Diana's Dreamers: Determined to Defeat Breast Cancer

Diana's Dreamers: Determined to Defeat Breast Cancer


"Diana's Dreamers: Determined to Defeat Breast Cancer" is an endowment set up through the Millersville University Foundation.  It will fund a national campaign to raise awareness among college-aged women and men about breast cancer and breast health in general.  Through education, young people can learn how to perform correct self-exams and can then take that knowledge to other family members and friends.

Millersville University has proven through its annual Breast-a-Ville events that college-aged students are receptive AND eager to learn about the topic of breast health.  We want to expand our success to every college and university in America!

To meet the goals of Diana's Dreamers and to spread awareness we have added a dedicated program coordinator to oversee the Breast Health Initiatives at MU, and to help to guide the mission forward.    

 No other major national cancer center organization targets college-aged students because, fortunately, the disease does not strike a huge number of them.  But every life matters - and by learning about breast health early, lives will be saved.

We Need Your Help!

Please consider donating and helping us spread the word. Your donations will go towards achieving our goal of increasing awareness and educating college students about breast cancer to save lives.


More Information

The endowment is currently being funded through donations from Dr. Denenberg and other donors. More information on Diana's Dreamers can be found on the Facing Cancer Together page.

Facing Cancer Together

Mission & Goals


The primary mission of “Diana’s Dreamers: Determined to Defeat Breast Cancer” is to promote breast health education and awareness on college and university campuses across the United States. 


  • To promote chapters of Diana’s Dreamers on other campuses and form a network of such chapters for sharing ideas and resources.  This affiliation will be coordinated by an individual based at Millersville University.  Naturally other campuses would have freedom of choice as to what they name their group and to what direction they take.
  • To provide materials to other chapters for “start-up” activities once the Millersville University endowment is fiscally viable. Millersville University will share its successful breast cancer awareness efforts to serve as a model for other institutions. Theseefforts include an annual breast cancer awareness event (i.e., the Breast-a­ ville), the breast cancer awareness room (i.e., TheDiana and Marsha Breast Cancer Awareness Center in the Health Services Bldg.) , and the spirit garden (The Diana DenenbergDurand Spirit Garden).  Other MU efforts as they come to fruition will also be disseminated.
  • To encourage fund-raising on their own campuses so every chapter is financially self- reliant and has full ownership ofits own activities and directions (e.g., on almost every campus, women athletics raise money through “pink nights” at games)
  • To encourage throughout all chapters the idea of college students becoming “ambassadors” for breast cancer awareness to their own families and network of friends.  A possible system of rewards could be created to provide incentives, althoughthe most significant reward is the personal knowledge that one may be saving another person’s life.