MU Gen ED Code Legend | ||
In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
California University of Pennsylvania Course | Millersville Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
ACC 100 Intro to Accounting | BUAD 1X1 Intro to Accounting | |
ACC 200 Financial Accounting | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACC 201 Accounting 1 | BUAD 1XX Accounting 1 | |
ACC 321 Managerial Account | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACIS 120 Application Programming I | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
ADMT 100 Foundations Print Media | ITEC 1XX Foundations Print Media | |
ADMT 180 Foundations Digital Media | DESN 1X8 Foundations Digital Media | |
ADMT 200 Print Media Production Process | DESN 2XX Print Media Production Process | |
ADMT 225 Digital Page Layout | DESN 2X5 Digital Page Layout | |
AGEO 100 Intro to Geography | GEOG 101 The Global Environment | G3 |
AHIS 104 Hist West Civ to 1500 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 | G3 |
AJUS 101 Intro to Criminal Justice | SOCY 230 Criminology | G3, W |
AMAT 181 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
ANT 100 Intro to Anthro | ANTH 201 People, Primates, and Prehist | G3 |
ANT 254 Intro to Forensic Anthro | ANTH 2X4 Intro to Forensic Anthro | G3 |
ARB 101 Elementary Arabic I | FORL 1X1 Elementary Arabic I | |
ART 106 Art Appreciation | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
ART 109 Landmarks of World Art | ART 1X9 Landmarks of World Art | G1 |
ART 110 Drawing 1 | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ART 119 Design 2-D | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
ART 120 Design 3D | ART 242 Design 2 | |
ART 212 Art History I | ART 202 Srvy Art Hist 1:Pre to c 1400 | G1 |
ART 243 Intro to Asian Art | ART 2X3 Intro to Asian Art | |
ART 262 Color Theory | ART 2X2 Color Theory | |
ART 382 Ceramics Studio | ART 3X2 Ceramics Studio | |
ART 383 Painting Studio | ART 3X3 Painting Studio | |
ART 385 Sculpture Studio | ART 282 Sculpture 1 | G1 |
ATE 101 Fund Student Athlete Recruitin | WSSD 1X1 Fund Student Athlete Recruitin | |
ATE 105 Current Issues Athl | WSSD 1XX Current Issues Athl | |
ATE 150 Introduction to Athletic Train | BIOL 1X5 Intro to Athletic Training | |
ATE 340 Sports Nutrition | WSSD 452 Nutrition for Perform Enhance | |
AUNI 100 First Year Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
BIO 103 Cont Issues in Bio | BIOL 1X1 Cont Issues in Bio | G2 |
BIO 112 Bio Hum Sex-Tran Di | BIOL 1X2 Bio Hum Sex-Tran Di | G2 |
BIO 115 Prin of Biology | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 117 Introduction to Human Biology | BIOL 204 Human Biology | G2 |
BIO 120 General Zoology | BIOL 211 Concepts of Zoology | L, G2 |
BIO 125 General Botany | BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany | L, G2 |
BIO 210 Anat & Physio Domestic Animals | BIOL 21X Anat & Physio Domestic Animals | |
BIO 215 Intro to Cellulr & Moleclr Bio | BIOL 2X5 Intro to Cellulr & Moleclr Bio | L, G2 |
BIO 218 Genetics | BIOL 2X8 Genetics | |
BIO 230 Anatomy and Physiology 1 | BIOL 2X3 Anatomy and Physiology 1 | |
BIO 260 Anatomy and Physiology 2 | BIOL 2X6 Anatomy and Physiology 2 | |
BIO 410 Developmental Biology | BIOL 4X1 Developmental Biology | |
BUS 100 Intro to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUS 242 Business Law 1 | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
BUS 281 Management Science I | BUAD 2X1 Management Science I | |
BUS 345 Business Ethics | PHIL 281 Bus. & Prof. Ethics | G1 |
BUS 492 Business Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
CCU 189 Brass Ensemble | MUSI 1X9 Brass Ensemble | |
CCU 197 University Band | MUSI 129 Marching Band | |
CDC 100 Communication Perspectives | COMM 101 Introduction to Communication | G1 |
CDC 101 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
CDC 120 Visual Communication I | DESN 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1 | |
CDC 150 Imagine Design and Create | DESN 243 Creativ, Innov, Desgn Thnking | G1 |
CET 101 Intro Engr Tech | ITEC 1X1 Intro Engr Tech | |
CET 235 Digital Electronics Design | AENG 2X3 Digital Electronics Design | |
CET 270 Intro to Microprocessor Design | CSCI 2X7 Intro to Microprocessor Design | |
CHD 200 Intro Prek-8 Education | EDFN 2XX Intro Prek-8 Education | |
CHE 100 Intro to Chemistry | CHEM 101 Science of Chemistry 1 | G2 |
CHE 101 Gen Chemistry 1 | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHE 102 General Chemistry II | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHE 103 Chemistry for Everyday World | CHEM 101 Chem!Better Things/Better Lvng | G2 |
CHE 331 Organic Chemistry I | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CIS 110 Intro to Info Systems | CSCI 1X1 Intro to Info Systems | |
CIS 120 Application Programming I | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CMD 100 Survey Speech Pathology | SPED 1X1 Survey Speech Pathology | |
CMD 108 Nature of Languages | ENGL 1X8 Nature of Languages | G1 |
CMD 216 Articulation | SPED 2X6 Articulation | |
CMD 220 Communication Across Lifespan | COMM 2X2 Communication Across Lifespan | G1 |
CMD 221 Speech Science | COMM 2X1 Speech Science | |
CMD 350 Sign Language and Braille | SPED 35X Sign Language and Braille | |
CMD 400 Clinical Practicum | SPED 4X1 Clinical Practicum | |
COM 100 Perspect on Commun | COMM 101 Introduction to Communicology | G1 |
COM 101 Oral Communication | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
COM 105 Sur Radio TV & Film | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
COM 106 Intro to Mass Communication | COMM 1X6 Intro to Mass Communication | G1 |
COM 141 Audio Production 1 | COMM 1XX Audio Production 1 | |
COM 142 Video Production 1 | COMM 121 Intro to Audio and Video | |
COM 203 Intro to Public Relat | COMM 251 Public Relations 1 | G1 |
COM 230 Argument & Debate | COMM 2X3 Argument & Debate | G1 |
COM 241 Audio Production II | COMM 2X1 Audio Production II | G1 |
COM 242 Video Production II | COMM 2X2 Video Production II | G1 |
COM 250 Oral Comm Managemnt | COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn | |
COM 275 Art of Film | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
COM 331 Radio-TV Commercials | COMM 33X Radio-TV Commercials | |
COM 332 Radio/TV News | COMM 3X2 Radion/TV News | |
COM 335 Radio-TV Writ Drama | COMM 3X5 Radio-TV Writ Drama | G1 |
COM 363 Sport Comm and Media Relations | COMM 3X3 Sport Comm and Media Relations | |
COM 370 Pub Com Law Policy | COMM 3X7 Pub Com Law Policy | G1 |
COM 378 Special Topics | COMM 3X8 Special Topics | |
COM 381 Communication Research | COMM 301 Communication Research | W |
COM 463 Media Criticism | COMM 322 Media Criticism | |
COM 490 Comm Theory | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
CRJ 105 Intro to Forensic Science | SOCY 1X5 Intro to Forensic Science | |
CSC 101 Personal Productivity Software | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CSC 105 Basic Prog Lang | CSCI 1X5 Basic Prog Lang | G2 |
CSC 120 Prob Solv/Prg Const | CSCI 111 Intro to VISUAL BASIC | G2 |
CSC 124 Comp Programming I | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CSC 201 Internet Concepts | CSCI 20X Internet Concepts | G2 |
DAN 133 Jazz Technique I | WELL 1X3 Jazz Techniques I | |
DAN 232 Jazz Techniques II | WELL 2X2 Jazz Techniques II | |
DAN 301 Theatre Dance I | ELEC 3X1 Theatre Dance 1 | |
DMA 092 Intro Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
DMT 100 Foundations Print Media | ITEC 1XX Foundations Print Media | |
DMT 180 Foundations Digital Media | DESN 1X8 Foundations Digital Media | |
EAS 100 Intro to Earth Sci | ESCI 1XX Intro to Earth Sci | L, G2 |
EAS 104 Introduction to Meteorology | ESCI 109 Atmosphere with Lab | G2, L |
EAS 105 Extreme Weather | ESCI 1X5 Extreme Weather | G2 |
EAS 142 Intro to Climate Science | ESCI 1X2 Intro to Climate Science | G2 |
EAS 150 Intro to Geology | ESCI 221 Physical Geology | L, G2 |
EAS 163 Intro Oceanography | ESCI 104 The World Ocean | G2 |
EAS 175 Fld Course in EAS I | Does Not Transfer | |
EAS 240 Meteorology | ESCI 2X4 Meteorology | G2, L |
EAS 241 Meteorology | ESCI 241 Meteorology | G2, L |
EAS 242 Climatology | ESCI 2XX Climatology | |
EAS 300 Natural Hazards | ESCI 120 Environmental Geology | G2 |
EAS 303 Hydrology | ESCI 322 Environmental Hydrology | |
EAS 340 Syn Meteorology | ESCI 24X Syn Meteorology | |
EAS 346 Tropical Meteorology | ESCI 26X Tropical Meteorology | |
EAS 469 Global Climate Change | ESCI 385 Glbal Clmate Chng: Sci & Polcy | P |
EAS 491 Fld Cor I Earth Sci | Does Not Transfer | |
ECO 100 Elem of Econ | ECON 100 Introductory Economics | G3 |
ECO 102 Economics for Elem Ed | ECON 1X2 Economics for Elem Ed | |
ECO 201 Intro to Microeconomics | ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics | G3 |
ECO 202 Intro Macroeconomics | ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics | G3 |
EDE 200 Intro to Elementary Education | ELED 100 Intro to Elementary Education | |
EDE 211 Instr Strat El & Ec | EDUC 215 The Young Child and Education | |
EDE 218 Teaching Health Phys Ed Erch | WELL 240 Health, Safety, Nutr for Child | WELL |
EDE 311 Child Literature 1 | EDUC 333 Lit for Childrn and Young Adol | |
EDF 100 Foundations of Ed | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
EDF 290 Policy Studies in Am Education | EDFN 2X9 Policy Studies in Am Education | |
EDF 333 Educational Technology | EDFN 330 Instr Tech, Design, Assessment | |
EDS 150 Intro to Secondary Education | EDFN 1X5 Intro to Secondary Education | |
EDU 110 Critical Thinking & Reading | ELEC 1X1 Critical Thinking & Reading | |
EDU 210 Critical Thinking & Reading | ELEC 2X1 Critical Thinking & Reading | |
EDU 310 Teaching Multicultural Society | EDFN 3X1 Teaching Multicultural Society | |
EDU 333 Tech in Teaching and Learning | EDFN 3X3 Tech in Teaching and Learning | |
EET 110 Electrical Circuits I | PHYS 1X1 Electrical Circuits I | G2 |
EET 160 Electrical Circuits II | PHYS 1X2 Electrical Circuits II | |
ELE 200 Intro to Pre-K to Grade 4 Ed | ELED 100 Intro to Elementary Education | |
ELE 220 Instructn & Assesment in Pre-K | EDFN 2X2 Instructn & Assesment in Pre-K | |
ELE 221 Instruction & Assessment K-4 | EDFN 2X1 Instruction & Assessment K-4 | |
ENG 100 Eng Language Skills | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 101 English Comp 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 102 English Comp 2 | ENGL 1X1 English Comp 2 | G1 |
ENG 106 Intro to Poetry | ENGL 1X2 Intro to Poetry | G1 |
ENG 107 Intro to Fiction | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENG 112 Myth, Magic, & Mysticism | ENGL 1X2 Myth, Magic, & Mysticism | |
ENG 127 Woman as Hero | ENGL 1X7 Woman as Hero | G1 |
ENG 135 Rereading Harry Potter | ENGL 1X5 Rereading Harry Potter | |
ENG 150 Baseball in Lit | ENGL 1X5 Baseball in Lit | |
ENG 155 African American Literature | ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 | D, W, G1 |
ENG 167 Journalism I | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
ENG 203 Great Books | ENGL 2X3 Great Books | G1 |
ENG 211 Business Writing I | ENGL 316 Business Writing | AW |
ENG 217 Sci & Tech Writ | ENGL 312 Technical Writing | AW |
ENG 338 Sur of Amer Lit 2 | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
ENG 354 American Journalism | ENGL 250 The Press and Society | G1, W |
ENG 376 Creat Writ Fiction | ENGL 471 Creative Writing | |
ENG 378 Creat Writ Drama | ENGL 3XX Creat Writ Drama | |
ENG 425 Shakespeare | ENGL 405 Shakespeare | G1, W |
ENG 487 American Literary Genres | ENGL 4X8 American Literary Genres | |
ENS 101 Intro to Environ Sci | BIOL 1X2 Intro to Environ Sci | G2 |
ESP 101 Except Child I | SPED 1X1 Except Child 1 | |
ESP 200 Except Child 2 | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
ESP 210 SpEd Found Collab | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
ESP 301 Behavior Prin I | SPED 314 Behavior Disordered | |
ESP 311 Assessment & Pos Behav Intrven | SPED 31X Assessment & Pos Behav Intrven | |
ESP 401 Behavior Prin II | SPED 4X1 Behavior Prin 2 | |
FIN 301 Financial Mgmt | BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 | W |
FIT 100 Intro to Fitness | WELL 10X Intro to Fitness | |
FIT 125 Fund of Speed Training | WELL 12X Fund of Speed Training | |
FRE 203 Inter French 1 | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
FRE 244 Age Fre Realism | FREN 2XX Age Fre Realism | |
FRE 311 Fr Con Comp Phon 1 | FREN 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 | G1, W |
FRE 312 Fr Con Comp Phon 2 | FREN 352 Comp and Oral Expression 2 | G1, W |
FRE 342 18th Century & Enlightenment | FREN 3X2 18th Century & Enlightenment | G1 |
FRE 343 Age of French Romanticism | FREN 3X3 Age of French Romanticism | |
GCM 100 Graphic Communication Process | ART 361 Survey Printmaking 1 | |
GCM 101 Time-Based Media | COMM 1X1 Time-Based Media | G1 |
GCM 225 Principles Layout & Design | ITEC 356 Desktop Publishing | W |
GCM 240 Desktop Publishing | ITEC 356 Desktop Publishing | W |
GCM 300 Digital Photography | ART 410 Fine Art Digital Photography | |
GEO 100 Intro to Geography | GEOG 101 The Global Environment | G3 |
GEO 102 Geographic Systems Elem Ed | GEOG 1X2 Geographic Systems Elem Ed | |
GEO 105 Human Geography | GEOG 120 Human Geography | D, G3 |
GEO 150 Intro to Tourism Studies | GEOG 1X5 Intro to Tourism Studies | |
GEO 155 Hospitality Industry & Oper | Does Not Transfer | |
GEO 165 Intro to Recreation & Leisure | WSSD 1X5 Intro to Recreation & Leisure | |
GEO 217 Demographic Analysis | GEOG 2X7 Demographic Analysis | G3 |
GET 130 Intro to Engineer Tech | ITEC 1X3 Intro to Engineer Tech | |
GIS 311 Geographic Info Systems | GEOG 3X1 Geographic Info Systems | |
GMS 101 General Military Science 101 | MILS 101 Intro to Military Science 1 | |
HIS 101 Histroy of the US | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
HIS 102 US Hist Since 1877 | HIST 1XX US Hist Since 1877 | G3 |
HIS 104 His W Soc to 1740 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 | G3 |
HIS 106 His West Soc S 1740 | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
HIS 111 Dev Maj Wld Civil | HIST 1XX Dev Maj Wld Civil | G3 |
HIS 112 World Civilization S 1500 | HIST 1X2 World Civilization S 1500 | |
HIS 288 Local History | HIST 2X8 Local History | G3 |
HIS 317 African Amer in US Hist I | HIST 272 Afro-American History 1 | G3, W |
HIS 318 African US History II | HIST 273 Afro-American History 2 | G3, W |
HIS 348 History of Amer Sport | HIST 3X8 History Amer Sport | G3 |
HIS 380 Readings in African Am Studies | AFAM 3X8 Readings in African Am Studies | G3 |
HIS 420 Renaissance & Reform in Europe | HIST 320 Renaissance and Reformation | G3, W |
HIS 491 Reading in History | HIST 4X9 Reading in History | G3 |
HON 100 Hon & Univ Orient | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
HON 150 Honors Comp 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
HON 187 Info Literacy | ELEC 1XX Info Literacy | |
HON 250 Honors Comp 2 | ENGL 311 Advanced Composition | AW |
HON 297 Scientific Inquiry | SCMA 2XX Scientific Inquiry | G2 |
HON 315 Expression of Self | HMFA 3X5 Expression of Self | G1 |
HPE 100 Health Coed | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
HPE 105 Current Health Issues | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
HPE 265 Badminton & Golf | WELL 1XX Badminton & Golf | WELL |
HPE 314 First Aid & Personal Safety | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
HPE 338 Phys Ed Excep Child | WSSD 310 PE for Elementary Schools | |
HRM 330 Labor Relations | BUAD 353 Labor-Management Relations | |
HSC 101 Foundations of Health Science | ELEC 1X1 Foundations of Health Science | |
HSC 110 Human Anatomy & Phys 1 | BIOL 1XX Human Anatomy & Phys 1 | |
HSC 115 Current Health Issues | WELL 1X5 Current Health Issues | WELL |
HSC 120 Human Anatomy & Phys II | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
HSC 315 First Aid and Personal Safety | WSSD 311 First Aid and Personal Safety | |
IND 101 Drawing & Design | ITEC 110 Communications Systems | |
IND 110 Technical Draw 1 | ITEC 243 Tech Sketching/Design/Rendrng | |
IND 130 Intro Circuit Analy | ITEC 261 Electrical Electronics 1 | |
IND 135 Digital Electronics | ITEC 262 Electronic Systems 2 | |
IND 145 Photography | ITEC 350 Still Photography | |
IND 165 Machine Process 1 | ITEC 1XX Machine Process 1 | |
IND 215 Comp Aided Drftg 1 | ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting | |
IND 315 Comp Aided Drftg 2 | ITEC 446 Computer-Aid Drafting Design | |
IND 320 Architect Drawing | ITEC 346 Architectural Drawing | |
IND 345 Construction Proc 1 | ITEC 3X1 Construction Proc 1 | |
ITE 101 Industrial Safety | OSEH 120 Fund of Safety,Hlth,Env Issues | G3 |
ITE 110 Tech Drawing 1 | ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions | |
ITE 123 Intro CAD/GIS | ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting | |
ITE 181 Materials Tech 1 | ITEC 130 Prod Materials and Process | |
ITE 215 CAD 1 | ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting | |
ITE 250 Intro to Automation | ITEC 2XX Intro to Automation | |
ITE 305 OSHA General Industrial Safety | OSEH 3X5 OSHA General Industrial Safety | |
JUS 101 Intro Justice Studies | SOCY 331 Socy of Policing and Courts | G3 |
JUS 102 Intro Law Enforcement | SOCY 1X2 Intro Law Enforcement | |
JUS 103 Correctional Systems | SOCY 332 Modern Corrections | G3 |
JUS 104 Intro to Security | EHEM 1X4 Intro to Security | |
JUS 105 Intro to Forensic Science | SOCY 1X5 Intro to Forensic Science | |
JUS 201 Criminal Investigation | SOCY 2X1 Criminal Investigation | |
JUS 205 Principles Homeland Security | EHEM 316 Intro to Terr, WMD & Hmlnd Sec | G3 |
JUS 305 International Crim Justice | SOCY 3X5 International Crim Justice | |
JUS 331 Juvenile Justice | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3, W |
JUS 361 Court Systems | GOVT 314 American Judiciary | G3, W |
JUS 375 Criminal Law | SOCY 3X7 Criminal Law | G3 |
JUS 376 Criminal Procedure | SOCY 3X6 Criminal Procedure | |
JUS 380 Crime Scene Imaging | SOCY 3X0 Crime Scene Imaging | |
JUS 405 Cyber Security | SOCY 4X5 Cyber Security | |
JUS 415 Multiculturalism & Crim Justic | SOCY 4X5 Multiculturalism & Crim Justic | |
JUS 430 Criminal Intelligence Analysis | SOCY 3X4 Criminal Intelligence Analysis | |
JUS 459 Behav Analysis/Violent Crime | SOCY 4X9 Behav Analysis/Violent Crime | |
JUS 488 Cyber Crime Investigation | SOCY 4X8 Cyber Crime Investigation | G3 |
LAW 360 LawBusiness & Workplace | BUAD 3X6 LawBusiness & Workplace | |
LEA 100 Introduction to Leadership | ELEC 1XX Introduction to Leadership | |
MAT 100 Fund of Math | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MAT 110 Applications of Math | MATH 1X1 Applications of Math | G2 |
MAT 115 Statistics | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 120 Elementary Topics in Math 1 | MATH 1X2 Elementary Topics in Math 1 | G2 |
MAT 130 Elementary Topics in Math 2 | MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 | G2 |
MAT 181 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 182 Tech Math 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 191 College Trig | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
MAT 192 Tech Math 2 | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
MAT 195 Discrete Structures | CSCI 140 Discrete Structures | |
MAT 199 Pre-Calculus | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MAT 205 Statistics for the Health & SS | MATH 2X5 Statistics for the Health & SS | G2 |
MAT 215 Statistics | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
MAT 272 Discrete Math | MATH 2X2 Discrete Math | G2 |
MAT 281 Calculus 1 | MATH 1X1 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MAT 282 Calculus 2 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MFL 479 Mod Lang & Cult Field Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
MGT 201 Prin of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MGT 300 Principles of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MGT 301 Organiz Behavior | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MGT 311 Org Theory & Design | BUAD 351 Organization Theory | |
MGT 403 Innovations Management | MGMT 4X3 Innovations Management | |
MIS 201 Management Information Systems | BUAD 307 Management Information Systems | |
MKT 300 Principles of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MKT 320 Principles of Selling | BUAD 333 Personal Selling | |
MTE 250 Intro to Automation | ITEC 2XX Intro to Automation | |
MTR 300 Manufacturing Processes | AENG 130 Prod Materials and Process | |
MUS 100 Intro to Music | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUS 104 Voice Class 1 | MUSI 1X4 Voice Class 1 | |
MUS 109 Priv Inst Brass I | MUSI 1X9 Priv Inst Brass I | |
MUS 129 Private Instr: Percussion I | MUSI 1X9 Private Instr: Percussion I | |
MUS 170 Private Instr: Guitar I | MUSI 1X7 Private Instr: Guitar I | |
MUS 191 University Choir | MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUS 192 California Singers | MUSI 227B Applied Music:Chorale | |
MUS 192 California Singers | MUSI 126B Applied Music:Chorale | |
MUS 192 California Singers | MUSI 127B Applied Music:Chorale | |
MUS 192 California Singers | MUSI 226B Applied Music:Chorale | |
MUS 196 Jazz Ensemble | MUSI 424 Jazz Ensemble | |
MUS 197 Pep Band | MUSI 1X7 Pep Band | |
MUS 198 Univ Marching Band | MUSI 129 Appl Music in Marching Band | |
MUS 199 Univ Concert Band | MUSI 120B Applied Music:Concert Band | |
MUS 209 Priv Inst Brass II | MUSI 2X9 Priv Inst Brass II | |
MUS 211 Keyboard Class | MUSI 2X1 Keyboard Class | |
MUS 215 Comprehensive Musicianship I | MUSI 112 Kodaly Solfege,Hrmny,Anlys 1 | |
MUS 275 Music & Recording Tech I | MUSI 2X7 Music & Recording Tech I | |
MUS 300 Jazz: History, Form & Analysis | MUSI 3XX Jazz: History, Form & Analysis | G1 |
MUS 315 Comprehensive Musicianship II | MUSI 3X5 Comprehensive Musicianship II | |
MUS 316 Comprehensive Musicianship III | MUSI 3X6 Comprehensive Musicianship III | |
MUS 375 Music & Recording Tech II | MUSI 3X7 Music & Recording Tech II | |
NUR 101 Women's Health Issues | NURS 316 Women, Health, and Health Care | P |
NUR 120 Informed Health Consumer | NURS 3X2 Informed Health Consumer | |
PGM 100 Intro to PGM | WSSD 1X1 Intro to PGM | |
PGM 125 PGM Internship 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
PGM 150 Teaching of Golf 1 | WELL 1X5 Teaching of Golf 1 | WELL |
PGM 200 Inter Topics in PGM | WSSD 2X1 Inter Topics in PGM | |
PGM 210 Golf Shop Management | Does Not Transfer | |
PGM 225 PGM Internship II | Does Not Transfer | |
PGM 300 Advanced Topics in PGM | Does Not Transfer | |
PGM 310 Turfgrass Management | Does Not Transfer | |
PHI 100 Persp in Phil | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHI 115 Logic & Language | PHIL 1X5 Logic & Language | G1 |
PHI 200 World Religions | PHIL 313 World Religions | G1, W |
PHI 201 Hist Ancient Phil | PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy | G1, W |
PHI 211 Formal Logic I | PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic | G1 |
PHI 220 Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHI 247 Science Tech & Soc | PHIL 2X7 Science Tech & Soc | G1 |
PHI 320 Ethical Theory | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHI 335 Aesthetic Theory | PHIL 383 Philosophy of Art | G1, W |
PHS 120 Basic Physical Science w/Lab | PHYS 1X2 Basic Physical Science w/Lab | G2, L |
PHS 137 Intro to Environ Chem | CHEM 1X7 Intro to Environ Chem | G2, L |
PHY 101 College Physics I | PHYS 131 Physics 1 with Algebra | G2, L |
PHY 121 General Physics I | PHYS 131 Physics 1 with Algebra | G2, L |
PHY 122 General Physics II | PHYS 132 Physics 2 with Algebra | G2, L |
POS 100 Intro Poli Sci | GOVT 101 Intro to Political Studies | G3 |
POS 101 Contemp Policy/Politics | GOVT 1X1 Contemp Policy/Politics | G3 |
POS 102 Amer Govt for Elem Ed | GOVT 1X2 Amer Govt for Elem Ed | |
POS 105 American Politics | GOVT 1XX American Politics | G3 |
POS 319 Campaigns & Elections | GOVT 3XX Campaigns & Elections | G3 |
POS 320 U S Foreign Policy | GOVT 355 American Foreign Policy | G3 |
POS 325 Politics of Asia | GOVT 325 Political Systems of East Asia | G3 |
POS 336 International Organizations | GOVT 352 International Organizations | G3 |
PSY 100 General Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 150 Lifespan Developmental Psych | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSY 205 Child Psychology | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | W, G3 |
PSY 206 Adolescent Psychology | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3 |
PSY 207 Dev Psychology | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSY 208 Ed Psychology | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
PSY 209 Industrial Psych | PSYC 329 Industrial Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 211 Social Psychology | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSY 216 Child Psych to Age 4 | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 217 Child Psych: Ages 5 to 9 | PSYC 2X7 Child Psych: Ages 5 to 9 | |
PSY 220 Descriptive Stats Psych | PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 | W |
PSY 222 Psych of Stress Management | PSYC 2X2 Psych of Stress Management | |
PSY 301 Sensation & Perception Lab | PSYC 315 Adv Lab Sensation & Perception | |
PSY 303 Cross Cultural Psychology | PSYC 3X3 Cross Cultural Psychology | G3 |
PSY 306 Cognitive Psychology | PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology | |
PSY 320 Black Psychology | PSYC 3X2 Black Psychology | G3 |
PSY 331 Inferential Stats / Psychology | PSYC 3X1 Inferential Stats / Psychology | |
PSY 336 Forensic Psychology | PSYC 3X6 Forensic Psychology | |
PSY 340 Psychological Testing | PSYC 417 Tests and Measurements | |
PSY 345 History and Systems of Psych | PSYC 454 History and Systems of Psych | |
PSY 365 Research Methods in Psychology | PSYC 3X5 Research Methods in Psychology | |
PSY 410 Clinical Child Psychology | PSYC 4X1 Clinical Child Psychology | |
PTA 100 Intro to PTA | WSSD 1X0 Intro to PTA | |
PTA 101 Basic PT Procedure | WSSD 1X1 Basic PT Procedure | |
REC 165 Intro to Recreation & Leisure | WSSD 1X6 Intro to Recreation & Leisure | |
REC 270 Interpret Methods Parks & Rec | WSSD 27X Interpret Methods Parks & Rec | |
RET 110 Agile Robotics I | ITEC 425 Industrial Robotic Systems | |
SEC 150 Intro to Secondary Ed | MDLV 1X5 Intro to Secondary Ed | |
SEC 200 Instructional Strategies | MDLV 2X1 Instructional Strategies | |
SEC 210 Intro to Secondary Ed | EDFN 2X1 Intro to Secondary Ed | |
SEC 220 Standards-Based Ed in Sec Ed | EDFN 2X2 Standards-Based Ed in Sec Ed | |
SEC 310 Instructional Strat in Sec Ed | EDUC 475 Current Trends in Education | |
SEC 350 Content Area Literacy | EDUC 323 Teaching Reading in Content | W |
SMD 350 Sign Language and Braille | SPED 35X Sign Language and Braille | |
SOC 100 Prin of Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 203 Applied Sociology | SOCY 2X3 Applied Sociology | G3 |
SOC 205 Contemporary Social Problems | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SOC 210 Soc Stratification | SOCY 319 Social Stratification | G3 |
SOC 300 Sociology of Deviance | SOCY 338 Sociology of Deviance | |
SOC 309 Sociology of Sport | SOCY 3X9 Sociology of Sport | G3 |
SOC 311 Sociology of Crime | SOCY 230 Criminology | G3, W |
SOC 312 Sociology of Organizations | SOCY 318 Soc Of Complex Organizations | |
SOC 315 Social Minorities | SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations | G3 |
SOC 317 Substance Use & Abuse | SOCY 3X7 Substance Use & Abuse | G3 |
SOC 318 Sociology of Addiction | SOCY 3X8 Sociology of Addiction | |
SOC 319 Sociology of Technology | SOCY 3X9 Sociology of Technology | |
SOC 324 Child Abuse & Neglect | SOCY 3X4 Child Abuse & Neglect | |
SOC 377 Modern Freedom Movements | SOCY 3X7 Modern Freedom Movements | G3 |
SOC 380 Sociology and the Sociopath | SOCY 3X0 Sociology and the Sociopath | |
SOC 395 Soc Elite Deviance | SOCY 3X5 Soc Elite Deviance | |
SOC 400 Struct & Institution Violence | SOCY 4XX Struct & Institution Violence | |
SOC 410 Social Theory & Society | SOCY 303 Sociological Theory | |
SOC 415 Social Research Methods | SOCY 305 Social Research Methods | W |
SOC 417 Field Research Methods | ANTH 220 Ethnographic Methods | W |
SOW 150 Intro Social Work | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
SOW 208 Diversity in a Changing World | SOWK 350 Encounters in Human Diversity | D, P |
SOW 215 Human Behav & Soc Environmt | SOWK 203 Human Behvior and Social Envrn | |
SOW 270 Child Welfare | SOWK 2X7 Child Welfare | |
SOW 301 Social Work Interviewing | SOWK 3X1 Social Work Interviewing | |
SOW 303 Human Sex & Society | SOWK 3X3 Human Sex & Society | G3 |
SOW 308 Diversity in a Changing World | SOWK 350 Encounters in Human Diversity | D, P |
SOW 316 HGB Young Adult to Late Life | PSYC 229 The Adult Years | G3 |
SOW 320 History & Philosophy of SOW | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
SOW 330 Child Welfare | SOWK 3X3 Child Welfare | |
SPN 101 Elem Spanish 1 | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPN 102 Elem Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPN 203 Intermediate Spanish I | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPT 100 Intro to Sport Management | WSSD 1X0 Intro to Sport Management | |
SPT 101 Intro Sports Management Prac | Does Not Transfer | |
SPT 199 Practica in Sport Management | WSSD 1X9 Practica in Sport Management | |
SPT 300 Psychology of Sport | WSSD 3X1 Psychology of Sport | |
SPT 305 Ethics in Sport Management | WSSD 3X5 Ethics in Sport Management | |
SPT 310 Sport Marketing | BUAD 31X Sport Marketing | |
SPT 311 Sales Tech in Sports Industry | WSSD 3X1 Sales Tech in Sports Industry | |
SPT 315 Facility & Event Mgmt | WSSD 3X5 Facility & Event Mgmt | |
SPT 316 Facility and Event Management | Does Not Transfer | |
SPT 320 Admin Intercol Athletic Pgmn | WSSD 3X2 Admin Intercol Athletic Pgmn | |
SPT 325 Sport & Society | WSSD 350 Sport in America | W |
SPT 330 Globalization and Intl Sports | WSSD 360 International Sport Management | D |
SPT 360 Sports Communication | COMM 3X6 Sports Communication | G1 |
SPT 400 Legal Aspects of Sports | WSSD 483 Legal Aspects of Sport | |
SPT 405 Finance and Econ of Sports | WSSD 4X5 Finance and Econ of Sports | |
SPT 410 Governance in Sport | WSSD 4X5 Governance in Sport | |
TED 100 Intro to Tech Ed | EDTE 291 Foundations of Technology Educ | |
TED 105 Communicating Technical Design | ITEC 344 Product Design | |
TED 110 Intro Commun Tech | ITEC 110 Communications Systems | |
TED 111 Communication Sys | ITEC 110 Communications Systems | |
TED 120 Intro Productn Tech | ITEC 130 Prod Materials and Process | |
TED 126 Engineering Mtrls & ProdDesgn | ITEC 243 Tech Sketching/Design/Rendrng | |
TED 130 Intro Energy/Trans | ITEC 120 Energy, Power, Transportation | |
TED 210 Design & Appropriate Techn | ITEC 2X1 Design & Appropriate Techn | |
TED 226 Applctns & Process Materials | ITEC 130 Prod Materials and Process | |
TED 325 Manufacturing Systems | ITEC 3X2 Manufacturing Systems | |
THE 100 Intr to the Theatre | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THE 101 Voice and Speech | THEA 1X1 Voice and Speech | |
THE 131 Fund of Acting | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1 |
THE 141 Stagecraft I | THEA 120 Stagecraft | |
THE 150 Intro to Theatrical Design | THEA 312 Hist/Princpls of Stage Design | G1 |
THE 309 Readers Theatre | THEA 3X9 Readers Theatre | |
THE 350 Pract: Acting | Does Not Transfer | |
THE 351 Pract: Dance | Does Not Transfer | |
THE 356 Pract: Tech Productn | Does Not Transfer | |
TOU 102 Hospitality Industry & Ops | Does Not Transfer | |
UNI 100 First Year Seminar | UNIV 101 First Year Seminar | |
UNI 101 Intro to University Studies | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
VET 101 Intro to Veterinary Technology | Does Not Transfer | |
VET 160 Care/Mgmt of Exotic & Lab Anim | Does Not Transfer | |
VET 303 Shelter Medicine I | Does Not Transfer | |
WFD 199 Physics | PHYS 1X1 Physics | |
WST 200 Intro to Women Studies | WSTU 220 Introduction Women's Studies | G3 |
WST 320 LGBTQ Studies | WSTU 3X2 LGBTQ Studies | |
XCP 194 Career Planning | UNIV 1X4 Career Planning | |
XJJ 155 Ad Criminal Justice: CCBC Cour | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
XJJ 275 Juvenile Deliquency | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3 |
XJJ 281 Organized Crime | SOCY 2X1 Organized Crime | |
XJJ 284 Underwater Forensics | ELEC 2X4 Underwater Forensics |