Academic Symbolism

Academic Attire

Academic AttireThe academic costume (better known as regalia) has always consisted of three parts: the gown, the hood (Master's and Doctoral degrees only) and the cap. It has traditionally been worn at commencement exercises as a record of the academic achievement of the participants. Its use originated in the Middle Ages, when all undergraduates were required to wear clerical robes similar in style to those of the regular clergy. This type of dress was appropriate since all students were expected to enter the ranks of the clergy. The colors on the robe and tassel represent the status and discipline of the wearer. Some schools, such as Harvard, use a distinctive color for the entire gown. In this country a color system was adopted in 1893 to identify the academic discipline in which the degree was earned. 

Cords distinguish those students who have earned Departmental Honors, University Honors, and/or who have graduated from the University’s Honors College. Graduates may wear as many cords as they qualify for. The colors, and the academic achievement they represent, are as follows: white, cum laude; silver, magna cum laude; gold, summa cum laude; purple, University Honors College; and red, Departmental Honors.

The tassels for bachelor’s and master’s degrees are usually black, while the tassels of the doctorate cap are usually gold. Traditionally, tassels are worn on the right side of the degree candidate’s cap; after the degree is granted, the tassel is worn on the left side of the cap.

Approved Stoles and Cords


Student Athlete
Student Government Association Board Member
Rainbow Graduation Celebration Stole
Graduating Students of Color Celebration Stole
Adams Fellows
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society


  • Lambda Chi Alpha | Purple, White, Green, Yellow
  • Tau Kappa Epsilon | Red, Black, White
  • Phi Delta Theta | Navy Blue, White
  • Acacia | Black, White, Yellow
  • Phi Mu Alpha | Black, Yellow, Red
  • Alpha Phi Alpha | Black, Gold
  • Kappa Alpha Psi | Red, White
  • Omega Psi Phi | Purple, Yellow
  • Phi Beta Sigma | Blue, White
  • Lambda Sigma Upsilon | Light Blue, White, Black


  • Alpha Sigma Alpha | Red, White
  • Alpha Sigma Tau | Green, Yellow, White
  • Alpha Xi Delta | Blue, Light Blue, Yellow, White
  • Delta Zeta | Green, Pink
  • Delta Sigma Theta | Red, White
  • Zeta Phi Beta | White, Blue
  • Sigma Gamma Rho | Yellow, Blue
  • Mu Sigma Upsilon | Light Blue, White
  • Chi Upsilon Sigma | Red, Black, White


  • Departmental Honors | Red Cord
  • University Honors College | Purple Cord
  • Summa Cum Laude | Gold Cord
  • Magna Cum Laude | Silver Cord
  • Cum Laude | White Cord
  • Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honor Society | Blue/Black/White cords
  • Cygnus Society | Black/Gold medallion
  • Philanthropy Honor | Black and Gold double cord
  • Education Department iStem | Red, Yellow and Blue triple cord
  • Pre- Scholars Summer Institute | Black, Gold, White
  • The Lancaster Partnership Program | Red, Gold, Black
  • First Generation College Students | Gold, Blue, White
  • CDRE MSEM Master’s Program-Order of the Sword and Shield Honor Society | Blue/Yellow double cord
  • Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU)-International Honor Society of Geography | Teal, Yellow, and Black triple cord
  • Sigma Pi Sigma-Physics Honor Society | Green and White double cord
  • Society of Physics Students | Royal Blue and White double cord
  • American Chemical Society-Chemistry Honor Society | Blue and Gold cord
  • Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society l Blue and Gold double cord
  • National Society of Leadership and Success l Black and Platinum