Peer Education Program

The Millersville University Peer Education program is a multi-program, multi-tiered effort to provide students with knowledge and skills so that they can effectively identify and initiate personal behavior change as well as positively impact and influence the campus community to decrease high risk behaviors.

Our peer educators are trained to engage with the campus community, offering valuable insights into the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. They provide information on the resources and services available at Millersville University, helping students make the most of their college experience safely and effectively.

Peer Educator Program Request

Peer-to-peer education involves individuals within a similar demographic sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources, fostering trust and relatability that traditional educational methods might lack.

Request a Presentation

Become a Peer Educator

Peer Eds offer lifestyle education programs, awareness events, and resources on alcohol, drugs, mental health, and sexual responsibility. They engage the campus community, sharing information on healthy living, and tips for a safe college experience.

Apply Here