MU Gen ED Code Legend | ||
In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
Delaware County Community College Course | Millersville Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
ACC 100 Applied Accounting | Does Not Transfer | |
ACC 111 Financial Accounting | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACC 112 Managerial Accounting | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACC 113 Accounting w/ Enterprise Sftwr | Does Not Transfer | |
ACC 115 Computerized Accounting | BUAD 1X5 Computerized Accounting | |
ACC 201 Intro to Cost Accounting | BUAD 2XX Intro to Cost Accounting | |
ACC 202 Introduction to Tax Accounting | BUAD 2XX Introduction to Tax Accounting | |
ACC 210 Federal Income Tax Accounting | BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1 | |
ACC 220 Management Accounting | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACC 251 Intermediate Accounting I | BUAD 2XX Intermediate Accounting 1 | |
ACC 252 Intermediate Accounting II | BUAD 2XX Intermediate Accounting 2 | |
ACC 253 Advanced Accounting | BUAD 2XX Advanced Accounting | |
ACC 254 Auditing | BUAD 2XX Auditing | |
ADJ 101 Intro to Criminal Justice | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
ADJ 110 Substantive Criminal Law I | SOCY 2XX Substantive Criminal Law 1 | |
ADJ 111 Criminal Procedure | SOCY 2X1 Criminal Procedure | |
ADJ 120 Principles of Investigation | SOCY 1XX Principles of Investigation | |
ADJ 201 Org & Mgmt of Justice Agencies | SOCY 2XX Org & Mgmt Of Justice Agencies | |
ADJ 202 Terrorism: Hist, Threat & Resp | SOCY 2XX Terrorism: Hist, Threat & Resp | |
ADJ 203 Contemp Issues in CJ | SOCY 2XX Contemp Issues in CJ | |
ADJ 220 Inv of Death & Bodily Injury | Does Not Transfer | |
ADJ 221 Introduction to Criminalistics | Does Not Transfer | |
ADJ 222 Arson Investigation | Does Not Transfer | |
ADJ 223 Fraud Investigations | Does Not Transfer | |
ADJ 225 Ethics in Criminal Justice | SOCY 335 Ethics in Criminal Justice | |
ADJ 240 Crimnology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
ADJ 241 Criminal Law, Procedure & Adju | SOCY 2X4 Criminal Law, Procedure & Adju | |
ADJ 250 Contemporary Police Services | SOCY 2XX Contemporary Police Services | |
ADJ 253 Comm Relations & Justice Prac | SOCY 2XX Comm Relations & Justice Prac | |
ADJ 260 Corrections-Probation-Parole | SOCY 232 Modern Corrections | G3 |
ADJ 261 The Youthful Offender | SOCY 2XX The Youthful Offender | G3 |
ADJ 262 US Courts: Contemp Iss/Prob | SOCY 2XX US Courts: Contemp Iss/Prob | |
ADJ 263 Alternatives to Prison | SOCY 2XX Alternatives to Prison | |
ADJ 270 Administration of Justice Elec | Does Not Transfer | |
ADJ 280 Org Crime & Systematic Crim | SOCY 2XX Org Crime & Systematic Crim | |
AHA 104 Body Structure/Function I | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 200 Health-Care Reimbursement Init | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 203 Risk Mgmt for Allied Health Pr | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 204 Comp Apps in Allied Health | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 205 Fin Mgmt for Allied Health Man | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 206 Reimburse & Financing Methods | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 207 Eth/Legal Aspects Healthcare | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 208 Performance Assessment and Imp | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 209 Philosophy of Managed Care | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 210 Outcomes Measure & Mgmt | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 212 Managed Care/Utilization Revie | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 213 Managing Utilization & Risk | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 216 Accreditation Processes | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 217 Qlty Improve & Accredit Proces | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 218 Current Trends/Iss in HlthCare | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 220 Allied Health Management Semin | Does Not Transfer | |
AHA 221 Pharmacology for Health Care | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 100 Orientation to Health care | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 102 Intro to Health Care | BIOL 257 Intro Allied Health | |
AHM 104 Body Structure/Function I | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 105 Body Structure/Function II | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 106 MA Techniques & Practicum I | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 107 MA Techniques & Practicum II | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 108 Conditions of Illness I | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 109 Medical Assistant Externship | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 130 Medical Coding Concepts | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 140 Prof & Comm Issues in Health C | COMM 1X4 Prof & Comm Issues in Health C | |
AHM 185 Medical Office Management | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 199 Mediacal Assistant Externship | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 200 Conditions of Illness II | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 207 Ethical/Legal Aspe | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 208 Pathophysiology & Pharmacology | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 220 Microbiology Allied Hlth Servi | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 226 Medical Machine Transcription | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 227 Advanced Medical Transcription | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 230 ICD-9-CM Coding Principles | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 231 Medical Billing and Coding | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 232 Adv Coding & Reimbursement Sys | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 233 Medical Terminology | WSSD 110 Medical Terminology | |
AHM 240 Hospital Coding | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 241 Medical Billing | Does Not Transfer | |
AHM 270 Allied Health Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
AHN 100 Nursing Asst Theory & Prac I | Does Not Transfer | |
AHN 105 Nursing-Asst Theory & Prac | Does Not Transfer | |
AHN 106 Multiskilled Tech for X-Traine | Does Not Transfer | |
AHN 200 Excellence in Care Nrsng Assis | Does Not Transfer | |
AHS 100 Surgical Technique I | Does Not Transfer | |
AHS 101 Surgical Technique Practicum I | Does Not Transfer | |
AHS 102 Surgical Technique II | Does Not Transfer | |
AHS 103 Surgical Technique Practicm II | Does Not Transfer | |
AHS 200 Surgical Technique III | Does Not Transfer | |
AHS 201 Surgical Technique Practcm III | Does Not Transfer | |
AHU 100 Health Unit Coordinator Theory | Does Not Transfer | |
ARC 100 Architectural Design Graphics | ITEC 346 Architectural Drawing | |
ARC 101 Architectural Design Graphics | ITEC 3XX Architectural Design Graphics | |
ARC 121 Architectural Graphics I | ITEC 346 Architectural Drawing | |
ARC 199 Co-op/Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
ARC 200 Architectural Design Graphics | ITEC 3XX Architectural Design Graphics | |
ARC 201 Architectural Design Graphics | ITEC 3XX Architectural Design Graphics | |
ARC 210 CAD for Architects | ITEC 4XX CAD for Architects | |
ARC 215 Architectural Design Concepts | ITEC 3XX Architectural Design Concepts | |
ARC 221 Architectural Graphics II | ITEC 3XX Architectural Graphics 2 | |
ARC 226 Mech & Elect Sys in Buildings | Does Not Transfer | |
ARC 290 CAD | ITEC 1X9 CAD | |
ART 100 Art and Childhood Development | ART 322 Art for the Elementary School | W |
ART 101 Mural Painting | ART 10X Mural Painting | |
ART 110 Art History: Ancient-Mid Ages | ART 202 Srvy Art Hist 1:Pre to c 1400 | G1 |
ART 111 Art Hist II: Ren-Contemporary | ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C | G1 |
ART 112 History Non-Western Art | ART 3X2 History Non-Western Art | G1 |
ART 115 History of Graphic Design | DESN 307 Visual Comm Design History | P |
ART 122 Two Dimensional Design | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
ART 123 Color & Design | ART 1X3 Color & Design | G1 |
ART 124 Three Dimensional Design | ART 242 3D Design | |
ART 130 Drawing I | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ART 131 Drawing II | ART 233 Drawing 2 | |
ART 133 Photography I | ART 306 Intro Photography: Darkroom | G1 |
ART 136 Drawing as Design Process | ART 1X6 Drawing as Design Process | G1 |
ART 140 Painting | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
ART 141 Painting 2 | ART 354 Painting 2 | |
ART 143 Life Drawing | ART 1X4 Life Drawing | G1 |
ART 145 Watercolor Painting | ART 353 Watercolor 1 | |
ART 150 Printmaking | ART 362 Printmaking 1 | |
ART 160 Black & White Photography I | ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 | G1 |
ART 161 Black & White Photography II | ART 466 Fine Art Photography 2 | |
ART 162 Black & White Photography III | ART 1XX Black & White Photography 3 | |
ART 164 Color Photography I | ART 366 Color Photography | |
ART 165 Color Photography II | ART 1XX Color Photography 2 | |
ART 167 Digital (SLR) Photo I | ART 16X Digital (SLR) Photo I | G1 |
ART 169 Medium- and Large-Format Photo | ART 1XX Medium- and Large-Format Photo | |
ART 170 Egyptian Art | ART 1XX Egyptian Art | |
ART 175 Color Photo - Digital Printing | ART 366 Color Photography | |
ART 205 Portfolio Preparation | ART 2X5 Portfolio Preparation | |
ART 208 Computer Illustration | DESN 2X8 Computer Illustration | |
ART 211 Digital Imaging | ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art | |
ART 213 Page Layout | DESN 444 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 2 | W |
ART 215 Typography | DESN 240 Typography I | G1 |
ART 225 Prepress and Printing Processe | DESN 2X5 Prepress and Printing Processe | |
ART 227 Web Graphics | DESN 247 Intro Web/Exprnc/Intractn Dsgn | |
ART 228 Motion Graphics | DESN 246 Intro Sequence/Motion/Vis Comm | |
ART 230 Graphic Design I | DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills | |
ART 231 Graphic Design II | DESN 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1 | |
ART 232 Portfolio Seminar | DESN 2X3 Portfolio Seminar | |
ART 233 Portfolio Presentation | ART 2X3 Portfolio Presentation | |
ART 236 Digital Photography I | ART 376 Intro to Photo: Digital | G1 |
ART 239 Digital Photography II | ART 410 Fine Art Digital Photography | |
ART 240 Large Format Photography | ART 24X Large Format Photography | |
ART 241 Portfolio Presentation | ART 2X4 Portfolio Presentation | |
ART 270 Art Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
ASL 100 American Sign Language | ELEC 1X1 American Sign Language | |
AUT 100 Intro to Automotive Service | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 101 Basic Auto Mechanics | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 102 Intermediate Auto Mechanics I | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 103 Intermediate Auto Mechanics II | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 114 Steering and Suspension | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 115 Fuel I and II | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 121 Engine Performance | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 123 Power Train Controls | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 150 Air Conditioning | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 151 Igntition Systems | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 152 State Sfty Inspec/Emission Cod | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 153 Power Trans & Transaxle Princi | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 200 Advanced Auto Mechanics I | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 201 Advanced Auto Mechanics II | Does Not Transfer | |
BDM 100 Intro Bldng Maintenance Conept | Does Not Transfer | |
BDM 101 Adv Bldng Maintenance Concepts | Does Not Transfer | |
BDM 102 Fundamentals of Masonry | Does Not Transfer | |
BDM 103 Advanced Masonry | Does Not Transfer | |
BDM 200 Basic Plumbing | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 100 Biological Science | BIOL 100 General Biology | L, G2 |
BIO 102 Humans and the Environment | BIOL 1X2 Humans and the Environment | G2 |
BIO 110 Introductory Biology I | BIOL 100 General Biology | L, G2 |
BIO 111 Introductory Biology II | BIOL 1XX Introductory Biology | G2, L |
BIO 115 Field Ecology | BIOL 1X5 Field Ecology | |
BIO 117 Human Anatomy | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
BIO 118 Human Physiology | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
BIO 150 Human Anatomy & Physio I | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
BIO 151 Human Anatomy & Physiology II | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
BIO 200 General Zoology | BIOL 211 Concepts of Zoology | L, G2 |
BIO 205 Human Genetics | BIOL 205 Heredity | G2 |
BIO 210 General Botany | BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany | G2, L |
BIO 220 Nutrition and Well-Being | BIOL 256 Nutrition | W, G2 |
BIO 230 Microbiology | BIOL 2X3 Microbiology | |
BIO 270 Biology Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
BIOL 100 Biological Science | BIOL 100 General Biology | L, G2 |
BIOL 151 Human Anat & Phys II | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
BKG 100 Principles of Banking | Does Not Transfer | |
BKG 110 Money and Banking | ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking | G3 |
BKG 120 Introduction to Commercial Len | Does Not Transfer | |
BKG 130 Marketing for Bankers | Does Not Transfer | |
BKG 200 Consumer Lending | Does Not Transfer | |
BKG 210 Bank Management | Does Not Transfer | |
BKG 220 Law and Banking | Does Not Transfer | |
BKG 230 Real Estate Finance | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 100 Introduction to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUS 101 Intro to Int'l Business | BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business | |
BUS 102 Intro to Electronic Commerce | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 103 Bus Processes & Comp Technolog | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 104 Mathematics for Business | MATH 1X4 Mathematics for Business | |
BUS 105 Intro to Entrepreneurship | BUAD 1X1 Intro to Entrepreneurship | G3 |
BUS 110 Sales and Sales Supervision | BUAD 1XX Sales and Sales Supervision | |
BUS 111 Mgmt in the Int'l Environment | BUAD 1XX Mgmt in the Int'l Environment | |
BUS 125 Purchasing & Procurement | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 130 Business Communications | BUAD 1XX Business Communications | |
BUS 140 Real Estate Fundamentals | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 141 Real Estate Practice | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 149 Small-Business Management | MGMT 1X4 Small-Business Management | |
BUS 151 Small-Business Finance | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 160 Intro to Retailing | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 161 Merchandising Principles | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 162 Buying Principles & Practices | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 163 Retail Trends | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 185 Medical-Office Management | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 199 College-Sponsored Experiential | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 210 Principles of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
BUS 211 Supervision | BUAD 2XX Supervision | |
BUS 212 Sport Management | BUAD 2X2 Sports Management | |
BUS 213 Leadership | BUAD 2X3 Leadership | G3 |
BUS 214 Organizational Behavior | BUAD 2X4 Organizational Behavior | |
BUS 215 Human-Resource Management | BUAD 352 Human Resource Management | |
BUS 216 Training & Development | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 217 Compensation & Benefits | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 218 Employee & Labor Relations | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 225 Professional Development | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 230 Principles of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
BUS 231 Principles of Advertising | BUAD 335 Advertising | |
BUS 232 Principles of Finance | BUAD 2XX Principles of Finance | |
BUS 233 Financial Planning | BUAD 143 Personal Finance | |
BUS 234 Electronic Marketing | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 235 Supply Chain Management | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 240 Survey of Business Law | BUAD 2XX Survey of Business Law | |
BUS 241 Business Law I | BUAD 2XX Business Law 1 | |
BUS 242 Business Law II | BUAD 2XX Business Law 2 | |
BUS 243 The Legal Environment of Busin | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
BUS 244 Priciples of Total Quality | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 245 Tools of Total Quality | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 246 Teamwork | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 247 Organizational Change | Does Not Transfer | |
BUS 270 Business Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
BUSI 100 Introduction to International | BUAD 1XX Introducation to International | |
BUSI 110 Management in the Internationa | BUAD 1XX Management in the Internationa | |
CHE 101 Introduction to General Chemis | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHE 102 Intro Org & Biological Chem | CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 | L, G2 |
CHE 105 Chemistry of the Environment | CHEM 101 Science of Chemistry 1 | G2 |
CHE 106 Introduction to Chemistry | CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHE 110 General Chemistry I | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHE 111 General Chemistry II | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | L, G2 |
CHE 200 Organic Chemistry I | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | L, G2 |
CHE 201 Organic Chemistry II | CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 | L, G2 |
CHE 270 Chemistry Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
CHI 101 Elementary Chinese I | FORL 101 Elementary Chinese 1 | G1 |
CHI 102 Elementary Chinese II | FORL 102 Elementary Chinese 2 | G1 |
COMM 100 Interpersonal Communication | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
COMM 102 Comm Across Cultures | COMM 317 Intercultural Communication | P, D |
COMM 104 Intro to Mass Comm. | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
COMM 105 Small Group Comm | COMM 203 Small Group Communication | D, G1, W |
COMM 106 New Media & Culture | COMM 1X6 New Media & Culture | |
COMM 111 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
COMM 115 Intro to Public Relations | COMM 251 Public Relations 1 | G1 |
COMM 200 Argument and Debate | COMM 20X Argument and Debate | G1 |
COMM 201 Communication Theory | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
CPT 100 Intro to Carpentry Principles | Does Not Transfer | |
CPT 101 Concepts of Carpentry Design | Does Not Transfer | |
CPT 150 Intro to Cabinetmaking | Does Not Transfer | |
CPT 151 Furniture Building | Does Not Transfer | |
CPT 152 Home Remodeling & Additions | Does Not Transfer | |
CPT 153 Adv Furniture Building | Does Not Transfer | |
CPT 200 Advanced Framing Design | Does Not Transfer | |
CS 100 Intro to Information Tech | INTE 130 Fundamentals of IT | |
CS 101 Intro to Computer Science | CSCI 1X1 Intro to Computer Science | G2 |
CS 102 Intro to Python | CSCI 151 Intro Prog for Data Science I | G2 |
CS 104 Intro to Java Programming | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CS 110 Intro to C++ | CSCI 179 Experimental | |
CUL 115 Professional Cooking I | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 150 Baking & Pastry Foundations I | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 151 Baking & Pastry Foundations II | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 210 Foodservice Purchasing | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 215 Menu Planning & Cost Control | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 220 Nutrition & Hospitality Indust | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 100 Introduction to Computers | CSCI 1X3 Introduction to Computers | G2 |
DPR 101 Intro to Computer Science | CSCI 1X1 Intro to Computer Science | |
DPR 102 Computer Lab | CSCI 1XX Computer Lab | |
DPR 103 Computer Literacy | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
DPR 104 Microcomputers and Office Auto | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 105 Management Information Systems | CSCI 1X4 Management Info Systems | G2 |
DPR 107 Help Desk Concepts | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 108 Intro to Computer Science | CSCI 10X Intro to Computer Science | G2 |
DPR 110 Program Design and Development | CSCI 1X5 Program Design and Development | |
DPR 111 Advanced Office Software | CSCI 1X1 Advanced Office Software | |
DPR 113 Data-Base Management Systems | CSCI 1X2 Data Based Management Systems | |
DPR 114 Microsoft Word | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 115 Microsoft Excel | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 120 COBOL Programming | CSCI 1XX COBOL Programming | |
DPR 121 FORTRAN Programming | CSCI 1XX FORTRAN Programming | |
DPR 122 Programming in BASIC | CSCI 201 Basic Programming | G2 |
DPR 123 RPG Programming | CSCI 1XX RPG Programming | |
DPR 124 FORTRAN for Eng & Sci | CSCI 1XX FORTRAN for Eng & Sci | |
DPR 125 PASCAL Programming | CSCI 161 Introduction to Computing 1 | G2 |
DPR 126 C Programming | CSCI 1XX C Programming | |
DPR 127 Electronic Spreadsheets | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 136 Managing & Maintaining a PC | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 137 Help Desk Support Skills | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 140 Operating Systems | CSCI 1XX Operating Systems | |
DPR 141 Unix Operating System | CSCI 1X6 Unix Operating System | |
DPR 190 Exploratory Tours | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 199 College-Sponsored Experiential | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 200 Microcomputer Applications | CSCI 2XX Microcomputer Applications | |
DPR 202 Computer Center Operations | CSCI 2XX Computer Center Operations | |
DPR 203 JCL and Operating Systems Conc | CSCI 2XX JCL and Operating Systems Conc | |
DPR 204 Intro to Enterprise Software | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 205 Intro to JAVA Programming | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 206 Programming for the Web | CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming | G2 |
DPR 207 Intro to Oracle: SQL | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 208 Computer Hardware Operations | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 209 Intro to Perl Programming | CSCI 2X1 Intro to Perl Programming | |
DPR 210 Assembly Language Programming | CSCI 2XX Assembly Language Programming | |
DPR 212 Data Structures & Algorithms | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 213 iPhone/Pad App Dev Using Obj-C | CSCI 2X3 iPhone/Pad App Dev Using Obj-C | |
DPR 215 Network Systems Management | CSCI 2XX Network Systems Management | |
DPR 216 Network Service and Support | CSCI 2XX Network Service and Support | |
DPR 217 Networking/Communications | CSCI 2XX Networking/Communications | |
DPR 218 Advanced Networking and Commun | CSCI 2XX Advanced Networking and Commun | |
DPR 222 Visual Basic Programming | CSCI 111 Intro to VISUAL BASIC | G2 |
DPR 226 Object Oriented C++ | CSCI 2X2 Object Oriented C++ | |
DPR 228 PC Repair & Maintenance | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 230 Systems & Proceds | CSCI 2X3 Systems & Proceds | |
DPR 231 Integrated Software | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 232 Game Design & Dev | CSCI 2X2 Game Design & Dev | |
DPR 234 Intro Computer Game Prog | CSCI 2X4 Intro Computer Game Prog | |
DPR 236 Game Art & Animation | CSCI 2X6 Game Art & Animation | |
DPR 238 Game Design Theory & Practice | CSCI 2X8 Game Design Theory & Practice | |
DPR 240 Introduction to CICS | Does Not Transfer | |
DPR 250 Game Portfolio | CSCI 2X5 Game Portfolio | |
DPR 270 Computer Science Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 100 Introductions to Theater | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
DRA 105 Acting Shakespeare | THEA 1X5 Acting Shakespeare | |
DRA 110 Acting I | THEA 130 Acting 1 | |
DRA 111 Acting II | THEA 1XX Acting 2 | |
DRA 112 Voice Enhancement | THEA 1X2 Voice Enhancement | |
DRA 115 Theater Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 116 Stagecraft | THEA 120 Stagecraft | |
DRA 120 Theater Make-up | THEA 1XX Theater Make-up | |
DRA 130 Voice and Movement | THEA 1X3 Voice and Movement | |
DRA 200 Modern Drama | THEA 2XX Modern Dance | |
DRA 270 Drama Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
ECE 100 Princ of Early Childhood Educa | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
ECE 110 Infant/Toddler Care and Educ | ERCH 1X1 Infant/Toddler Care and Educ | |
ECE 111 Methods & Materials for Teachi | WELL 240 Health, Safety, Nutr for Child | WELL |
ECE 112 Prof Portfolio & Resource File | ELED 1X2 Prof Portfolio & Resource File | |
ECE 120 ECE Laboratory I | ELED 1XX ECE Laboratory 1 | |
ECE 121 Early Childhood Ed Lab II | ERCH 1X2 Early Childhood Ed Lab II | |
ECE 130 Early Childhood Development | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
ECE 131 Obs & Rec the Behavior of YC | ELED 1XX Obs & Rec the Behavior of YC | |
ECE 140 Curriculum, Planning & Instruc | ELED 314 Parent-Teacher Relationship | D, W |
ECE 200 Educating Cult Different YC | ELED 2XX Educating Cult Different YC | |
ECE 201 Children Families & Community | ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers | D, W |
ECE 210 Educating Exceptional YC | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
ECE 220 Hlth, Safety & Nutr in ECE | ELED 2XX Hlth, Safety & Nutr in ECE | |
ECE 290 Admin & Supervision Early Care | ERCH 2XX Admin & Supervision Early Care | |
ECE 291 Current Issues Early Care Educ | ERCH 2X1 Current Issues Early Care Educ | |
ECE 293 Financial Strat Early Care Edu | ERCH 2X3 Financial Strat Early Care Edu | |
ECO 210 Macroeconomic Principles | ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 | G3 |
ECO 220 Microeconomic Principles | ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 | G3 |
ECO 270 Economics Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
EDU 110 Introduction to Teaching | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
EDU 200 Foundations of American Ed | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
EDU 205 Strategies Effctv Classrm Mgmt | EDUC 376 Strategies of Classroom Mngmnt | |
EDU 206 Technology in Education | EDFN 320 Instructnl Technol in ELED | |
EDU 207 Introduction to Literacy | ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading | |
EDU 208 English Language Learners | ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners | |
EDU 215 Primary Grade Lab & Seminar | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
EDU 220 Intro to Special Ed | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
EDU 270 Education Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
EDUC 215 Theory & Field Experience | ELED 100 Intro to Elementary Education | |
EGR 100 Engineering Graphics | ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting | |
EGR 150 Engineering Topics | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 200 Engineering Mechanics I | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 201 Engineering Mechanics II | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 210 Engineering Circuits I | ITEC 2XX Engineering Circuits 1 | |
EGR 270 Engineering Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 100 Residential Wiring I | ITEC 1XX Residential Wiring | |
ELT 101 Residential Wiring II | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 102 Commercial Wiring I | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 104 Intro to Electricity | ITEC 1X4 Intro to Electricity | |
ELT 110 Intro to Electricity | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 112 Electrical Code | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 114 Residential Wire | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 116 Advanced Electrical Wire | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 118 Troubleshoot Old Wiring Work | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 150 Electric Utility Technology I | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 151 Electric Utility Technology II | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 152 Electrical Code | ITEC 1X1 Electrical Code | |
ELT 153 Residential Alarm Systems | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 200 Commercial Wiring II | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 201 Industrial Electricity I | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 202 Industrial Electricity II | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 204 Intro to PLC | ITEC 2X4 Intro to PLC | |
ELT 205 Advanced Residential Wire | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 206 Commercial Wire | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 207 Industrial Wire | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 208 Solar Photovoltaic System Des | Does Not Transfer | |
EMER 105 Incident Management | EHEM 1X5 Incident Management | |
EMER 110 Emergency Planning | EHEM 11X Emergency Planning | |
EMER 120 Leadership & Influence | EHEM 1X2 Leadership & Influence | |
EMER 130 Search & Rescue | EHEM 1X3 Search & Rescue | |
EMER 140 Emergency Mgmt Seminar | EHEM 1X4 Emergency Mgmt Seminar | |
EMS 100 Emergency Med Technician | Does Not Transfer | |
EMS 130 Leadership Emer Response | ELEC 1X3 Leadership Emer Response | |
EMS 132 Search and Rescue | ELEC 1X2 Search and Rescue | |
EMS 134 Emergency Planning | ELEC 1X4 Emergency Planning | |
EMS 137 Emergency Management Seminar | ELEC 1X7 Emergency Management Seminar | |
EMS 200 Pre-Hospital Emergency Care | Does Not Transfer | |
EMS 201 Pre-Hosp Trauma Life Support | Does Not Transfer | |
EMS 202 Mgmt of Patient Contaminated | Does Not Transfer | |
EMS 204 Incident Management | ELEC 2X4 Incident Management | |
ENG 015 Essential Writing Skills I | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 020 Essential Writing Skills II | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 025 Basic & Essential Writing | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 050 Developmental English | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 099 ALP English | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 100 English Composition 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 111 Eng Composition 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 112 Writing about Literature | ENGL 1XX Writing about Literature | |
ENG 115 Research for English Majors | ENGL 1X5 Research for English Majors | G1 |
ENG 130 Fundamentals of Journalism I | ENGL 1X2 Fundamentals of Journalism 1 | |
ENG 131 Fundamentals of Journalism II | COMM 1XX Fundamentals of Journalism 2 | |
ENG 132 Introduction to News Editing | ENGL 1XX Introduction to News Editing | |
ENG 200 Advanced Composition | ENGL 2XX Advanced Composition | G1 |
ENG 205 Creative Writing | ENGL 2XX Creative Writing | |
ENG 206 Creat Writ: Non-Fict & Memoirs | ENGL 2X6 Creat Writ: Non-Fict & Memoirs | G1 |
ENG 207 Creat Writ: Intro Playwriting | ENGL 2X7 Creat Writ: Intro Playwriting | G1 |
ENG 208 Creat Writ II Short Story | ENGL 2X8 Creat Writ II Short Story | G1 |
ENG 209 Creative Writing Poetry | ENGL 2X9 Creative Writing Poetry | |
ENG 210 Appreciation of Literature | ENGL 2XX Appreciation of Literature | |
ENG 214 Women in Literature | ENGL 2XX Women in Literature | |
ENG 215 Mystery Literature | ENGL 2XX Mystery Literature | |
ENG 216 Novels of the Future | ENGL 2XX Novels of the Future | |
ENG 220 British Literature to 1800 | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
ENG 221 British Literature to Modern | ENGL 234 Later English Literature | G1 |
ENG 222 Introduction to Shakespeare | ENGL 2XX Introduction to Shakespeare | |
ENG 230 Amer Lit: Shaping the Ideal | ENGL 235 Early American Literature | G1 |
ENG 231 Amer Lit: Romanticism - Skepti | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
ENG 240 World Literature I | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
ENG 241 World Literature II | ENGL 232 World Literature 2 | G1 |
ENG 242 The Bible as Literature | ENGL 2XX The Bible as Literature | |
ENG 243 Topics in Contemporary Literat | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 245 Black American Literature | ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 | G1, W |
ENG 250 Children's Literature | EDUC 333 Children's Literature | |
ENG 270 English Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 023 Elementary Grammar | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 024 Elementary Writing | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 025 Elementary Reading | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 026 Elementary Speaking/Listening | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 033 Intermediate Grammar I | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 034 Intermediate Writing I | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 035 Intermediate Reading I | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 036 Inter Speaking/Listening I | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 043 Intermediate Grammar II | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 044 Intermediate Writing II | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 045 Intermediate Reading II | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 046 Inter Speaking/Listening II | Does Not Transfer | |
ESPD 9630 Basic Life Support | Does Not Transfer | |
ESS 100 Earth Science | ESCI 1X1 Earth Science | L, G2 |
ESS 102 Introduction to Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
ESS 103 Intro to Astronomy Laboratory | PHYS 1X3 Intro to Astronomy Laboratory | G2, L |
ESS 105 Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
ESS 110 Geology | ESCI 221 Physical Geology | G2, L |
ESS 112 Historical Geology | ESCI 222 Historical Geology | L, G2 |
FRE 101 Elementary French I | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FRE 102 Elementary French II | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
FRE 111 Intermediate French I | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
FRE 112 Intermediate French II | FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 | G1 |
FRE 201 Advanced French I | FREN 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 | G1, W |
FRE 202 Advanced French II | FREN 352 Comp and Oral Expression 2 | W, G1 |
FST 100 Intro to Fire Protection | OSHM 1XX Intro to Fire Protection | |
FST 101 Princ of Fire-Science Admin | EHEM 1X1 Princ of Fire-Science Admin | |
FST 102 Fire-Prevention Theory & App | EHEM 1X2 Fire-Prevention Theory & App | |
FST 103 Fire & Arson Investigation | EHEM 1X3 Fire & Arson Investigation | |
FST 200 Fire-Operation Strategies | EHEM 2XX Fire-Operation Strategies | |
FST 201 Fire Protection in Building Co | EHEM 2X1 Fire Protection in Building Co | |
FST 202 Fire Protection Systems in Ind | OSHM 221 Fire Prevention | |
FST 220 Seminar in Fire-Science Admin | EHEM 2X2 Seminar in Fire-Science Admin | |
GER 101 German I | GERM 101 Elementary German 1 | G1 |
GER 102 German II | GERM 102 Elementary German 2 | G1 |
GRA 121 Three-Dimensional Design | ART 242 Design 2 | |
GRA 122 Two-Dimensional Design I | ART 142 Design 1 | G1 |
GRA 123 Color & Design | ART 1XX Color & Design | |
GRA 133 Drawing I - Graphic Design Maj | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
GRA 134 Drawing II | ART 233 Drawing 2 | |
GRA 141 Painting - Graphic Design Maj | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
GRA 163 Photographic Applications in G | ITEC 350 Still Photography | |
GRA 199 College-Sponsored Experiential | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 200 Illustration I | ART 375 Illustration | |
GRA 205 Mac Literacy | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 207 Electronic Illustration I | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 208 Electronic Illustration II | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 209 Electronic Imaging I | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 210 Production Techniques | ITEC 251 Graphic Communications | |
GRA 211 Electronic Imaging II | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 212 Electronic Page Layout I | ITEC 356 Desktop Publishing | W |
GRA 213 Electronic Page Layout II | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 215 Typography | DESN 240 Typography I | G1 |
GRA 216 Desktop Publishing I | ITEC 356 Desktop Publishing | W |
GRA 217 Desktop Publishing II | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 219 Introduction to Computer Graph | ART 443 Intro to Computers in Design | |
GRA 220 Computer Graphics I | ART 443 Intro to Computers in Design | |
GRA 221 Computer Graphics II | ART 2XX Computer Graphics 2 | |
GRA 224 Printing Processes | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 225 Pre-Press I | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 230 Graphic Design I | ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1 | |
GRA 231 Graphic Design II | ART 444 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 2 | |
GRA 232 Portfolio Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
GRA 270 Graphic Arts Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
HIS 100 American Civilization | HIST 1XX American Civilization | |
HIS 110 American History I | HIST 106 Contours of the US | |
HIS 120 American History II | HIST 1XX American History 2 | G3 |
HIS 130 Western Civilization I | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 | G3 |
HIS 140 Western Civilization II | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
HIS 150 World Civilization I | HIST 107 Pre-Modern World Cultures | G3 |
HIS 160 World Civilization 2 | HIST 2XX World Civilization 2 | G3 |
HIS 200 Civil War and Reconstruction | HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction | G3, W |
HIS 201 African American History | HIST 272 Afro-American History 1 | G3, W |
HIS 210 Diplomatic History of the US | HIST 2XX Diplomatic History of the US | |
HIS 220 History of Europe Since 1914 | HIST 340 History of Eastern Europe | |
HIS 224 History of WWI | HIST 2X4 History of WWI | |
HIS 225 History of WWII | HIST 2X5 History of WWII | G3 |
HIS 235 20th Century World History | HIST 2X3 20th Century World History | G3 |
HIS 241 History of Ireland I (to 1607) | HIST 2XX History of Ireland 1 (to 1607) | |
HIS 242 History of Ireland II (to Pres | HIST 2XX History of Ireland 2 (to Pres | |
HIS 250 The Italian Renaissance | HIST 2XX The Italian Renaissance | |
HIS 251 The History of Modern China | HIST 2XX The History of Modern China | |
HIS 252 Women in History | HIST 2X2 Women in History | G3 |
HIS 253 Modern Latin America | HIST 284 Modern Latin America | G3, W |
HIS 254 World Civilization 1 | HIST 107 Pre-Modern World Cultures | G3 |
HIS 255 World Civilization 2 | HIST 2X5 World Civilization 2 | G3 |
HMT 100 Survey of Laws & Regs I | Does Not Transfer | |
HMT 101 Hazardous Materials Comm | Does Not Transfer | |
HMT 102 Survey of Laws & Regs II | Does Not Transfer | |
HMT 103 Basic Emergency Response | Does Not Transfer | |
HMT 150 Hazardous Mat Hlth Effects | Does Not Transfer | |
HMT 151 Recovery & Disposal | Does Not Transfer | |
HMT 152 Industrial Processes | Does Not Transfer | |
HMT 200 Hazardous Mat Regs, Adv | Does Not Transfer | |
HMT 201 Adv Emergency Response | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 100 Intro to the Hospitality Indus | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 110 Food-Service Sanitation | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 150 Basic Foods I | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 151 Basic Foods II | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 155 Front-Office Management | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 162 Laws of Innkeeping & Food Serv | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 165 Managing Human Resources | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 199 College-Sponsored Experiential | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 251 Restaurant Information Systems | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 253 Food Service Management | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 254 Quantity Foods and Catering | Does Not Transfer | |
HRM 255 Beverage Management | Does Not Transfer | |
HUM 100 Creativity in the Arts | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
HUM 105 Introduction to the Mass Media | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
HUM 110 Humanities and the Arts I | HMFA 1XX Humanities and the Arts 1 | |
HUM 120 Humanities and the Arts II | HMFA 1XX Humanities and the Arts 2 | |
HUM 141 Film Language | HMFA 1XX Film Language | |
HUM 142 American Cinema | ENGL 1X9 American Cinema | G1 |
HUM 160 Introduction to World Religion | PHIL 313 World Religions | G1 |
HUM 168 Buddhism | PHIL 1X8 Buddhism | G1 |
HUM 170 History and Art of the Book | HMFA 1XX History and Art of the Book | |
HUM 171 Western Myths | HMFA 1X1 Western Myths | G1 |
HUM 173 Eastern Mythology | HMFA 1X3 Eastern Mythology | G1 |
HUM 199 Co-op/Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
HUM 205 Latin-American Perspectives | HMFA 2XX Latin-American Perspectives | |
HUM 271 Humanities Elective II | Does Not Transfer | |
HUM 280 Honors Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
HUM 290 Art & Arch of Florence | HUMN 2X9 Art & Arch of Florence | G1 |
HUS 101 Intro to Soc Work and Hum Serv | SOWK 1X1 Intro to Soc Work and Hum Serv | G3 |
HUS 201 Domestic Violence | SOWK 313 Family Violence | P |
HVA 100 Intro to HVAC&R Elec Fabricati | Does Not Transfer | |
HVA 101 Intro to Refrigeration & AC | Does Not Transfer | |
HVA 103 Adv Refrigeration & AC | Does Not Transfer | |
HVA 104 Prac Prob in Math for HVAC Tec | Does Not Transfer | |
HVA 106 Piping | Does Not Transfer | |
HVA 200 Adv HVAC&R Elec Fabrication | Does Not Transfer | |
HVA 201 Refrigerant Certification | Does Not Transfer | |
HVA 202 Oil & Gas Burner Service | Does Not Transfer | |
HVA 203 Heat Pump Systems | Does Not Transfer | |
HVA 204 Blueprint Reading for HVAC Tec | Does Not Transfer | |
IMM 100 Interface Design | Does Not Transfer | |
IMM 110 Intro to Multimedia & Web Deve | ITEC 110 Communications Systems | |
IMM 120 Web Page Development | Does Not Transfer | |
IMM 122 Programming for the Web | Does Not Transfer | |
IMM 201 Multimedia Design & Devel I | Does Not Transfer | |
IMM 202 Multimedia Design & Devel II | Does Not Transfer | |
IMM 205 Multimedia Authoring Tools | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 100 An Introduction to Insurance | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 210 Evidence & Investigative Princ | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 211 File Management & Negotiations | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 221 Invest of Death and Bodily Inj | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 222 Arson Investigation | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 223 Fraud Investigations | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 230 Liability Insurance and Claims | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 231 Seminar in Insurance Problems | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 232 Building Loss & Constr Costs | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 233 Est Int of Bldg Losses & Const | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 240 Property Insurance and Claims | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 242 Traffic Accid Invest & Reconst | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 243 Accident-Cause Analysis | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 244 Worker's Compensation | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 250 App of Insurance Law-Pol Cov | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 251 Insurance Litigation | Does Not Transfer | |
INS 252 Insurance Law | Does Not Transfer | |
INT 075 Eng and Reading 050 | Does Not Transfer | |
INT 100 Student Success | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
INT 270 Interdisciplinary Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
IST 100 Industrial Systems Tech | ITEC 1X0 Industrial Systems Tech | |
IST 101 Industrial Drive Systems | ITEC 1X1 Industrial Drive Systems | |
IST 105 Industrial Sys Drawings | ITEC 1X5 Industrial Sys Drawings | |
ITA 101 Elementary Italian I | ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 | G1 |
ITA 102 Elementary Italian II | ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2 | G1 |
MAT 025 Arithmetic Review | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 040 Basic Mathematics | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 050 Mathematics Review | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 060 Developmental Mathematics | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 100 Intermediate Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 105 Business Mathematics | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 110 Technical Mathematics I | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 111 Technical Mathematics II | MATH 1X1 Tech Mathematics 2 | |
MAT 120 Modern College Mathematics I | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MAT 121 Intro to Prob & Stat | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MAT 125 Math for Elem Teachers I | MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 | G2 |
MAT 126 Math for Elem Teachers II | MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 | G2 |
MAT 128 Algebra | MATH 1XX Algebra | |
MAT 130 Finite Mathematics | MATH 1XX Finite Mathematics | G2 |
MAT 131 Elementary Calculus | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
MAT 135 Business PreCalculus | MAT 1X1 Business PreCalculus | |
MAT 136 Business Calculus | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
MAT 140 College Algebra & Trig I | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 141 College Algebra & Trig II | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
MAT 150 Precalculus | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MAT 151 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 152 Precalculus | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MAT 160 Calculus I | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MAT 161 Calculus 2 | MATH 1X1 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MAT 200 Linear Algebra | MATH 242 Linear Algebra | G2 |
MAT 210 Intro to Mathematical Stat | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
MAT 260 Calculus III | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MAT 261 Differential Equations | MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation | |
MAT 270 Math Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 105 Business Math | MATH 1X5 Business Math | |
MCR 090 Keyboarding | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 100 Introduction to Microcomputers | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 101 Using a Microcomputer Operatin | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 112 Microcomputer Spreadsheet Soft | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 121 Microsoft Windows 98 | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 122 Microsoft Word | CSCI 1X2 Microsoft Word | |
MCR 123 Microsoft Excel | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 124 Microsoft Access | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 125 Microsoft PowerPoint | CSCI 1X5 Microsoft Powerpoint | |
MCR 126 Netscape | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 140 Introduction to Multimedia and | CSCI 1XX Intro Multimedia & Web Devlp | |
MCR 165 Web Page Development | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 201 Multimedia Design and Developm | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 202 Multimedia Design and Developm | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 206 Programming for the Web | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 222 Advanced Microsoft Word | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 223 Advanced Microsoft Excel | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 224 Advanced Microsoft Access | Does Not Transfer | |
MCR 270 Computer Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
MOS 100 Keyboarding I | Does Not Transfer | |
MOS 102 Keyboarding II | Does Not Transfer | |
MOS 151 Word Processing I | Does Not Transfer | |
MOS 152 Word Processing II | Does Not Transfer | |
MOS 252 Electronic Office Procedures I | Does Not Transfer | |
MOS 253 Electronic Office Procedures I | Does Not Transfer | |
MPT 100 Intro to Law Enforcement | ELEC 1X0 Intro to Law Enforcement | |
MPT 101 Professional Dev | Does Not Transfer | |
MPT 102 Law & Procedures | GOVT 1X2 Law and Procedures | G3 |
MPT 103 Law & Procedures II | GOVT 1X3 Law and Procedures 2 | G3 |
MPT 104 Vehicle Code | Does Not Transfer | |
MPT 105 Collision Investigations | Does Not Transfer | |
MPT 106 Patrol Procedures | Does Not Transfer | |
MPT 107 Princ of Criminal Investatio | ELEC 1X7 Princ of Criminal Investigatio | |
MPT 200 Human Relations | COMM 1X0 Human Relations | |
MPT 201 Violent People | Does Not Transfer | |
MPT 202 Crisis Management | Does Not Transfer | |
MPT 203 Police First Aid | WSSD 2X3 Police First Aid | |
MPT 204 Firearms | Does Not Transfer | |
MPT 205 Patrol Vehicles | Does Not Transfer | |
MPT 206 Report Writing | ENGL 2X6 Report Writing | G1 |
MPT 207 Emergency Response Training | EHEM 2X7 Emergency Response Training | |
MPT 208 Handling Arrested Persons | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 108 Math for Occup Technologies | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 110 Prints, Layouts & Meas for Mac | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 111 Intro to Manufacturing | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 112 Lathe Operations I | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 122 Lathe Operations II | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 124 Milling Operations I | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 129 Solids (CAM) Modeling | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 210 CNC Machine Tool Operations | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 213 Manufacturing Process | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 214 Milling Operations II | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 219 CAM Solids I | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 220 CNC Program & Adv Operations | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 229 CAM Solids II | Does Not Transfer | |
MTT 230 Electrical Discharge Machining | Does Not Transfer | |
MUS 100 The Understanding of Music | MUSI 1XX The Understanding of Music | |
MUS 101 Fundamentals of Music | MUSI 103 Language of Music | G1 |
MUS 110 Music for Children | MUSI 1XX Music for Children | |
MUS 115 Introduction to World Music | MUSI 1X5 Introduction to World Music | G1 |
MUS 120 Introduction to Music | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUS 121 American Music | MUSI 267 Survey Americn Music | G1 |
MUS 122 Reading and Writing Music | MUSI 2XX Reading and Writing Music | |
MUS 123 Jazz: From Blues to.... | MUSI 1XX Jazz: From Blues to.... | G1 |
MUS 124 Music Today and Tomorrow | MUSI 1XX Music Today and Tomorrow | |
MUS 125 Piano Class I | MUSI 1XX Piano Class 1 | |
MUS 126 Piano Class II | Does Not Transfer | |
MUS 127 Survey of American Musical | Does Not Transfer | |
MUS 128 Guitar I | MUSI 1X8 Guitar I | |
MUS 129 Guitar II | MUSI 1X9 Guitar II | |
MUS 130 Musicianship I | Does Not Transfer | |
MUS 131 History of Rock and Roll | MUSI 1X1 History of Rock and Roll | |
MUS 140 Performing Class | Does Not Transfer | |
MUS 270 Music Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 100 Fundamentals of Networking | CSCI 1X3 Fund of Networking | |
NET 110 Network Communications | CSCI 1X5 Network Communications | |
NET 115 MS 2000 Professional | CSCI 1X4 MS 2000 Professional | |
NET 116 MS 2000 Server | CSCI 1X6 MS 2000 Server | |
NET 117 MS 2000 Dir Serv Implem & Admi | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 120 MS 2000 Infrastr Implem/Admin | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 121 MS 2000 DS Infrastructure Dsgn | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 122 MS 2000 Infrastructure Design | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 123 MS 2000 Migration from NT 4 | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 142 Cyber and Network Security | CSCI 1X4 Cyber and Network Security | |
NET 230 Network Administration (4.1x) | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 231 Adv Netwrk Adm & Instal (4.1x) | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 232 Network 4.1 Design & Implement | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 233 Network Administration (5.0) | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 234 Adv Network Admin (5.0) | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 240 Network Service and Support | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 241 Network Protocols | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 242 Network Management with Manage | Does Not Transfer | |
NET 270 Networking Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
NUS 102 Nursing Mathematics | NURS 1X2 Nursing Mathematics | |
NUS 110 Concepts & Practice I | NURS 1XX Concepts & Practice I | |
NUS 111 Concepts & Practice II | NURS 1X1 Concepts & Practice II | |
NUS 120 Physical Assessment | Does Not Transfer | |
NUS 205 Perioperative Nursing | NURS 2X5 Perioperative Nursing | |
NUS 206 Perioperative Nurs Preceptrshp | Does Not Transfer | |
NUS 207 RN First Assistant | Does Not Transfer | |
NUS 208 First-Assist Directed Ind Inte | Does Not Transfer | |
NUS 210 Concepts & Practice III | NURS 2XX Concepts & Practice III | |
NUS 211 Concepts & Practice IV | NURS 2X1 Concepts & Practice IV | |
NUS 215 Basic Arrhythmia Interpretatio | Does Not Transfer | |
NUS 216 Phlebotomy & EKG | Does Not Transfer | |
NUS 217 IV Skills | Does Not Transfer | |
NUS 218 LPN Concepts | Does Not Transfer | |
NUS 221 Pharmacology for Health Care | NURS 2X2 Pharmacology for Health Care | |
NUS 294 Pro Nrsng Concepts for LPN | Does Not Transfer | |
OAT 151 Access Level I | CSCI 1X5 Access Level I | G2 |
OCS 102 BOCA Building Code | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 100 Keyboarding | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 102 Intro to Word Processing | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 151 Word Processing I | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 152 Word Processing II | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 153 Word Processing III | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 199 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 200 Office Application for Comp | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 202 Microsoft Word for Windows | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 203 Intermediate MS Word for Win | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 215 Professional Development | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 222 Alphabetic Notehand | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 225 Electronic Machine Transcripti | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 226 Medical Machine Transcription | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 231 Medical Billing and Coding | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 243 Legal Terminology and Procedur | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 252 Electronic Office Procedures I | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 253 Electronic Office Procedures I | Does Not Transfer | |
OFF 270 Office Administration Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
OPE 270 Open Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
PCT 100 Plant Equipment | Does Not Transfer | |
PCT 101 Intro to Process Technology | ITEC 1X1 Intro to Process Technology | |
PDS 9850 Principles of Quality Control | ITEC 1X9 Principles of Quality Control | |
PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHI 110 Contemporary Moral Problems | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHI 120 Philosophy of Science | PHIL 314 Philosophy of Science | G1, W |
PHI 200 Ethics in Business | PHIL 2XX Ethics in Business | G1 |
PHI 270 Philosophy Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
PHS 100 Physical Science | PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics | G2, L |
PHS 124 Introduction to Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
PHS 130 Earth Science Lab | ESCI 1X2 Earth Science Lab | G2, L |
PHS 134 Astronomy Laboratory | PHYS 1X4 Astronomy Lab | G2, L |
PHS 140 Introduction to Geology | ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth | G2, L |
PHS 270 Physical Science Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
PHY 100 Technical Physics I | PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics | G2, L |
PHY 101 Technical Physics II | PHYS 1XX Technical Physics 2 | G2, L |
PHY 105 Physical Science | PHYS 103 Elements of Physics | G2, L |
PHY 106 Introduction to Physics | Does Not Transfer | |
PHY 107 Technical Physics | PHYS 103 Elements of Physics | G2, L |
PHY 110 College Physics I | PHYS 131 Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHY 111 College Physics II | PHYS 132 Physics 2 | G2, L |
PHY 131 University Physics I | PHYS 231 General Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHY 132 University Physics II | PHYS 232 General Physics 2 | L, G2 |
PHY 200 University Physics III | Does Not Transfer | |
PHY 230 Modern Physics | PHYS 233 Wave-Particle Theory | |
PLB 100 Intro to Plumbing Principles | Does Not Transfer | |
PLB 101 Plumbing Methods & Materials | Does Not Transfer | |
PLB 102 Plumbing Math & Water Sys | Does Not Transfer | |
PLB 103 Instal & Trblshtng Plmbng Comp | Does Not Transfer | |
PLB 104 Plumbing Repairs | Does Not Transfer | |
PLB 200 Water Treatment & Heating | Does Not Transfer | |
PLB 201 Energy Sources & Control Units | Does Not Transfer | |
PLB 202 Heating Serv & Blueprint Appl | Does Not Transfer | |
PLB 203 Plumbing Contracting | Does Not Transfer | |
PLB 204 Plumbing Business Operations | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 100 Introduction to Paralegal | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 110 Legal Research & Writing I | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 115 Microcomp App for Paralegal | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 120 Legal Research & Writing II | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 130 Civil Litigation | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 140 Contract Law | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 199 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 200 Family/Domestic Relations Law | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 210 Civil Litigation/Tort Principl | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 211 Civil Litigation/Tort Applicat | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 220 Real Estate Law | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 230 Estates, Wills and Trusts | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 240 Criminal Law | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 241 Administrative Law | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 242 Business Organizations | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 243 Banruptcy Law | Does Not Transfer | |
PLG 245 Environmental Law | Does Not Transfer | |
POL 100 American Government | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
POL 110 Intro to Political Science | GOVT 101 Intro to Political Studies | G3 |
POL 120 American National Government | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
POL 130 American State & Local Gvmnt | GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt | G3 |
POL 140 The American Presidency | GOVT 215 American Presidency | G3, W |
POL 200 World Affairs | GOVT 2XX World Affairs | G3 |
POL 210 Principles of Public Admin | GOVT 241 Publc Admin and Publc Service | G3, W |
POL 225 Constitutional Law | GOVT 22X Constitutional Law | G3 |
PSY 010 Human Behavior - Basic | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 050 Human Behavior - Developmental | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 100 Applied Psychology | PSYC 1XX Applied Psychology | |
PSY 110 Intro to Human Services | SOWK 1X1 Intro to Human Services | G3 |
PSY 120 Achievement Motivation | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 130 Personal and Career Developmen | PSYC 1X3 Personal and Career Developmen | G3 |
PSY 140 General Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 199 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 200 Personality Theory | PSYC 335 Personality Theory | G3 |
PSY 202 Theories of Counseling | PSYC 2X2 Theories of Counseling | |
PSY 203 Counseling Skills | PSYC 447 Counseling Strategies | |
PSY 204 Foundations of Addictions | PSYC 311 Psychology of Drug Addiction | G3, W |
PSY 205 Human Sexual Behavior | PHIL 202 Love and Sexuality | G1 |
PSY 210 Lifespan Human Development | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSY 215 Industrial Psychology | PSYC 329 Industrial Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 220 Abnormal Psychology | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 221 Social Psychology | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSY 225 Experiences in Diversity | PSYC 234 Human Relations | G3 |
PSY 235 Educational Psychology | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
PSY 241 Child Psychology | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3 |
PSY 242 Adolescent Psychology | PSYC 2X1 Adolescent Psychology | |
PSY 255 Intro to Biological Psychology | PSYC 215 Intro to Physiological Psyc | |
PSY 270 Psychology Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 290 Adulthood & Aging | PSYC 229 The Adult Years | G3 |
REA 015 Essential Reading Skills I | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 020 Essential Reading Skills II | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 030 Basic and Essential Reading | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 050 Developmental Reading & Study | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 075 Intro to Reading & Writing | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 100 Critical Reading | ELEC 1X1 Critical Reading | |
RET 100 Introduction to Retailing | Does Not Transfer | |
RET 101 Introduction to Fashion Mercha | Does Not Transfer | |
RET 201 Buying Principles and Practice | Does Not Transfer | |
RET 205 Merchandising and Retailing Tr | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 100 Respiratory Therapy Princ I | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 101 Respiratory Therapy Practcm I | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 102 Respiratory Therapy Princ II | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 103 Respiratory Therapy Practcm II | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 104 RT Summer Clinical I | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 105 RT Summer Clinical II | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 200 Respiratory Therapy Princ III | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 201 Respiratory Therapy Prctcm III | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 202 Respiratory Therapy Princ IV | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 203 Respiratory Therapy Prctcm IV | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 204 Pulmonary Pathophys Cl Rnds I | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 205 Pulmonary Pathophys Cl Rnds II | Does Not Transfer | |
RTH 206 RT Summer Clinical III | Does Not Transfer | |
RUS 101 Elem Russian 1 | RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 | G1 |
SCI 100 Man and Environment | BIOL 1XX Man and Environment | G2, L |
SCI 105 Intro to Nanotechnology | SCMA 1X5 Intro to Nanotechnology | G2 |
SCI 110 History of Science | BIOL 11X History of Science | |
SCI 270 Science Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
SOC 100 Human Relations | SOCY 1XX Human Relations | |
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 111 Intro to Human Services | SOWK 1X1 Intro to Human Services | G3 |
SOC 120 Social Problems | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SOC 180 Sociology of Marriage & Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
SOC 199 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) | Does Not Transfer | |
SOC 200 Research Meth Soc Sci | SOCY 2XX Research Meth Soc Sci | |
SOC 202 Theories of Counseling | SOCY 2X2 Theories in Counseling | |
SOC 210 Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
SOC 215 Experiences in Diversity | SOCY 2XX Experience in Diversity | G3 |
SOC 219 Soc of Race and Immigration | SOCY 2X9 Soc of Race & Immigratn | G3 |
SOC 220 Social Psychology | SOCY 316 Social Psychology | G3, W |
SOC 240 Human Geography | GEOG 120 Human Geography | D, G3 |
SOC 260 Research Methodology | SOCY 2X6 Intro to Research Methods | |
SOC 270 Sociology Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
SOC 292 Exper of Diversity | SOCY 2XX Exper of Diversity | G3 |
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPA 111 Intermediate Spanish I | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPA 112 Intermediate Spanish II | SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPA 201 Advanced Spanish I | SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 | G1, W |
SPA 202 Advanced Spanish II | SPAN 352 Composition and Oral Express 2 | G1, W |
SPE 050 Developmental Speech | Does Not Transfer | |
SPE 100 Intro Interpersonal Comm | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
SPE 104 Intro to Mass Comm | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
SPE 105 Small-Group Communication | COMM 1XX Small-Group communication | |
SPE 110 Voice Enhancement | COMM 1XX Voice Enhancement | |
SPE 111 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPE 115 Intro to Public Relations | COMM 251 Public Relations 1 | G1 |
SPE 120 Interviewing Principles & Prac | COMM 1XX Interviewing Principles & Prac | |
SPE 200 Argumentation and Debate | COMM 2XX Argumentation and Debate | |
SPE 270 Speech Communications Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
SWO 101 Social Work & Human Services | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
SWO 201 Domestic Violence | SOWK 2X1 Domestic Violence | |
SWO 203 Counseling Skills | SOWK 2X3 Counseling Skills | |
SWO 210 Behavior & Soc Environ I | SOWK 203 Human Behvior and Social Envrn | |
SWO 220 Social Welfare | SOWK 22X Social Welfare | |
TCC 111 Technical Communication | Does Not Transfer | |
TCC 112 Technical Graphics - CADD | ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions | |
TCC 121 Project Management Proc | ITEC 1XX Project Management Proc | |
TCC 122 Two-Dimensional CADD | ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting | |
TCC 228 Design Project Methods | Does Not Transfer | |
TCC 270 Technology Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
TCS 100 Const Blueprint Reading | ITEC 1XX Const Blueprint Rdg | |
TCS 105 Workplace Safety | OSEH 1XX Workplace Safety | |
TCS 108 Construction Supervision | Does Not Transfer | |
TCS 111 Methods and Materials I | ITEC 1X1 Methods and Materials 1 | |
TCS 112 Methods and Materials II | ITEC 1X2 Methods and Materials 2 | |
TCS 121 Proj Management Proc | ITEC 1X2 Proj Management Proc | |
TCS 122 Surveying and Layout II | Does Not Transfer | |
TCS 123 Construction Estimating | ITEC 1X3 Construction Estimating | |
TCS 131 Estimating I | Does Not Transfer | |
TCS 132 Estimating II | Does Not Transfer | |
TCS 141 Construction First-Aid & Safet | Does Not Transfer | |
TCS 199 College-Sponsored Experiential | Does Not Transfer | |
TCS 221 Constr Surveying & Lay-out | ITEC 2XX Constr Surveying & layout | |
TCS 223 Construction Management | Does Not Transfer | |
TDD 124 Technical Drawing | ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions | |
TDD 126 Detailing and Assembly | ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting | |
TDD 128 Detailing, Assembly & Fixture | Does Not Transfer | |
TDD 199 College-Sponsored Experiential | Does Not Transfer | |
TDD 203 Kinematics | ITEC 3XX Kinematics | |
TDD 216 3D CADD - Parametric Modeling | ITEC 2X6 Three Dimensional CADD | |
TDD 223 Project and Technical Design | ITEC 344 Product Design | |
TDD 225 Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) | ITEC 3XX Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) | |
TDD 226 Intermediate CAD | ITEC 3XX Intermediate CAD | |
TDD 227 Advanced CADD | ITEC 446 Computer-Aid Drafting Design | |
TEC 199 College-Sponsored Experiential | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 101 DC Analysis | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 102 AC Analysis | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 110 Electronics I | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 111 Electronics II | ITEC 262 Electronic Systems 2 | |
TEL 116 Technical Communicat | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 118 Linear Integrated Circuits | ITEC 363 Analog Electronics | |
TEL 121 Digital Electronics | ITEC 364 Digital Electronics | |
TEL 124 Microprocessors I | ITEC 467 Mobile Robotics | |
TEL 126 Microprocessors II | ITEC 4XX Microprocessors 2 | |
TEL 128 Computer Systems Electronics | ITEC 4XX Computer Systems Electronics | |
TEL 198 Co-op/Internship (CSEL) | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 199 College-Sponsored Experiential | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 200 Electro/Mechanical Systems | ITEC 4XX Electro/Mechanical Systems | |
TEL 202 Biomedical Instrumentation | ITEC 4XX Biomedical Instrumentation | |
TEL 210 Elec Troubleshooting & Repair | ITEC 2XX Elec Troubleshooting & Repair | |
TEL 260 Materials, Safety, Health | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 261 Basic Process | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 262 Thin Film Utilization | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 263 Lithography for Nanofab | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 264 Materials Modification | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 265 Packaging and Testing | Does Not Transfer | |
TEL 301 Basic Telecommunications | ITEC 4XX Basic Telecommunications | |
TEL 302 Radio-Frequency Comm Sys | ITEC 466 Wireless Communication Systems | |
TEL 303 Digital/Data Communications | ITEC 4XX Digital/Data Communications | |
TME 100 Numerical Control I | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 101 Numerical Control II | ITEC 486 CNC Machining | |
TME 110 Materials Science | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 111 Machining Technology | ITEC 281 Metallic Materials | |
TME 115 Basic Technical Skills | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 116 Technical Communications | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 121 Manufacturing Processes I | ITEC 1XX Manufacturing Processes I | |
TME 150 Refrigeration | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 160 Air Conditioning | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 199 College Sponsored Experiential | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 200 Robotics I | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 201 Robotics II | ITEC 425 Industrial Robotic Systems | |
TME 210 CNC Ops & Manual Programming | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 211 Project Management Processes | ITEC 3XX Project Management Processes | |
TME 212 Computer-Aided Machining | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 216 Statics & Strength of Material | ITEC 2XX Statics & Strength of Matrls | |
TME 220 Robotics/Programmable Control | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 221 Manufacturing Processes II | ITEC 281 Metallic Materials | |
TME 222 Adv Computer-Aided Machining | Does Not Transfer | |
TME 226 Strength of Materials | ITEC 336 Materials Testing | |
TME 229 Fluid Mechanics | ITEC 326 Fluid Power | |
TME 230 Heat and Power | ITEC 3XX Heat and Power | |
TME 231 Technical Mechanics | ITEC 3XX Technical Mechanics | |
TME 232 Robotic Systems | Does Not Transfer | |
TQC 100 Principles of Total Quality | Does Not Transfer | |
TQC 101 Tools of Total Quality | Does Not Transfer | |
TQC 110 Teamwork | Does Not Transfer | |
TQC 120 Organization Change | Does Not Transfer | |
TQC 130 Total Quality Project | Does Not Transfer | |
TSO 201 Architectural Energy Requireme | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 100 Intro to Welding Processes | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 101 Intro to Ocy-fuel Weld & Cut | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 102 Oxy-Fuel Welding | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 103 Sheilded Metal Arc Welding I | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 104 Sheilded Metal Arc Welding II | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 105 Intermdiate SMAW I | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 106 Intermediate SMAW II | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 150 Welding Design | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 151 Testing & Inspection of Welds | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 152 Welding Codes & Specs | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 153 Smoldering, Brazing & Brace We | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 200 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) I | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 201 Gas Metal Arc Welding II | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 202 Advanced SMAW I | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 203 Advanced SMAW II | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 204 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding I | Does Not Transfer | |
WLD 205 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding II | Does Not Transfer |