Dining Options


To Add or Change a Dining option:

  1. Login to MAX Housing & Dining (Requires login)
  2. MY DINING-Add/Change Meal Plan
  3. Choose Term and Dining Plan
  4. Submit Dining Plan Selection
  5. Close Browser

You may also add a dining option by sending in a check, made payable to "Millersville University" to the Office of Student Accounts (OSA) for the amount of the meal plan you choose.  Make sure to include the student name's, ID number, and the meal plan you are purchasing. All fees are subject to change.

All changes must be made online prior to midnight on Friday before classes start.  NO CHANGES will be permitted after classes begin.

  • Incoming first year & transfer students with less than 30 credits are automatically assigned the Ville 19 Meal Plan and cannot make changes to their dining selection. 
  • Returning students with 30+ credits can make changes to their dining selection online!

To View Your New Balance:

Access your new balance in SAM after adding your selected dining option has been added. A new bill will not be generated when you add this charge; you are responsible for checking SAM for an updated balance.