Services Available to Students

All services (medical care, health education) are provided by appointment. Students may be given an appointment with any of the practitioners at Health Services (physician, nurse practitioners or registered nurses), or referred to an appropriate healthcare facility (hospital, specialists) as indicated. Services offered include:
- Evaluation and treatment of acute illness, mental health concerns and injuries
- Cooperative care with family practitioners to manage chronic medical conditions such as:
- Immunotherapy/Allergy injections and monitoring laboratory tests for disease or medication management.
- Student teacher certification examinations
- Pre-employment, Driver's License Examinations
- Women's health (Pap smears, pelvic exams, breast exams)
- Sexually Transmitted Infection testing and treatment
- In-house rapid laboratory testing:
- Strep A
- Influenza
- Mononucleosis
- Urinalysis
- Urine Pregnancy Test
- Tuberculosis- PPD Skin Test
- Blood sugar
- Covid-19: Rapid Antigen Test
- Outside laboratory testing
- Laboratory specimens can be collected and sent to independent laboratories as ordered by a medical provider. Health Services works cooperatively with Quest, Labcorp, MDL and CDD laboratories. The costs of these tests are the student's responsibility.
- Health Promotion and Education- Free flu vaccines offered starting in the Fall.