Experiment of The Month Archive
Experiment of the Month Archive
- Filter drop and statistics
- Charge on a capacitor
- Speed of light
- Doppler measurement of velocity
- Introduction to the Oscilloscope as a Voltmeter
- Patterns in Linear Motion
- Marble Scattering
- Acoustic Heat Pump
- Finding Absolute Zero in the comfort of your kitchen
- Ball Trajectory
- Sound Velocity
- Water Refraction
- Falling Ball Acceleration
- Running in the Rain
- Friction Problem
- Photoelectric Effect
- Higher Tech Sound Velocity
- Statistics for Marble Scattering
- The Hall Effect in Gold Films
- Intermediate Laboratory Sampler
- Singing Textbook
- Friction With a Pencil
- Magnetic Dipole Field Strength
- Sound Interference with Battery and 2 Buzzers
- The Sound of Quality
- How High is the Moon?
- Cosmic Muons and Relativity
- Relativistic time
- Inertial and Gravitational Mass
- Static Bottle Balance
- Photon Momentum Search
- Galilean Relativity
- Relativity Lesson Plans
- Parametrically Driven Pendulum
- Foucault Pendulum Proof that the Earth Rotates
- Mathematica Baseball Simulation
- Vector Sum of Forces
- The Underwater Pendulum
- The CERN Connection
- Newton's Third Law and Mass
- Reconstructing a Complex Musical Tone
- Demonstration of Anomalous Dispersion
- Foucault Pendulum Summer Workshop
- An Operational Amplifier Sampler
- Zeno and the Bouncing Ball
- Statistics to Reduce Error Below the Least Count
- RMS and DC Equivalent Voltage
- Introduction to Newton's First and Second laws
- Video Analysis of a Falling Ball
- A Cylindrical Physical Pendulum
- Black Body Radiation from an Incandescent Lamp
- Laser Drilling of 10 Micron Holes
- Some Senior Seminar Projects
- Summer Tour & High School Foucault
- Conservation of Energy for Rolling Hoops
- Galileo's Method for Rolling Hoops
- Sample Lab Write-up for Current Balance
- Measuring Earth's Radius Along I-95
- How a Tire Holds up a Car
- Our Directional Sense of Hearing
- "Wrong Way" Parabolic Fluid Bulge
- k-vector Approach to Snell's Law
- Rotating a Lost Astronaut
- Weighing the Air in a Balloon
- Experimental Force Component
- Mechanical Work Raises Voltage
- Parabolic Velocity Field for Fluid in a Pipe
- Laser Drilled 10Micron Holes in Bi Film
- Inverted Pendulum Driven by a Loudspeaker
- Calculus in Physics
- Physics Wins with Independent Variables
- Foucault Pendulum Ideas for AP Physics
- Foucault Pendulum Lesson Plans for General Physics
- Error is natural
- Followup on the Sound of Quality
- Terminal Velocity
- Interferometer Phase Shift Calibration
- Mid-Air Elastic Collisions
- Conical Anamorphosis
- Pendulum Resonance Mimics Ear
- Pendulum Traveling Wave in Elementary Education
- A Musical Uncertainty Principle
- Atmospheric Pressure with a Soda Bottle and a Ping Pong Ball
- Foucault Pendulum Precession Derivation
- Helmholtz Resonator
- The Bounce of a Spinning Ball
- Surface Plasmon Generation
- Cooney's Machine
- Photon Uncertainty Principle
- Interferometric Glass Thickness Measurement
- Microscope vs. Telescope
- Channeling a Sunbeam
- Aspirators Don't Suck; They Curl
- Feynman Water Sprinkler
- Non-Coalescing Coffee Drops
- Mirror Reading
- Laser Refraction
- Laser Wavelength
- Five Meter Foucault Pendulum
- Laser Construction
- Nano-Engineered Thin Films
- Lunar Eclipse and the Distance to the Moon
- Gas Leaks and Boltzmann's Distribution
- Dielectric Relaxation
- Low Temperature Gold Film Resistance
- Indoor Sound Velocity Measurement
- Energy in the Atwood's Machine
- The Bending of Combined Beams
- Loudspeaker Resonance and Decay Time
- Current Density in a Conducting Sheet
- Twin Tee Complex Transfer Function
- Bowling Ball Demonstration Pendulum
- The Prettiest Fringes