EVA Nomination, Process and Timeline

  • Step 1: Review EPPIIC Value Traits

    Listed below are traits for each EPPIIC Value to help you identify faculty, staff or a unit/department for each category. (review EPPIIC Value definitions)


    Exploration - An individual or team may demonstrate exploration by frequently asking ‘why’ to understand, with a commitment to participating in process improvement. Unsettled with the response “because that’s the way we’ve always done it”, they may investigate alternative solutions and/or new ideas and proactively take a lead in making changes. This person or team considers possibilities, making campus, intercampus, or community connections in the furtherance of our mission and strategic plan.

    Public Mission - A public servant exposes their passion for our University’s mission and strategic plan with a clear intent to make a difference in our community. This person or team may be the first to consistently volunteer when a call to action is made or take a lead role in coordinating efforts to serve the greater community.

    Professionalism - Characteristics of an individual or team who displays professionalism consistently include:  pursuit of furthering their own knowledge and competence in their field, particularly when this knowledge serves the University strategic plan; ethical decision-making, pride in a job well-done, personal responsibility and accountability, and respect for others as well as organizational process and procedure.

    Inclusion - Consistently using inclusive language that avoids stereotyping or generalizations, such as “people with disabilities” vs. “disabled people” and honoring pronoun statements are behaviors shown by individuals or teams with the value inclusion. They proactively recognize the interrelation of planning/decision-making on others and invite them to “to the table” for discussion. This person or team recognizes the unique characteristics of others and seeks ways to create opportunities for their involvement.

    Integrity - An employee or team may be worthy of this recognition if you find they are the first one to be called when a task or project is at hand.  Their mantra is “Do what you say you will do” – and they do!   They show respect for others by being on time and meeting deadlines.  Using the University strategic plan and EPPIIC values as guiding principles, they are ethical in decision-making and when interacting with others.  They are honest, transparent, loyal, collaborative and praise others for accomplishments.

    Compassion - A nominee for the compassion award first and foremost observes good listening skills – maintains eye contact, asks follow-up questions, does not interrupt, etc.  They show empathy, trying to view a situation through another’s lens.  Compassion is demonstrated when they advocate for others but uphold a request for privacy when others confide in them. They frequently give of themselves with nothing asked in return.

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  • Step 2: Prepare Your Nomination

    Who is Eligible? All full-time, part-time, and temporarily employed University faculty, staff, and departments/units are eligible to be nominated by faculty, staff, and students*. Nominees who separate from the University or announce a retirement date which occurs before the award date, will no longer be considered for an award. Individuals or units may only be nominated for one value category and, if awarded, must wait at least five years prior to being selected to receive recognition for the same value category award.

    The nomination will include:

    1. the nominee, your contact information, and the EPPIIC value category of nomination (self-nominations will be accepted);
    2. a brief description of the individual/unit’s behaviors that exemplify the EPPIIC value for which they've been nominated.

    The EPPIIC Value Award Screening Committee will use a scoresheet to evaluate nominations.  Each prompt response on the nomination form will be awarded 0-3 points based on the below analysis.  Please review Tips for a Successful EPPIIC Value Award Nomination (PDF) for suggestions on crafting a successful nomination!

    Points Evidence
    Not answered, no example given, or respondent reiterated language of the prompt
    One piece of evidence provided with no detail and no resulting benefit identified
    One piece of evidence provided with detail and resulting benefit identified
    More than one detailed piece of evidence provided and resulting benefits identified

    *Note: The ability to nominate is open to MU faculty, staff and students only.

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  • Step 3: EVA Screening Committee Selects Recipients

    All nominations will be submitted to the Office of Human Resources and forwarded to the EPPIIC Value Awards Screening Committee. The Screening Committee will recommend nominees for each award to Cabinet, who will make the final decision.

    Note: Screening committee members may serve a two year term on the committee.

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  • Step 4: EPPIIC Value Award Winners Announced

    Join the celebration!

    Awards will be made during State of the ‘Ville Address in the fall. Each recipient will receive a certificate, plaque, and designated parking space for a year*.

    *Please note that team recipients will collaborate with administration on the best approach to share this designated parking space.

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