Ashley Moyer-Gleich '10, '15M

Professional Referee, NBA
Personable. Humble. Loyal.

“My advice I would like to offer to current or prospective Millersville University students is to enjoy the journey! There’s highs and lows, but embrace them and don’t just endure. ”

Current City: Enola, PA
MU Degree(s): B.S. & M.Ed in Sport Management

’Ville for Life Snapshots

  • Married to Johnee Gleich and has one beautiful son, Melecio.  
  • Enjoys working out strength training and Bikram yoga. 
  • Stays involved at MU by attending the Women’s Basketball alumni game and donating to the program along with guest speaking at several events throughout the University. 
  • Spends quality time with family outdoors, going on bike rides and splashing around at the beach. 
  • Cherishes several lifelong friendships with fellow MU alums from the basketball and track team. My soul sisters!

How did Millersville University help you get to where you are today? 
MU taught me time management, how to be goal oriented, and determination through adversity.


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