Student Forms Center
Here you will find various forms from different departments around campus. This location will provide printable and online forms for students, and will allow you to find the forms you need quickly, without trying to track down in what office they are located on campus. New forms are being added continually. If your most-used form is not yet listed, please use the comments form to "vote" for it.
Online Forms Maintenance Notice
Monday evenings between 6 pm-10 pm is a maintenance period during which some electronic forms may not be accessible/available. If you are trying to access a form during this time, please try back again outside of this time frame before submitting a notice of form failure.
Academic Program Change Request (online form)
Formerly the Academic Major and Academic Minor forms.
This form is for CURRENT students only. If you are NEWLY Admitted and have not started courses yet, your change must be processed through admissions:
If you are newly admitted, you may use this form to add a minor or add a second major, but not change.
Current students, use this form to request a change to your academic program. Including changing, adding or dropping a major and adding or dropping a minor. Requests for a change in catalog term (to backdate or update requirements) may also be submitted via this form. If you wish only to change advisor, that is handled through individual departments, please contact your department secretary or chair if you are only seeking an advisor change.
Address Update (Requires login) (online version)
You can update your address(es) and phone number(s) online via MAX. Please contact the Help Desk at (717) 871-2371 if you need assistance logging into your MAX account. Remember, without a correct address on file, you will not be able to receive important notices, including your bill. If you need to change your name, please provide the Registrar's Office with official documentation, e.g. photocopy of social security card, court decree, marriage certification.
Authorization to Release Information (print version only)
Completion of this form is necessary if you would like your financial aid information released to anyone other than yourself (including your parents). It is valid for the student's academic career. If there is a change, a new form should be completed and the old form will be void. The form should include anyone, including parents, to whom the student would like financial aid information released. Please read the form carefully before completing it.
Drop/Add Procedures (Requires login)
View instructions and other information about Drop/Add procedures and dates.
Exception to Graduation Requirements (Requires login) (online version)
Use this form to request exceptions in the major, minor, general education or university academic policy requirements. Note: this needs to be done well in advance of your expected graduation date.
Federal Aid Authorization Form (online version)
Grant the Office of Student Accounts your permission to use Title IV funds to cover miscellaneous expenses charged on your student account. If there is an excess of funds once the standard costs have been paid, your permission is needed in order for federal funds to cover these additional charges.
The Financial Aid Forms Center is a resource to help you manage your financial aid—regardless of your program or level of study. Most necessary forms are available here, including those for notifying the Office of Financial Aid about changes to your enrollment or housing, or authorizing the release of financial aid information. You can also find documents to request loan adjustments, summer aid, consortium agreements, and advanced refunds. Additionally, SAP appeal forms and other important guides and policy-related materials are provided. These resources can help you ensure that your aid is accurate before it pays and prevent any delays in receiving your funding.
Grade Report Requests (online version)
Use this form to request a paper grade report on a university form be mailed to your mailing address.
Graduation Application - undergraduate degree only
Use this application to apply for your undergraduate (bachelor's or associate's) degree at the beginning of the term in which you will complete your requirements. See term calendars on the Academic Calendar page for deadline information. This application will require you to login to MAX and will be routed to all applicable advisors and department chairs, so please be sure your curriculum is updated with any changes to major/minor for your degree before you submit your application. More information for students regarding graduation and commencement is on the commencement website. When this form is approved and processed, a $30 degree fee will be assessed to your student account and you can login to SAM to see the fee and make the payment.
Graduate Student Forms Center
Forms from the College of Graduate Studies and Adult Learning.
Health Evaluation Forms (print version only)
Forms packet for new incoming students; contains 4 forms: Student Report of Medical History, Immunization record, Medical Practitioner's Disclosure, and Medical Practitioner's Report of Health Evaluation
Leave of Absence/Withdrawing from MU
Use this form to take a leave of absence or withdraw from Millersville University. Withdrawals/LOAs submitted during summer will be effective the following fall and those submitted in winter will be effective the following spring. Note: If you are taking a Leave of Absence or Withdrawing for medical reasons from the current semester, contact the Registrar's Office at 717-871-5005 for more information.
Pass/Fail Course Request Form (Requires login)
Use this form to elect to take a course pass/fail. The form must be received in the registrar's office (email) by the end of the drop/add period for a given term, see academic calendar for deadlines. Note that courses elected pass/fail may NOT fulfill General Education, Major, Minor or Required Related course requirements per standard policy. They serve only to meet the credit minimum for a degree program. Full policy is outlined on the form.
Permission (Academic Department) to Enroll/Wait-list in a Restricted Class (Requires login)(print version only)
Use this form to receive permission from the faculty to enroll in a course that has restrictions; such as permission required, prerequisites, limited to majors or class level (Jr., Sr., etc.). The completed form will be processed by the academic department and the student will need to register themselves once processed..
Permission for an Undergraduate Student to Enroll/Wait-list in a Graduate Class FOR UNDERGRADUATE CREDIT (Requires login)(print version only)
An undergraduate student who wishes to take a graduate 500-level course or an undergraduate accelerated admission graduate student who wishes to take a graduate 600-level course for undergraduate credit must have this form completed by the department offering the course. The completed form will be processed by the Registrar's Office.
Permission for an Undergraduate Student to Enroll/Wait-list in a Graduate Class FOR GRADUATE CREDIT (print version only)
Intended for undergraduate students who wish to enroll in a graduate level (500- or 600-) course for graduate credit. Students must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA and have a maximum of 15 credits remaining to be completed in their baccalaureate program. A non-degree graduate student application must be submitted in addition to this form. The completed form will be processed by the College of Graduate Studies and Adult Learning.
Permission to Enroll in a Class that has a Time Conflict (Requires login)(print version only)
If you have two courses that have a time conflict and one of the faculty is willing to work with you about missed time, please use this form. Register for the first course on MAX and bring this form to the Registrar's Office so you can be registered for the second class.
NOTE: The overlap in classes should not exceed 15 minutes.
Request for Special Study Assignment (Requires login) (fillable pdf may be emailed with signatures)
Graduate and undergraduate students may use this form to request permission to pursue a special study such as independent study, departmental honors study, honors course study, University Honors College thesis, graduate thesis and practicum. This form must be completed with all required signatures and submitted to the Registrar's Office for student registration before the study begins.
Reverse Transfer Request (Requires login) (fillable pdf may be emailed)
This form is for current MU students who have previously transferred from a PA community college. They must have completed 30 credits at the community college, and at MU have completed 15 or more credits with an overall GPA at least 2.00 and no holds on their account to qualify for reverse transfer.
Transcript Requests (Requires login)
Use this page to request an official transcript to be sent (electronic, mail or pickup).
Transfer of Credit (Requires login) (undergraduate students only)
Use this form to request authorization to pursue credits at a different institution and transfer the credits back to MU for your undergraduate degree. This form is for domestic U.S. credits only. If you are seeking approval for transfer of credit for a study abroad program through another U.S. Institution or an international institution, you must complete transfer authorization through the office of Global Education.
Taking a Course at another institution (post-baccalaureate teacher certification only)
This form is for post-bacc teacher certification students to get authorization to complete a course toward their certification requirements at another institution.
Visiting Student Form (Requires login) (print version only)
Intended for undergraduate students who wish to enroll in a course at another PASSHE school and have the course come back to Millersville as if it was a Millersville course. Please note that any coursework taken through this program will come in as a Millersville course and will affect your GPA nor can it be used to repeat a course already taken at Millersville. Please read the attached policy for further restrictions on use.
Withdraw From a Class for the Current Term This form is available electronically. You will be asked to sign in to complete the form and it will be routed to your instructor before coming to the Registrar's office for processing. Please see the registration guide (Requires login) for details regarding course withdraw deadlines.
Looking for something?
Which forms do you use most that are not here yet? Send your suggestions and ideas to the webmaster.