Be an MU Orientation Leader

Eat. Sleep. Lead. Repeat.

One of the best student employment roles on campus is serving as an Orientation Leader (OL). OLs greet new students and acclimate them to campus, social life and academics at MU. For many incoming students, their OL is the first friend they make at college. 

If you have a passion for Millersville University and enjoy serving others, being an Orientation leader for the upcoming year might be for you.

What does an OL do?

Orientation is about preparing new students for the rigors of the collegiate experience.

As a Millersville University Orientation Leader, you become part of a hard-working, committed team collaboratively working to welcome and orient incoming students to the University community. Team members adapt to changing circumstances while working in a demanding, fast-paced environment.

Using your own experiences and perspectives, while relying on training in group dynamics, public speaking, and campus resources, you actively engage with students, helping them to navigate campus, explore involvement, understand academic expectations, and address their concerns related to college transition.

Curious? Read the complete Orientation Leader job description.

Heard enough? Apply here (starting December 4): 
QR code for OL application

What are the perks?


  • $1300 Stipend (Gross pay)
  • Paid biweekly (60+ hours per pay period) in August.

Personal Development

  • Resume-worthy leadership training and experiences.
  • Professional relationships with faculty & staff.
  • Increased self-confidence, communication skills and teamwork ability.
  • Personal well-being derived from serving others in the University community. 


  • Early return to Millersville. Move into residence early if living on campus.
  • Meals during August training and EPPIIC Weekend.


  • Staff shirts
  • Backpack (filled with goodies!)

What is the time commitment?

Orientation Leaders are responsible for working during the fall arrival program, EPPIIC Weekend. OLs return to campus in early August for training and then conduct orientation activities the weekend prior to the start of fall classes.

Time commitments include:

  • OL Meet & Greet - Sunday, April 27, 2025, from Noon to 5:00 p.m.
  • Bi-weekly online “Power Hour” check-ins (60 minutes) from late May through early August 2025.
  • OL Training (7.5 hours per day) - Sunday, August 10 to Wednesday, August 20, 2025
  • EPPIIC Weekend (10-12 hours per day) - Thursday, August 21 to Sunday, August 24, 2025

You would be finished your responsibilities as an OL in time to start a fall semester job the first day of classes!