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MU Gen ED Code Legend

West Chester University / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

West Chester University Course Millersville Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
ABC 191 Brass Class MUSI 1XX Brass Class
ABC 192 French Horn Class MUSI 1X2 French Horn Class
ABC 193 Trombone Class MUSI 1X3 Trombone Class
ACB 191 Trumpet Class MUSI 156 Brass 1
ACB 192 French Horn Class MUSI 1XX French Horn Class
ACC 201 Prin of Acctg 1 BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACC 202 Prin of Acctg 2 BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACC 300 Fraud Examination BUAD 3X3 Fraud Examination
ACC 301 Intermed Acctg 1 BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1
ACC 302 Intermed Acctg 2 BUAD 362 Intermediate Accounting 2
ACC 303 Cost Accounting 1 Does Not Transfer
ACC 320 Acctg Info Systems BUAD 363 Accounting Information System
ACC 403 Federal Taxation 1 BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1
ACP 191 Perc Class - Drums MUSI 108 Private Instruction - Drums
ACS 191 Violin Class 1 MUSI 1XX Violin Class 1
ACU 303 Cost Accounting 1 BUAD 364 Cost Accounting
ACW 191 Clarinet Class MUSI 108 Private Instruction - Clarinet
ACW 192 Flute Class MUSI 152 Woodwind 1
ACW 193 Double-Reed Class MUSI 252 Woodwind 2
AEB 101 Elementary Band MUSI 1XX Elementary Band
AEB 112 March Band Front MUSI 129 Appl Music in Marching Band
AEB 311 Marching Band MUSI 129 Appl Music in Marching Band
AEB 321 Concert Band MUSI 3X1 Concert Band
AEB 331 Symphonic Band MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
AEB 341 Wind Ensemble MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr
AEO 101 Elemen Orchestra MUSI 1XX Elemen Orchestra
AEO 341 Symphony Orchestra MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
AES 111 Brass Ensemble MUSI 1X1 Brass Ensemble
AES 122 Steel Drum Ensemble MUSI 1XX Steel Drum Ensemble
AES 131 String Ensemble MUSI 12X String Ensemble
AES 151 Criterions MUSI 124 Appl Music in Jazz Ensemble
AES 153 Latin Jazz Ensemble MUSI 15X Latin Jazz Ensemble
AIC 311 Instr Conduct 1 MUSI 381 Conducting 1
AIC 312 Instr Conduct 2 MUSI 481 Conducting 2
AIM 311 Marching Band Tech MUSI 3XX Marching Band Tech
AIM 429 Special Subjects Seminar Does Not Transfer
AJZ 365 Jazz Ensemble Techniques MUSI 224 Jazz Lab Band
ALC 313 Brass Literature II MUSI 3X1 Brass Literature II
ALC 361 Survey of Band Literature MUSI 3X1 Survey of Band Literature
AMC 331 Mast Class Strings MUSI 251 Strings 2
AMS 200 Amer Civilization I HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
ANT 101 Intro Anthro Biology ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology G3
ANT 102 Intro Anthro Cult ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ANT 103 Intro Archeaology ANTH 123 Introduction To Archeology G3
ANT 224 Native People S AM ANTH 226 Compar Societs:S AM Native G3, W
ANT 230 Intro to Primatology ANTH 2X3 Intro to Primatology G3
ANT 231 Intro Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ANT 322 Ethnol Centrl Amer ANTH 3X2 Ethnol Centrl Amer
ANT 340 Folklore in Society ANTH 3X1 Folklore in Society G3
ANT 347 Culture of Cities ANTH 34X Culture of Cities D
ANT 360 Histor Archaeology ANTH 123 Introduction To Archeology G3
ANT 362 Archaeol Cent Amer ANTH 233 Topics:Cent Amer G3
APC 191 Non-Pitched Percussion MUSI 1X1 Non-Pitched Percussion
APC 192 Pitched Perc MUSI 1XX Pitched Perc
ARH 101 Art Appreciation ART 100 Art in Culture G1
ARH 103 Art History 1 ART 301 The Ancient World G1
ARH 104 Art History 2 ART 312 Survey of Art History G1
ARH 211 Art of Egypt ART 2XX Art of Egypt G1
ARH 300 Hist of Graphic Design DESN 307 Visual Comm Design History P
ARH 382 Art of Greece and Rome ART 3X2 Art of Greece and Rome
ARH 386 Modern Art Seminar ART 304 The 20th Century G1, W
ARH 389 Art of Spain ART 3X9 Art of Spain
ARH 413 American Art ART 313 Art in America G1
ART 101 Fine Arts ART 1X1 Fine Arts
ART 105 Art Workshop ART 1X5 Art Workshop G1
ART 106 Begin Drawing ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 111 Basic Design 2D ART 142 Design 1 G1
ART 112 Color & Design ART 1X2 Color & Design
ART 113 Intro Computer Art ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art
ART 206 Intermed Drawing ART 233 Drawing 2
ART 210 Typography 1 ART 240 Typography 1 G1
ART 211 Graphic Design 1 ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
ART 212 Graphic Design II DESN 2X2 Graphic Design II
ART 213 Typography II DESN 244 Typography 2
ART 216 Beginning Painting ART 352 Painting 1
ART 217 Intermed Painting ART 354 Painting 2
ART 220 Fund 3-D Design ART 242 3D Design
ART 221 Sculpture I ART 282 Sculpture 1 G1
ART 222 Begin Sculpture ART 282 Sculpture 1 G1
ART 223 Basic Photography ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 G1
ART 226 Water Color I ART 353 Watercolor 1
ART 228 Digital Photography ART 2X8 Digital Photography G1
ART 230 Digital Object Design DESN 23X Digital Object Design
ART 231 Ceramics 1: Basic ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building G1
ART 232 Ceramics 2: Inter ART 296 Ceramics:Wheel Throwing G1
ART 241 Intro Relief Print ART 361 Survey Printmaking 1
ART 243 Printmaking:Inter Relief Print ART 364 Relief Printmaking 1
ART 251 Art Elem School ART 141 Fundamentals of Studio Art G1
ART 317 Painting Stud Prob ART 3X7 Painting Stud Prob
ART 319 Painting V ART 3X9 Painting V
ART 321 Intermediate Sculpture ART 382 Sculpture 2
ART 386 W Art V Modern Art ART 3X6 W Art V Modern Art
ART 455 Intro Multi-Media ART 4XX Intro Multi-Media
ASC 191 Violin / Viola Class MUSI 1XX Violin / Viola Class
ASC 195 Bass Class MUSI 1XX Bass Class
ASC 196 Guitar Class MUSI 19X Guitar Class
ASL 110 Elem American Sign Lang I FORL 11X Elem American Sign Lang I G1
ASL 111 Elem ASL I FORL 1X1 Elem ASL I
AWC 191 Single Reed Class MUSI 1X9 Single Reed Class
AWC 192 Flute/Rec Class MUSI 1X2 Flute/Rec Class
AWC 193 Double-Reed Class MUSI 1XX Double-Reed Class
BAS 111 Private Lesson MUSI 108 Pri Ins 1:
BAS 112 Private Lesson MUSI 109 Pri Ins 2:
BIL 333 Intro to Recombinant DNA BIOL 3X3 Intro to Recombinant DNA G2
BIO 100 Basic Biological Science BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 102 Humans & Environ BIOL 1X2 Humans & Environ G2
BIO 110 General Biology BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 111 General Biology II BIOL 343 Prin of Ecology and Evolution
BIO 204 Intro Microbiology BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology
BIO 214 Genl Microbiology BIOL 461 General Microbiology
BIO 215 General Botany BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany G2
BIO 217 General Zoology BIOL 211 Concepts of Zoology G2, L
BIO 220 Cell Physiology BIOL 22X Cell Physiology
BIO 230 Genetics BIOL 23X Genetics G2
BIO 259 Anatomy / Physiol 1 BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 269 Anatomy / Physiol 2 BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BIO 270 Ecology BIOL 140 Introductory Ecology G2, L
BIO 312 Marine Botany BIOL 397 Marine Botany
BIO 414 Appl Indust Micro BIOL 4X4 Appl Indust Micro
BIO 431 Molecular Genetics BIOL 4X1 Molecular Genetics
BIO 440 Human Genetics BIOL 467 Human Genetics:Analysis/Apps W
BIO 484 Epidemiology BIOL 4X8 Epidemiology
BIO 490 Biology Seminar BIOL 470 Biology Colloquium
BLA 201 Legal Envr Bsns BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BLA 302 Spec Subj Bus Law BUAD 3X2 Spec Topics: Bus Law
BME 120 Intro to Comp Aid Eng Design AENG 241 Drafting Communications
CHE 100 Concepts in Chem CHEM 102 Science of Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHE 101 Fundament of Chem CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry
CHE 102 Essentials of Chem CHEM 101 Chem!Better Things/Better Lvng G2
CHE 103 Gen'l Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHE 107 Gen Chem Hlth Sci w/o lab CHEM 1X7 Gen Chem Hlth Sci w/o lab G2
CHE 160 The Chemistry of Beer CHEM 1X6 The Chemistry of Beer
CHE 230 Introduction to Organic & Biol CHEM 235 Organic Chemistry
CHE 310 Introductory Biochemistry CHEM 3X1 Introductory Biochemistry
CHE 371 Forensic Chemistry CHEM 3X1 Forensic Chemistry G2, G2, L
CHE 418 Chemical Information CHEM 4X8 Chemical Information
CHE 433 Adv Topics in Chem CHEM 4X3 Adv Topics in Chem G2
CHI 101 Elementary Chinese I FORL 1X1 Elementary Chinese I G1
CHI 102 Elementary Chinese II FORL 1X2 Elementary Chinese II G1
CHO 112 University Chorale MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 112 University Chorale MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 112 University Chorale MUSI 226 Applied Music Choir
CHO 112 University Chorale MUSI 227 Applied Music Choir
CHO 112 University Chorale MUSI 326 Applied Music Choir
CHO 112 University Chorale MUSI 327 Applied Music Choir
CHO 112 University Chorale MUSI 426 Applied Music Choir
CHO 112 University Chorale MUSI 427 Applied Music Choir
CHO 211 Men's Chorus MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 211 Men's Chorus MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 211 Men's Chorus MUSI 226 Applied Music Choir
CHO 212 Women's Chorus MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 212 Women's Chorus MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 212 Women's Chorus MUSI 226 Applied Music Choir
CHO 212 Women's Chorus MUSI 227 Applied Music Choir
CHO 212 Women's Chorus MUSI 326 Applied Music Choir
CHO 212 Women's Chorus MUSI 327 Applied Music Choir
CHO 212 Women's Chorus MUSI 426 Applied Music Choir
CHO 212 Women's Chorus MUSI 427 Applied Music Choir
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 226 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 227 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 326 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 327 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 426 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 427 Applied Music in Choir
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 4X8 Masterworks Chorus
CHO 311 Masterworks Chorus MUSI 4X9 Masterworks Chorus
CHO 312 Cantari Donne MUSI 31X Cantari Donne
CHO 411 Chamber Choir MUSI 41X Chamber Choir
CLS 165 Intro to World Lit ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
CLS 201 Mythol in 20th C. HUMN 2X1 Mythol in 20th C. G1
CLS 203 African Studies ENGL 333 African-American Literature 1 D, G1, W
CLS 260 World Literature 1 ENGL 231 World Literature 1 G1
CLS 261 World Literature II ENGL 232 World Literature 2 G1
CLS 270 Life, Death, Dis SOCY 317 Sociology Of Health G3
CLS 297 Themes Contemp Lit ENGL 2X7 Themes Contemp Lit G1
CLS 362 World Lit - Mod Fict ENGL 3X2 World Lit - Mod Fict G1
CLT 001 Clarinet Class MUSI 1X1 Clarinet Class
CLT 002 Clarinet Class MUSI 1X9 Clarinet Class
CMB 111 Concert March Band MUSI 12X Concert March Band
COM 101 Speech Fundamental COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
COM 200 Communic Careers I Does Not Transfer
COM 201 Fund Com Tech COMM 2X1 Fund Com Tech
COM 204 Interpersonal Com COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
COM 206 Argumentation COMM 2X6 Argumentation G1
COM 208 Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
COM 209 Princ/Prac of Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
COM 211 Communication Literacy COMM 2X1 Communication Literacy
COM 212 Mass Commucation COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
COM 213 Public Communication COMM 342 Theories of Rhetoric
COM 214 Relational Communication COMM 2X4 Relational Communication G1
COM 215 Organizational Communication COMM 224 Organizational Communication 1
COM 216 Small Group Commun COMM 303 Small Group Communication
COM 217 Dir Documentary TV COMM 421 TV Production 2
COM 219 Comm Theory COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
COM 224 Communic Research COMM 301 Communction Research W
COM 230 Bus & Prof Speech COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn
COM 250 Intercult Communic COMM 317 Intercultural Communicology D, P
COM 292 Computer Com COMM 2X2 COmputer Com
COM 307 Nonverbal Communic COMM 3X7 Nonverbal Communic
COM 403 Persuasion COMM 403 Persuasion
CRJ 100 Hist Phil Law Just SOCY 1X1 Hist Phil Law Just G3
CRJ 110 Intro Crim Justice SOCY 231 Intro to the Criminal Justice G3
CRJ 200 Intro Crim Justice SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CRJ 210 Theories Crim Just SOCY 2XX Theories Crim Just G3
CRJ 220 Corrections SOCY 332 Modern Corrections G3
CRJ 230 Probation & Parole SOCY 2X3 Probation & Parole
CRJ 240 Criminal Investigation SOCY 2X0 Criminal Investigation
CRJ 268 Private Security SOCY 2X8 Private Security
CRJ 287 Policing in America SOCY 331 Socy of Policing and Courts G3
CRJ 300 Criminal Law SOCY 3X1 Criminal Law
CRJ 304 Hist Phil Law Just SOCY 3X4 Hist Phil Law Just G3
CRJ 312 White Collar Crime SOCY 3X2 White Collar Crime
CRJ 318 Environmental Crime SOCY 313 Sociology of Disaster G3
CRJ 360 Race Ethnicity & Crim Justice SOCY 33X Race Ethnicity & Crim Justice D, W
CRJ 362 Drugs, Crime, and Justice SOCY 3X6 Drugs, Crime, and Justice
CRJ 365 Victimology SOCY 36X Victimology
CRJ 400 Crim Procedure SOCY 4X1 Crim Procedure
CRJ 420 Crim Investigation SOCY 4X2 Crim Investigation
CRJ 455 Topics Seminar in Crim Justice SOCY 4X5 Topics Seminar in Crim Justice
CRJ 460 Evidence / Advocacy SOCY 4X6 Evidence / Advocacy
CRJ 470 Interperson Relat PSYC 234 Human Relations G3
CRL 103 Exp Gen Chem I Lab Does Not Transfer
CRL 371 Forensic Chemistry Lab Does Not Transfer
CRW 201 Intro Creativ Writ ENGL 2XX Intro Creativ Writ G1
CRW 202 Creativ Writing 1 ENGL 2X2 Creative Writing G1
CRW 203 Creative Writing II ENGL 2X3 Creative Writing II G3
CRW 303 Shrt Story Wkshp 1 ENGL 3X3 Shrt Story Wkshp 1
CRW 305 Creative Nonfiction Workshop I ENGL 3X5 Creative Nonfiction Workshop I W
CSC 101 Intro to Computers CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
CSC 110 Fundament of CSC CSCI 1XX Fund of CSC G2
CSC 112 Programming & Data Science CSCI 111 Prob Solv with Visual Basic G2
CSC 115 Intro Comp Prgrmng CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CSC 141 Computer Sci 1 CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CSC 142 Computer Sci 2 CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 G2
CSC 240 Computer Sci 3 CSCI 2X4 Computer Sci 3
CSC 301 Computer Security 1 CSCI 3X1 Computer Security 1
CSC 317 Visual Prog CSCI 3X7 Visual Prog
CSC 350 Computers in Educ EDFN 330 Instr Tech, Design, Assessment
CSD 101 Intro Communication Disorder COMM 11X Intro Communication Disorder G1
CSW 101 Intro to Computers CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
CSW 131 Intro Web Design CSCI 1XX Intro Web Design G2
DAN 132 Modern Dance I HMFA 1X2 Modern Dance I G1
DAN 133 Beg Hip-Hop Dance WELL 1X3 Beg Hip-Hop Dance
DAN 134 Beginner's Ballet WELL 1X4 Beginner's Ballet
DAN 135 Tap Dance I WELL 1X5 Tap Dance I WELL
DAN 136 Intro to Ballroom WELL 1X6 Intro to Ballroom WELL
DAN 137 African Dance HUMN 13X African Dance G1
DAN 138 Hip Hop Dance I WELL 1X8 Hip Hop Dance I WELL
DAN 150 Intr Art of Dance HMFA 1X5 Intr Art of Dance G1
DAN 232 Modern Drama ELEC 2X2 Modern Drama
DAN 233 Jazz Dance II WELL 2X3 Jazz Dance II WELL
DAN 234 Ballet II WELL 2X4 Ballet II
DAN 346 Modern Dance 2 ELEC 2X2 Modern Dance 2
DAN 380 Cuban Rumba: Cultural Identity HUMN 3X0 Cuban Rumba: Cultural Identity
DAN 441 Dance Composition ELEC 4X1 Dance Composition
DHM 210 Introduction to Gaming ELEC 2X1 Introduction to Gaming
ECO 101 Prin Econ Survey ECON 100 Introductory Economics G3
ECO 111 Prin of Econ Macro ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 G3
ECO 112 Prin of Econ Micro ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 G3
ECO 200 Personal Econ/Fin Planning BUAD 203 Personal Finance G3
ECO 251 Quant Bus Analy 1 ECON 235 Mathematical Economics
ECO 252 Quant Bus Analy 2 ECON 2X2 Quant Bus Analy 2
ECO 335 Money & Banking ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking G3
ECO 338 International Economics ECON 325 International Economics G3
ECO 341 Public Finance ECON 316 Public Finance G3
ECO 342 Economics of the Law ECON 310 Economics of Justice P
ECO 348 Intermediate Macroeconomics ECON 319 Intermediate Macroeconomics G3
ECO 351 Business Analytics II ECON 3X1 Business Analytics II
EDA 101 Psy Mentl Handicap SPED 212 Psychological Aspects Disabld
EDA 102 Psy Phys Handicap SPED 1X2 Psy Phys Handicap
EDA 103 Foundations of Special Educ SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
EDA 104 Intro Special Education SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
EDA 200 Practicum EDFN 2X1 Practicum
EDA 203 Field: Stdnts w/ Exceptionalit SPED 2X3 Field: Stdnts w/ Exceptionlit
EDA 220 Behav Management SPED 325 Principles Behavior Management
EDA 230 Inclusive Clrm EDUC 403 Pluralism in Classroom D, W
EDA 250 Incl for Music Ed MUSI 171 Introduction to Music Educ
EDA 280 Integrat the Arts ART 2X8 Integrat the Arts
EDA 301 Field Ex & Sem: MB SPED 3X1 Field Ex & Sem: MB
EDA 302 Field Ex & Sem: PH SPED 3X2 Field Ex & Sem: PH
EDA 320 Behavior Management SPED 325 Principles Behavior Management
EDA 321 Behav Management & Field Exp Does Not Transfer
EDA 347 Low Incidence SPED 3X7 Low Incidence
EDA 350 Life Curriculum SPED 3X5 Life Curriculum
EDA 360 Assessment Special Education SPED 328 Assessment in Special Educatn
EDA 390 Life Curriculum SPED 3X5 Life Curriculum
EDE 200 Theory and Field Exp ELED 100 Intro to Elementary Education
EDE 230 Inclusive Clrm EDUC 403 Pluralism in Classroom D, W
EDE 251 Child Devel/Behav PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
EDE 315 Dev Rdg Hand Child SPED 3X5 Dev Rdg Hand Child
EDE 332 Tchg Soc Stud Elem ELED 3XX Tchg Soc Stud Elem
EDE 352 Self/Group Process EDUC 403 Pluralism in Classroom D, W
EDE 401 Creativity in Clsrn EDUC 4X1 Creativity in the Classroom
EDE 406 Classroom Management EDUC 4X6 Classroom Management
EDE 410 Student Tchng 1st half EDEL 461 Eled Stu Teaching
EDE 411 Student Tchng 2nd half EDSP 462 Stu Tch: Sped, 2nd
EDF 100 School & Society EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDF 255 Evolution of School in U.S. EDFN 2X5 Evolution of School in U.S.
EDF 300 Democracy and Ed EDFN 3X2 Democracy and Ed
EDM 300 Intro Instr Commun EDFN 3X9 Intro Instr Commun
EDP 200 Middle Grades Cognition EDUC 2X1 Middle Grades Cognition
EDP 249 Adolescent Develop PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
EDP 250 Educational Psych EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
EDP 351 Evaluat & Measurem EDFN 3XX Eval & Measurement
EDR 100 Coll Rdg / Study Skl Does Not Transfer
EDR 120 College Reading & Study Skills Does Not Transfer
EDR 302 Teach Lang Arts EDUC 3X2 Teach Lang Arts
EDR 304 Teaching Language Arts Pre-K-4 ELED 325 Teaching Literacy
EDR 306 Teaching Language Arts 4-8 EDUC 3X6 Teaching Language Arts 4-8
EDR 307 Foundation in Reading PreK-4 ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading
EDR 308 Foundations in Reading 4-8 ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading
EDR 311 Intro to Reading EDUC 220 Reading Foundations
EDR 323 Reading Handicapped SPED 3X3 Reading Handicapped
EDR 341 Inclus/Rdg Cont EDUC 323 Teaching Reading in Content W
EDR 347 Lit Dev & Secondary Students SPED 3X7 Lit Dev & Secondary Students
EDR Q20 Reader's Workshop Does Not Transfer
EDT 349 Technology Tools EDUC 3X9 Technology Tools
EFR 330 Fr-W African Lit ENGL 33X Fr-W African Lit D
EGE 323 Austrian Civilizat 1 HUMN 3XX Austrian Civilizat 1 G1
EGE 405 Survey German Film W GERM 4XX Survey German Film G1
EGP 209 Child Dev: Prebirth-5 Years PSYC 2X9 Child Dev: Prebirth-5 Years
EGP 210 Middle Childhood & Adoles Dev ELED 2X1 Middle Childhood & Adoles Dev
EGP 220 Theory/Field Exp Early Grades ELED 100 Intro to Elementary Education
EGP 322 Pre-K Methods/Field Placement Does Not Transfer
EGP 326 Families/ Community Relations EDUC 316 Parent/Tchr Relat in Elem Schl D, W
ELM 201 American Film ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1, W
ENG 020 Basic Writing Does Not Transfer
ENG 101 English Comp I ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 102 English Comp II ENGL 1X2 English Comp II
ENG 120 Effective Writing 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 121 Effective Writing II ENGL 1XX Effective Writing II G1
ENG 150 Writing Studies Wrkshop Does Not Transfer
ENG 194 Conventions Read and Write ENGL 1X4 Conventions Read and Write
ENG 200 Intermediate Comp ENGL 2X1 Intermediate Comp
ENG 201 Intro to English Studies ENGL 2X1 Intro to English Studies
ENG 215 Views on Literacy ENGL 2X5 Views on Literacy
ENG 230 Intro Linguistics ENGL 220 Introduction to Language Study G1
ENG 295 Hist and Texts ENGL 2X5 Hist and Texts G1
ENG 296 Theor / Meaning / Valu ENGL 2X6 Theor / Meaning / Valu G1
ENG 304 Essay Works ENGL 3X4 Essay Works
ENG 331 Structure of Modern English ENGL 3X1 Structure of Modern English
ENG 368 Bus & Org Wrtg ENGL 316 Business Writing AW
ENG 382 Teaching ELLs PK-12 ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners
ENG Q20 Basic Writing Does Not Transfer
ENS 311 Marching Band MUSI 129 Marching Band
ENS 312 Concert Band MUSI 220 Concert Band
ENS 321 Orpheus Singers MUSI 126 Marauder Men's Glee Club
ENV 102 Humans & Environ BIOL 1XX Humans & Environ G2
ENV 445 Risk Assessment EHEM 4X5 Risk Assessment
ENV 447 Environ Regulations EHEM 44X Environ Regulations
ENV 452 Industrial Hygiene I OSEH 4X5 Industrial Hygiene I
ENV 460 Industrial Hyg II OSEH 4X6 Industrial Hyg II
ERU 209 Sov Russian Cultur HUMN 2X9 Sov Russian Cultur G1
ERU 309 Russian Culture HUMN 30X Russian Culture G1, W
ESP 219 Civilization of Spain SPAN 331 Spanish Civilization 1
ESP 222 Lat-Amer Cult Civ ANTH 226 Compar Societs: G3, W
ESP 300 Lat-Amer Cult Civ ANTH 226 Compar Societs: G3, W
ESP 305 Spanish Cinema SPAN 3X5 Spanish Cinema
ESP 310 Latin American Narrative SPAN 31X Latin American Narrative
ESP 316 Lat Am Avant Gardes Mass Media SPAN 3X6 Lat Am Avant Gardes Mass Media G1
ESP 318 Speaking Spanish in the US SPAN 3X8 Speaking Spanish in the US G1
ESP 324 Latinos in the US LATS 201 Introduction to Latino Studies D, G1
ESS 101 Intro to Geology ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth G2, L
ESS 102 Humans & Environment ESCI 1X2 Humans & Environment
ESS 111 General Astronomy PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
ESS 112 Galaxies and Cosmology PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
ESS 125 Volcanoes ESCI 1X5 Volcanoes G2
ESS 130 Our Coastal Ocean ESCI 104 The World Ocean G2
ESS 170 Our Atmosphere ESCI 107 The Atmosphere G2
ESS 201 Field Geology ESCI 2X1 Field Geology G2, W
ESS 204 Historical Geology ESCI 222 Historical Geology G2, L
ESS 301 Env Geochemistry ESCI 3X1 Env Geochemistry G2
ESS 302 Mineralogy ESCI 327 Mineralogy
ESS 307 Geol of Solar Syst ESCI 428 Planetary Geology W
ESS 311 Introduction to Astronomy PHYS 317 Introduction to Astronomy
ESS 330 Intro Oceanography ESCI 10X Intro Oceanography G2, L
ESS 331 Intro to Paleontology ESCI 3X1 Intro to Paleontology
ESS 343 Geomorphology ESCI 225 Geomorphology
ESS 347 Earth & Space Science Seminar ESCI 110 Intro to Earth Sciences Progrm
ESS 447 Earth & Space Seminar ESCI 4X7 Earth & Space Seminar
EXS 100 Foundations ExSci WSSD 1X1 Foundations ExSci
EXS 101 Group Exercise Leadership WSSD 1X1 Group Exercise Leadership
EXS 102 Fund of Resistnce Trainng Tech WSSD 1X2 Fund of Resistnce Trainng Tech
EXS 103 Group Exercise and Resistence WELL 1X3 Group Exercise and Resistence
EXS 180 Life Fitness Cncpt WELL 175 Wellness WELL
EXS 222 Intro to Medical Terminology WSSD 110 Medical Terminology
EXS 223 Kinetic Anatomy BIOL 2X3 Kinetic Anatomy G2
EXS 270 Motor Learning PSYC 2X7 Motor Learning G3
EXS 375 Sport and Exercise Psych WSSD 3X5 Sport and Exercise Psych
FIN 325 Corporate Finance BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 W
FIN 326 Intermed Financ Mgt BUAD 347 Risk and Insurance
FIN 330 Prin of Insurance BUAD 347 Risk and Insurance
FIN 332 Real Estate Finance BUAD 343 Real Estate Fundamentals
FIN 337 Financial Markets BUAD 445 Financial Markets
FIN 344 Investments BUAD 345 Investment Analysis
FIN 360 Fin Analysis Excel FIN 3X6 Fin Analysis Excel
FIN 375 Contemp Fin BUAD 447 Cases in Finance W
FLM 200 Intro to Film ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1, W
FLM 202 American Themes ENGL 2X2 American Themes G1
FLU 111 Private Lesson MUSI 1X1 Private L esson
FLU 112 Private Lesson MUSI 1X2 Private Lesson
FRE 101 Elem Fr 1 FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FRE 102 Elem Fr II FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
FRE 201 Inter Fr 1 Tradit FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 G1
FRE 202 Inter Fr 2 (Tradi) FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 G1
FRE 301 Adv Grammr/Stylist FREN 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 G1, W
FRE 302 Phonetics/Adv Oral FREN 352 Comp and Oral Expression 2 G1, W
FRH 101 French Horn Minor MUSI 1X1 French Horn Minor
FRH 111 Private Lesson MUSI 1X2 Private Lesson
FRH 111 Private Lesson MUSI 1X3 Private Lesson
FRH 112 Private Lesson MUSI 1X2 Private Lesson
FRH 211 Private Lesson MUSI 2X1 Private Lesson
FRH 212 Private Lesson MUSI 2X2 Private Lesson
FRH 311 Private Lesson MUSI 3X1 Private Lesson
FYB 100 First Year Experience:Business UNIV 103 First Yr:Business
FYE 100A First Year Experience UNIV 103 First Year Experience
FYE 100B First Year Experience - Explor UNIV 103 First Yr: Exploratory
FYE 100C First Year Experience Business UNIV 103 First Yr: Business
FYE 100D First Year Experience Int Heal UNIV 103 First Yr: Inter Health
FYE 100F First Year Experience UNIV 103 First Year Experience
FYE 100G First Year Experience UNIV 103 First Year Experience
FYE 100H First Year Experience UNIV 103 First Year Experience
FYE 100J First Year Experience UNIV 103 First Year Experience
FYE 100K First Year Experience UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
FYH 100 First Year Exp - Health UNIV 103 First Year Exp - Health
FYX 100 First Year Exp: Exploratory UNIV 103 First Yr: Exploratory
GEO 101 World Geo GEOG 141 World Regional Geography G3
GEO 102 Physical Geography GEOG 230 Physical Geography G3
GEO 103 World Geography GEOG 101 The Global Environment G3
GEO 104 Intro to Geospatial Technology GEOG 1X4 Intro to Geospatial Technology G2
GEO 204 Intr Urban Studies SOCY 2X4 Intr Urban Studies
GEO 205 Geography of Agriculture GEOG 2X5 Geography of Agriculture
GEO 214 Intro to Planning GEOG 372 Urban and Regional Planning G3
GEO 225 Maps & Remote Sens GEOG 281 Map Interpretation and Analys G3
GEO 230 Enviro Conserv/Sustainability GEOG 202 Environmental Sustainability G3
GEO 301 U. S. & Canada GEOG 344 North America G3
GEO 302 Latin America GEOG 343 Latin America P
GEO 303 Europe GEOG 342 Europe G3, W
GEO 312 Urban Geography GEOG 227 Urban Geography G3
GEO 324 Intro Geo Info Sys GEOG 295 Geographic Information Systems
GEO 325 Business Geo (GIS) GEOG 3XX Business Geo (GIS)
GEO 328 Computer Graphics GEOG 3X8 Computer Graphics
GEO 425 Business GIS Applications GEOG 4X5 Business GIS Applications
GER 101 Elem German 1 GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GER 102 Elem German 2 GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
GER 201 Intermed German 1 GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 G1
GER 202 Intermed German 2 GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 G1
GER 303 Adv German Grammer and Comp GERM 370 Adv Grammar and Stylistics
GER 307 Advanced Oral German GERM 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 G1, W
GER 322 Austrian Civilization GERM 331 German Civilization 1
GER 350 German Culture I GERM 331 German Civilization 1
GER 408 Masterpieces of German Theatre GERM 3X8 Masterpieces of German Theatre G1
GRE 102 Elem Greek II FORL 1X2 Elem Greek 2 G1
GRE 201 Intermed Greek I FORL 2X1 Intermediate Greek 1 G1
GST 110 Intro to Global Studies INTL 11X Intro to Global Studies G3
GTR 111 Guitar Private Lessons MUSI 11X Guitar Private Lessons
HEA 100 Dimens of Wellness WELL 175 Wellness WELL
HEA 103 Drugs & Society WELL 1XX Drugs & Society WELL
HEA 104 Human Sexuality PHIL 202 Love and Sexuality G1
HEA 106 Death & Dying WSSD 1X6 Death & Dying
HEA 109 Hlth Issues Women WELL 175 Wellness WELL
HEA 110 Transcultural Hlth WELL 1X1 Transcultural Hlth WELL
HEA 200 Nutrition Culture WSSD 2XX Nutrition Culture
HEA 206 Human Development WSSD 2XX Human Development
HEA 208 Leadership/Lifeskills for Stdt UNIV 103 First Yr: Leadership/Lifeskill
HEA 210 Intro Resp Care BIOL 257 Intro Allied Health
HEA 230 Healthy Youth WELL 2X3 Healthy Youth WELL
HEA 242 Public / Com Health WELL 2XX Public / Com Health WELL
HEA 245 Psych/Soc Issues WSSD 352 Psych/Soc Issues
HEA 276 Achieving Health Equity SOWK 2XX Achieving Health Equity
HEA 303 Intro Nutrit Princ WELL 1XX Intro Nutrit Princ WELL
HEA 304 Family Life/Sex Ed WELL 3X4 Family Life/Sex Ed
HEA 306 Curric & Instructn WELL 3X6 Curric & Instructn
HEA 310 Love and Marriage SOCY 3X1 Love and Marriage G3, W
HEA 315 Mind/Body Health WELL 3X5 Mind/Body Health WELL
HEA 325 Stress Management WSSD 3X5 Stress Management
HEA 333 Alternative & Comp Medicine ELEC 3X3 Alternative & Comp Medicine
HEA 370 Medical Terminology Does Not Transfer
HEA 410 Mental Health WELL 4X1 Mental Health
HEA 435 Health Workshop WSSD 4X5 Health Workshop
HEA 438 AIDS/HIV Infection WELL 43X AIDS/HIV Infection
HEA 440 School Hlth Prog WELL 4X4 School Hlth Prog
HED 150 Health WELL 15X Health W
HIS 100 Mainstreams Histor HIST 1X1 Mainstreams Histor G3
HIS 101 History of Civ I HIST 206 The World to 1500 G3
HIS 102 History of Civ II HIST 206 The World to 1500 D, G3, W
HIS 150 The Amer Experienc HIST 1XX The Amer Experienc G3
HIS 151 History of US 1 HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIS 152 History of US 2 HIST 1X1 History of US 2 G3
HIS 214 History of Medicine HIST 480 History of Medicine G3
HIS 300 Varieties of Hist HIST 3X0 Varieties of Hist
HIS 302 Modern India HIST 3X2 Modern India G3
HIS 308 Intro Islam World HIST 3X8 Intro Islam World G3
HIS 316 Modern Latin Am HIST 284 Modern Latin America G3, W
HIS 320 Renaissance & Reformation HIST 320 Renaissance and Reformation G3, W
HIS 329 Gender & Peace HIST 3X9 Gender & Peace G3
HIS 331 20th Centur Europe HIST 340 Twentieth Century Europe G3, W
HIS 332 The Holocaust HIST 3X2 The Holocaust G3
HIS 343 Colonial America HIST 351 17th Century British America G3, W
HIS 344 Hist of Penna HIST 260 History of Pennsylvania G3
HIS 348 The Bible in Hist HIST 3X8 The Bible in Hist G3
HIS 352 Mod US Militar His HIST 3XX Mod US Milit His G3
HIS 360 Technol & US Life ITEC 3X6 Technol & US Life P
HIS 362 Violence in Amer HIST 251 Violence In America G3
HIS 366 The Turbulent 60's HIST 3XX The Turbulent 60's G3
HIS 367 American Material Cult HIST 3X7 American Material Cult G3
HIS 378 Revolutionary America HIST 352 Provincl and Revolutry America G3, W
HIS 397 Race, Gender, Class in Film HIST 3X7 Race, Gender, Class in Film D, G3
HIS 415 Science in History HIST 4X1 Science in History G3
HIS 424 World of Communism HIST 42X World of Communism G3
HIS 444 History of American Education HIST 3X4 History of American Education
HIS 451 Women in America HIST 250 Women in American History G3, W
HIS 458 Hist of Cold War HIST 4XX Hist of Cold War G3
HON 100 Self Awareness PSYC 1XX Self Awareness
HON 102 Ethics / Technology PHIL 2XX Ethics / Technology G1
HON 110 Civic Engagement Through Film HUMN 1X1 Civic Engagement Through Film
HON 122 Comp Sci for Social Justice ELEC 1X2 Comp Sci for Social Justice
HON 211 Public Discourse COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
HON 212 Ethics/Technology ITEC 301 Technology and Humans P
HON 302 Honors Seminar HMFA 3XX Honors Seminar
HON 310 Community Change HUMN 3X0H H:Theory/Strategy Commun Chnge
HON 311 Stewardship/Civic Engagement HUMN 31XH H:Stewardship/Civic Engagemnt P
HON 313 Public Opinion SSCI 31XH H:Am Govt, Democracy, Pub Opin G3
HON 314 Science, Tech and Env Systems SCMA 3X4 Science, Tech and Env Systems G2
HON 315 Community and the Arts HMFA 31XH H:Community and the Arts G1
HON 320 Sem: Global Issues HUMN 3X2 Sem: Global Issues
HON 322 Ldrshp w/ ELLs in Class/Commun ERCH 485H H:Tchng Young Engl Lang Learne
HON 351 Honors Seminar UNIV 35XH H:Honors Seminar
HON 352 Honors Seminar ELEC 3X2 Honors Seminar
HON 381 Hon Symposium Arts & Hum HUMN 3X8 Hon Symposium Arts & Hum
HPE 108 Intro to School Well Educ WELL 1X8 Intro to School Well Educ
HPE 186 Motor Development & Learning WELL 1X6 Motor Development & Learning
IDS 300 Interdisc Practice/Theory HUMN 3XX Interdisc Practice/Theory
INB 300 Intro Intl Busn BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business G3
INM 111 Applied Lesson MUSI 11X Applied Lesson
INM 121 Applied Music Education Lesson MUSI 1XX Applied Music Education Lesson
INM 141 Applied Performance MUSI 14X Applied Performance
INS 110 Woodwind Foundations MUSI 152 Woodwind Techniques
INS 130 Percussion Foundations MUSI 153 Percussion Techniques
ISM 142 Int to Bus Comp Sys BUAD 307 Management Information Systms
ITA 101 Elem Italian 1 ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 G1
ITA 102 Elem Italian 2 ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2 G1
ITA 201 Inter Italian 1 ITAL 2X1 Inter Italian 1 G1
ITA 202 Inter Italian 2 ITAL 2X2 Inter Italian 2 G1
JRN 200 Commmunicatns Media COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
JRN 212 Digital Journalism ENGL 318 Web Writing AW
JRN 225 Newswriting ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
JRN 226 Public Affairs Rpt ENGL 2X6 Public Affairs Rpt
JRN 315 Magaz Article Writ ENGL 327 Feature Wrtng and Magzn Jrnlsm W
JRN 335 Mass Media Ethics ENGL 328 Ethics in Print Media Journlsm
KIN 100 Found Hpe & Sport WSSD 1XX Found HPE & Sport
KIN 101 Int Adv Based Ed EDUC 1X1 Int Adv Based Ed
KIN 102 Contemporary Actvs WSSD 1X2 Contemporary Actvs
KIN 103 His / Phil Found WSSD 1X3 His / Phil Found
KIN 107 Music & Movement WSSD 1XX Music & Movement
KIN 113 Phys Conditioning WELL 1X3 Phys Conditioning
KIN 140 Aquatic Fundamntls WELL 1XX Aquatic Fundamentls WELL
KIN 141 Fundamental Mvmnt WSSD 1XX Fundamental Mvmnt
KIN 142 Tennis WELL 1X2 Tennis
KIN 185 Exer, Play & Devel WSSD 1XX Exer, Play & Devel
KIN 186 Mot Lng & Dev WSSD 1X6 Mot Lng & Dev
KIN 200 Elem Sch Phys Educ WSSD 310 PE for Elementary Schools
KIN 201 Dance & Gymnastics WELL 2X1 Dance & Gymnastics
KIN 205 C&I: Adapted PE WSSD 2X5 C&I: Adapted PE
KIN 208 Self Defense WELL 1XX Self Defense WELL
KIN 210 Softball/Baseball WELL 1X1 Softball/Baseball
KIN 241 Body Systems WSSD 2X1 Body Systems
KIN 244 Software Applic PE WSSD 2X4 Software Applic PE
KIN 246 Spt, Cult & Soc WSSD 484 Psyc-Soc Foundation Coaching
KIN 252 PE and Disability WSSD 2XX PE and Disability
KIN 254 Disability Studies: Interdisci SPED 2X4 Disability Studies: Interdisci
KIN 275 Lifeguarding WELL 2X5 Lifeguarding
KIN 285 Mot Lng & Dev WSSD 2XX Mot Lng & Dev
KIN 300 C&I Elem PE WSSD 3XX C&I Elem PE
KIN 301 Fitness/Wellness WSSD 3X1 Fitness/Wellness
KIN 302 C&I Secondary PE WELL 3X2 C&I Secondary PE
KIN 303 Invasion Games WSSD 3X5 Invasion Games
KIN 311 Coach Racket Sprts WSSD 3XX Coach Racket Sprts
KIN 347 Sftwr App Assmt PE WSSD 3X7 Sftwr App Assmt PE
KIN 353 Org/Adm of HPE Ath WSSD 3X3 Org/Adm of HPE Ath
KIN 361 Kinesiology WSSD 3X9 Kinesiology
KIN 364 Intro Exer Physiology WSSD 3X4 Intro Exer Physiology
KIN 380 Women & Sport WSSD 486 Topics: Women in Sport
KIN 385 Exer, Play & Devel WSSD 3XX Exer, Play & Devel
KIN 401 Net-Wall Games WSSD 4X1 Net-Wall Games
KIN 451 Hist & Phil of Hpe WSSD 310 PE for Elementary Schools
KIN 475 Mental Training WSSD 4X5 Mental Training
LAN 100 Language & Human Experience COMM 1XX Language & Human Experience G1
LAN 382 Teaching ELLs PK-12 ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners
LAN 411 Topical Seminar FORL 4X1 Topical Seminar G1
LAT 101 Elem Latin 1 LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1 G1
LAT 102 Elem Latin 2 LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 G1
LAT 201 Cicero LATN 320 Oratory
LAT 202 Vergil LATN 330 Epic Poetry
LIN 140 Language Power & Ideology ENGL 1X4 Language Power & Ideology
LIN 211 Lang Communities ENGL 2X1 Lang Communities D, G1
LIN 230 Intro Linguistics ENGL 220 Introduction to Language Study G1
LIT 100 Popular Culture: Reading Cultu HMFA 1XX Popular Culture: Reading Cultu G1
LIT 101 Contemporary Issues Lit ENGL 1X1 Contemporary Issues Lit G1
LIT 165 Intro Literature ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
LIT 168 Conventions Reading ENGL 2XX Conventions Reading G1
LIT 200 American Literature I ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
LIT 202 Afro-American Literature I ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 D, G1, W
LIT 204 Black Women Writer ENG 2X4 Black Women Writer G1
LIT 219 Lit for Young Children ERCH 435 Literature for the Young Child
LIT 220 Children's Lit EDUC 333 Children's Literature
LIT 245 Medieval Wom Cult ENGL 2X5 Medieval Wom Cult G1
LIT 272 New Fiction ENGL 2X2 New Fiction G1
LIT 295 Historic Contexts ENGL 2X1 Historic Contexts
LIT 296 Theor/Meaning/Valu ENGL 2X2 Theor/Meaning/Valu
LIT 305 Modern Amer Drama ENGL 426 Modern American Drama G1, W
LIT 337 Literature of Enlightenment ENGL 3X7 Literature of Enlightenment W
LIT 339 18th C Brit Novel ENGL 408 Restoration and 18th Cen Lit
LIT 340 Romantic Movement ENGL 411 Romantic Literature
LIT 341 19th Century British Novel ENGL 411 Romantic Literature
LIT 345 Modern Brit Poetry ENGL 3X5 Modern Brit Poetry
LIT 352 Lit for Young Chil EDUC 333 Lit for Childrn and Young Adol
LIT 364 Modern Irish Lit ENGL 418 Lit of Scotland and Ireland G1, W
LIT 370 Urbanism & Imagin ENGL 3X7 Urbanism & Imagin G1
LIT 372 African American Urban Lit ENGL 3X2 African American Urban Lit
LIT 395 Children's Literat EDUC 333 Children's Literature
LNC 368 Comparative Cultural Studies SOCY 3X8 Comparative Cultural Studies G3
MAK 313 Master Class Keyboard Does Not Transfer
MAT 101 Math Elem Tchrs I MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MAT 102 Math Elem Tchrs 2 MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 G2
MAT 103 Intro Mathematics MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MAT 104 Intro Applied Math MATH 1XX Intro Applied Math G2
MAT 105 Coll Algeb & Trig MATH 110 Trigonometry
MAT 107 College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 108 Brief Calculus MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MAT 110 Precalculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MAT 112 Algebra & Functions Support MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 113 Algebra and Functions MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 115 Algebra, Functions and Trig MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 115 Algebra, Functions and Trig MATH 110 Trigonometry
MAT 121 Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MAT 122 Intro to Stats 2 MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
MAT 125 Intro Statistics & Probability MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MAT 131 Precalculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MAT 143 Breif Calculus MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MAT 145 Calculus for Life Sciences MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MAT 151 Intro Discrete Math CSCI 140 Discrete Structures
MAT 161 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MAT 162 Calculus 2 MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MAT 200 Nature of Math MATH 2X0 Nature of Math
MAT 261 Calculus 3 MATH 311 Calculus 3 G2
MAT 301 Sci Revolution MATH 3X1 Sci Revolution
MAT 311 Linear Algebra MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 G2
MAT 331 Found of Geometry MATH 353 Survey of Geometry
MAT 343 Differential Equations MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation
MAT 351 Tchg Mat El Sch 1 ELED 3XX Tchg Mat El Sch 1
MAT 357 Tch Mat to Handica MATH 304 Mathematics for Handicapped
MAT 405 Special Topics MATH 408 Topics in Mathematics
MAT 411 Algebra I Abstract MATH 345 Abstract Algebra 1
MAT 441 Real Analysis I MATH 464 Real Analysis 1
MAT 443 Applied Analysis I MATH 4X3 Applied Analysis I
MAT 445 Complex Variables MATH 566 Complex Variables
MAT 546 Real Analysis II MATH 4X6 Real Analysis II
MAT Q00 Fund of Algebra Does Not Transfer
MAT Q01 Preparatory Math Does Not Transfer
MAT Q20 Fund Skills in Arithmetic Does Not Transfer
MAT Q30 Fund of Algebra Does Not Transfer
MDA 240 Integrated Arts Elem Education EDUC 2X4 Integrated Arts Elem Education
MDC 217 Intro to Video Production COMM 321 Television Production
MDC 250 Intercultural Communication COMM 317 Intercultural Communication D, P
MDC 251 Media Technology COMM 2X5 Media Technology
MDC 253 Media Literacy ENGL 281 Media Literacy
MDC 255 Communication Research COMM 301 Communication Research W
MGP 220 Field Exp. Middle Level Enviro Does Not Transfer
MGT 100 Intro to Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
MGT 200 Prin of Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MGT 300 Prin of Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MGT 313 Business & Society BUAD 355 Business and Society G3
MGT 321 Organization Theory & Behavior BUAD 3X1 Organization Theory & Behavior
MGT 341 Production & Operations Mgmt BUAD 452 Productn/Operations Management
MGT 431 Human Resource Mgt BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
MGT 499 Business Policy BUAD 4X9 Business Policy
MHL 121 Fine Arts Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MHL 125 Perspectives Jazz MUSI 1XX Perspectives Jazz G1
MHL 201 Form Style in Arts 1 HMFA 2XX Form/Style in Arts 1 G1
MHL 210 Music History 1 MUSI 362 Music History and Literature 1 W
MHL 211 Music History 2 MUSI 363 Music History/Literature 2 P
MHL 221 Music History 1 MUSI 362 Music History and Literature 1 W
MHL 222 Music History 2 MUSI 462 History/Literature of Music 2
MHL 310 Collegium Musicum MUSI 3XX Collegium Musicum
MHL 312 Women in Music MUSI 31X Women in Music P
MHL 325 History of Rock MUSI 3XX History of Rock G1
MHL 479 Topics Mus History 1 MUSI 4X9 Topics Mus History 1
MIKT 440 Applied Marketing Project BUAD 4X4 Applied Marketing Project
MIS 300 Management Information Systems BUAD 307 Management Information Systems
MKT 200 Survey of Mktg BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKT 250 Principles of Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKT 325 Marketing Mgt BUAD 3X5 Marketing Mgt
MKT 330 Consumer Behavior BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior
MKT 340 Personal Selling BUAD 333 Personal Selling
MKT 350 Advertising BUAD 335 Advertising
MKT 355 Social Media Marketing MKTG 3XX Social Media Marketing
MKT 360 Marketing Research BUAD 431 Marketing Research
MKT 370 Marketing Tech MKTG 3XX Marketing Tech
MKT 380 Int'l Marketing MKTG 435 International Marketing
MKT 385 Entrepreneur Marketing MKTG 3XX Entrepreneur Marketing
MKT 425 Marketing Strategy & Planning BUAD 436 Marketing Strategy
MKT 440 Applied Marketing Project BUAD 4X4 Applied Marketing Project
MSI 101 Intro to ROTC MILS 101 Intro to Military Science 1
MTC 110 Making Music MUSI 11X Making Music G1
MTC 112 Theory of Music 1 MUSI 112 Solfege, Harmony, Analysis 1
MTC 113 Theory of Music 2 MUSI 212 Solfege, Harmony, Analysis 2
MTC 114 Aural Activities 1 MUSI 1XX Aural Activities 1
MTC 115 Aural Activities 2 MUSI 1XX Aural Activities 2
MTC 212 Theory Music 3 MUSI 2XX Theory Music 3
MTC 213 Theory of Music 4 MUSI 2XX Theory of Music 4
MTC 214 Aural Activ 3 MUSI 2XX Aural Activ 3
MTC 215 Aural Activ 4 MUSI 2XX Aural Activ 4
MTC Q14 Basic Ear Training/Sight Sing Does Not Transfer
MTH Q20 Fundamental Skills Arithmetic Does Not Transfer
MUE 101 Dalcroze 1 MUSI 1XX Dalcroze 1
MUE 102 Dalcroze 2 MUSI 1XX Dalcroze 2
MUE 110 Student Centered Learning MUSI 1XX Student Centered Learning
MUE 120 Music Education Foundations I MUSI 1XX Music Education Foundations I
MUE 201 Music Ed Seminar MUSI 2X1 Music Ed Seminar
MUE 220 Teaching Special Learners Musi MUSI 22X Teaching Special Learners Musi
MUE 231 Music Clsrm Teacher MUSI 271 Elementary Methods
MUS 112 Music Theory I MUSI 1X2 Music Theory I
MUS 114 Aural Act I MUSI 1X4 Aural Act I
MUS 2X1 Music non-major transfer crs MUSI 2X1 Music non-major transfer crs
MXC 111 Mixed Chorus MUSI 1X5 Mixed Chorus
MXC 112 Mixed Chorus MUSI 12X Mixed Chorus
NSG 109 Health Issues of Women NURS 316 Women, Health, and Health Care P
NSG 210 Concepts in Caring Does Not Transfer
NSG 330 Prof Nursing Comm Strategies NURS 3XX Prof Nursing Comm Strategies
NTD 200 Nutrition Culture ANTH 322 Food and Culture G3, W
NTD 205 Prin. Food Selection & Prep Does Not Transfer
NTD 303 Principles Human Nutrition BIOL 3X3 Principles Human Nutrition G2
NTD 309 Nut Thru Lifecycle BIOL 3X9 Nut Thru Lifecycle G2
NTD 310 Nutrition Research BIOL 2X6 Nutrition Research
NTD 320 Strat in Diet EDFN 3X2 Strat in Diet
NTD 409 Prof Skills Diet ELEC 4X9 Prof Skills Diet
NTD 410 Quant Food Prod ELEC 4X1 Quant Food Prod
NTD 411 Advanced Human Nutrition 1 BIOL 4X1 Advanced Human Nutrition 1
NTD 412 Advanced Human Nutrition 2 BIOL 4X2 Advanced Human Nutrition 2
NTD 415 Community Nutrit SOCY 4X5 Community Nutrit
NTL 205 Prin Food Selection & Prep Lab Does Not Transfer
PAD 361 State & Local Govt GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt G3
PAD 364 Public Administrat GOVT 241 Publc Admin and Publc Service G3, W
PAD 374 Municip / Admin Law GOVT 3X4 Municip / Admin Law
PAD 376 Govrnmt Budgeting GOVT 3X6 Govrnmt Budgeting
PAX 200 Intro to Peace and Conflict SOCY 2X1 Intro to Peac and Conflict
PEA 101 Swim For Fitness WELL 1X1 Swim for Fitness WELL
PEA 112 Horsemanship WELL 1X2 Horsemanship WELL
PEA 116 Personal Defense WELL 1X6 Personal Defense WELL
PEA 117 Karate WELL 1XX Karate WELL
PEA 119 Archery WELL 1X9 Archery WELL
PEA 120 Badminton WELL 1XX Badminton WELL
PEA 123 Golf WELL 1X2 Golf WELL
PEA 128 Tennis WELL 1X8 Tennis WELL
PEA 129 Fitness Basketball WELL 1X9 Fitness Basketball WELL
PEA 131 Volleyball WELL 1XX Volleyball WELL
PEA 137 Strength Training WELL 1X1 Strength Training WELL
PEA 140 Aerobic Dance - Fitn WELL 1X4 Aerobic Dance - Fitn WELL
PEA 142 Yoga WELL 1X2 Yoga WELL
PEA 143 Yoga II WELL 14X Yoga 2 WELL
PEA 144 T'ai Chi Ch'uan WELL 1X4 T'ai Chi Ch'uan
PEA 146 Pilates WELL 1X6 Pilates WELL
PEA 228 Advanced Tennis WELL 1XX Advanced Tennis WELL
PEA 236 Pers Fitness Progs WELL 1X6 Pers Fitness Progs WELL
PED 101 Survey Phy Edu I WELL 1X1 Survey Phy Ed I W
PHI 100 Creating Meaning PHIL 1X1 Creating Meaning
PHI 101 Intro Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHI 102 Intro Relig Study PHIL 1X2 Intro Relig Study G1
PHI 125 Theology and Science PHIL 12X Theology and Science G1
PHI 130 Religion in the U.S. PHIL 1X3 Religion in the U.S. G1
PHI 150 Critical Thinking PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PHI 174 Principles of Arts PHIL 383 Philosophy of Art G1, W
PHI 180 Intro to Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHI 190 Logic PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PHI 201 Contemporar Issues PHIL 2X1 Contemporar Issues
PHI 202 Relig of West 1 PHIL 313 World Religions G1, W
PHI 203 Contemporar Issues PHIL 2X1 Contemporar Issues
PHI 206 Judaism, Christianity, Islam PHIL 2X6 Judaism, Christianity, Islam G1
PHI 207 Philos Nonviolence PHIL 2X7 Philos Nonviolence G1
PHI 270 His Ancient Philos PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy G1, W
PHI 271 History of Med Philosophy PHIL 2X1 History of Med Philosophy
PHI 272 History of Modern Philosophy PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy G1, W
PHI 273 19th Cent Philos PHIL 2X3 19th Cent Philos G1
PHI 280 Philosophy and Film PHIL 327 Philosophy in Film G1
PHI 282 Animal Ethics PHIL 2X8 Animal Ethics G1
PHI 330 Intro to Meaning PHIL 33X Intro to Meaning G1
PHI 349 Ideas of the Bible PHIL 3X9 Ideas of the Bible G1
PHI 371 Biomedical Ethics PHIL 285 Moral Problems in Medicine G1
PHI 373 Business Ethics PHIL 281 Bus. & Prof. Ethics G1
PHI 415 Existentialism PHIL 4X5 Existentialism G1
PHI 499 Philosophy Concepts & Systems PHIL 4X9 Philosophy Concepts & Systems G1
PHY 100 Elements Phys Sci PHYS 1XX Elements Phys Sci G2
PHY 105 Stru of Universe PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
PHY 115 Engr Graphics I ITEC 1X5 Engr Graphics I
PHY 116 Engr Graphics II ITEC 1X6 Engr Graphics II
PHY 123 The Science of Cooking PHYS 1X3 The Science of Cooking
PHY 130 Gen Physics 1 PHYS 131 Physics 1 G2, L
PHY 140 Gen Physics 2 PHYS 132 Physics 2 G2, L
PHY 170 Physics 1 PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus G2, L
PHY 180 Physics 2 PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus G2, L
PIA 001 Piano Class MUSI 13X Piano Class
PIA 101 Piano Minor MUSI 1XX Piano Minor
PIA 102 Piano Minor MUSI 1XX Piano Minor
PIA 111 Piano Major MUSI 154 Maj Perf 1:Piano
PIA 112 Piano Major MUSI 155 Maj Perf 2:Piano
PIA 182 Class Piano MUSI 1XX Class Piano
PIA 191 Piano Class MUSI 1XX Piano Class
PIA 192 Piano Class MUSI 1XX Piano Class
PIA 201 Piano Minor MUSI 2X1 Piano Minor
PIA 291 Piano Class MUSI 29X Piano Class
PIA 292 Piano Class MUSI 131 Class Piano 1
PIA 452 Piano Pedagogy 2 MUSI 4X2 Piano Pedagogy 2
PPD 481 Drug Design I ELEC 48X Drug Design 1
PPD 482 Drug Design II ELEC 4X2 Drug Design 2
PPD 483 Drug Design III ELEC 43X Drug Design 3
PSC 100 Amer Govt & Polit GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PSC 101 Politics of Diversity GOVT 1X1 Politics of Diversity G3
PSC 200 Political Analysis GOVT 301 Politicl Resrch Skls and Mthds
PSC 201 Pol of Diversity GOVT 2X1 Pol of Diversity G3
PSC 204 Intr Urban Studies 1 SOCY 441 Urban Society
PSC 213 Intl Relations GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics G3
PSC 217 American Foreign Policy GOVT 355 American Foreign Policy G3
PSC 230 Intr Polit Thought GOVT 231 Intro to Political Theory G3
PSC 240 Intro to Comparative Politics GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms G3
PSC 304 Urban Politics GOVT 3X4 Urban Politics G3
PSC 310 U.S. & Lat Amer GOVT 3X1 U.S. & Lat Amer G3
PSC 311 Russian For Policy GOVT 3X1 Russian For Policy
PSC 318 International Political Econ GOVT 3X8 International Political Econ G3
PSC 320 American Foreign Policy GOVT 355 American Foreign Policy G3
PSC 323 Race/Ethn Politics GOVT 361 Politics of Race and Ethnicity D, G3
PSC 324 Amer Polit Parties GOVT 312 American Political Parties G3, W
PSC 329 Judicial Behavior GOVT 3X9 Judicial Behavior
PSC 330 Pol of Holocaust GOVT 3X3 Pol of Holocaust
PSC 339 Contem Pol Thought GOVT 3X9 Contem Pol Thought G3
PSC 340 Lat Am Cult / Polit GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms G3
PSC 346 Russian Politics GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms G3
PSC 352 Civil Liberties & Civil Rights GOVT 412 Con Law 2:Rights/Liberties
PSC 355 Congress Politics GOVT 3X5 Congress Politics
PSC 399 Political Sci Special Topics GOVT 3X9 Political Sci Special Topics
PSC 412 Internship Does Not Transfer
PSY 100 Intro Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 120 Multicultural Psychology PSYC 1X2 Multicultural Psychology D, G3
PSY 200 Postive Psychology PSYC 2X1 Postive Psychology G3
PSY 210 Deve Psy: Lifespan PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 245 Statistics BH Sci PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
PSY 246 Research Meth Psy PSYC 212 Statistics and Exper Design 2
PSY 254 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSY 255 Intro to Biological Psychology PSYC 215 Intro to Physiological Psyc
PSY 257 Theory Personality PSYC 335 Personality Theory G3
PSY 265 Indust / Organiz Psy PSYC 329 Industrial Psychology G3, W
PSY 268 Drugs, Behavior and the Brain PSYC 311 Psychology of Drug Addiction G3, W
PSY 327 Behav Modification PSYC 346 Behavior Modification
PSY 335 Animal Behavior PSYC 3XX Animal Behavior
PSY 350 Motivation PSYC 316 Learning and Motivation
PSY 362 History and Systems of Psych PSYC 454 History and Systems of Psych
PSY 363 Psychology of Learning PSYC 216 Intro Learn Beh Analysis
PSY 365 Psychol of Women PSYC 3XX Psychology of Women P
PSY 375 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
PSY 380 Body Image PSYC 3XX Body Image
PSY 382 Develop Psychology PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
PSY 384 Dev Psy Adult / Agin PSYC 229 The Adult Years G3
PSY 390 Princip Counseling PSYC 447 Counseling Strategies
PSY 410 Research in Psych PSYC 4X1 Research in Psych
PSY 430 Human Sex Behavior PSYC 4X3 Human Sex Behavior G3
PSY 441 Viol Pro PSYC 4X2 Viol Pro
PSY 445 Organizational Development PSYC 4X5 Organizational Development G3
PSY 475 Cognitive Psychology PSYC 305 Cognitive Psychology
RUS 101 Elem Russian 1 RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 G1
RUS 102 Elem Russian 2 RUSS 102 Elementary Russian 2 G1
RUS 103 Intens Elem Rus 1 RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 G1
RUS 103 Intens Elem Rus 1 RUSS 102 Elementary Russian 2 G1
RUS 201 Intermd Russian 1 RUSS 201 Intermediate Russian 1 G1
RUS 202 Intermd Russian 2 RUSS 202 Intermediate Russian 2 G1
RUX 110 Intro to RUX SOCY 1X1 Intro to RUX G3
SAX 111 Private Lesson MUSI 108 Pri Ins 1: Sax
SAX 112 Private Lesson MUSI 109 Pri Ins 2: Sax
SAX 211 Private Lesson MUSI 208 Pri Ins 3: Sax
SAX 212 Private Lesson MUSI 209 Pri Ins 4: Sax
SCB 102 Humans & Environ ENVI 10X Humans and Environ
SCB 210 Orig Life & Univ ESCI 2XX Orig Life & Univ P
SCE 310 Sci for Elem Grade ELED 3XX Sci for Elem Grade
SCI 100 Climate Change ESCI 1XX Climate Change G2
SCI 101 The Carbon Cycle BIOL 1XX The Carbon Cycle G2
SCI 102 Electricity PHYS 1XX Electrcty Phys/Bio Appls G2
SCI 103 Science in the Arts PHYS 1X3 Science in the Arts G2
SED 100 Exploration of Secondary Educ EDUC 1XX Exploration of Secondary Educ
SMD 100 Fnd Sprts Med WSSD 1XX Fnd Sprts Med
SMD 204 1st Aid Hlth Prof WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
SMD 210 Psy/Soc Persp Sports Inj SMD 2X1 Psy/Soc Persp Sports Inj
SMD 271 1st Aid / Athlet Tng WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
SMD 312 Pch / Ev Spt Inj 1
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 135 Explor Hum Relat SOCY 1X5 Explor Hum Relat
SOC 200 Intro Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 240 Soc of the Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SOC 245 Environmental Sociology SOCY 2X5 Environmental Sociology G3
SOC 300 Sociological Theory SOCY 303 Sociological Theory
SOC 321 Statistics Sociological Resear SOCY 302 Social Statistics
SOC 322 Methods in Sociological Resear SOCY 305 Social Research Methods
SOC 342 Urban Sociology SOCY 441 Urban Society
SOC 346 Sociology of Gender SOCY 3X6 Sociology of Gender
SOC 349 Mental Illness SOCY 3X9 Mental Illness
SOC 352 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
SOC 353 Juvenile Delinquency SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency G3, W
SOC 362 Sex in Society SOCY 3X2 Sex in Society
SOC 370 Social Problems SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
SOC 371 Applied Social Change SOCY 3X1 Applied Social Changed G1
SOC 401 Career Internship SOCY 300 Co-Op Ed Experience in Soc
SOC 492 Senior Seminar Soc SOCY 448 Seminar In Sociology
SPA 101 Elem Spanish 1 SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPA 102 Elem Spanish 2 SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPA 201 Intermed Spanish 1 SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPA 202 Intermed Spanish 2 SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 G1
SPA 301 Gramm / Comp / Conv 1 SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 G1, W
SPA 302 Gramm / Comp / Conv 2 SPAN 352 Composition and Oral Express 2 G1, W
SPA 315 Advanced Readings: Spanish SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 G1, W
SPA 320 Civilizat of Spain SPAN 446 History of Spanish Civilizatn
SPA 365 Spanish Phonetics SPAN 416 Introduction to Phonetics
SPK 208 Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPK 230 Bus & Prof Speech COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn
SPP 101 Intr Commun Disord COMM 1X1 Intr Commun Disord
SPP 106 Anat Sp/Hrng Mech COMM 10X Anat Sp/Hrng Mech
SPP 163 Seminar I Does Not Transfer
SPP 204 Speech & Lang Dev COMM 2X4 Speech & Lang Dev
SPP 240 Dev/Disorder of Language SPED 2X4 Dev/Disorder of Language
SPP 340 Dev / Disord of Lang SPED 3X4 Dev / Disord of Lang
SRC 200 Intro Soc Welfre SOWK 202 Social Welfare as Social Inst
SSC 200 Intro Peace / Conflc SSCI 2X1 Intro Peace / Conflic P
SSC 201 Global Perspectivs 1 SSCI 2XX Global Perspectives 1 G3
STA 200 Statistics II MATH 236 Elements of Statistics 2 G2
STA 311 Intro Stat Comp MATH 31X Intro Stat Comp G2
SWO 200 Intro Soc Welfre SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas G3
SWO 220 Intro to Gen Practice SOWK 301 Social Work Practice 1 W
SWO 225 Race Relations SOWK 2X5 Race Relations G3
SWO 300 Family Systems SOWK 3X1 Family Systems
SWO 320 Generalist SOWK Pract I SOWK 301 Social Work Practice 1
SWO 321 Generalist SOWK Pract II SOWK 302 Social Work Practice 2
SWO 332 Soc Welf Pol/Svcs SOWK 303 Social Welfare and the Law
SWO 351 Human Behavior in Social Envir SOWK 203 Human Behvior and Social Envrn
SWO 375 Field Experience I SOWK 3X5 Field Experience I
SWO 395 Junior Seminar SOWK 3X9 Junior Seminar
SWO 423 Child Welfare SOWK 305 Social Work and Child Welfare
SWO 491 Sexuality for Helping People SOWK 4X9 Sexuality for Helping People
THA 101 Intro to Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
THA 103 Acting I THEA 130 Acting 1 G1
THA 104 Stagecraft THEA 120 Stagecraft
THA 113 Script Analysis 1 THEA 240 Script Analysis G1
THA 116 Costume Construct THEA 312 Stage Design
THA 118 Voice for the Performer MUSI 109 Pri Ins 2: Voice
THA 131 Intro to Mus Th MUSI 1X1 Intro to Mus Th G1
THA 203 Acting 2 THEA 230 Acting 2 G1
THA 210 Stage Makeup I THEA 2X1 Stage Makeup I
THA 250 Race/Gender TH THEA 2X5 Race/Gender TH G1
THA 318 Dialects THEA 2X8 Dialects
TRB 112 Trombone Major MUSI 155 Major Performance Trombone
TRB 141 Advanced Trombone MUSI 154 Major Performance Trombone
TRB 211 Trombone Major MUSI 254 Major Perfr Instr Trombone
TRB 212 Trombone Major MUSI 255 Major Performance Trombone
TRB 311 Trombone Major MUSI 3XX Trombone Major
TRB 312 Trombone Major MUSI 3XX Trombone Major
TRB 411 Private Lesson MUSI 4XX Private Lesson
UNI 101 Student & Univ UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
VLN 001 Violin Class MUSI 1X6 Violin Class
VLN 002 Violin Class MUSI 12X Violin Class
VLN 111 Violin Adv MUSI 1X7 Violin Adv
VOC 235 Italian Art Song MUSI 2XX Italian Art Song
VOI 002 Voice Class MUSI 18X Voice Class
VOI 101 Voice Minor MUSI 244 Major Performance Voice Sem-3
VOI 111 Private Lesson MUSI 1XX Private Lesson - Voice
VOI 112 Private Lesson Voice MUSI 1XX Private Lesson Voice
VOI 171 Private Lesson MUSI 144 Maj Perf 1:Voice
VOI 172 Private Lesson MUSI 145 Maj Perf 2:Voice
VOI 181 Class Voice MUSI 1X1 Class Voice
VOI 182 Class Voice MUSI 1X2 Class Voice
VOI 191 Voice Class MUSI 108 Private Instruction Voice
VOI 192 Voice Class (minor) MUSI 145 Major Performance Voice Sem-2
VOI 211 Voice Major: Mus Ed MUSI 2X1 Voice Major: Mus Ed
VOI 212 Voice Major: Mus Ed MUSI 2X2 Voice Major: Mus Ed
VOI 291 Voice Class MUSI 141 Class Voice 1
VOI 301 Voice Minor MUSI 3X1 Voice Minor
VOI 302 Voice Minor MUSI 3X2 Voice Minor
VOI 401 Vocie Minor MUSI 4X1 Voice Minor
VOI 402 Voice Minor MUSI 4X2 Voice Minor
WOS 100 Body Politics: Gender, Culture WSTU 1XX Body Politics: Gender, Culture G3
WOS 225 Intro Women's/Gender Studies WSTU 220 Introduction Women's Studies G3
WOS 250 Women's Self Representation WSTU 2X5 Women's Self Representation D, G3
WOS 325 Special Topics WSTU 3X5 Special Topics: Women's Studie
WOS 335 Gender Race & Science WSTU 3X5 Gender Race & Science D, G3
WRH 205 Composing Cyberspace ENGL 2X5 Composing Cyberspace G1
WRH 305 School in Film ENGL 3X5 School in Film G1, W
WRH 310 Written Rhetoric ENGL 3X1 Written Rhetoric G1
WRH 325 Technology: English Classroom EDUC 3X5 Technology: English Classroom
WRH 335 Activism and Advocacy Writing ENGL 3X3 Activism and Advocacy Writing W
WRT 120 Effective Writing 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
WRT 121 Effective Writing 2 ENGL 1XX Effective Writing 2 G1
WRT 123 Effective Writing ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
WRT 200 Critical Writing ENGL 311 Advanced Composition AW
WRT 204 Popular Culture ENGL 311 Advanced Composition AW
WRT 205 Investg Experience ENGL 2XX Investg Experience AW
WRT 206 Multidisc Imagina ENGL 2XX Multidisc Imagina G1
WRT 208 Public Sphere ENGL 3XX Writing for Publication AW
WRT 220 Special Topics ENGL 2XX Special Topics

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