2025-2026 Undergraduate Costs (ESTIMATED)
Beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year, Millersville will be returning to a flat-rate tuition model. This means students can enroll in 12-18 per semester at no additional charge. This creates a path to helping you complete your degree in four years while also creating more opportunities for credit-based internships, and engaging in co-curricular experiences.
Pennsylvania Residents
The total cost per credit for an Undergraduate, Pennsylvania resident is $464.25. This total cost per credit includes:
Tuition $322 per credit Technology Fee $20 per credit General Fee $122.25 per credit - Students registered between .5 - 11.5 credits will be billed at the per credit rate.
- Students registered between 12-18 credits will not be charged a per credit rate as they are charged flat-rate tuition (refer to the chart below).
- Students registered for more than 18 credits will be billed at the per credit rate for each additional credit after the flat-rate tuition for 12-18 credits.
The chart below is estimated based on tuition being charged at a flat rate for students enrolled 12-18 credits per semester.
Housing Plans Tuition General Fee Tech Fee Housing Meal Plan Semester Total Annual Total On-Campus living in Residence Halls $3,858 $1,467 $239 $4,040** $2,375** $11,979 $23,958 Off-Campus or Commuting $3,858 $1,467 $239 ------ ------ $5,564 $11,128 ** Room and Meal Plan rates listed above are estimated and may vary. Students living in the Residence Halls will have charges based on their actual room and meal plan selections.
For additional cost information, please refer to Millersville University's rates for on campus housing and the available meal plan options.
Summer 2024 / Winter 2025
In addition to the direct charges listed above, students may have additional, indirect educational expenses not billed by Millersville University. The Cost of Attendance serves as a comprehensive budget, helping you plan for these potential costs and explore borrowing options for other educational needs.
Plan Ahead with Cost Transparency
Discover detailed information about:
- The Cost of Attendance (COA) breakdown
- Financial planning tips and checklists
- Ways to prepare for educational expenses and reduce costs
Click here to learn more about the COA and financial planning resources.
Estimate Your Maximum COA
To view an estimated maximum Cost of Attendance tailored to your program level, housing plan, and residency status, click below.
Out-of-state residents
The total cost per credit for an Undergraduate, Out-of-State resident is $957.25. This total cost per credit includes:
Tuition $805 per credit Technology Fee $30 per credit General Fee $122.25 per credit - Students registered between .5 - 11.5 credits will be billed at the per credit rate.
- Students registered between 12-18 credits will not be charged a per credit rate as they are charged flat-rate tuition (refer to the chart below).
- Students registered for more than 18 credits will be billed at the per credit rate for each additional credit after the flat-rate tuition for 12-18 credits.
The chart below is estimated based on tuition being charged at a flat rate for students enrolled 12-18 credits per semester.
Housing Plans Tuition General Fee Tech Fee Housing Meal Plan Semester Total Annual Total On-Campus living in Residence Halls $9,645 $1,467 $364 $4,040** $2,375** $17,891 $35,782 Off-Campus $9,645 $1,467 $364 ------ ------ $11,476 $22,952 ** Room and Meal Plan rates listed above are estimated and may vary. Students living in the Residence Halls will have charges based on their actual room and meal plan selections.
For additional cost information, please refer to Millersville University's rates for on campus housing and the available meal plan options.
SUMMER 2024 / WINTER 2025
In addition to the direct charges listed above, students may have additional, indirect educational expenses not billed by Millersville University. The Cost of Attendance serves as a comprehensive budget, helping you plan for these potential costs and explore borrowing options for other educational needs.
Plan Ahead with Cost Transparency
Discover detailed information about:
- The Cost of Attendance (COA) breakdown
- Financial planning tips and checklists
- Ways to prepare for educational expenses and reduce costs
Click here to learn more about the COA and financial planning resources.
Estimate Your Maximum COA
To view an estimated maximum Cost of Attendance tailored to your program level, housing plan, and residency status, click below.
Explanation of Fees
The General Fee is a mandatory fee used to support a variety of ongoing academic and student support services, student organizations, health services and wellness programs, Student Center debt service, expansion, capital replacement, and maintenance.
The fee is charged to all students (full-time and part-time, residential and commuting/off-campus) during all University sessions and at all course locations.
The Technology Fee is a mandatory fee collected to acquire, install and maintain up-to-date and emerging technologies to engance student learning outcomes.
Students may incur other miscellaneous fees while enrolled at Millersville depending on their program and if there are any licensures students need to obtain. In addition, students can incur fees including but not limited to, health services, key/id replacement, parking fines, judicial fines, room damages, degree fee.
A select number of classes require a course fee to supplement the cost of course materials used to enhance the course and student experience.
TOTAL COST PER CREDIT (ESTIMATED)Are you a high school student looking for the opportunity to earn college credits while still enrolled in high school? Millersville's program is primarily on-campus, with occasional offerings for online courses. See the current rates below!FALL 2025/ SPRING 2026 Tuition Tech Fee Total (per credit) Non-Partner School Rate $322.00 $20.00 $342.00 Partner School Rate $161.00 $20.00 $181.00 All fees are subject to change.
Partner schools are listed on the course application. Click here to learn more.
Your Charges Versus the Cost of Attendance
Many families mistakenly believe the Cost of Attendance (COA) is the exact amount required to attend Millersville or other colleges—sometimes leading to unnecessary borrowing.
Let’s clarify: the COA is not what you will owe! It includes both direct and indirect costs.
- Direct Costs: What you’ll pay directly to Millersville, like tuition, fees, and on-campus housing.
- Indirect Costs: Other expenses you might have, such as books, supplies, and transportation.
The COA is a budget to help you plan for all potential expenses. It’s also used to determine the maximum financial aid you can receive for the year.
Your COA depends on your program, enrolled credits, housing, residency, and more.
Estimate Your Maximum COA
If you want to plan for both direct and potential indirect costs—and need to explore borrowing options for these educational needs, you can view an estimated maximum Cost of Attendance tailored to your program level, housing plan, and residency status by clicking below.
Undergraduate Programs—Cost of Attendance (COA)
Plan Ahead with Cost Transparency
Discover detailed information about:
- The Cost of Attendance (COA) breakdown
- Financial planning tips and checklists
- Ways to prepare for educational expenses and reduce costs
Click here to learn more about the COA and financial planning resources.