Robert J. Bookmiller, Ph.D.
Professor of Government, Policy, and Law
Contact Information
Office: Fulton House, Room 201
Phone: (717) 871-7504
Spring 2025 Office Hours
T: 9:45 -10:30 am
W: 11:30 - 2:00 pm (via Zoom)
R: 9:45 -10:30 am | 4:00- 5:00 pm
Comments: *For the Zoom meeting, please email the professor either in advance or during these hours, and a personalized link will be generated for you.
- GOVT 221.01: Introduction to Comparative Political Systems
- GOVT 221.02: Introduction to Comparative Political Systems
- GOVT 327.01: Canadian Government and Politics
- GOVT 355.01: American Foreign Policy
- Ph.D., University of Virginia
- M.A., University of Virginia
- B.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Certificate in International Migration Studies, Georgetown University (2018)
Research and Teaching Interests:
- Senator Tom Connally / Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Middle East
- Comparative Government (Jordan, Israel/Palestine, Iran, and Turkey)
- Comparative Foreign Policy (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States)
Selected Publications:
- Engaging Iran: Australian and Canadian Relations with the Islamic Republic, [Dubai, United Arab Emirates, The Gulf Research Center, 2009]. pdf
- Discovering the Arabian Gulf: Canada’s Evolving Ties with the GCC States [Dubai, United Arab Emirates, The Gulf Research Center, 2006]. pdf
- Co-Editor (with Kirsten Nakhavani Bookmiller), Special issue of International Journal of Emergency Management: "The Global Effect, 2005-20015: Hurrican Katrina's Impact on Disaster Management Systems Worldwide," 2016: 12 (3).
- “Donor Countries as Aid Recipients: The United States, New Zealand and the Lessons of Hurricane Katrina” (Co-authored with Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller) International Journal of Emergency Management, 2016: 12 (3), pp. 263-283. pdf
- "Canada, Iran and "Controlled Engagement:" A New Start with Afghanistan?" Canadian Foreign Policy, March 2011 17(1): 23-37.
- "Canada and the Human Security Network, 1998-2010 - RIP?" (co-authored with Kirsten Nakjavani-Bookmiller," British Journal of Canadian Studies, October 2010: 23(2), pp. 247-271.
- "Abdullah’s Jordan: America ’s Anxious Ally," Alternatives: The Turkish Journal of International Relations, Summer 2003, pp. 174-195.
- "Might and Right: The US and Canada and Humanitarian Interventions" (co-authored with Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller) in Robert Timko (Ed.) Representations of Canada: Cross-Cultural Reflections on Canadian Society (Volgograd University Institute for North American Studies/PA Canadian Studies Consortium, 2002): 73-96.
- "Arab Press," " Djibouti ," "Hamas," " Israel ," "Jordan," "Palestinian National Authority," "al Quds," "al-Quds," "Palestinian Arab Radio," "Edward Said and Orientalism," "Mordechai Vanunu," and "Voice of Palestine/Voice of the PLO," in Derek Jones (Ed.) Censorship: A World Encyclopedia (London: Fitzroy-Dearborn, 2002).
- Contributor, Arabies Trends (Paris-based monthly on Middle East Issues), 1999-2001. Articles include: "Iran/Libya: Tough Talk," September 2001, pp. 36-38; "Listening to the Voice of America ," December 2000, pp. 86-88; "The Spoils of War," September 2000, p. 8;"On Bended Knee," July-August 2000, p. 10; "Meet the Candidates," March 2000, p. 16-18; "The Canadian Compromise," June 1999, pp. 18-19 and "Stamps of Identity: Palestine Through Its Postal History," May 1999, pp. 50-51.
- "The U.S. and Jordan's Annexation of the West Bank, 1948-1952," in Antonio Donno (Ed.) Ombre Di Guerra Fredda [Cold War Shadows] (Napoli, Italy: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1998), pp. 59-94.
- "Thomas Pickering," in Cathal J. Nolan (Ed.) Notable U.S. Ambassadors Since 1775: A Biographical Dictionary (Greenwood Publishing, 1997), pp. 284-291.
- "Likud's Jordan Policy," Middle East Policy, 1997, V(3), pp. 90-103.
- "Behind the Headlines: The Multilateral Middle East Talks," (Co-authored with Kirsten N. Bookmiller), Current History, January 1996, pp. 33-37.
- "Approaching the Rubicon: Jordan and the Peace Process," SAIS Review, 1994, XIV(2), pp. 109-123.
- "Dateline Algeria: U.S. Press Coverage of the Algerian War of Independence," (co-authored with Kirsten N. Bookmiller) in Beverly Hawk (Ed.) Africa's Media Image (Praeger Press, 1992): 62-76.
- "The Western Sahara: Future Prospects," American-Arab Affairs 1991, 37: 64-76.
- "Palestinian Radio and the Intifada," (Co-authored with Kirsten N. Bookmiller) Journal of Palestine Studies, Summer 1990, pp. 96-105.
- "The Algerian War of Words Broadcasting and Revolution, 1954-1962," The Maghreb Review, 1989, XIV(3-4), pp. 196-213.
- "Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Messianic View and the State of the Jews," Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 1988, XI(4), pp. 21-37.
Professional Memberships:
- Association for Canadian Studies in the United States.
- Mid-Atlantic and New England Council for Canadian Studies (President 2007-2009; Executive Board Member, 2002-2016).
- The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR).