Overseas Travel to Present And Special Academic Activities


Faculty members should be exhibiting their creative work or presenting the results of their research to other scholars at academic conventions, conferences, or similar professional meetings. Additionally, faculty members should be actively participating in workshops or short courses; serve as official session chairs, moderators, respondents, or discussants at academic conferences; or participate in the business of scholarly organization at academic conferences in an official capacity. Recently faculty have increased their participation at overseas conventions, conferences, or events. The purpose of Overseas Travel to Present & Special Academic Activities grants is to help off set faculty expenses associated with overseas travel.


  • Request for funds for Overseas Travel to Present and Overseas Special Academic Activities should not exceed $750 per individual proposal or $1000 per group proposal.
  • Note, international travel to Canada or Mexico will not be funded in this category. Travel must be overseas.
  • The value of the activity for the attendant and the university should be made particularly clear to the committee.
  • The scope of the activity will be used as ranking criterion.
  • All special academic activities proposals must be accompanied by:
      1. official conference/event brochure description,
      2. justification in 250 words or less describing your activity - its content, its value to your professional development, and your role in the presentation/event, and
      3. verification from the sponsoring organization indicating that the presentation has been accepted or the participants' role in the event is required. Late verification will be honored until the time of the presentation.