Purchasing Card Information
General Purchasing Card Information and Forms
To activate your new card: Call the phone number on the sticker affixed to your card, follow the instructions as prompted. If you have problems with this procedure email purchasing@millersville.edu
Statements can be found through BOA's Global Access. Note; a separate login and PW is required. Cardholders must reconcile (upload receipt, allocate and sign off) transactions in the Works program each month. This MUST be completed by the 4th of the month following the charge. Account approvers must approve by the 7th of each month. Any allocation changes after the 7th of the month following will need to be done via Budget transfer form found on the Budget Office web site. If you have problems with this procedure call x4185 for one-on-one training.
REMINDER: Purchases may not include tax. Univeristy tax exemption form is available. Board of Govnernors Policy for public use of funds must be followed for all purchases. Refer to the Expenditures of Public Funds document. Any purchases made that are not within the guidelines will need to be reimbursed by the Cardholder.
Contact Kathy Fulmer for assistance at 717-871-4185