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MU Gen ED Code Legend

Delaware County Community College / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Delaware County Community College Course Millersville Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
ACC 100 Applied Accounting Does Not Transfer
ACC 111 Financial Accounting BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACC 112 Managerial Accounting BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACC 113 Accounting w/ Enterprise Sftwr Does Not Transfer
ACC 115 Computerized Accounting BUAD 1X5 Computerized Accounting
ACC 201 Intro to Cost Accounting BUAD 2XX Intro to Cost Accounting
ACC 202 Introduction to Tax Accounting BUAD 2XX Introduction to Tax Accounting
ACC 210 Federal Income Tax Accounting BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1
ACC 220 Management Accounting BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACC 251 Intermediate Accounting I BUAD 2XX Intermediate Accounting 1
ACC 252 Intermediate Accounting II BUAD 2XX Intermediate Accounting 2
ACC 253 Advanced Accounting BUAD 2XX Advanced Accounting
ACC 254 Auditing BUAD 2XX Auditing
ADJ 101 Intro to Criminal Justice SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
ADJ 110 Substantive Criminal Law I SOCY 2XX Substantive Criminal Law 1
ADJ 111 Criminal Procedure SOCY 2X1 Criminal Procedure
ADJ 120 Principles of Investigation SOCY 1XX Principles of Investigation
ADJ 201 Org & Mgmt of Justice Agencies SOCY 2XX Org & Mgmt Of Justice Agencies
ADJ 202 Terrorism: Hist, Threat & Resp SOCY 2XX Terrorism: Hist, Threat & Resp
ADJ 203 Contemp Issues in CJ SOCY 2XX Contemp Issues in CJ
ADJ 220 Inv of Death & Bodily Injury Does Not Transfer
ADJ 221 Introduction to Criminalistics Does Not Transfer
ADJ 222 Arson Investigation Does Not Transfer
ADJ 223 Fraud Investigations Does Not Transfer
ADJ 225 Ethics in Criminal Justice SOCY 335 Ethics in Criminal Justice
ADJ 240 Crimnology SOCY 230 Criminology W, G3
ADJ 241 Criminal Law, Procedure & Adju SOCY 2X4 Criminal Law, Procedure & Adju
ADJ 250 Contemporary Police Services SOCY 2XX Contemporary Police Services
ADJ 253 Comm Relations & Justice Prac SOCY 2XX Comm Relations & Justice Prac
ADJ 260 Corrections-Probation-Parole SOCY 232 Modern Corrections G3
ADJ 261 The Youthful Offender SOCY 2XX The Youthful Offender G3
ADJ 262 US Courts: Contemp Iss/Prob SOCY 2XX US Courts: Contemp Iss/Prob
ADJ 263 Alternatives to Prison SOCY 2XX Alternatives to Prison
ADJ 270 Administration of Justice Elec Does Not Transfer
ADJ 280 Org Crime & Systematic Crim SOCY 2XX Org Crime & Systematic Crim
AHA 104 Body Structure/Function I Does Not Transfer
AHA 200 Health-Care Reimbursement Init Does Not Transfer
AHA 203 Risk Mgmt for Allied Health Pr Does Not Transfer
AHA 204 Comp Apps in Allied Health Does Not Transfer
AHA 205 Fin Mgmt for Allied Health Man Does Not Transfer
AHA 206 Reimburse & Financing Methods Does Not Transfer
AHA 207 Eth/Legal Aspects Healthcare Does Not Transfer
AHA 208 Performance Assessment and Imp Does Not Transfer
AHA 209 Philosophy of Managed Care Does Not Transfer
AHA 210 Outcomes Measure & Mgmt Does Not Transfer
AHA 212 Managed Care/Utilization Revie Does Not Transfer
AHA 213 Managing Utilization & Risk Does Not Transfer
AHA 216 Accreditation Processes Does Not Transfer
AHA 217 Qlty Improve & Accredit Proces Does Not Transfer
AHA 218 Current Trends/Iss in HlthCare Does Not Transfer
AHA 220 Allied Health Management Semin Does Not Transfer
AHA 221 Pharmacology for Health Care Does Not Transfer
AHM 100 Orientation to Health care Does Not Transfer
AHM 102 Intro to Health Care BIOL 257 Intro Allied Health
AHM 104 Body Structure/Function I Does Not Transfer
AHM 105 Body Structure/Function II Does Not Transfer
AHM 106 MA Techniques & Practicum I Does Not Transfer
AHM 107 MA Techniques & Practicum II Does Not Transfer
AHM 108 Conditions of Illness I Does Not Transfer
AHM 109 Medical Assistant Externship Does Not Transfer
AHM 130 Medical Coding Concepts Does Not Transfer
AHM 140 Prof & Comm Issues in Health C COMM 1X4 Prof & Comm Issues in Health C
AHM 185 Medical Office Management Does Not Transfer
AHM 199 Mediacal Assistant Externship Does Not Transfer
AHM 200 Conditions of Illness II Does Not Transfer
AHM 207 Ethical/Legal Aspe Does Not Transfer
AHM 208 Pathophysiology & Pharmacology Does Not Transfer
AHM 220 Microbiology Allied Hlth Servi Does Not Transfer
AHM 226 Medical Machine Transcription Does Not Transfer
AHM 227 Advanced Medical Transcription Does Not Transfer
AHM 230 ICD-9-CM Coding Principles Does Not Transfer
AHM 231 Medical Billing and Coding Does Not Transfer
AHM 232 Adv Coding & Reimbursement Sys Does Not Transfer
AHM 233 Medical Terminology WSSD 110 Medical Terminology
AHM 240 Hospital Coding Does Not Transfer
AHM 241 Medical Billing Does Not Transfer
AHM 270 Allied Health Elective Does Not Transfer
AHN 100 Nursing Asst Theory & Prac I Does Not Transfer
AHN 105 Nursing-Asst Theory & Prac Does Not Transfer
AHN 106 Multiskilled Tech for X-Traine Does Not Transfer
AHN 200 Excellence in Care Nrsng Assis Does Not Transfer
AHS 100 Surgical Technique I Does Not Transfer
AHS 101 Surgical Technique Practicum I Does Not Transfer
AHS 102 Surgical Technique II Does Not Transfer
AHS 103 Surgical Technique Practicm II Does Not Transfer
AHS 200 Surgical Technique III Does Not Transfer
AHS 201 Surgical Technique Practcm III Does Not Transfer
AHU 100 Health Unit Coordinator Theory Does Not Transfer
ARC 100 Architectural Design Graphics ITEC 346 Architectural Drawing
ARC 101 Architectural Design Graphics ITEC 3XX Architectural Design Graphics
ARC 121 Architectural Graphics I ITEC 346 Architectural Drawing
ARC 199 Co-op/Internship Does Not Transfer
ARC 200 Architectural Design Graphics ITEC 3XX Architectural Design Graphics
ARC 201 Architectural Design Graphics ITEC 3XX Architectural Design Graphics
ARC 210 CAD for Architects ITEC 4XX CAD for Architects
ARC 215 Architectural Design Concepts ITEC 3XX Architectural Design Concepts
ARC 221 Architectural Graphics II ITEC 3XX Architectural Graphics 2
ARC 226 Mech & Elect Sys in Buildings Does Not Transfer
ART 100 Art and Childhood Development ART 322 Art for the Elementary School W
ART 101 Mural Painting ART 10X Mural Painting
ART 110 Art History: Ancient-Mid Ages ART 202 Srvy Art Hist 1:Pre to c 1400 G1
ART 111 Art Hist II: Ren-Contemporary ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C G1
ART 112 History Non-Western Art ART 3X2 History Non-Western Art G1
ART 115 History of Graphic Design DESN 307 Visual Comm Design History P
ART 122 Two Dimensional Design ART 142 2D Design G1
ART 123 Color & Design ART 1X3 Color & Design G1
ART 124 Three Dimensional Design ART 242 3D Design
ART 130 Drawing I ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 131 Drawing II ART 233 Drawing 2
ART 133 Photography I ART 306 Intro Photography: Darkroom G1
ART 136 Drawing as Design Process ART 1X6 Drawing as Design Process G1
ART 140 Painting ART 352 Painting 1
ART 141 Painting 2 ART 354 Painting 2
ART 143 Life Drawing ART 1X4 Life Drawing G1
ART 145 Watercolor Painting ART 353 Watercolor 1
ART 150 Printmaking ART 362 Printmaking 1
ART 160 Black & White Photography I ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 G1
ART 161 Black & White Photography II ART 466 Fine Art Photography 2
ART 162 Black & White Photography III ART 1XX Black & White Photography 3
ART 164 Color Photography I ART 366 Color Photography
ART 165 Color Photography II ART 1XX Color Photography 2
ART 167 Digital (SLR) Photo I ART 16X Digital (SLR) Photo I G1
ART 169 Medium- and Large-Format Photo ART 1XX Medium- and Large-Format Photo
ART 170 Egyptian Art ART 1XX Egyptian Art
ART 175 Color Photo - Digital Printing ART 366 Color Photography
ART 205 Portfolio Preparation ART 2X5 Portfolio Preparation
ART 208 Computer Illustration DESN 2X8 Computer Illustration
ART 211 Digital Imaging ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art
ART 213 Page Layout DESN 444 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 2 W
ART 215 Typography DESN 240 Typography I G1
ART 225 Prepress and Printing Processe DESN 2X5 Prepress and Printing Processe
ART 227 Web Graphics DESN 247 Intro Web/Exprnc/Intractn Dsgn
ART 228 Motion Graphics DESN 246 Intro Sequence/Motion/Vis Comm
ART 230 Graphic Design I DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills
ART 231 Graphic Design II DESN 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
ART 232 Portfolio Seminar DESN 2X3 Portfolio Seminar
ART 233 Portfolio Presentation ART 2X3 Portfolio Presentation
ART 236 Digital Photography I ART 376 Intro to Photo: Digital G1
ART 239 Digital Photography II ART 410 Fine Art Digital Photography
ART 240 Large Format Photography ART 24X Large Format Photography
ART 241 Portfolio Presentation ART 2X4 Portfolio Presentation
ART 270 Art Elective Does Not Transfer
ASL 100 American Sign Language ELEC 1X1 American Sign Language
AUT 100 Intro to Automotive Service Does Not Transfer
AUT 101 Basic Auto Mechanics Does Not Transfer
AUT 102 Intermediate Auto Mechanics I Does Not Transfer
AUT 103 Intermediate Auto Mechanics II Does Not Transfer
AUT 114 Steering and Suspension Does Not Transfer
AUT 115 Fuel I and II Does Not Transfer
AUT 121 Engine Performance Does Not Transfer
AUT 123 Power Train Controls Does Not Transfer
AUT 150 Air Conditioning Does Not Transfer
AUT 151 Igntition Systems Does Not Transfer
AUT 152 State Sfty Inspec/Emission Cod Does Not Transfer
AUT 153 Power Trans & Transaxle Princi Does Not Transfer
AUT 200 Advanced Auto Mechanics I Does Not Transfer
AUT 201 Advanced Auto Mechanics II Does Not Transfer
BDM 100 Intro Bldng Maintenance Conept Does Not Transfer
BDM 101 Adv Bldng Maintenance Concepts Does Not Transfer
BDM 102 Fundamentals of Masonry Does Not Transfer
BDM 103 Advanced Masonry Does Not Transfer
BDM 200 Basic Plumbing Does Not Transfer
BIO 100 Biological Science BIOL 100 General Biology L, G2
BIO 102 Humans and the Environment BIOL 1X2 Humans and the Environment G2
BIO 110 Introductory Biology I BIOL 100 General Biology L, G2
BIO 111 Introductory Biology II BIOL 1XX Introductory Biology G2, L
BIO 115 Field Ecology BIOL 1X5 Field Ecology
BIO 117 Human Anatomy BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 118 Human Physiology BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BIO 150 Human Anatomy & Physio I BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 151 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BIO 200 General Zoology BIOL 211 Concepts of Zoology L, G2
BIO 205 Human Genetics BIOL 205 Heredity G2
BIO 210 General Botany BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany G2, L
BIO 220 Nutrition and Well-Being BIOL 256 Nutrition W, G2
BIO 230 Microbiology BIOL 2X3 Microbiology
BIO 270 Biology Elective Does Not Transfer
BIOL 100 Biological Science BIOL 100 General Biology L, G2
BIOL 151 Human Anat & Phys II BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BKG 100 Principles of Banking Does Not Transfer
BKG 110 Money and Banking ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking G3
BKG 120 Introduction to Commercial Len Does Not Transfer
BKG 130 Marketing for Bankers Does Not Transfer
BKG 200 Consumer Lending Does Not Transfer
BKG 210 Bank Management Does Not Transfer
BKG 220 Law and Banking Does Not Transfer
BKG 230 Real Estate Finance Does Not Transfer
BUS 100 Introduction to Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BUS 101 Intro to Int'l Business BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business
BUS 102 Intro to Electronic Commerce Does Not Transfer
BUS 103 Bus Processes & Comp Technolog Does Not Transfer
BUS 104 Mathematics for Business MATH 1X4 Mathematics for Business
BUS 105 Intro to Entrepreneurship BUAD 1X1 Intro to Entrepreneurship G3
BUS 110 Sales and Sales Supervision BUAD 1XX Sales and Sales Supervision
BUS 111 Mgmt in the Int'l Environment BUAD 1XX Mgmt in the Int'l Environment
BUS 125 Purchasing & Procurement Does Not Transfer
BUS 130 Business Communications BUAD 1XX Business Communications
BUS 140 Real Estate Fundamentals Does Not Transfer
BUS 141 Real Estate Practice Does Not Transfer
BUS 149 Small-Business Management MGMT 1X4 Small-Business Management
BUS 151 Small-Business Finance Does Not Transfer
BUS 160 Intro to Retailing Does Not Transfer
BUS 161 Merchandising Principles Does Not Transfer
BUS 162 Buying Principles & Practices Does Not Transfer
BUS 163 Retail Trends Does Not Transfer
BUS 185 Medical-Office Management Does Not Transfer
BUS 199 College-Sponsored Experiential Does Not Transfer
BUS 210 Principles of Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
BUS 211 Supervision BUAD 2XX Supervision
BUS 212 Sport Management BUAD 2X2 Sports Management
BUS 213 Leadership BUAD 2X3 Leadership G3
BUS 214 Organizational Behavior BUAD 2X4 Organizational Behavior
BUS 215 Human-Resource Management BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
BUS 216 Training & Development Does Not Transfer
BUS 217 Compensation & Benefits Does Not Transfer
BUS 218 Employee & Labor Relations Does Not Transfer
BUS 225 Professional Development Does Not Transfer
BUS 230 Principles of Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
BUS 231 Principles of Advertising BUAD 335 Advertising
BUS 232 Principles of Finance BUAD 2XX Principles of Finance
BUS 233 Financial Planning BUAD 143 Personal Finance
BUS 234 Electronic Marketing Does Not Transfer
BUS 235 Supply Chain Management Does Not Transfer
BUS 240 Survey of Business Law BUAD 2XX Survey of Business Law
BUS 241 Business Law I BUAD 2XX Business Law 1
BUS 242 Business Law II BUAD 2XX Business Law 2
BUS 243 The Legal Environment of Busin BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BUS 244 Priciples of Total Quality Does Not Transfer
BUS 245 Tools of Total Quality Does Not Transfer
BUS 246 Teamwork Does Not Transfer
BUS 247 Organizational Change Does Not Transfer
BUS 270 Business Elective Does Not Transfer
BUSI 100 Introduction to International BUAD 1XX Introducation to International
BUSI 110 Management in the Internationa BUAD 1XX Management in the Internationa
CHE 101 Introduction to General Chemis CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHE 102 Intro Org & Biological Chem CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 L, G2
CHE 105 Chemistry of the Environment CHEM 101 Science of Chemistry 1 G2
CHE 106 Introduction to Chemistry CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 G2, L
CHE 110 General Chemistry I CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHE 111 General Chemistry II CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 L, G2
CHE 200 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 L, G2
CHE 201 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 L, G2
CHE 270 Chemistry Elective Does Not Transfer
CHI 101 Elementary Chinese I FORL 101 Elementary Chinese 1 G1
CHI 102 Elementary Chinese II FORL 102 Elementary Chinese 2 G1
COMM 100 Interpersonal Communication COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
COMM 102 Comm Across Cultures COMM 317 Intercultural Communication P, D
COMM 104 Intro to Mass Comm. COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
COMM 105 Small Group Comm COMM 203 Small Group Communication D, G1, W
COMM 106 New Media & Culture COMM 1X6 New Media & Culture
COMM 111 Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
COMM 115 Intro to Public Relations COMM 251 Public Relations 1 G1
COMM 200 Argument and Debate COMM 20X Argument and Debate G1
COMM 201 Communication Theory COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
CPT 100 Intro to Carpentry Principles Does Not Transfer
CPT 101 Concepts of Carpentry Design Does Not Transfer
CPT 150 Intro to Cabinetmaking Does Not Transfer
CPT 151 Furniture Building Does Not Transfer
CPT 152 Home Remodeling & Additions Does Not Transfer
CPT 153 Adv Furniture Building Does Not Transfer
CPT 200 Advanced Framing Design Does Not Transfer
CS 100 Intro to Information Tech INTE 130 Fundamentals of IT
CS 101 Intro to Computer Science CSCI 1X1 Intro to Computer Science G2
CS 102 Intro to Python CSCI 151 Intro Prog for Data Science I G2
CS 104 Intro to Java Programming CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CS 110 Intro to C++ CSCI 179 Experimental
CUL 115 Professional Cooking I Does Not Transfer
CUL 150 Baking & Pastry Foundations I Does Not Transfer
CUL 151 Baking & Pastry Foundations II Does Not Transfer
CUL 210 Foodservice Purchasing Does Not Transfer
CUL 215 Menu Planning & Cost Control Does Not Transfer
CUL 220 Nutrition & Hospitality Indust Does Not Transfer
DPR 100 Introduction to Computers CSCI 1X3 Introduction to Computers G2
DPR 101 Intro to Computer Science CSCI 1X1 Intro to Computer Science
DPR 102 Computer Lab CSCI 1XX Computer Lab
DPR 103 Computer Literacy CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
DPR 104 Microcomputers and Office Auto Does Not Transfer
DPR 105 Management Information Systems CSCI 1X4 Management Info Systems G2
DPR 107 Help Desk Concepts Does Not Transfer
DPR 108 Intro to Computer Science CSCI 10X Intro to Computer Science G2
DPR 110 Program Design and Development CSCI 1X5 Program Design and Development
DPR 111 Advanced Office Software CSCI 1X1 Advanced Office Software
DPR 113 Data-Base Management Systems CSCI 1X2 Data Based Management Systems
DPR 114 Microsoft Word Does Not Transfer
DPR 115 Microsoft Excel Does Not Transfer
DPR 120 COBOL Programming CSCI 1XX COBOL Programming
DPR 121 FORTRAN Programming CSCI 1XX FORTRAN Programming
DPR 122 Programming in BASIC CSCI 201 Basic Programming G2
DPR 123 RPG Programming CSCI 1XX RPG Programming
DPR 124 FORTRAN for Eng & Sci CSCI 1XX FORTRAN for Eng & Sci
DPR 125 PASCAL Programming CSCI 161 Introduction to Computing 1 G2
DPR 126 C Programming CSCI 1XX C Programming
DPR 127 Electronic Spreadsheets Does Not Transfer
DPR 136 Managing & Maintaining a PC Does Not Transfer
DPR 137 Help Desk Support Skills Does Not Transfer
DPR 140 Operating Systems CSCI 1XX Operating Systems
DPR 141 Unix Operating System CSCI 1X6 Unix Operating System
DPR 190 Exploratory Tours Does Not Transfer
DPR 199 College-Sponsored Experiential Does Not Transfer
DPR 200 Microcomputer Applications CSCI 2XX Microcomputer Applications
DPR 202 Computer Center Operations CSCI 2XX Computer Center Operations
DPR 203 JCL and Operating Systems Conc CSCI 2XX JCL and Operating Systems Conc
DPR 204 Intro to Enterprise Software Does Not Transfer
DPR 205 Intro to JAVA Programming Does Not Transfer
DPR 206 Programming for the Web CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming G2
DPR 207 Intro to Oracle: SQL Does Not Transfer
DPR 208 Computer Hardware Operations Does Not Transfer
DPR 209 Intro to Perl Programming CSCI 2X1 Intro to Perl Programming
DPR 210 Assembly Language Programming CSCI 2XX Assembly Language Programming
DPR 212 Data Structures & Algorithms Does Not Transfer
DPR 213 iPhone/Pad App Dev Using Obj-C CSCI 2X3 iPhone/Pad App Dev Using Obj-C
DPR 215 Network Systems Management CSCI 2XX Network Systems Management
DPR 216 Network Service and Support CSCI 2XX Network Service and Support
DPR 217 Networking/Communications CSCI 2XX Networking/Communications
DPR 218 Advanced Networking and Commun CSCI 2XX Advanced Networking and Commun
DPR 222 Visual Basic Programming CSCI 111 Intro to VISUAL BASIC G2
DPR 226 Object Oriented C++ CSCI 2X2 Object Oriented C++
DPR 228 PC Repair & Maintenance Does Not Transfer
DPR 230 Systems & Proceds CSCI 2X3 Systems & Proceds
DPR 231 Integrated Software Does Not Transfer
DPR 232 Game Design & Dev CSCI 2X2 Game Design & Dev
DPR 234 Intro Computer Game Prog CSCI 2X4 Intro Computer Game Prog
DPR 236 Game Art & Animation CSCI 2X6 Game Art & Animation
DPR 238 Game Design Theory & Practice CSCI 2X8 Game Design Theory & Practice
DPR 240 Introduction to CICS Does Not Transfer
DPR 250 Game Portfolio CSCI 2X5 Game Portfolio
DPR 270 Computer Science Elective Does Not Transfer
DRA 100 Introductions to Theater THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
DRA 105 Acting Shakespeare THEA 1X5 Acting Shakespeare
DRA 110 Acting I THEA 130 Acting 1
DRA 111 Acting II THEA 1XX Acting 2
DRA 112 Voice Enhancement THEA 1X2 Voice Enhancement
DRA 115 Theater Lab Does Not Transfer
DRA 116 Stagecraft THEA 120 Stagecraft
DRA 120 Theater Make-up THEA 1XX Theater Make-up
DRA 130 Voice and Movement THEA 1X3 Voice and Movement
DRA 200 Modern Drama THEA 2XX Modern Dance
DRA 270 Drama Elective Does Not Transfer
ECE 100 Princ of Early Childhood Educa EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
ECE 110 Infant/Toddler Care and Educ ERCH 1X1 Infant/Toddler Care and Educ
ECE 111 Methods & Materials for Teachi WELL 240 Health, Safety, Nutr for Child WELL
ECE 112 Prof Portfolio & Resource File ELED 1X2 Prof Portfolio & Resource File
ECE 120 ECE Laboratory I ELED 1XX ECE Laboratory 1
ECE 121 Early Childhood Ed Lab II ERCH 1X2 Early Childhood Ed Lab II
ECE 130 Early Childhood Development ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
ECE 131 Obs & Rec the Behavior of YC ELED 1XX Obs & Rec the Behavior of YC
ECE 140 Curriculum, Planning & Instruc ELED 314 Parent-Teacher Relationship D, W
ECE 200 Educating Cult Different YC ELED 2XX Educating Cult Different YC
ECE 201 Children Families & Community ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers D, W
ECE 210 Educating Exceptional YC SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
ECE 220 Hlth, Safety & Nutr in ECE ELED 2XX Hlth, Safety & Nutr in ECE
ECE 290 Admin & Supervision Early Care ERCH 2XX Admin & Supervision Early Care
ECE 291 Current Issues Early Care Educ ERCH 2X1 Current Issues Early Care Educ
ECE 293 Financial Strat Early Care Edu ERCH 2X3 Financial Strat Early Care Edu
ECO 210 Macroeconomic Principles ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 G3
ECO 220 Microeconomic Principles ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 G3
ECO 270 Economics Elective Does Not Transfer
EDU 110 Introduction to Teaching EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDU 200 Foundations of American Ed EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDU 205 Strategies Effctv Classrm Mgmt EDUC 376 Strategies of Classroom Mngmnt
EDU 206 Technology in Education EDFN 320 Instructnl Technol in ELED
EDU 207 Introduction to Literacy ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading
EDU 208 English Language Learners ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners
EDU 215 Primary Grade Lab & Seminar EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
EDU 220 Intro to Special Ed SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
EDU 270 Education Elective Does Not Transfer
EDUC 215 Theory & Field Experience ELED 100 Intro to Elementary Education
EGR 100 Engineering Graphics ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting
EGR 150 Engineering Topics Does Not Transfer
EGR 200 Engineering Mechanics I Does Not Transfer
EGR 201 Engineering Mechanics II Does Not Transfer
EGR 210 Engineering Circuits I ITEC 2XX Engineering Circuits 1
EGR 270 Engineering Elective Does Not Transfer
ELT 100 Residential Wiring I ITEC 1XX Residential Wiring
ELT 101 Residential Wiring II Does Not Transfer
ELT 102 Commercial Wiring I Does Not Transfer
ELT 104 Intro to Electricity ITEC 1X4 Intro to Electricity
ELT 110 Intro to Electricity Does Not Transfer
ELT 112 Electrical Code Does Not Transfer
ELT 114 Residential Wire Does Not Transfer
ELT 116 Advanced Electrical Wire Does Not Transfer
ELT 118 Troubleshoot Old Wiring Work Does Not Transfer
ELT 150 Electric Utility Technology I Does Not Transfer
ELT 151 Electric Utility Technology II Does Not Transfer
ELT 152 Electrical Code ITEC 1X1 Electrical Code
ELT 153 Residential Alarm Systems Does Not Transfer
ELT 200 Commercial Wiring II Does Not Transfer
ELT 201 Industrial Electricity I Does Not Transfer
ELT 202 Industrial Electricity II Does Not Transfer
ELT 204 Intro to PLC ITEC 2X4 Intro to PLC
ELT 205 Advanced Residential Wire Does Not Transfer
ELT 206 Commercial Wire Does Not Transfer
ELT 207 Industrial Wire Does Not Transfer
ELT 208 Solar Photovoltaic System Des Does Not Transfer
EMER 105 Incident Management EHEM 1X5 Incident Management
EMER 110 Emergency Planning EHEM 11X Emergency Planning
EMER 120 Leadership & Influence EHEM 1X2 Leadership & Influence
EMER 130 Search & Rescue EHEM 1X3 Search & Rescue
EMER 140 Emergency Mgmt Seminar EHEM 1X4 Emergency Mgmt Seminar
EMS 100 Emergency Med Technician Does Not Transfer
EMS 130 Leadership Emer Response ELEC 1X3 Leadership Emer Response
EMS 132 Search and Rescue ELEC 1X2 Search and Rescue
EMS 134 Emergency Planning ELEC 1X4 Emergency Planning
EMS 137 Emergency Management Seminar ELEC 1X7 Emergency Management Seminar
EMS 200 Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Does Not Transfer
EMS 201 Pre-Hosp Trauma Life Support Does Not Transfer
EMS 202 Mgmt of Patient Contaminated Does Not Transfer
EMS 204 Incident Management ELEC 2X4 Incident Management
ENG 015 Essential Writing Skills I Does Not Transfer
ENG 020 Essential Writing Skills II Does Not Transfer
ENG 025 Basic & Essential Writing Does Not Transfer
ENG 050 Developmental English Does Not Transfer
ENG 099 ALP English Does Not Transfer
ENG 100 English Composition 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 111 Eng Composition 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 112 Writing about Literature ENGL 1XX Writing about Literature
ENG 115 Research for English Majors ENGL 1X5 Research for English Majors G1
ENG 130 Fundamentals of Journalism I ENGL 1X2 Fundamentals of Journalism 1
ENG 131 Fundamentals of Journalism II COMM 1XX Fundamentals of Journalism 2
ENG 132 Introduction to News Editing ENGL 1XX Introduction to News Editing
ENG 200 Advanced Composition ENGL 2XX Advanced Composition G1
ENG 205 Creative Writing ENGL 2XX Creative Writing
ENG 206 Creat Writ: Non-Fict & Memoirs ENGL 2X6 Creat Writ: Non-Fict & Memoirs G1
ENG 207 Creat Writ: Intro Playwriting ENGL 2X7 Creat Writ: Intro Playwriting G1
ENG 208 Creat Writ II Short Story ENGL 2X8 Creat Writ II Short Story G1
ENG 209 Creative Writing Poetry ENGL 2X9 Creative Writing Poetry
ENG 210 Appreciation of Literature ENGL 2XX Appreciation of Literature
ENG 214 Women in Literature ENGL 2XX Women in Literature
ENG 215 Mystery Literature ENGL 2XX Mystery Literature
ENG 216 Novels of the Future ENGL 2XX Novels of the Future
ENG 220 British Literature to 1800 ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
ENG 221 British Literature to Modern ENGL 234 Later English Literature G1
ENG 222 Introduction to Shakespeare ENGL 2XX Introduction to Shakespeare
ENG 230 Amer Lit: Shaping the Ideal ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
ENG 231 Amer Lit: Romanticism - Skepti ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
ENG 240 World Literature I ENGL 231 World Literature 1 G1
ENG 241 World Literature II ENGL 232 World Literature 2 G1
ENG 242 The Bible as Literature ENGL 2XX The Bible as Literature
ENG 243 Topics in Contemporary Literat Does Not Transfer
ENG 245 Black American Literature ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 G1, W
ENG 250 Children's Literature EDUC 333 Children's Literature
ENG 270 English Elective Does Not Transfer
ESL 023 Elementary Grammar Does Not Transfer
ESL 024 Elementary Writing Does Not Transfer
ESL 025 Elementary Reading Does Not Transfer
ESL 026 Elementary Speaking/Listening Does Not Transfer
ESL 033 Intermediate Grammar I Does Not Transfer
ESL 034 Intermediate Writing I Does Not Transfer
ESL 035 Intermediate Reading I Does Not Transfer
ESL 036 Inter Speaking/Listening I Does Not Transfer
ESL 043 Intermediate Grammar II Does Not Transfer
ESL 044 Intermediate Writing II Does Not Transfer
ESL 045 Intermediate Reading II Does Not Transfer
ESL 046 Inter Speaking/Listening II Does Not Transfer
ESPD 9630 Basic Life Support Does Not Transfer
ESS 100 Earth Science ESCI 1X1 Earth Science L, G2
ESS 102 Introduction to Astronomy PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
ESS 103 Intro to Astronomy Laboratory PHYS 1X3 Intro to Astronomy Laboratory G2, L
ESS 105 Astronomy PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
ESS 110 Geology ESCI 221 Physical Geology G2, L
ESS 112 Historical Geology ESCI 222 Historical Geology L, G2
FRE 101 Elementary French I FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FRE 102 Elementary French II FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
FRE 111 Intermediate French I FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 G1
FRE 112 Intermediate French II FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 G1
FRE 201 Advanced French I FREN 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 G1, W
FRE 202 Advanced French II FREN 352 Comp and Oral Expression 2 W, G1
FST 100 Intro to Fire Protection OSHM 1XX Intro to Fire Protection
FST 101 Princ of Fire-Science Admin EHEM 1X1 Princ of Fire-Science Admin
FST 102 Fire-Prevention Theory & App EHEM 1X2 Fire-Prevention Theory & App
FST 103 Fire & Arson Investigation EHEM 1X3 Fire & Arson Investigation
FST 200 Fire-Operation Strategies EHEM 2XX Fire-Operation Strategies
FST 201 Fire Protection in Building Co EHEM 2X1 Fire Protection in Building Co
FST 202 Fire Protection Systems in Ind OSHM 221 Fire Prevention
FST 220 Seminar in Fire-Science Admin EHEM 2X2 Seminar in Fire-Science Admin
GER 101 German I GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GER 102 German II GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
GRA 121 Three-Dimensional Design ART 242 Design 2
GRA 122 Two-Dimensional Design I ART 142 Design 1 G1
GRA 123 Color & Design ART 1XX Color & Design
GRA 133 Drawing I - Graphic Design Maj ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
GRA 134 Drawing II ART 233 Drawing 2
GRA 141 Painting - Graphic Design Maj ART 352 Painting 1
GRA 163 Photographic Applications in G ITEC 350 Still Photography
GRA 199 College-Sponsored Experiential Does Not Transfer
GRA 200 Illustration I ART 375 Illustration
GRA 205 Mac Literacy Does Not Transfer
GRA 207 Electronic Illustration I Does Not Transfer
GRA 208 Electronic Illustration II Does Not Transfer
GRA 209 Electronic Imaging I Does Not Transfer
GRA 210 Production Techniques ITEC 251 Graphic Communications
GRA 211 Electronic Imaging II Does Not Transfer
GRA 212 Electronic Page Layout I ITEC 356 Desktop Publishing W
GRA 213 Electronic Page Layout II Does Not Transfer
GRA 215 Typography DESN 240 Typography I G1
GRA 216 Desktop Publishing I ITEC 356 Desktop Publishing W
GRA 217 Desktop Publishing II Does Not Transfer
GRA 219 Introduction to Computer Graph ART 443 Intro to Computers in Design
GRA 220 Computer Graphics I ART 443 Intro to Computers in Design
GRA 221 Computer Graphics II ART 2XX Computer Graphics 2
GRA 224 Printing Processes Does Not Transfer
GRA 225 Pre-Press I Does Not Transfer
GRA 230 Graphic Design I ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
GRA 231 Graphic Design II ART 444 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 2
GRA 232 Portfolio Seminar Does Not Transfer
GRA 270 Graphic Arts Elective Does Not Transfer
HIS 100 American Civilization HIST 1XX American Civilization
HIS 110 American History I HIST 106 Contours of the US
HIS 120 American History II HIST 1XX American History 2 G3
HIS 130 Western Civilization I HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 G3
HIS 140 Western Civilization II HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 G3
HIS 150 World Civilization I HIST 107 Pre-Modern World Cultures G3
HIS 160 World Civilization 2 HIST 2XX World Civilization 2 G3
HIS 200 Civil War and Reconstruction HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction G3, W
HIS 201 African American History HIST 272 Afro-American History 1 G3, W
HIS 210 Diplomatic History of the US HIST 2XX Diplomatic History of the US
HIS 220 History of Europe Since 1914 HIST 340 History of Eastern Europe
HIS 224 History of WWI HIST 2X4 History of WWI
HIS 225 History of WWII HIST 2X5 History of WWII G3
HIS 235 20th Century World History HIST 2X3 20th Century World History G3
HIS 241 History of Ireland I (to 1607) HIST 2XX History of Ireland 1 (to 1607)
HIS 242 History of Ireland II (to Pres HIST 2XX History of Ireland 2 (to Pres
HIS 250 The Italian Renaissance HIST 2XX The Italian Renaissance
HIS 251 The History of Modern China HIST 2XX The History of Modern China
HIS 252 Women in History HIST 2X2 Women in History G3
HIS 253 Modern Latin America HIST 284 Modern Latin America G3, W
HIS 254 World Civilization 1 HIST 107 Pre-Modern World Cultures G3
HIS 255 World Civilization 2 HIST 2X5 World Civilization 2 G3
HMT 100 Survey of Laws & Regs I Does Not Transfer
HMT 101 Hazardous Materials Comm Does Not Transfer
HMT 102 Survey of Laws & Regs II Does Not Transfer
HMT 103 Basic Emergency Response Does Not Transfer
HMT 150 Hazardous Mat Hlth Effects Does Not Transfer
HMT 151 Recovery & Disposal Does Not Transfer
HMT 152 Industrial Processes Does Not Transfer
HMT 200 Hazardous Mat Regs, Adv Does Not Transfer
HMT 201 Adv Emergency Response Does Not Transfer
HRM 100 Intro to the Hospitality Indus Does Not Transfer
HRM 110 Food-Service Sanitation Does Not Transfer
HRM 150 Basic Foods I Does Not Transfer
HRM 151 Basic Foods II Does Not Transfer
HRM 155 Front-Office Management Does Not Transfer
HRM 162 Laws of Innkeeping & Food Serv Does Not Transfer
HRM 165 Managing Human Resources Does Not Transfer
HRM 199 College-Sponsored Experiential Does Not Transfer
HRM 251 Restaurant Information Systems Does Not Transfer
HRM 253 Food Service Management Does Not Transfer
HRM 254 Quantity Foods and Catering Does Not Transfer
HRM 255 Beverage Management Does Not Transfer
HUM 100 Creativity in the Arts ART 100 Art in Culture G1
HUM 105 Introduction to the Mass Media COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
HUM 110 Humanities and the Arts I HMFA 1XX Humanities and the Arts 1
HUM 120 Humanities and the Arts II HMFA 1XX Humanities and the Arts 2
HUM 141 Film Language HMFA 1XX Film Language
HUM 142 American Cinema ENGL 1X9 American Cinema G1
HUM 160 Introduction to World Religion PHIL 313 World Religions G1
HUM 168 Buddhism PHIL 1X8 Buddhism G1
HUM 170 History and Art of the Book HMFA 1XX History and Art of the Book
HUM 171 Western Myths HMFA 1X1 Western Myths G1
HUM 173 Eastern Mythology HMFA 1X3 Eastern Mythology G1
HUM 199 Co-op/Internship Does Not Transfer
HUM 205 Latin-American Perspectives HMFA 2XX Latin-American Perspectives
HUM 271 Humanities Elective II Does Not Transfer
HUM 280 Honors Seminar Does Not Transfer
HUM 290 Art & Arch of Florence HUMN 2X9 Art & Arch of Florence G1
HUS 101 Intro to Soc Work and Hum Serv SOWK 1X1 Intro to Soc Work and Hum Serv G3
HUS 201 Domestic Violence SOWK 313 Family Violence P
HVA 100 Intro to HVAC&R Elec Fabricati Does Not Transfer
HVA 101 Intro to Refrigeration & AC Does Not Transfer
HVA 103 Adv Refrigeration & AC Does Not Transfer
HVA 104 Prac Prob in Math for HVAC Tec Does Not Transfer
HVA 106 Piping Does Not Transfer
HVA 200 Adv HVAC&R Elec Fabrication Does Not Transfer
HVA 201 Refrigerant Certification Does Not Transfer
HVA 202 Oil & Gas Burner Service Does Not Transfer
HVA 203 Heat Pump Systems Does Not Transfer
HVA 204 Blueprint Reading for HVAC Tec Does Not Transfer
IMM 100 Interface Design Does Not Transfer
IMM 110 Intro to Multimedia & Web Deve ITEC 110 Communications Systems
IMM 120 Web Page Development Does Not Transfer
IMM 122 Programming for the Web Does Not Transfer
IMM 201 Multimedia Design & Devel I Does Not Transfer
IMM 202 Multimedia Design & Devel II Does Not Transfer
IMM 205 Multimedia Authoring Tools Does Not Transfer
INS 100 An Introduction to Insurance Does Not Transfer
INS 210 Evidence & Investigative Princ Does Not Transfer
INS 211 File Management & Negotiations Does Not Transfer
INS 221 Invest of Death and Bodily Inj Does Not Transfer
INS 222 Arson Investigation Does Not Transfer
INS 223 Fraud Investigations Does Not Transfer
INS 230 Liability Insurance and Claims Does Not Transfer
INS 231 Seminar in Insurance Problems Does Not Transfer
INS 232 Building Loss & Constr Costs Does Not Transfer
INS 233 Est Int of Bldg Losses & Const Does Not Transfer
INS 240 Property Insurance and Claims Does Not Transfer
INS 242 Traffic Accid Invest & Reconst Does Not Transfer
INS 243 Accident-Cause Analysis Does Not Transfer
INS 244 Worker's Compensation Does Not Transfer
INS 250 App of Insurance Law-Pol Cov Does Not Transfer
INS 251 Insurance Litigation Does Not Transfer
INS 252 Insurance Law Does Not Transfer
INT 075 Eng and Reading 050 Does Not Transfer
INT 100 Student Success UNIV 103 First Yr:
INT 270 Interdisciplinary Elective Does Not Transfer
IST 100 Industrial Systems Tech ITEC 1X0 Industrial Systems Tech
IST 101 Industrial Drive Systems ITEC 1X1 Industrial Drive Systems
IST 105 Industrial Sys Drawings ITEC 1X5 Industrial Sys Drawings
ITA 101 Elementary Italian I ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 G1
ITA 102 Elementary Italian II ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2 G1
MAT 025 Arithmetic Review Does Not Transfer
MAT 040 Basic Mathematics Does Not Transfer
MAT 050 Mathematics Review Does Not Transfer
MAT 060 Developmental Mathematics Does Not Transfer
MAT 100 Intermediate Algebra Does Not Transfer
MAT 105 Business Mathematics Does Not Transfer
MAT 110 Technical Mathematics I Does Not Transfer
MAT 111 Technical Mathematics II MATH 1X1 Tech Mathematics 2
MAT 120 Modern College Mathematics I MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MAT 121 Intro to Prob & Stat MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MAT 125 Math for Elem Teachers I MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MAT 126 Math for Elem Teachers II MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 G2
MAT 128 Algebra MATH 1XX Algebra
MAT 130 Finite Mathematics MATH 1XX Finite Mathematics G2
MAT 131 Elementary Calculus MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MAT 135 Business PreCalculus MAT 1X1 Business PreCalculus
MAT 136 Business Calculus MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MAT 140 College Algebra & Trig I MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 141 College Algebra & Trig II MATH 110 Trigonometry
MAT 150 Precalculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MAT 151 College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 152 Precalculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MAT 160 Calculus I MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MAT 161 Calculus 2 MATH 1X1 Calculus 2 G2
MAT 200 Linear Algebra MATH 242 Linear Algebra G2
MAT 210 Intro to Mathematical Stat MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
MAT 260 Calculus III MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MAT 261 Differential Equations MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation
MAT 270 Math Elective Does Not Transfer
MATH 105 Business Math MATH 1X5 Business Math
MCR 090 Keyboarding Does Not Transfer
MCR 100 Introduction to Microcomputers Does Not Transfer
MCR 101 Using a Microcomputer Operatin Does Not Transfer
MCR 112 Microcomputer Spreadsheet Soft Does Not Transfer
MCR 121 Microsoft Windows 98 Does Not Transfer
MCR 122 Microsoft Word CSCI 1X2 Microsoft Word
MCR 123 Microsoft Excel Does Not Transfer
MCR 124 Microsoft Access Does Not Transfer
MCR 125 Microsoft PowerPoint CSCI 1X5 Microsoft Powerpoint
MCR 126 Netscape Does Not Transfer
MCR 140 Introduction to Multimedia and CSCI 1XX Intro Multimedia & Web Devlp
MCR 165 Web Page Development Does Not Transfer
MCR 201 Multimedia Design and Developm Does Not Transfer
MCR 202 Multimedia Design and Developm Does Not Transfer
MCR 206 Programming for the Web Does Not Transfer
MCR 222 Advanced Microsoft Word Does Not Transfer
MCR 223 Advanced Microsoft Excel Does Not Transfer
MCR 224 Advanced Microsoft Access Does Not Transfer
MCR 270 Computer Elective Does Not Transfer
MOS 100 Keyboarding I Does Not Transfer
MOS 102 Keyboarding II Does Not Transfer
MOS 151 Word Processing I Does Not Transfer
MOS 152 Word Processing II Does Not Transfer
MOS 252 Electronic Office Procedures I Does Not Transfer
MOS 253 Electronic Office Procedures I Does Not Transfer
MPT 100 Intro to Law Enforcement ELEC 1X0 Intro to Law Enforcement
MPT 101 Professional Dev Does Not Transfer
MPT 102 Law & Procedures GOVT 1X2 Law and Procedures G3
MPT 103 Law & Procedures II GOVT 1X3 Law and Procedures 2 G3
MPT 104 Vehicle Code Does Not Transfer
MPT 105 Collision Investigations Does Not Transfer
MPT 106 Patrol Procedures Does Not Transfer
MPT 107 Princ of Criminal Investatio ELEC 1X7 Princ of Criminal Investigatio
MPT 200 Human Relations COMM 1X0 Human Relations
MPT 201 Violent People Does Not Transfer
MPT 202 Crisis Management Does Not Transfer
MPT 203 Police First Aid WSSD 2X3 Police First Aid
MPT 204 Firearms Does Not Transfer
MPT 205 Patrol Vehicles Does Not Transfer
MPT 206 Report Writing ENGL 2X6 Report Writing G1
MPT 207 Emergency Response Training EHEM 2X7 Emergency Response Training
MPT 208 Handling Arrested Persons Does Not Transfer
MTT 108 Math for Occup Technologies Does Not Transfer
MTT 110 Prints, Layouts & Meas for Mac Does Not Transfer
MTT 111 Intro to Manufacturing Does Not Transfer
MTT 112 Lathe Operations I Does Not Transfer
MTT 122 Lathe Operations II Does Not Transfer
MTT 124 Milling Operations I Does Not Transfer
MTT 129 Solids (CAM) Modeling Does Not Transfer
MTT 210 CNC Machine Tool Operations Does Not Transfer
MTT 213 Manufacturing Process Does Not Transfer
MTT 214 Milling Operations II Does Not Transfer
MTT 219 CAM Solids I Does Not Transfer
MTT 220 CNC Program & Adv Operations Does Not Transfer
MTT 229 CAM Solids II Does Not Transfer
MTT 230 Electrical Discharge Machining Does Not Transfer
MUS 100 The Understanding of Music MUSI 1XX The Understanding of Music
MUS 101 Fundamentals of Music MUSI 103 Language of Music G1
MUS 110 Music for Children MUSI 1XX Music for Children
MUS 115 Introduction to World Music MUSI 1X5 Introduction to World Music G1
MUS 120 Introduction to Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUS 121 American Music MUSI 267 Survey Americn Music G1
MUS 122 Reading and Writing Music MUSI 2XX Reading and Writing Music
MUS 123 Jazz: From Blues to.... MUSI 1XX Jazz: From Blues to.... G1
MUS 124 Music Today and Tomorrow MUSI 1XX Music Today and Tomorrow
MUS 125 Piano Class I MUSI 1XX Piano Class 1
MUS 126 Piano Class II Does Not Transfer
MUS 127 Survey of American Musical Does Not Transfer
MUS 128 Guitar I MUSI 1X8 Guitar I
MUS 129 Guitar II MUSI 1X9 Guitar II
MUS 130 Musicianship I Does Not Transfer
MUS 131 History of Rock and Roll MUSI 1X1 History of Rock and Roll
MUS 140 Performing Class Does Not Transfer
MUS 270 Music Elective Does Not Transfer
NET 100 Fundamentals of Networking CSCI 1X3 Fund of Networking
NET 110 Network Communications CSCI 1X5 Network Communications
NET 115 MS 2000 Professional CSCI 1X4 MS 2000 Professional
NET 116 MS 2000 Server CSCI 1X6 MS 2000 Server
NET 117 MS 2000 Dir Serv Implem & Admi Does Not Transfer
NET 120 MS 2000 Infrastr Implem/Admin Does Not Transfer
NET 121 MS 2000 DS Infrastructure Dsgn Does Not Transfer
NET 122 MS 2000 Infrastructure Design Does Not Transfer
NET 123 MS 2000 Migration from NT 4 Does Not Transfer
NET 142 Cyber and Network Security CSCI 1X4 Cyber and Network Security
NET 230 Network Administration (4.1x) Does Not Transfer
NET 231 Adv Netwrk Adm & Instal (4.1x) Does Not Transfer
NET 232 Network 4.1 Design & Implement Does Not Transfer
NET 233 Network Administration (5.0) Does Not Transfer
NET 234 Adv Network Admin (5.0) Does Not Transfer
NET 240 Network Service and Support Does Not Transfer
NET 241 Network Protocols Does Not Transfer
NET 242 Network Management with Manage Does Not Transfer
NET 270 Networking Elective Does Not Transfer
NUS 102 Nursing Mathematics NURS 1X2 Nursing Mathematics
NUS 110 Concepts & Practice I NURS 1XX Concepts & Practice I
NUS 111 Concepts & Practice II NURS 1X1 Concepts & Practice II
NUS 120 Physical Assessment Does Not Transfer
NUS 205 Perioperative Nursing NURS 2X5 Perioperative Nursing
NUS 206 Perioperative Nurs Preceptrshp Does Not Transfer
NUS 207 RN First Assistant Does Not Transfer
NUS 208 First-Assist Directed Ind Inte Does Not Transfer
NUS 210 Concepts & Practice III NURS 2XX Concepts & Practice III
NUS 211 Concepts & Practice IV NURS 2X1 Concepts & Practice IV
NUS 215 Basic Arrhythmia Interpretatio Does Not Transfer
NUS 216 Phlebotomy & EKG Does Not Transfer
NUS 217 IV Skills Does Not Transfer
NUS 218 LPN Concepts Does Not Transfer
NUS 221 Pharmacology for Health Care NURS 2X2 Pharmacology for Health Care
NUS 294 Pro Nrsng Concepts for LPN Does Not Transfer
OAT 151 Access Level I CSCI 1X5 Access Level I G2
OCS 102 BOCA Building Code Does Not Transfer
OFF 100 Keyboarding Does Not Transfer
OFF 102 Intro to Word Processing Does Not Transfer
OFF 151 Word Processing I Does Not Transfer
OFF 152 Word Processing II Does Not Transfer
OFF 153 Word Processing III Does Not Transfer
OFF 199 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) Does Not Transfer
OFF 200 Office Application for Comp Does Not Transfer
OFF 202 Microsoft Word for Windows Does Not Transfer
OFF 203 Intermediate MS Word for Win Does Not Transfer
OFF 215 Professional Development Does Not Transfer
OFF 222 Alphabetic Notehand Does Not Transfer
OFF 225 Electronic Machine Transcripti Does Not Transfer
OFF 226 Medical Machine Transcription Does Not Transfer
OFF 231 Medical Billing and Coding Does Not Transfer
OFF 243 Legal Terminology and Procedur Does Not Transfer
OFF 252 Electronic Office Procedures I Does Not Transfer
OFF 253 Electronic Office Procedures I Does Not Transfer
OFF 270 Office Administration Elective Does Not Transfer
OPE 270 Open Elective Does Not Transfer
PCT 100 Plant Equipment Does Not Transfer
PCT 101 Intro to Process Technology ITEC 1X1 Intro to Process Technology
PDS 9850 Principles of Quality Control ITEC 1X9 Principles of Quality Control
PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHI 110 Contemporary Moral Problems PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHI 120 Philosophy of Science PHIL 314 Philosophy of Science G1, W
PHI 200 Ethics in Business PHIL 2XX Ethics in Business G1
PHI 270 Philosophy Elective Does Not Transfer
PHS 100 Physical Science PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics G2, L
PHS 124 Introduction to Astronomy PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
PHS 130 Earth Science Lab ESCI 1X2 Earth Science Lab G2, L
PHS 134 Astronomy Laboratory PHYS 1X4 Astronomy Lab G2, L
PHS 140 Introduction to Geology ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth G2, L
PHS 270 Physical Science Elective Does Not Transfer
PHY 100 Technical Physics I PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics G2, L
PHY 101 Technical Physics II PHYS 1XX Technical Physics 2 G2, L
PHY 105 Physical Science PHYS 103 Elements of Physics G2, L
PHY 106 Introduction to Physics Does Not Transfer
PHY 107 Technical Physics PHYS 103 Elements of Physics G2, L
PHY 110 College Physics I PHYS 131 Physics 1 G2, L
PHY 111 College Physics II PHYS 132 Physics 2 G2, L
PHY 131 University Physics I PHYS 231 General Physics 1 G2, L
PHY 132 University Physics II PHYS 232 General Physics 2 L, G2
PHY 200 University Physics III Does Not Transfer
PHY 230 Modern Physics PHYS 233 Wave-Particle Theory
PLB 100 Intro to Plumbing Principles Does Not Transfer
PLB 101 Plumbing Methods & Materials Does Not Transfer
PLB 102 Plumbing Math & Water Sys Does Not Transfer
PLB 103 Instal & Trblshtng Plmbng Comp Does Not Transfer
PLB 104 Plumbing Repairs Does Not Transfer
PLB 200 Water Treatment & Heating Does Not Transfer
PLB 201 Energy Sources & Control Units Does Not Transfer
PLB 202 Heating Serv & Blueprint Appl Does Not Transfer
PLB 203 Plumbing Contracting Does Not Transfer
PLB 204 Plumbing Business Operations Does Not Transfer
PLG 100 Introduction to Paralegal Does Not Transfer
PLG 110 Legal Research & Writing I Does Not Transfer
PLG 115 Microcomp App for Paralegal Does Not Transfer
PLG 120 Legal Research & Writing II Does Not Transfer
PLG 130 Civil Litigation Does Not Transfer
PLG 140 Contract Law Does Not Transfer
PLG 199 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) Does Not Transfer
PLG 200 Family/Domestic Relations Law Does Not Transfer
PLG 210 Civil Litigation/Tort Principl Does Not Transfer
PLG 211 Civil Litigation/Tort Applicat Does Not Transfer
PLG 220 Real Estate Law Does Not Transfer
PLG 230 Estates, Wills and Trusts Does Not Transfer
PLG 240 Criminal Law Does Not Transfer
PLG 241 Administrative Law Does Not Transfer
PLG 242 Business Organizations Does Not Transfer
PLG 243 Banruptcy Law Does Not Transfer
PLG 245 Environmental Law Does Not Transfer
POL 100 American Government GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
POL 110 Intro to Political Science GOVT 101 Intro to Political Studies G3
POL 120 American National Government GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
POL 130 American State & Local Gvmnt GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt G3
POL 140 The American Presidency GOVT 215 American Presidency G3, W
POL 200 World Affairs GOVT 2XX World Affairs G3
POL 210 Principles of Public Admin GOVT 241 Publc Admin and Publc Service G3, W
POL 225 Constitutional Law GOVT 22X Constitutional Law G3
PSY 010 Human Behavior - Basic Does Not Transfer
PSY 050 Human Behavior - Developmental Does Not Transfer
PSY 100 Applied Psychology PSYC 1XX Applied Psychology
PSY 110 Intro to Human Services SOWK 1X1 Intro to Human Services G3
PSY 120 Achievement Motivation Does Not Transfer
PSY 130 Personal and Career Developmen PSYC 1X3 Personal and Career Developmen G3
PSY 140 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 199 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) Does Not Transfer
PSY 200 Personality Theory PSYC 335 Personality Theory G3
PSY 202 Theories of Counseling PSYC 2X2 Theories of Counseling
PSY 203 Counseling Skills PSYC 447 Counseling Strategies
PSY 204 Foundations of Addictions PSYC 311 Psychology of Drug Addiction G3, W
PSY 205 Human Sexual Behavior PHIL 202 Love and Sexuality G1
PSY 210 Lifespan Human Development PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 215 Industrial Psychology PSYC 329 Industrial Psychology G3, W
PSY 220 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
PSY 221 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSY 225 Experiences in Diversity PSYC 234 Human Relations G3
PSY 235 Educational Psychology EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
PSY 241 Child Psychology PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3
PSY 242 Adolescent Psychology PSYC 2X1 Adolescent Psychology
PSY 255 Intro to Biological Psychology PSYC 215 Intro to Physiological Psyc
PSY 270 Psychology Elective Does Not Transfer
PSY 290 Adulthood & Aging PSYC 229 The Adult Years G3
REA 015 Essential Reading Skills I Does Not Transfer
REA 020 Essential Reading Skills II Does Not Transfer
REA 030 Basic and Essential Reading Does Not Transfer
REA 050 Developmental Reading & Study Does Not Transfer
REA 075 Intro to Reading & Writing Does Not Transfer
REA 100 Critical Reading ELEC 1X1 Critical Reading
RET 100 Introduction to Retailing Does Not Transfer
RET 101 Introduction to Fashion Mercha Does Not Transfer
RET 201 Buying Principles and Practice Does Not Transfer
RET 205 Merchandising and Retailing Tr Does Not Transfer
RTH 100 Respiratory Therapy Princ I Does Not Transfer
RTH 101 Respiratory Therapy Practcm I Does Not Transfer
RTH 102 Respiratory Therapy Princ II Does Not Transfer
RTH 103 Respiratory Therapy Practcm II Does Not Transfer
RTH 104 RT Summer Clinical I Does Not Transfer
RTH 105 RT Summer Clinical II Does Not Transfer
RTH 200 Respiratory Therapy Princ III Does Not Transfer
RTH 201 Respiratory Therapy Prctcm III Does Not Transfer
RTH 202 Respiratory Therapy Princ IV Does Not Transfer
RTH 203 Respiratory Therapy Prctcm IV Does Not Transfer
RTH 204 Pulmonary Pathophys Cl Rnds I Does Not Transfer
RTH 205 Pulmonary Pathophys Cl Rnds II Does Not Transfer
RTH 206 RT Summer Clinical III Does Not Transfer
RUS 101 Elem Russian 1 RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 G1
SCI 100 Man and Environment BIOL 1XX Man and Environment G2, L
SCI 105 Intro to Nanotechnology SCMA 1X5 Intro to Nanotechnology G2
SCI 110 History of Science BIOL 11X History of Science
SCI 270 Science Elective Does Not Transfer
SOC 100 Human Relations SOCY 1XX Human Relations
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 111 Intro to Human Services SOWK 1X1 Intro to Human Services G3
SOC 120 Social Problems SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
SOC 180 Sociology of Marriage & Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SOC 199 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) Does Not Transfer
SOC 200 Research Meth Soc Sci SOCY 2XX Research Meth Soc Sci
SOC 202 Theories of Counseling SOCY 2X2 Theories in Counseling
SOC 210 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
SOC 215 Experiences in Diversity SOCY 2XX Experience in Diversity G3
SOC 219 Soc of Race and Immigration SOCY 2X9 Soc of Race & Immigratn G3
SOC 220 Social Psychology SOCY 316 Social Psychology G3, W
SOC 240 Human Geography GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
SOC 260 Research Methodology SOCY 2X6 Intro to Research Methods
SOC 270 Sociology Elective Does Not Transfer
SOC 292 Exper of Diversity SOCY 2XX Exper of Diversity G3
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPA 111 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPA 112 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 G1
SPA 201 Advanced Spanish I SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 G1, W
SPA 202 Advanced Spanish II SPAN 352 Composition and Oral Express 2 G1, W
SPE 050 Developmental Speech Does Not Transfer
SPE 100 Intro Interpersonal Comm COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
SPE 104 Intro to Mass Comm COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
SPE 105 Small-Group Communication COMM 1XX Small-Group communication
SPE 110 Voice Enhancement COMM 1XX Voice Enhancement
SPE 111 Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPE 115 Intro to Public Relations COMM 251 Public Relations 1 G1
SPE 120 Interviewing Principles & Prac COMM 1XX Interviewing Principles & Prac
SPE 200 Argumentation and Debate COMM 2XX Argumentation and Debate
SPE 270 Speech Communications Elective Does Not Transfer
SWO 101 Social Work & Human Services SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas G3
SWO 201 Domestic Violence SOWK 2X1 Domestic Violence
SWO 203 Counseling Skills SOWK 2X3 Counseling Skills
SWO 210 Behavior & Soc Environ I SOWK 203 Human Behvior and Social Envrn
SWO 220 Social Welfare SOWK 22X Social Welfare
TCC 111 Technical Communication Does Not Transfer
TCC 112 Technical Graphics - CADD ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions
TCC 121 Project Management Proc ITEC 1XX Project Management Proc
TCC 122 Two-Dimensional CADD ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting
TCC 228 Design Project Methods Does Not Transfer
TCC 270 Technology Elective Does Not Transfer
TCS 100 Const Blueprint Reading ITEC 1XX Const Blueprint Rdg
TCS 105 Workplace Safety OSEH 1XX Workplace Safety
TCS 108 Construction Supervision Does Not Transfer
TCS 111 Methods and Materials I ITEC 1X1 Methods and Materials 1
TCS 112 Methods and Materials II ITEC 1X2 Methods and Materials 2
TCS 121 Proj Management Proc ITEC 1X2 Proj Management Proc
TCS 122 Surveying and Layout II Does Not Transfer
TCS 123 Construction Estimating ITEC 1X3 Construction Estimating
TCS 131 Estimating I Does Not Transfer
TCS 132 Estimating II Does Not Transfer
TCS 141 Construction First-Aid & Safet Does Not Transfer
TCS 199 College-Sponsored Experiential Does Not Transfer
TCS 221 Constr Surveying & Lay-out ITEC 2XX Constr Surveying & layout
TCS 223 Construction Management Does Not Transfer
TDD 124 Technical Drawing ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions
TDD 126 Detailing and Assembly ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting
TDD 128 Detailing, Assembly & Fixture Does Not Transfer
TDD 199 College-Sponsored Experiential Does Not Transfer
TDD 203 Kinematics ITEC 3XX Kinematics
TDD 216 3D CADD - Parametric Modeling ITEC 2X6 Three Dimensional CADD
TDD 223 Project and Technical Design ITEC 344 Product Design
TDD 225 Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) ITEC 3XX Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD)
TDD 226 Intermediate CAD ITEC 3XX Intermediate CAD
TDD 227 Advanced CADD ITEC 446 Computer-Aid Drafting Design
TEC 199 College-Sponsored Experiential Does Not Transfer
TEL 101 DC Analysis Does Not Transfer
TEL 102 AC Analysis Does Not Transfer
TEL 110 Electronics I Does Not Transfer
TEL 111 Electronics II ITEC 262 Electronic Systems 2
TEL 116 Technical Communicat Does Not Transfer
TEL 118 Linear Integrated Circuits ITEC 363 Analog Electronics
TEL 121 Digital Electronics ITEC 364 Digital Electronics
TEL 124 Microprocessors I ITEC 467 Mobile Robotics
TEL 126 Microprocessors II ITEC 4XX Microprocessors 2
TEL 128 Computer Systems Electronics ITEC 4XX Computer Systems Electronics
TEL 198 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) Does Not Transfer
TEL 199 College-Sponsored Experiential Does Not Transfer
TEL 200 Electro/Mechanical Systems ITEC 4XX Electro/Mechanical Systems
TEL 202 Biomedical Instrumentation ITEC 4XX Biomedical Instrumentation
TEL 210 Elec Troubleshooting & Repair ITEC 2XX Elec Troubleshooting & Repair
TEL 260 Materials, Safety, Health Does Not Transfer
TEL 261 Basic Process Does Not Transfer
TEL 262 Thin Film Utilization Does Not Transfer
TEL 263 Lithography for Nanofab Does Not Transfer
TEL 264 Materials Modification Does Not Transfer
TEL 265 Packaging and Testing Does Not Transfer
TEL 301 Basic Telecommunications ITEC 4XX Basic Telecommunications
TEL 302 Radio-Frequency Comm Sys ITEC 466 Wireless Communication Systems
TEL 303 Digital/Data Communications ITEC 4XX Digital/Data Communications
TME 100 Numerical Control I Does Not Transfer
TME 101 Numerical Control II ITEC 486 CNC Machining
TME 110 Materials Science Does Not Transfer
TME 111 Machining Technology ITEC 281 Metallic Materials
TME 115 Basic Technical Skills Does Not Transfer
TME 116 Technical Communications Does Not Transfer
TME 121 Manufacturing Processes I ITEC 1XX Manufacturing Processes I
TME 150 Refrigeration Does Not Transfer
TME 160 Air Conditioning Does Not Transfer
TME 199 College Sponsored Experiential Does Not Transfer
TME 200 Robotics I Does Not Transfer
TME 201 Robotics II ITEC 425 Industrial Robotic Systems
TME 210 CNC Ops & Manual Programming Does Not Transfer
TME 211 Project Management Processes ITEC 3XX Project Management Processes
TME 212 Computer-Aided Machining Does Not Transfer
TME 216 Statics & Strength of Material ITEC 2XX Statics & Strength of Matrls
TME 220 Robotics/Programmable Control Does Not Transfer
TME 221 Manufacturing Processes II ITEC 281 Metallic Materials
TME 222 Adv Computer-Aided Machining Does Not Transfer
TME 226 Strength of Materials ITEC 336 Materials Testing
TME 229 Fluid Mechanics ITEC 326 Fluid Power
TME 230 Heat and Power ITEC 3XX Heat and Power
TME 231 Technical Mechanics ITEC 3XX Technical Mechanics
TME 232 Robotic Systems Does Not Transfer
TQC 100 Principles of Total Quality Does Not Transfer
TQC 101 Tools of Total Quality Does Not Transfer
TQC 110 Teamwork Does Not Transfer
TQC 120 Organization Change Does Not Transfer
TQC 130 Total Quality Project Does Not Transfer
TSO 201 Architectural Energy Requireme Does Not Transfer
WLD 100 Intro to Welding Processes Does Not Transfer
WLD 101 Intro to Ocy-fuel Weld & Cut Does Not Transfer
WLD 102 Oxy-Fuel Welding Does Not Transfer
WLD 103 Sheilded Metal Arc Welding I Does Not Transfer
WLD 104 Sheilded Metal Arc Welding II Does Not Transfer
WLD 105 Intermdiate SMAW I Does Not Transfer
WLD 106 Intermediate SMAW II Does Not Transfer
WLD 150 Welding Design Does Not Transfer
WLD 151 Testing & Inspection of Welds Does Not Transfer
WLD 152 Welding Codes & Specs Does Not Transfer
WLD 153 Smoldering, Brazing & Brace We Does Not Transfer
WLD 200 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) I Does Not Transfer
WLD 201 Gas Metal Arc Welding II Does Not Transfer
WLD 202 Advanced SMAW I Does Not Transfer
WLD 203 Advanced SMAW II Does Not Transfer
WLD 204 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding I Does Not Transfer
WLD 205 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding II Does Not Transfer

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