Assessment Overview
Millersville University faculty and staff use assessment to continuously improve instructional delivery and service performance for the purpose of ensuring that students learn. Millersville University is charged by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, as well as multiple and program specific accrediting agencies, to demonstrate that the institution is accomplishing its mission. Outcomes assessment is conducted within educational, student support, and administrative units.
Millersville University faculty explore the question, "Are students learning what we intended?" through student learning outcomes assessment. Faculty specify learning outcomes at the course and program level, establish criteria, and compare actual results to those criteria. Effective practices are affirmed. Changes that are instituted based on assessment analyses are documented and assessed in the following annual assessment cycle to verify improvement in student learning.
Millersville University’s program learning outcome assessment process is comprised of the following elements:
- Alignment of program learning outcomes to Millersville University, Millersville General Education program, and department missions.
- Assessment of five to seven program learning outcomes over a five-year period:
- Using two measures, including at least one direct measure.
- Applying achievement targets related to each measure.
- Annual reporting of assessment results and analysis.
- Assessment of General Education program learning outcomes.
- Taking action to improve student learning experiences and documenting effectiveness of changes made based on assessment.
- Development of curriculum maps that show in what course/activity a student will participate in learning experiences designed to foster accomplishment of a program learning outcome.
- Conducting a full program review that includes a self-study report and external reviewer feedback every five years. Some programs are accredited by outside agencies that may have a different program review cycle. Program review findings inform a five-year plan, that in turn, identifies the budget impact of proposed actions.
- Communication of academic assessment findings to stakeholders.
Administrative and student support units follow a parallel process by completing a program review every five years.