Dr. Miriam Marguerita Gomez Witmer
Associate Professor - Color of Teaching Coordinator

Office Hours
M: 9:00 - 11:00 AM
W: 9:00 - 11:00 AM
R: 1:00 - 2:00 PM (Zoom)
Comments: And by appointment. Zoom: https://millersville.zoom.us/my/dr.mwitmer
Ph.D. in Education, Temple University 2014
M.S. in Clinical Psychology, Millersville University
B.S. in English/Communications Secondary Education, Millersville University
Coordinator for Color of Teaching Mentoring Program
EDFN 241: Educational Psychology
EDFN 211 and EDFN 590: Social Foundations of Modern Education
For additional information go to: https://sites.google.com/site/miriammwitmer/
Millersville University Land Acknowledgement
We would like to recognize the Native peoples of the lower Susquehanna River basin, those known and those unknown to us, who have stewarded the land, upon which Millersville University sits, for thousands of years. We acknowledge that the land on which we gather, study, and work is the ancestral land of the Conestogas, Susquehannocks, Shawnee, and others. One group, the Shenks Ferry people, had a village adjacent to the campus. We pay our respects to the traditional occupants and caretakers of this land.