manufacturing Process
IFS 129 Intro to IFS PSYC 1X9 Intro to IFS
IFS 229 Infancy Childhood PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
IFS 239 Adol Dev PSYC 2XX Adol Dev G3
IFS 249 Adult Dev Aging PSYC 229 The Adult Years G3
INART 001 The Arts ART 100 Art in Culture G1
INART 003 Reception of Arts ART 100 Art in Culture G1
INART 005 Performing Arts THEA 1XX Performing Arts G1
INART 010 Pop Media Arts COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
INART 050 Sci Mus MUSI 1X5 Sci Mus
INART 055 Hist El Mus MUSI 1X5 Hist El Mus G1
INART 100 Arts Seminar HUMN 1X1 Arts Seminar G1
INART 110 Drama Mass Media COMM 11X Drama Mass Media G1
INART 115 Popular Music MUSI 263 Popular Music G1
INART 116 Rock 1950s MUSI 1X6 Rock 1950s G1
INART 125 Punk Rock MUSI 2X5 Punk Rock G1
INART 200 Elvis Presley MUSI 20X Elvis Presley G1
INART 205 The Beatles SOCY 2X5 The Beatles
INART 215 Craft of Singing MUSI 2X5 Craft of Singing
INART 258 Fund MIDI Dig Aud MUSI 1X8 Fund MIDI Dig Aud
INART 258B Fund Dig Aud MUSI 2X8 Fund Dig Aud
INART 294 Research Projects ART 2X4 Research Projects
INFSY 307 Algorithmic Concepts CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
INS 301 Insurance BUAD 347 Risk and Insurance
INSYS 100 World Tech CSCI 1X1 World Technologies
INT U 200 Int U & Wld Affrs ANTH 2XX Int U & Wld Affrs G3
INTAG 100 Intro to Intl Agriculture ELEC 1XX Intro to Intl Agriculture
INTST 100 Intro Int'l Stdies INTL 201 Intro to International Studies G3
INTST 493 International Studies INTL 4X3 International Studies
IST 110 Info People Tech CSCI 1X0 Info People Tech G2
IST 111S Seminar in Inforation Sciences UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
IST 140 Intro App Dev CSCI 14X Intro App Dev
IST 210 Org Data CSCI 2XX Org Data
IST 211 Adv Reltional Dbms CSCI 466 Database Management Systems
IST 220 Netwk & Telecom CSCI 2XX Netwk & Telecom
IST 225 PC Hardware Basics CSCI 2X5 PC Hardware Basics G2
IST 227 Network Admin CSCI 2X8 Network Admin G2
IST 230 Lang Log Disc Math CSCI 140 Discrete Structures
IST 240 Intro Comp Lang CSCI 24X Intro Comp Lang
IST 250 New Med Web CSCI 2XX New Med Web
IST 256 Program for Web CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming G2
IST 260W Intro Sys Dsgn CSCI 2X6 Intro Sys Dsgn
IST 301 Info and Org CSCI 3X2 Info and Org
IST 302 IT Project Management CSCI 3X3 IT Project Management G2
IST 311 Ood & Software CSCI 3X1 Ood & Software
IST 321 IT Sys Intg 1 CSCI 3XX IT Sys Intg 1
IST 331 Org Des Info Sys CSCI 3XX Org Des Info Sys
IST 397A Basic Databse Prog CSCI 3XX Basic Databse Prog
IST 402 Emerging Issues & Technologies CSCI 4X2 Emerging Issues & Technologies G2
IST 432 Legal/Reg Env of Info Science CSCI 4X3 Legal/Reg Env of Info Science
IST 451 Net Security CSCI 4X1 Net Security
IST 452 Legal/Reg Env of Privacy/Sec CSCI 4X5 Legal/Reg Env of Privacy/Sec
IST 495 Internship Does Not Transfer
IT 001 Elem Italian 1 ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 G1
IT 002 Elem Italian 2 ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2 G1
IT 003 Inmd Italian ITAL 2X1 Inmd Italian G1
IT 130 Ital Cult & Civil ITAL 1X3 Ital Cult & Civil G1
J ST 004 Jewish & Christian PHIL 2X4 Jewish & Christian
JAPNS 1 Level One Japanese A JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese 1 G1
JAPNS 110 Level Two Japanese B JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese 1 G1
JAPNS 2 Level One Japanese B JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese 2 G1
JAPNS 3 Level Two Japanese A JAPN 1X3 Level Two Japanese A
JST 010 Jewish Civ HIST 1X1 Jewish Civ G3
KEYBD 120J Piano Prim 1 MUSI 1X1 Piano Prim 1
KINES 001 Outdoor Pursuits WELL 1X1 Outdoor Pursuits WELL
KINES 003 Drugs in Sports WELL 1X3 Drugs in Sports
KINES 004 Prin of Fly Fishing WELL 1X4 Prin of Fly Fishing WELL
KINES 005 Hlth Asp Sport WELL 1X3 Hlth Asp Sport WELL
KINES 006 Cycling WELL 1X6 Cycling
KINES 010 Rock Climbing WELL 1X1 Rock Climbing WELL
KINES 011 Skiing WELL 1X1 Skiing WELL
KINES 011A Intermediate Downhill Skiing WELL 1X1 Intermediate Downhill Skiing
KINES 012 Snowboarding WELL 1X2 Snowboarding WELL
KINES 013 Std First Aid CPR WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
KINES 017 Ballroom Dancing WELL 1XX Ballroom Dancing WELL
KINES 024 Lifetime Sports WELL 1XX Lifetime Sports WELL
KINES 025 Court Sports WELL 1XX Court Sports WELL
KINES 026 Archery / Bowhunting WELL 1X6 Archery / Bowhunting WELL
KINES 027 Badminton 1 WELL 1XX Badminton 1 WELL
KINES 028 Fencing WELL 1X8 Fencing WELL
KINES 029 Golf 1 WELL 1X1 Golf 1 WELL
KINES 042 Ice Skating - Beg WELL 1X2 Ice Skating - Beg WELL
KINES 043 Power Skating WELL 1X3 Power Skating WELL
KINES 044 Racquetball 1 WELL 1X4 Racquetball 1 WELL
KINES 047 Swim-Beginner WELL 1X7 Swim-Beginner
KINES 048 Tennis 1 WELL 1XX Tennis 1 WELL
KINES 056 Intro Martial Arts WELL 1XX Intro Martial Arts WELL
KINES 057 Personal Defense WELL 1X7 Personal Defense WELL
KINES 058 Judo 1 WELL 1X8 Judo 1 WELL
KINES 060 Healthful Living WELL 175 Wellness WELL
KINES 061 Fit Thry & Practice WELL 1XX Fit Thry & Practice WELL
KINES 062 Cardio Activities WELL 16X Cardio Activities WELL
KINES 063 Aerobic Dance WELL 11X Aerobic Dance WELL
KINES 067 Phys Conditioning WELL 1XX Phys Conditioning WELL
KINES 068 Strength Training WELL 1X1 Strength Training WELL
KINES 068 Strength Training WELL 1XX Strength Training WELL
KINES 072 Fitness Walking WELL 1X2 Fitness Walking WELL
KINES 076 Tai Chi WELL 1X6 Tai Chi
KINES 077 Yoga 1 WELL 1X9 Yoga 1 WELL
KINES 081 Wellness Theory WELL 175 Wellness WELL
KINES 082 Act Mthds Stress WSSD 2X8 Act Mthds Stress
KINES 083 Exer Stress Mgmt WELL 1X3 Exer Stress Mgmt WELL
KINES 084 Fitness for Life WELL 175 Wellness WELL
KINES 088 Varsity Sport Does Not Transfer
KINES 089 Wilderness Experience WELL 18X Wilderness Experience WELL
KINES 090 Team Sports WELL 1X9 Team Sports WELL
KINES 090A Team Spt - Volleyball WELL 1X9 Volleyball WELL
KINES 090B Team Spt - Basketball WELL 1X9 Team Spt - Basketball
KINES 090C Teamspt - T Handball WELL 1X2 Teamspt - T Handball WELL
KINES 091C Tm Spt Outdr Rugby WELL 1X1 Tm Spt Outdr Rugby WELL
KINES 091D Ultimate Frisbee WELL 1X1 Ultimate Frisbee WELL
KINES 092 Personal Fitness & Wellness WELL 175 Wellness WELL
KINES 093 Masters Act (SPT) WELL 1X3 Masters Act (SPT)
KINES 096 Independent Study in PE WELL 19X Independent Study in PE WELL
KINES 100 Cultural Behav Found Kines WSSD 1X1 Cultural Behav Found Kines
KINES 101 Biophysical Found Kinesiology WSSD 1X1 Biophysical Found Kinesiology
KINES 105 Lifetime Act WELL 1X5 Lifetime Act WELL
KINES 126 Ele Sch Hlth Prog WELL 352 Health Ed in Elem School WELL
KINES 127 The Physical Ed Prog for Elem WELL 1X7 The Physical Ed Prog for Elem
KINES 135 Intro Ath Trng WSSD 1XX Intro Ath Trng
KINES 141 Phys Act: Cultural & Histcl WSSD 1XX Phys Act: CUltural & Histrcl
KINES 150 Mvmt Bioscience WSSD 1X5 Mvmt Bioscience
KINES 165 Hl Ed Concepts WELL 175 Wellness WELL
KINES 171 Movement Forms WSSD 1X1 Movement Forms
KINES 180 Intro to Kines WSSD 1X8 Intro to Kines
KINES 197A Spcl Tpcs: Biophys Basis Kines WSSD 1X7 Spcl Tpcs: Biophys Basis Kines
KINES 200 Msle Trng WELL 2X1 Msle Trng
KINES 202 Func Anatomy WSSD 2X2 Func Anatomy
KINES 203 Med Trm Health Pro WSSD 2X3 Med Trm Health Pro
KINES 231 At Clin Prac 1 WSSD 2XX At Clin Prac 1
KINES 233 Emer Care At WSSD 2X1 Emer Care At
KINES 295A Obs of Pub Sch HPE WSSD 3X5 Aob of Pub Sch HPE
KINES 295B Careers/Obs Kines WSSD 2X5 Careers/Obs Kines
KINES 297 Special Topics WSSD 2X7 Special Topics
KINES 297A Orion Wild Orient WSSD 2XX Orion Wild Orient
KINES 303 Emer1stAid/Saf/Aed WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
KINES 321 Psy Movement Behav WSSD 450 Kines and Phys of Coaching
KINES 345 Ethics Movement WSSD 3X5 Ethics Movement
KINES 360 Movement Skills WSSD 3X6 Movement Skills
KINES 380 El Sch Act WSSD 3X8 El Sch Act
KINES 397A Emergency Care WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
KINES 403 Em Med Tech WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
KINES 65 Lifetime Jogging WELL 1X5 Lifetime Jogging
KINES 77 Yoga for a Lifetime WELL 1X7 Yoga for a Lifetime
L I R 187 LIR Freshman Seminar BUAD 1X7 LIR Freshman Seminar
L ST 100 Info Search Strat ELEC 1X1 Info Search Strat
LARCH 009 Res L`Scape Design ELEC 1X2 Res L`Scape Design
LARCH 060 History of Larch ELEC 1XX History of Larch
LARCH 211 Design 1 ELEC 2X1 Design 1
LARCH 221 Theory Seminar ELEC 2X2 Theory Seminar
LARCH 231 Intro to Des Impl ELEC 2X3 Intro to Des Impl
LARCH 241 Plants & Design ELEC 2X4 Plants & Design
LARCH 251 Dsgn Visual 1 ELEC 2X4 Dsgn Visual 1
LARCH 297A Orientation Sem UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
LATIN 001 Elementary Latin LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1 G1
LATIN 002 Elementaru Latin LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 G1
LATIN 003 Intermediate Latin LATN 202 Intermediate Latin 2 G1
LATIN 296 Indep Studies LATN 2X6 Indep Studies
LE ST 190 Surv Leisure Svcs ELEC 1X9 Surv Leisure Svcs
LE ST 325 Prin Environ Intrp ELEC 3X5 Prin Environ Intrp
LE ST 326 Nat Hist Intrp ELEC 3X6 Nat Hist Intrp
LE ST 327 Cult Hist Intrp ELEC 3X7 Cult Hist Intrp
LER 100 Employment Relations BUAD 353 Labor-Management Relations
LER 136 Race/Gender/Employ SOCY 1X3 Race, Gender, and Employment
LER 201 Employment Law BUAD 2X1 Employment Law
LER 400 Compar Employ Relations Syst BUAD 4X1 Compar Employ Relations Syst
LER 458Y History of Work in America HIST 4X8 History of Work in America W
LER 464 Comm Skls Ldrs COMM 4X1 Comm Skls Ldrs
LING 001 The Study of Language COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
LING 100 Foundations of Linguistics ENGL 1X5 Foundations of Linguistics
LIR 100 Industrial Relations BUAD 1XX Industrial Relations
LIR 201 Employment Law BUAD 2XX Employment Law
LIT 491 Seminar in Lit ENGL 4X1 Seminar in Lit
LL ED 005 College Rdg Imp 1 Does Not Transfer
LL ED 010 College Rdg Imp 2 Does Not Transfer
LL ED 297A Lang & Comp ELEC 2XX Lang & Comp
LL ED 297B Reading for Meaning ELEC 2X7 Reading for Meaning
LL ED 497 Early Literacy Learning ERCH 4X7 Early Literacy Learning
LLED 005 College Reading Imprvmt I Does Not Transfer
LLED 10 College Reading Improvement II Does Not Transfer
LLED 400 Teaching Rdng in Elem School ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading
LLED 401 Teaching LA in Elem School EDUC 4X1 Teaching LA in Elem School
LLED 402 Teaching Child Literature MDLV 335 Lit for Chldrn and Young Adol
LTNST 100 Intro to Lat Studies LATS 201 Introduction to Latino Studies D, G1
M E 023 Intro Thermal Sci PHYS 2XX Intro Thermal Sci
M E 030 Engr Thermo 1 PHYS 2XX Engr Thermo 1
M E 300 Engr Thermo 1 PHYS 3X0 Engr Thermo 1
MA SC 422 Intro Appl Stat 1 MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
MASC 440 D E Cont Models MATH 467 Partial Differential Equations
MASC 460 Lin Alg Disc Mod MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 G2
MATH 003 Basic Skills Does Not Transfer
MATH 004 Intermed Algebra Does Not Transfer
MATH 005 College Algebra 1 MATH 101 College Algebra
MATH 006 Plane Trigonometry MATH 110 Trigonometry
MATH 010 Prep Skills for Succes in Math Does Not Transfer
MATH 017 Finite Math MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MATH 018 El Linear Algebra MATH 1X1 El Linear Algebra G2
MATH 021 College Algebra 1 MATH 101 College Algebra
MATH 022 College Algebra 2 MATH 1X2 College Algebra 2 G2
MATH 026 Plane Trigonometry MATH 110 Trigonometry
MATH 030 Problem Solving MATH 13X Problem Solving G2
MATH 034 Math of Money MATH 1X4 Math of Money
MATH 035 General View Math MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MATH 036 Insights into Math MATH 1X6 Insights into Math
MATH 037 Finite Math MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MATH 040 Alg Trig Anly Geom MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MATH 041 Trig/Anly Geom MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MATH 081 Technical Math 1 MATH 1X1 Technical Math 1
MATH 082 Technical Math 2 MATH 1XX Technical Math 2
MATH 088 Tech Math & Calc MATH 1X1 Tech Math & Calc G2
MATH 097 Special Topics MATH 1XX Special Topics
MATH 097D Prob Solv: Math 21 MATH 1X7 Prob Solv: Math 21
MATH 110 Tech Calculus 1 MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MATH 111 Tech Calculus 2 MATH 1X1 Tech Calculus 2 G2
MATH 140 Calc Anly Geom 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MATH 140A Calc Alg Trig MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MATH 140B Calculus and Biology I MATH 1X0 Calculus and Biology I G2
MATH 140E Calc Engr Apps I MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MATH 141 Calc Anly Geom 2 MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MATH 141B Calculus and Biology II MATH 1X1 Calculus and Biology II G2
MATH 161 El Calc Anal Geom MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MATH 162 El Calc Anal Geom MATH 162 Calculus 2 G2
MATH 200 Prob Solv in Math MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MATH 200H Prob Solv in Math MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MATH 201 Problem Solving in Math II MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 G2
MATH 220 Matrices MATH 2XX Matrices
MATH 230 Calc/Vector Anly MATH 311 Calculus 3 G2
MATH 231 Calc Several Var MATH 2XX Calc Several Var
MATH 232 Integral Vector Calculus MATH 2X2 Integral Vector Calculus
MATH 250 Ord Diff Equations MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation
MATH 251 Ord & Part Deff Eq MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation
MATH 297 Special Topics MATH 2X7 Special Topics
MATH 297A Vector & Tensor MATH 2X7 Vector & Tensor
MATH 310 Elem Combinatorics MATH 3X1 Elem Combinatorics
MATH 311 App Modern Algebra MATH 3X1 App Modern Algebra
MATH 311W Discrete Math MATH 310 Intro to Mathematical Proof W
MATH 312 Concepts of Real Anal MATH 3X2 Concepts of Real Anal G2
MATH 409 Math Stat 1 MATH 4X2 Math Stat 1
MATH 414 Intro Prob Theory MATH 335 Mathematical Statistics 1
MATH 417 Qual Theory Differential Equat MATH 4X7 Qual Theory Differential Equat
MATH 418 Probability MATH 31X Probability
MATH 427 Fdtns of Geometry MATH 353 Survey of Geometry
MATH 436 Linear Algebra MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 G2
MATH 441 Matrix Algebra MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 G2
MATH 470 Algebra for Teachers MATH 4X1 Algebra for Teachers
MATH 471 Geom for Teachers MATH 4X4 Geom for Teachers
MATH 484 Linear Programs MATH 4X4 Linear Programs
MATH 486 Mathematical Theory of Games MATH 4X6 Mathematical Theory of Games G2
MATSC 081 Materials Today ITEC 2X2 Materials Today
MATSC 101 Enrgy / Fuels in Soc SSCI 1XX Enrgy / Fuels in Soc
MATSE 081 Materials Today ITEC 2X2 Materials Today
MATSE 259 Engr Matls ITEC 2X9 Engr Matls
MCH T 111 Mech - Statics ITEC 1XX Mech - Statics
ME 101 First Year Seminar: Toy Fund. UNIV 103 First Yr:
ME 101S Toy Fundamentals Does Not Transfer
ME 370 Vibration Mech Sys ITEC 3X7 Vibration Mech Sys
ME T 206 Dynamics & Mach Ele ITEC 2XX Dynamics & Mach Ele
MET 111 Mech-Statics AENG 345 Statics/Strength of Materials
MET 358 Process Des Engr ITEC 3X8 Process Des Engr
METBD 110 Solids Modeling 1 ITEC 1X1 Solids Modeling 1
METBD 111 Solids Modeling 2 ITEC 1X2 Solids Modeling 2
METEO 003 Intro Meteo ESCI 107 The Atmosphere G2
METEO 005 Severe and Unusual Weather ESCI 1X5 Severe and Unusual Weather G2
METEO 007 Climate Sciences ESCI 245 Environmental Meteorology L, G2
METEO 101 Wx Forecasting ESCI 1XX Wx Forecasting
METEO 201 Intro Weather Anly ESCI 2XX Intro Weather Anly
METEO 215 WX Fcst Prep Lab ESCI 442 Adv Wthr Anlys/Forecstng Pract
METEO 273 Intro Programming Meteorology ESCI 2X3 Intro Programming Meteorology
METEO 297 Intro Wea Anly 1 ESCI 2XX Intro Weather Anly 1
METEO 297B Survey Atmos Sci ESCI 241 Meteorology L, G2
METEO 297D Intro Wea Anly 2 ESCI 2XX Intro Weather Anly 2
METEO 300 Fund Atmos Sci ESCI 241 Meteorology L, G2
METEO 411 Intro Synoptic Lan ESCI 441 Synoptic Meteorology Lec-Lab 1
METEO 414 Mesoscale Meteo ESCI 444 Mesoscale Meteorology
METEO 415 Forecasting Pract ESCI 442 Synoptic Meteorology Lec-Lab 2
METEO 473 Appl Cmptrs Meteo ESCI 4XX Appl Computers Meteo
MGMT 100 Survey of Mgmt BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MGMT 215 Entrepreneur Mindset ENTR 201 The Art of Entrepreneurship G3
MGMT 297 Special Topics BUAD 2X7 Special Topics
MGMT 301 Basic Mgmt Concept BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MGMT 321 Ldrshp & Motiv BUAD 4XX Ldrshp & Motiv
MGMT 331 Mgmt & Org BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MGMT 341 Hum Rsrch Mgmt BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
MGMT 443 Perform Mgmt BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
MGMT 471 Strategic Mgmt BUAD 455 Strategy and Policy W
MGMT 497 Special Topics:Social Entrepre ENTR 201 The Art of Entrepreneurship G3
MICRB 150 Intro Med Lab Tech Does Not Transfer
MICRB 151A Clinical Chem Does Not Transfer
MICRB 151C Hematology Does Not Transfer
MICRB 151D Immunohematology Does Not Transfer
MICRB 151E Urinalysis Does Not Transfer
MICRB 151F Immunol/Serology Does Not Transfer
MICRB 151W Clinical Microbiology Does Not Transfer
MICRB 201 Intro Microbiology Does Not Transfer
MICRB 202 Intro Micrb Lab Does Not Transfer
MICRB 415 General Virology BIOL 4X5 General Virology
MIS 100 Mgmt Info Systems BUAD 307 Management Information Systms
MIS 103 Micro App Bus CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
MIS 106 Spec Micro App Bus BUAD 1X6 Spec Micro App Bus
MIS 106 Spec Micro App Bus BUAD 1X7 Spec Micro App Bus
MIS 204 Intro Bus Inf Sys CSCI 2X2 Intro Bus Inf Sys
MIS 250 Spreadsheet Anlys and Info Mgt INTE 2X5 Spreadsheet Anlys and Info Mgt
MIS 297A Computer Appl-Bus CSCI 2X7 Computer Appl-Bus
MIS 301 Business Analytics BUAD 3X1 Business Analytics
MIS 390 Info Sys Mgt Appl BUAD 207 Information Science
MIS 432 Inf Sys An / Dsg & Imp CSCI 4XX Inf Sys An / Dsg & Imp
MKTG 220 Personal Selling BUAD 333 Personal Selling
MKTG 221 Cntmpry Am Mktg BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 301 Prin of Mktg BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 301W Prin of Mktg BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 310 Public Relations and Marketing BUAD 31X Public Relations and Marketing
MKTG 327 Retailing BUAD 336 Retail Marketing
MKTG 330 Consumer Behavior BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 342 Marketing Research BUAD 431 Marketing Research
MNGMT 310 Org Struc Proc BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MNGMT 441 Organization Devlpmt BUAD 351 Organization Theory
MNGMT 451 Entrep Sm Bus Mgmt BUAD 356 Small Business Management
MRKT 370 Marketing Princip BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MS&IS 200 Intro Stat Bus Dec MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
MTHED 411 Tchg Sec Math 2 MATH 4X3 Tchg Sec Math 2
MTHED 412 Tchg Sec Math 1 MATH 4X4 Tchg Sec Math 1
MTHED 420 Teaching Math Elem Schools ERCH 455 Tchg Math to Young Children
MUSI 103 Concert Choir MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 004 Film Music MUSI 1X4 Film Music
MUSIC 005 Intro/Western Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUSIC 007 Evolution of Jazz MUSI 2XX Evolution of Jazz G1
MUSIC 008 Rud of Mus MUSI 103 Language of Music G1
MUSIC 009 Intro World Musics MUSI 368 International Music and Arts P
MUSIC 040S 1st - Yr Smnr Mu Ed MUSI 171 Introduction to Music Educ
MUSIC 050 Bgn Piano / Nonmusic MUSI 1XX Begn Piano/Nonmusic
MUSIC 052 Voice Cl/Nonmusic MUSI 15X Voice for Non-Music Majors
MUSIC 054 Bgn Cl Gtr / Nonmus MUSI 1X4 Bgn Cl Gtr / Nonmus
MUSIC 076 Chamber Orchestra MUSI 122A Applied Music:Chamber
MUSIC 076 Chamber Orchestra MUSI 123A Applied Music:Chamber
MUSIC 076 Chamber Orchestra MUSI 222A Applied Music:Chamber
MUSIC 076 Chamber Orchestra MUSI 223A Applied Music:Chamber
MUSIC 077 Philharmonic Orch MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
MUSIC 078 Sym Wind Ensemble MUSI 1X2 Sym Wind Ensemble
MUSIC 079 Pep Band MUSI 329 Applied Music Marching Band
MUSIC 079 Pep Band MUSI 229 Applied Music Marching Band
MUSIC 079 Pep Band MUSI 129 Appl Music in Marching Band
MUSIC 079 Pep Band MUSI 429 Applied Music Marching Band
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band MUSI 220 Applied Music Symphonic Band
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band MUSI 121 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band MUSI 221 Applied Music Symphonic Band
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band MUSI 421 Applied Music Symphonic Band
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band MUSI 420 Applied Music Symphonic Band
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band MUSI 320 Applied Music Symphonic Band
MUSIC 080 Symphonic Band MUSI 321 Applied Music Symphonic Band
MUSIC 081 Marching Blue Band MUSI 229 Applied Music Marching Band
MUSIC 081 Marching Blue Band MUSI 129 Appl Music in Marching Band
MUSIC 081 Marching Blue Band MUSI 329 Applied Music Marching Band
MUSIC 082 Concert Band MUSI 1X2 Concert Band
MUSIC 082 Concert Band MUSI 1X3 Concert Band
MUSIC 083 Campus Band MUSI 1X3 Campus Band
MUSIC 084 Jazz Ensemble MUSI 124 Appl Music in Jazz Ensemble
MUSIC 084 Jazz Ensemble MUSI 125 Appl Music in Jazz Ensemble
MUSIC 086 Perc Ensemble MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr
MUSIC 087 Mallet Ensemble MUSI 1X1 Mallet Ensemble
MUSIC 088 Campus Choir MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 089 University Choir MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 089 University Choir MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 089 University Choir MUSI 226 Applied Music Choir
MUSIC 090 Glee Club MUSI 19X Glee Club
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice MUSI 1X2 Cham Mus for Voice G1
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice MUSI 1X9 Cham Mus for Voice G1
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice MUSI 1X0 Cham Mus for Voice G1
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice MUSI 1X1 Cham Mus for Voice G1
MUSIC 092 Cham Mus for Voice MUSI 1X3 Cham Mus for Voice
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale MUSI 327 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale MUSI 326 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale MUSI 227 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale MUSI 226 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 094 Women's Chorale MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir MUSI 226 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir MUSI 227 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir MUSI 426 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir MUSI 327 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir MUSI 326 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 103 Concert Choir MUSI 427 Applied Music in Choir
MUSIC 104 Chamber Singers MUSI 122A Applied Music:Chamber
MUSIC 109 The Music of the Beatles MUSI 1X9 The Music of the Beatles G1
MUSIC 110 Keybd Skl 1/Mus MUSI 108 Private Instruction Keybd
MUSIC 115 Voice Cl/Mus MUSI 1XX Voice Cl/Mus
MUSIC 116 Intermediate Voice Class MUSI 1XX Intermediate Voice Class
MUSIC 121 Basic Mus 1 MUSI 1XX Basic Mus 1
MUSIC 122 Basic Mus II MUSI 12X Basic Mus II
MUSIC 129S 1st Yr Perf Seminar MUSI 1X9 1st Yr Perf Seminar G1
MUSIC 131 Music Theory 1 MUSI 1X2 Music Theory 1
MUSIC 132 Music Theory 2 MUSI 1X3 Music Theory 2 G1
MUSIC 154 Wwnd Tech 1 MUSI 323 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr
MUSIC 162 Intro Music History MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUSIC 170 Keybd Skl II/Mus MUSI 1X7 Keybd Skl II/Mus
MUSIC 189 Studio Ensemble MUSI 1X8 Studio Ensemble
MUSIC 191 Chamb Mus Winds MUSI 220A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble
MUSIC 191 Chamb Mus Winds MUSI 121A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble
MUSIC 191 Chamb Mus Winds MUSI 120A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass MUSI 423 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass MUSI 323 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass MUSI 422 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass MUSI 322 Applied Music Orchestra Chambr
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass MUSI 123 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass MUSI 222 Appl Music Orchestra Chambr
MUSIC 192 Chamb Mus Brass MUSI 223 Appl Music Orchestra Chambr
MUSIC 1X1 Music Major Crs MUSI 1X1 Music Major Crs
MUSIC 1X7 Non-music Major Tr Crs MUSI 1X7 Non-music major transfer crs
MUSIC 1X9 Music Majors MUSI 1X9 Music Majors
MUSIC 207N Jazz & African American Exp MUSI 2X7 Jazz & African American Exp G1
MUSIC 241 Music for Classroom Teachers ERCH 2X1 Music for Classroom Teachers
MUSIC 261 Surv Mus Hist I MUSI 362 Music History and Literature 1 W
MUSIC 295A Early Fd Ex Mued EDUC 2X5 Early Fd Ex Mued
MUSIC 2XX Music Block MUSI 2XX Music Block
MUSIC 498D Horn Excerpts Does Not Transfer
NAVSC 101 Intro to Nav Sc MILS 1X1 Intro to Nav Sc
NAVSC 102 Sea Power MILS 1X2 Sea Power
NMT 210W Intro Nano Maf Tec ITEC 2X1 Intro Nano Maf Tec
NUCE 001 Atomic Adventures UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
NURS 100 First Year Seminar in Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 111 Nursing Roles NURS 1X1 Nursing Roles
NURS 112 Health Patterns NURS 1X2 Health Patterns
NURS 113 Childbearing Care NURS 1X3 Childbearing Care
NURS 114 Childrearing Care NURS 1X4 Childrearing Care
NURS 116 Clin Immersion I Does Not Transfer
NURS 200W Nursing Research Does Not Transfer
NURS 203 First Aid & CPR Does Not Transfer
NURS 211 Health Patterns NURS 2X1 Health Patterns
NURS 212 Health Patterns NURS 2X2 Health Patterns
NURS 213 Health Patterns NURS 2X3 Health Patterns
NURS 214W Psych/Leadership NURS 2X4 Psych/Leadership
NURS 216 Clin Immersion II Does Not Transfer
NURS 225 Pathophysiology Does Not Transfer
NURS 230 Fund of Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 245 Violence Society Does Not Transfer
NURS 250 Prof Role Dev I Does Not Transfer
NURS 251 Health Assessment Does Not Transfer
NURS 305 Intro to Pharm Does Not Transfer
NURS 310 Nurs Care Older Adult Does Not Transfer
NURS 352 Adv Hlth Assess RN Does Not Transfer
NURS 357 Intro Nurs Inform Does Not Transfer
NURS 390 Tr Prof NS Role Does Not Transfer
NURS 402 Holistic Health Does Not Transfer
NURS 407 Drugs of Abuse and Mental Heal Does Not Transfer
NURS 409 Forensic Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 411 Sem Forensic Nurs Does Not Transfer
NURS 417 Fam/Cmty Hlth Concepts Does Not Transfer
NURS 430 Org/Adm Nurse Mang Does Not Transfer
NURS 440 Nurs Crit Care Does Not Transfer
NURS 441 Caring for Veteran Does Not Transfer
NURS 452 Women Hlth Issues Does Not Transfer
NURS 464 Dying and Death PHIL 280 Thanatopsis:Viewing Death G1
NURS 465 Concepts & Complex Does Not Transfer
NURS 475 Concepts in Practice Does Not Transfer
NURS 496B Nurse Res 2 Does Not Transfer
NURS 496C Nurse Res 1 Does Not Transfer
NUTR 100 Contemp Nutr Conc BIOL 1X5 Contemp Nutr Conc
NUTR 120 Food Preparation Does Not Transfer
NUTR 170 Careers in Nutrition Does Not Transfer
NUTR 175Z Healthy Food For All WELL 1X5 Healthy Food For All
NUTR 251 Intro Prin Nutr BIOL 256 Nutrition W, G2
NUTR 358 Assessment of Nutritional Stat Does Not Transfer
NUTR 360 Disseminating Nutrition Info Does Not Transfer
NUTR 370 Profession of Dietetics Does Not Transfer
NUTR 445 Nutrient Metabolism I BIOL 3X5 Nutrient Metabolism I
NUTR 446 Nutrient Metabolism II BIOL 3X6 Nutrient Metabolism II
NUTR 451 Nutrition Throughout Life Cycl Does Not Transfer
NUTR 452 Nutritional Aspects of Disease Does Not Transfer
NUTR 453 Diet in Disease Does Not Transfer
NUTR 456 Community Nutrition Does Not Transfer
O T 101 Intro OT Does Not Transfer
O T 103 Act An: Da Liv Sk Does Not Transfer
O T 105W Act An: GP Int Sk Does Not Transfer
O T 107 Act An: Ther Dev Does Not Transfer
O T 202 OT: DD Does Not Transfer
O T 204 OT: PS Does Not Transfer
O T 206 OT: PD Does Not Transfer
O T 295A OT: FE 1 Does Not Transfer
O T 295B OT: Field Exp 2 Does Not Transfer
OLEAD 100 Intro to Leadership Does Not Transfer
OPMGT 301 Operations Mgmt BUAD 452 Production and Operations Mngt
OT 100 Struct Fnd Ot Does Not Transfer
OT 101 Concept Fund Ot Does Not Transfer
OT 103 Occ Perf Lifespan Does Not Transfer
OT 105W Act An: Gp Int Sk Does Not Transfer
OT 107 Anly: Asst Text Adpt Does Not Transfer
OT 202 Ot: DD Does Not Transfer
OT 204 Ot: Ps Does Not Transfer
OT 206 Ot: Pd Does Not Transfer
OT 295A Special Topics Does Not Transfer
OT 295B Special Topics Does Not Transfer
P E 004 Aerobic Dance 1 WELL 1X4 Aerobic Dance 1 WELL
P E 058 Bowling I WELL 1X5 Bowling I
P E 238 Racquetball I WELL 2X3 Racquetball I WELL
P E 277 Slimnastics 1 WELL 1X7 Slimnastics 1 WELL
P T 100 PTA - - Intro Does Not Transfer
P T 101 PTA Computer Does Not Transfer
P T 150 PTA Procedures - I Does Not Transfer
P T 160 Therap Exercise - I Does Not Transfer
P T 201 PTA Licensure Does Not Transfer
P T 204 PTA Seminar Does Not Transfer
P T 205 Human Musculature Does Not Transfer
P T 250 PTA -- Procedures II Does Not Transfer
P T 260 Therap Exercise - II Does Not Transfer
P T 270 Pathophysiology Does Not Transfer
P T 270A Pathophysiology Does Not Transfer
P T 280 Rehabilitation Does Not Transfer
P T 280W Rehabilitation Does Not Transfer
P T 281 Rehab 1 Does Not Transfer
P T 282W Rehab 2W Does Not Transfer
P T 290 Prof Issues Does Not Transfer
P T 297 Special Topics Does Not Transfer
P T 384 Applied Kines Does Not Transfer
P T 395E PTA -- Practicum I Does Not Transfer
P T 395F PTA Practicum II Does Not Transfer
P T 395G PTA Practicum III Does Not Transfer
PACC 320 Intermed Acctg 1 BUAD 261 Intermediate Accounting 1
PE 120 Fencing I WELL 12X Fencing I WELL
PE 126 Fitness and Games WELL 1XX Fitness and Games WELL
PE 138 Golf 1 WELL 1X8 Golf 1 WELL
PE 147 Horseback Riding I WELL 14X Horseback Riding I WELL
PE 147A Horseback Riding II WELL 17X Horseback Riding II WELL
PE 303 Strength Training WELL 1X3 Strength Training WELL
PE 357 Volleyball I WELL 35X Volleyball I WELL
PERCN 120J Percn Prin 1 MUSI 1X4 Percn Prin 1
PERCN 170J Percn Prim 2 MUSI 1X3 Percn Prim 2
PERCN 220J Percn Prim 3 MUSI 2X1 Percn Prim 3
PERCN 270J Percn Prim 4 MUSI 2X2 Percn Prim 4
PH SC 007 Physical Science PHYS 1XX Physical Science G2
PHED 001 Health & PHED WELL 1XX Health & PHED WELL
PHED 005 Physical Ed WELL 1X1 Physical Ed WELL
PHED 005T Physical Ed WELL 1X2 Physical Ed WELL
PHED 006 Physical Ed WELL 1X1 Physical Ed WELL
PHED 007 Physical Ed WELL 1X2 Physical Ed WELL
PHIL 001 Basic Prob of Phil PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHIL 002 Pol & Soc Theory PHIL 1X2 Pol & Soc Theory G1
PHIL 003 Rel Abs PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHIL 004 Basic Prob of Phil PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHIL 005 Philosophy, Art and Film PHIL 327 Philosophy in Film G1
PHIL 006 Literature & Philosophy PHIL 1X6 Literature & Philosophy
PHIL 007 Asian Phil PHIL 361 Oriental Philosophy W, G1
PHIL 008 Philosophy and Feminism PHIL 1X8 Philosophy and Feminism G1
PHIL 009 Philosophy, Race and Diversity PHIL 2X9 Philosophy, Race and Diversity G1, D
PHIL 010 Crit Think & Argu PHIL 1XX Crit Think & Argu G1
PHIL 011 Philosophy, Science and Truth PHIL 314 Philosophy of Science W, G1
PHIL 012 Elem Symbol Logic PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PHIL 013 Philosophy, Nature and Environ PHIL 2X3 Philosophy, Nature and Environ G1
PHIL 014 Philosophy of Love and Sex PHIL 202 Love and Sexuality G1
PHIL 083S 1st-Year Smnr PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHIL 100 Meaning / Hum Exist PHIL 1X1 Meaning / Hum Exist G1
PHIL 102 Existentialism PHIL 3XX Existentialism G1
PHIL 103 Introduction to Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHIL 103W Intro Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHIL 105 Intro Philos Law and Legal Stu PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHIL 106 Intro Bus Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories W, G1
PHIL 107 Intro Phil Tech PHIL 2XX Intro Phil Tech G1
PHIL 108 Intro Soc Pol Phil PHIL 407 Political and Social Philosphy G1, W
PHIL 109 Philosophy of Art PHIL 383 Philosophy of Art G1, W
PHIL 109H Intro Aesthetics PHIL 1X9H H:Intro Aesthetics G1
PHIL 110 Intro to Philosophy of Science PHIL 314 Philosophy of Science W, G1
PHIL 111 Oriental Phil PHIL 361 Oriental Philosophy W, G1
PHIL 115 Phil of Education PHIL 1XX Phil of Education
PHIL 118 Environmental Philosophy PHIL 345 Humanity and Environment P
PHIL 123 Intro to Ethics in Media & Jou PHIL 2X3 Intro to Ethics in Media & Jou G1
PHIL 124 Intro Phil Relig PHIL 382 Philosophy of Religion G1
PHIL 125 Intro to Thry Knowl PHIL 1X5 Intro to Thry Knowl G1
PHIL 127 Intro Phil Mind PHIL 1X7 Intro Phil Mind G1
PHIL 132 Intro Bioethics PHIL 285 Moral Problems in Medicine G1
PHIL 200 Ancient Philosophy PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy W, G1
PHIL 201 Medieval Philosophy PHIL 2X1 Medieval Philosophy G1
PHIL 202 Modern Phil PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy G1, W
PHIL 203 19th Century Philosophy PHIL 2X3 19th Century Philosophy G1
PHIL 204 20th Cent Phil PHIL 20X 20C Philosophy G1
PHIL 207 Medieval Phil PHIL 2X7 Medieval Phil G1
PHIL 208 Contemporary Phil PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy W, G1
PHIL 233 Ethics and Technology PHIL 2X3 Ethics and Technology G1
PHIL 297 Special Topics PHIL 2X7 Special Topics G1
PHIL 409 Aesthetics PHIL 383 Philosophy of Art W, G1
PHIL 427 Phil of Mind PHIL 4X7 Phil of Mind G1
PHLOS 345 Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHLOS 490 Phil Topics PHIL 4XX Phil Topics
PHOTO 100 Intro Photo ART 201 Hist and Aesthtcs of Photgrphy G1
PHOTO 321 Flow Visualization ART 3X1 Flow Visualization
PHSC 008 Physical Science PHYS 1XX Physical Science G2
PHYS 001 Science of Phys PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics G2
PHYS 100 Science of Phys PHYS 1X1 Science of Phys G2
PHYS 150 Technical Physics PHYS 1X1 Technical Physics G2
PHYS 150 Technical Physics PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics G2
PHYS 201 General Physics PHYS 231 General Physics 1 G2, L
PHYS 202L General Physics PHYS 232 General Physics 2 L, G2
PHYS 204 General Physics PHYS 232 General Physics 2 G2, L
PHYS 211 Mechanics PHYS 231 General Physics 1 G2, L
PHYS 212 Elect & Magnetism PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus G2, L
PHYS 212L Elect & Magnetism PHYS 232 General Physics 2 L, G2
PHYS 212R Elect & Magnetism PHYS 232 General Physics 2 L, G2
PHYS 213 General Physics: Fluids and Th PHYS 2X3 General Physics: Fluids and Th G2
PHYS 213R Fluids&Thermal Phy PHYS 231 General Physics 1 G2, L
PHYS 214 Wave Motion&Quan PHYS 233 Wave-Particle Theory
PHYS 214R Wave Motion & Quan PHYS 233 Wave-Particle Theory
PHYS 215L Intro Phys PHYS 2X5 Intro Phys L, G2
PHYS 237 Intro Modern Phys PHYS 233 Wave-Particle Theory
PHYS 250 Intro Phys 1 PHYS 131 Physics 1 G2, L
PHYS 251 Intro Physics 2 PHYS 132 Physics 2 G2, L
PHYS 297A Honors Phys Astro PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
PL SC 001 Intro To Amer Nat Govt GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PL SC 003 Intro to Comparative Politics GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms G3
PL SC 014 International Relations GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics G3
PL SC 110 Rights in America GOVT 1X0 Rights in America G3
PL SC 130 Amer Pol Campaigns GOVT 1X3 Amer Pol Campaigns G3
PL SC 135 Pol Ecol Crisis GOVT 1X5 Pol Ecol Crisis
PL SC 419 The Bureaucratic State GOVT 41X The Bureaucratic State G3
PL SC 433 Pol Foundations US GOVT 4X3 Pol Foundations US G3
PL SC 439 The Politics of Terrorism GOVT 43X The Politics of Terrorism G3
PL SC 467 Internat Relations of Mid East GOVT 323 Govt/Politics of Middle East D, G3
PL SC 471 Amer Const Law GOVT 4X7 Amer Const Law G3
PL SC 490 Policy Making/Eval GOVT 4X9 Policy Making/Eval
PLSC 001 Intro to Am Nat Gov GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PLSC 002 American Public Policy Does Not Transfer
PLSC 003 Intro to Comparative Politics GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms G3
PLSC 007 Contemp Political Ideologies Does Not Transfer
PLSC 014 Intnatl Relations GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics G3
PLSC 017 Intro to Political Theory GOVT 231 Intro to Political Theory G3
PLSC 020 Comparative Politics:W Europe GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms G3
PLSC 083S 1st-Year Smnr GOVT 1XX 1st-Year Smnr
PLSC 117 Political Ideol GOVT 231 Intro to Political Theory G3
PLSC 125 PA Government & Politics Does Not Transfer
PLSC 137 US Intelligence & Policy Makin GOVT 2XX US Intelligence Policy Making G3
PLSC 145 The United States and Asia Does Not Transfer
PLSC 290N Compar Viol: Polit Crim Persp GOVT 2X9 Compar Viol: Polit Crim Persp G3
PLSC 291 Intro to Peace SSCI 2XX Intro to Peace
PLSC 301 Intro to Political Analysis Does Not Transfer
PLSC 309 Quantitative Politicl Analysis GOVT 401 Politicl Resrch Skls and Mthds
PLSC 403 The Legislative Process Does Not Transfer
PLSC 405 The American Presidency Does Not Transfer
PLSC 408 Intro to Political Research Does Not Transfer
PLSC 419 The Bureaucratic State GOVT 4X9 The Bureaucratic State
PLSC 426 PI Parties and GRPS GOVT 4X6 PI Parties and GRPS
PLSC 471 American Constitutional Law GOVT 4X7 American Constitutional Law G3
PSU 000 Unv Col 1st-Yr Smn UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 001 Abngtn 1st - Yr Smnr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 003 Altoona 1st - YR SMR UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 005 Bks - Lv 1st - YR Smnr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 006 Bus Adm 1st - YR Smr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 007 Bhrnd 1st-Yr Smnr UNIV 1X1 Bhrnd 1st-Yr Smnr
PSU 008 Cmwlth 1st Year Smnr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 008S Unv Col 1st-Yr Smn UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 009 Comm 1st - Yr Smnr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 012 Eng 1st-Yr Smnr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 014 Hhdev 1st Yr Smnr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 015 Lib Art 1st-Yr Smr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 016 Sci 1st Yr Smnr ELEC 1X6 Sci 1st Yr Semnr
PSU 017 Schl Ist 1st Yr Sr UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSU 5 First Year Seminar Berks UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PSY 002 Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 013 Devl Psychology PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 015 Elementary Statistics in Psych Does Not Transfer
PSY 021 Cur App Psy PSYC 1X1 Cur App Psy G3
PSY 037 Mental Health PSYC 1X2 Mental Health G3
PSY 170W Psychology of Women Does Not Transfer
PSY 201W Basic Research Methods in Psyc Does Not Transfer
PSY 202 Introduction to Perception Does Not Transfer
PSY 204 Introduction to Learning Does Not Transfer
PSY 209 Evolutionary Psychology Does Not Transfer
PSY 212 Introduction to Abnormal Psych PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
PSY 213 Intro to Developmental Psychol PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 217 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSY 221 Intro to Cognitive Psychology PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology
PSY 231 Industrial Psy PSYC 329 Industrial Psychology G3, W
PSY 236 Intro to Psychologies of Relig PSYC 328 Psycholgy and Religion P
PSY 238 Intro to Personality Psycholog Does Not Transfer
PSY 243 Personal Well-Being & Asjustme PSYC 256 Psychology Human Adjustment G3, W
PSY 270 Intro to Psychology of Gender Does Not Transfer
PSY 426 Adolescence PSYC 2XX Adolescence G3
PSY 436 Mental Hlth School PSY 4X6 Mental Hlth School
PSY 437 Psy of Adjustment PSYC 4X1 Psy of Adjustment
PSY 474 Psy Excepl Child PSYC 4X4 Psy Excepl Child
PSY 482 Clinical Psy PSYC 4X2 Clinical Psy
PSY 487 Health Psy PSYC 356 Health Psychology
PSYC 400 Health Psych PSYC 356 Health Psychology
PSYC 402 Exper Social Psych PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSYC 405 Develop Psych PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSYC 406 Adolescence PSYC 2XX Adolescence G3
PSYC 415 Abnorm Psy PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology W, G3
PSYC 482 Personality Theory PSYC 335 Personality Theory G3
PSYCH 100 Intro Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSYCH 105 Psy Science Prof PSYC 1X5 Psy Science Prof
PSYCH 175N Mental Illness and Movies PSYC 1X5 Mental Illness and Movies G3
PSYCH 200 Elem Stat Psych PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
PSYCH 212 Devl Psychology PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSYCH 221 Intro Soc Psych PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSYCH 231 Intro Psy Gender PSYC 2X1 Intro Psy Gender
PSYCH 232 Cross-Cultural Psychology PSYC 2X2 Cross-Cultural Psychology G3
PSYCH 238 Intro Person Psy PSYC 2X8 Intro Person Psy G3
PSYCH 243 Intr Welbe Pos Psy PSYC 2X3 Intr Welbe Pos Psy G3
PSYCH 253 Intro Psych Percept PSYC 2X5 Intro Psych Percept
PSYCH 256 Intro Cog Psy PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology
PSYCH 260 Neur Hum Behav PSYC 415 Physiological Psychology
PSYCH 261 Intro Psych Lrning PSYC 2X6 Intro Psych Lrning
PSYCH 270 Intro Abnorm Psych PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology W, G3
PSYCH 281 Intro INDS-ORG Psy PSYC 329 Industrial Psychology G3, W
PSYCH 296 Independent Studies Does Not Transfer
PSYCH 301 Basic Methods Psyc PSYC 3XX Basic Methods Psyc
PSYCH 301W Basic Methods Psy PSYC 3X1 Basic methods Psy
PSYCH 410 Child Development PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3
PSYCH 412 Adolescence PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
PSYCH 413 Cognitive Dev PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology
PSYCH 420 Adv Social Psy PSYC 4X2 Adv Social Psy
PSYCH 422 Human Sexuality PSYC 4X2 Human Sexuality
PSYCH 441 Health Psy PSYC 356 Health Psychology
PSYCH 445 Forensic Psychology PSYC 4X5 Forensic Psychology
PSYCH 456 Advanced Cognitive Psych PSYC 4X2 Advanced Cognitive Psych
PSYCH 470 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 437 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
PSYCH 478 Clin Neuropsy PSYC 4X8 Clin Neuropsy
PSYCH 481 Intro to Clinical Psychology PSYC 4X1 Intro to Clinical Psychology
PSYCH 492 Current Topics in Psyc PSYC 377 Special Topics in Psychology
PSYCH 496 Independent Studies Does Not Transfer
PT 204 PTA Seminar Does Not Transfer
PT 395W PTA -- Practicum I Does Not Transfer
PUBPL 201 Intro to HLS EHEM 2X1 Intro to HLS
PUBPL 304W Public Policy Analysis GOVT 205 Intro to Public Policy G3
PUBPL 403 Contemporary US Foreign Pol GOVT 355 American Foreign Policy G3
PUBPL 408 Amer Campaigns and Elections GOVT 312 American Political Parties G3, W
PUBPL 409 The Politics of Legislation GOVT 315 Congress and Lawmaking W, G3
PUBPL 420 Constitutional Law/Public Pol GOVT 314 American Judiciary G3
PUBPL 490 Sem Public Policy GOVT 408 Seminr in Govt and Pltcl Affrs
QBA 101 Intro to QBA BUAD 358 Management Science
QBA 102 El Bus Statistics MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
QBA 200 Intro Stat Bus Dec MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
QBA 201 Quan Meth Bus Dec BUAD 358 Management Science
R SOC 011 Intro Rural Soc SOCY 2X1 Intro Rural Soc G3
RADSC 101 Radiol Intro/Proc Does Not Transfer
RADSC 110 Patient Care Does Not Transfer
RADSC 295A RADSC 295A Does Not Transfer
RCLED 005 College Rdg Imp 1 Does Not Transfer
REST 301 R Est Fundamntls BUAD 30X Real Estate Fundamentals
RHS 100 Intro to Disability Culture SOWK 1X9 Intro to Disability Culture G3
RHS 300 Intro Rehab Servic SOWK 3X3 Intro Rehab Servic
RHS 301 Counseling SOWK 2X1 Counseling
RHS 400W Case Management SOWK 3X4 Case Management
RHS 402 Families Rehab Set SOWK 4X2 Families Rehab Set
RHS 403 Md Aspct Disability SOWK 403 Social Work Practice 3
RL ST 001 World Religions PHIL 313 World Religions G1
RL ST 003 Religions of East PHIL 1X3 Religions of East G1
RL ST 012 Lands of the Bible Does Not Transfer
RL ST 107 Introduction to Islam PHIL 3X7 Introduction to Islam G1
RL ST 120 New Testament Does Not Transfer
RL ST 124 Early Christianity PHIL 1X4 Early Christianity
RL ST 137 Women & Relig WSTU 2X7 Women & Relig G3
RLST 001 World Religions PHIL 313 World Religions W, G1
RLST 004 Jewish & Christian PHIL 3XX Jewish & Christian G1
RLST 012 New Testament PHIL 2X1 New Testament G1
RLST 070 Biblical Prophecy Does Not Transfer
RLST 101 Comp Religion PHIL 313 World Religions W, G1
RLST 103 Intro to Hinduism PHIL 1X3 Intro to Hinduism G1
RLST 107 Intro to Islam PHIL 3X7 Intro to Islam G1
RLST 110 Hebrew Bible PHIL 11X Hebrew Bible G1
RLST 120 New Testament PHIL 2X2 New Testament G1
RLST 125 Modern Christianity PHIL 2X5 Modern Christianity G1
RLST 140 Rel in Am Life SOCY 310 Sociology of Religion P
RLST 146 Life of M L King HIST 1X6 Life of M L King G3
RM 303 Real Estate Fundamentals BUAD 3X3 Real Estate Fundamentals
RPTM 101 Intro Rec Services WELL 1X1 Intro Rec Services
RPTM 120 Leisure/Human Beh WELL 1X2 Leisure/Human Beh
RPTM 210 Comm Recr/Tourism WELL 2X1 Comm Recr/Tourism
RPTM 220 Sustainability & Society GEOG 229 Sustainable Tourism G3
RPTM 236 Ldrsp/Grp Dynamics Recr Serv WELL 2X2 Ldrsp/Grp Dynamics Recr Serv
RPTM 277 Inclusive Leisure Services WELL 2X3 Inclusive Leisure Services
RPTM 297 Special Topics: Prof Develop Does Not Transfer
RPTM 297A ODS Counselor Does Not Transfer
RPTM 297B Cht Does Not Transfer
RPTM 300 Tourism/Leisure Behavior WELL 3X1 Tourism/Leisure Behavior
RPTM 410 Mktg Recreation Services WELL 4X1 Mktg Recreation Services
RPTM 496 Indep Studies Does Not Transfer
RUS 001 Elementary Russian 1 RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 G1
RUS 002 Elementary Russian 2 RUSS 102 Elementary Russian 2 G1
RUS 003 Intermediate Russian RUSS 201 Intermediate Russian 1 G1
RUS 100 Russian Culture and Civilizati Does Not Transfer
RUS 110 Rus Folklore HUMN 1X1 Rus Folklore G1
RUS 214 Intermed Russian 3 RUSS 202 Intermediate Russian 2 G1
RUS 305 Adv Rus Conv RUSS 3X5 Adv Rus Conv
SC 100 Intro Research SSCI 1X1 Intro Research
SC 120N Plts Pple and Plcs BIOL 1X2 Plts Pple and Plcs G2
SC 125N History of Disease BIOL 12X History of Disease G2
SC 135N Society and Disease BIOL 1X5 Society and Disease G2
SC 220 STEM Learning UNIV 1X1 STEM Learning
SC 240 Learning Assistant Experience Does Not Transfer
SC 297B Special Topics Science Seminar SSCI 2X7 Special Topics Science Seminar
SC 401 Basic Sci & Diseas BIOL 4X1 Basic Sci & Diseas
SCIED 140 Outdoor School Field Experienc Does Not Transfer
SCIED 297A ODS Does Not Transfer
SCIED 297C Investg Lt & Snd EDUC 2X7 Investigating Light & Sound
SCIED 458 Teaching Elem School Science EDUC 4X8 Teaching Elem School Science
SCLSC 320 Intro Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
SCM 200 Intro Stat Bus Dec ECON 231 Applied Statistcs 1 G3
SCM 301 Sup Chn Mgt BUAD 453 Supply Chain Logistics Mgmnt
SCM 310 Intro to OM BUAD 452 Productn/Operations Management
SOC 001 Intro to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 003 Intro Social Psy SOCY 316 Social Psychology W, G3
SOC 005 Social Problems SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
SOC 012 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
SOC 013 Juv Delinquency SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency W, G3
SOC 015 Urban Sociology SOCY 441 Urban Society
SOC 023 Pop & Policy Issues SOCY 216 Human Population G3, W
SOC 030 Soc of Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SOC 035 Soc of Aging GERT 1X3 Soc of Aging G3
SOC 110 Soc of Gender SOCY 1X1 Soc of Gender G3
SOC 119 Race and Ethnic Relations SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations G3
SOC 205N Critical Race Theory in Hum/SS SOCY 2X5 Critical Race Theory in Hum/SS G3
SOC 207 Research Methods SOCY 305 Social Research Methods
SOC 417 Law and Society SOCY 4X7 Law and Society G3
SOC 435 Persp on Aging SOCY 4X1 Persp on Aging
SOC 456 Gender, Occupations, & Profess SOCY 4X6 Gender, Occupations, & Profess
SOC 467 Law and Society SOCY 3X9 Law and Society
SOC 470 Inmd Social Stat SOCY 302 Social Statistics
SOC 83S 1st Year Seminar UNIV 1X8 1st Year Seminar
SOCIO 372 Social Conflict SOCY 3XX Social Conflict
SOCIO 463 The Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SOILS 101 Introductory Soils Does Not Transfer
SOSC 481 Qual Res Methods SSCI 4X1 Qual Res Methods
SPAN 001 Elementary Spanish SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPAN 002 Elementary Spanish SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPAN 003 Inmd Spanish SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPAN 010 Intensive Span SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPAN 010 Intensive Span SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPAN 020 Intensive Span SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPAN 020 Intensive Span SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 G1
SPAN 083S 1st Year Smnr SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPAN 100 Intermed Gram Comp SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 G1
SPAN 110 Intermed Conv SPAN 1X1 Intermed Conv G1
SPAN 130 Iberian Civil SPAN 331 Spanish Civilization 1
SPAN 131 Ibero-Am Civil SPAN 1XX Ibero-Am Civil G1
SPAN 200 Intensive Grammar and Comp SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 G1, W
SPAN 253 Intro to Hispanic Literature SPAN 2X3 Intro to Hispanic Literature G1, W
SPAN 301 Adv Wrt Styl Span SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 W, G1
SPCOM 100 Effective Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPCOM 100A Effective Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPCOM 100B Effective Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPCOM 126 Dev Listening COMM 1X6 Dev Listening G1
SPCOM 200 Effective Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPLED 395W Obser Excep Settng SPED 3X5 Obser Excep Settng
SPLED 400 Excpt Stu Ed Set SPED 312 Disablt in Inclusive Settings
SPLED 401 Motivtng Ex Lrnrs SPED 4X1 Motivtng Ex Lrnrs
SPLED 402 Hum Rts in Spled SPED 4X2 Humn Rights in Spled
SPLED 403A Inclusive Specl Ed Elementary SPED 4X3 Inclusive Specl Ed Elementary
SPLED 403B Inclusive Specl Ed Sec Se SPED 4X6 Inclusive Specl Ed Sec Se
SPLED 419 Assistive Tech for Gen Ed Tchr SPED 4X9 Assistive Tech for Gen Ed Tchr
SPLED 425 Human Var & Spled SPED 212 Psychological Aspects Disabld
SPLED 461 Intro to ASD SPED 4X1 Intro to ASD
SRA 111 Intro to SRA ELEC 1X1 Intro to SRA
SRA 211 Threat & Terr & Crm SOCY 2X1 Threat & Terr & Crm
SRA 221 Ovrvew of Infor Sec CSCI 2X1 Ovrvew of Infor Sec
SRA 231 Decision Theory and Analysis ELEC 2X1 Decision Theory and Analysis
SRA 311 Risk Analysis in Security Con ELEC 3X1 Risk Analysis in Security Con
SRA 365 Stat for Security Risk Analys ELEC 3X5 Stat for Security Risk Analys
SRA 421 Intelligence Environment ELEC 4X1 Intelligence Environment
SSED 430 Teaching Elem Social Studies ERCH 345 Social Studies for Young Lrnr
STAT 100 Stat Concepts MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
STAT 200 Elem Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
STAT 250 Biostatistics MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
STAT 301 Stat Anly 1 MATH 30X Stat Anly 1 G2
STAT 318 Elem Probability MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
STAT 401 Expt Methods 1 MATH 4X1 Expt Methods 1
STAT 414 Intro to Probability Theory MATH 335 Mathematical Statistics 1
STAT 418 Intro to Prob & Stoch Proc Eng MATH 3X1 Intro to Prob & Stoch Proc Eng G2
STAT 460 Intermed Applied Statistics MATH 535 Statistical Methods 1
STAT 462 Applied Regression Analysis MATH 4X2 Applied Regression Analysis
STAT 464 Applied Non-Parametric Stats MATH 4X4 Applied Non-Parametric Stats
STAT 480 Introduction to SAS MATH 4X8 Introduction to SAS
STS 055 Space Science/ Technology SCMA 1X5 Space Science / Technology
STS 100 Ascent of Humanity HMFA 1XX Ascent of Humanity G1
STS 101 Sci / Tech / Hum / Vals ITEC 301 Technology and Humans P
STS 105 Food Facts & Fads ELEC 1X5 Food Facts & Fads
STS 107 Intro Phil Tech ELEC 1XX Intro Phil Tech
STS 124 History of Western Medicine SCMA 1X4 History of Western Medicine
STS 130H World Food Problem UNIV 103H H First Yr:World Food Problem
STS 150 Fiery Furnace ELEC 1XX Fiery Furnace
STS 200 Critical Sts Issue ITEC 301 Technology and Humans P
STS 201 Clm Ch/ Energy/ Biodiversity ESCI 2X1 Clm Ch/ Energy/ Biodiversity G2
STS 233 Ethics/Technology PHIL 2XX Ethics/Technology
STS 235 Science and Religion PHIL 23X Science and Religion G1
STS 245 Globe Tech and Ethics ITEC 301 Technology and Humans P
STS 497E Cryptography ELEC 4XX Cryptography
SUR 111 Plane Surveying MATH 1XX Plane Surveying
SUST 200 Leadership Sustainability ELEC 2XX Leadership Sustainability
THEA 1 First-Year Seminar UNIV 1X1 First-Year Seminar THEA
THEA 100 The Art of the Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
THEA 101 Theatrical Imagination THEA 1XX Theatrical Imagination G1
THEA 102 Fundamentals of Acting THEA 130 Acting 1 G1, W
THEA 103 Fundamentals of Directing Does Not Transfer
THEA 105 Introduction to Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
THEA 110 Playscript Analysis THEA 240 Script Analysis G1
THEA 112 Introduction to Music Theatre THEA 11X Introduction to Music Theatre G1
THEA 115 Pop Culture THEA 11X Pop Culture G1
THEA 120 Acting 1 THEA 130 Acting 1 G1, W
THEA 130 Intro Thea Tech 1 THEA 1X3 Intro Thea Tech 1
THEA 131 Intro to Tech II THEA 19X Intro to Tech 2 G1
THEA 146 Basic Theatrical Makeup THEA 1X6 Basic Theatrical Makeup
THEA 150 Fundamentals of Design THEA 120 Stagecraft
THEA 152 Theatrical Design Foundations THEA 1X5 Theatrical Design Foundations
THEA 160 Intro Costume Crft THEA 1X1 Intro Costume Crft
THEA 170 Stage Light Fund THEA 1X2 Stage Light Fund
THEA 180 Introduction to Stagecraft Does Not Transfer
THEA 189 Theatre Prod Prac THEA 1X9 Theatre Prod Prac
THEA 189 Theatre Prod Prac THEA 1X8 Theatre Prod Prac
THEA 200 Script Analysis THEA 240 Script Analysis G1
THEA 207 Gender & Theatre THEA 2X7 Gender & Theatre G1
THEA 220 Acting 2 THEA 230 Acting 2 G1
THEA 221 Acting 3 THEA 2XX Acting 3
THEA 222 Acting Lab THEA 2XX Acting Lab
THEA 250 Intro Scene Design THEA 2X5 Intro Scene Design
THEA 251 Theatre Drafting Techniques THEA 2X1 Theatre Drafting Techniques
THEA 252 Design Presentation Tech THEA 2X2 Design Presentation Tech
THEA 260 Intro Costume Design THEA 2X6 Intro Costume Design
THEA 261 Intro Costume Construction THEA 2X7 Intro Costume Construction
THEA 270 Intro Lighting Design THEA 2X8 Intro Lighting Design
THEA 282 Prod Practicum THEA 2XX Production Practicum
THEA 289 Theatre Production Practicum Does Not Transfer
THEA 297A Unarmed Viol Stage THEA 27X Unarmed Viol Stage
THEA 322 Voice and Speech 1 THEA 3XX Voice and Speech 1
THEA 323 Voice and Speech 2 Does Not Transfer
THEA 401 Theatre History I Anc to 1700 THEA 4X1 Theatre History I Anc to 1700 G1
THEA 401W Theatre History 1:Ancient-1700 THEA 340 History of Theatre 1 G1, W
THEA 402W Theatre History 2:1700 - Prese THEA 341 History of Theatre 2 W, G1
THEA 454 Period Research for THEA THEA 4XX Period Research for THEA
THEA 460 Adv Topics in Costume Design THEA 4X6 Adv Topics in Costume Design
THEA 461 Adv Topics in Cost Construct THEA 4X7 Adv Topics in Cost Construct
THEA 464 History of Fashion I THEA 4X4 History of Fashion I
THEA 465 History of Fashion II THEA 4X5 History of Fashion II
THEA 489 THEA Prod Practicum Does Not Transfer
THEA 496 Independent Studies Does Not Transfer
TRDEV 418 Inst Mthd T&D Does Not Transfer
UKR 100 Ukr Cult & Civ ELEC 1XX Ukr Cult & Civ
VB SC 050S Mechanism/Disease BIOL 1XX Mechanism/Disease
VOICE 100 Voice Secondary MUSI 141 Class Voice 1
W F S 408 Mammalogy BIOL 415 Mammalogy
WF ED 101 Early Field Exp Does Not Transfer
WF ED 207W Assignm Techqs Does Not Transfer
WF ED 445 Vocational Guild Does Not Transfer
WILDL 101 Intro Wildl Mgmt BIOL 1X1 Intro Wildl Mgmt G2
WILDL 103 Animal Ident BIOL 1X3 Animal Ident
WILDL 106 Wildl Mgmt Tech BIOL 1X6 Wild Mgmt Tech
WILDL 207 Outdoor Recreation ELEC 2X7 Outdoor Recreation
WILDL 208 Terrestrial Wild Management BIOL 2X8 Terrestrial Wild Management G2
WILDL 213 Wetland & Fisheries Mngmnt BIOL 2X3 Wetland & Fisheries Mngmnt G2
WLED 483 Evaluating Schools: English ENGL 460 Teach ESL Listening/Speaking
WMNST 001 Intro Wmn Studies WSTU 220 Intro to Women's & Gender Stdy G3
WMNST 003 Women, Humanities, & The Arts WSTU 2XX Women, Humanities, & The Arts G1
WMNST 005 Women in Science, Tech & Engin Does Not Transfer
WMNST 008 Philosophy and Feminism Does Not Transfer
WMNST 100 Women/Gender St WSTU 30X Women/Gender St P
WMNST 101 The African-American Woman Does Not Transfer
WMNST 103 Racism & Sexism Does Not Transfer
WMNST 105 Living in a Diverse World WSTU 1X5 Living in a Diverse World G3
WMNST 106 Wmn Gender and Arts WSTU 36X Representing Wmn/Gndr Arts P
WMNST 117 Women in US History HIST 250 Women in American History G3, W
WMNST 194 Women Writers ENGL 2X4 Women Writers G1
WMNST 200 Global Feminism WSTU 2XX Global Feminism G3
WMNST 205 Gender, Diversity and Media COMM 330 Media and Women's Culture D, P
WMNST 301 Sexualities, Gender and Power WSTU 3X1 Sexualities, Gender & Power G3
WMNST 401 Fem Theory Practice WSTU 330 Feminist Theory P
WMNST 497 Special Topics WSTU 491 Topics in Women's Studies
WOMST 430 Women in American Society WSTU 43X Women in American Society P
WWNDS 124 Saxophone Primary I MUSI 1X4 Saxophone Primary I
YFE 211 Fnd Civ Com Engage UNIV 2X1 Fnd Civ Com Engage

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