Computer Science Alumni
If you are a Millersville University Computer Science Alumni, please update your contact information.
The Department of Computer Science maintains a rigorous, state-of-the-art program in Computer Science and Information Technology with eight full-time faculty and more than 250 majors.
We offer research and advanced undergraduate elective courses in computer graphics, artificial intelligence, networks, software engineering, databases, human-computer interaction, game programming, and parallel processing. The hardware and software in our laboratories are continually updated to support our student and faculty needs. By pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree, you can prepare for a rewarding, challenging career in business, industry, or government, or establish a solid foundation for graduate studies and research.
Millersville University began teaching programming courses in 1963. The Computer Science B.S. degree was approved in 1975, and Information Technology B.S. degree with a Health Care Analytics Option was approved in 2020, and the MDST in Data Science was approved in 2020. The Department has graduated over 1,500 majors who have become active, contributing members of the computing profession.
At MU, you are more than just a number. Learn how faculty care for their students and prepare them for their careers.
The Department of Computer Science is offering group tutoring both in person and digitally. When tutoring is held, the tutor will be in Roddy 136, helping students on a first-come, first-serve basis. They will also be available through Zoom, Meeting ID: 959-6169-3862 and Discord.
By Course:
Course |
Days |
140 |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday |
161 |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday |
162 |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday |
330 |
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday |
362 |
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday |
366 |
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday |
380 |
Thursday |
By Day:
Day (Time) |
Courses |
Monday (5PM-8PM) |
140, 161, 162, 330, 362, 366 |
Tuesday (5:30PM-8PM) |
140, 161, 162, 330, 340, 362, 366 |
Wednesday (5PM-8PM) |
140, 161, 162 |
Thursday (5:00PM-8PM) |
140, 161, 162, 330, 340, 362, 366, 380 |
The Department of Computer Science has a Discord Community which all students enrolled in Computer Science or Information Technology courses are encouraged to join. Discord is a social platform where people can collaborate and socialize together in text and/or voice channels.
We have premade channels for all courses, social activities, troubleshooting, and more. You can download Discord to your computer, phone, and/or tablet through your device's respective App Store or from
To join the Computer Science Department Discord Server, click this button:
Trying to get your computer set up for your Computer Science class? We have guides to help you!
Eight MUCS students and three faculty traveled to East Stroudsburg University to participate in the PACISE conference this year. Justin Stevens, Samantha Noggle, and Briar Sauble all presented talks on their honors theses. They did a fantastic job, and Justin's paper won the Best Paper a
ward (for best Faculty Paper, but that's another story...)
We also had two teams compete in the programming contest. The team of Marshall Feng, Samantha Noggle, and Trevor Bender won the competition, solving all ten of the problems in the shortest amount of time, with five "fastest solves", and with 40% of the allotted time remaini
ng! The team of Evan Magill, Ryan Ganzke, and John Hershey came in 4th, solving eight of the problems with two "fastest solves". Congratulations to everyone!
The 13th Annual Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference (CPOSC) was held on Saturday, April 1st, 2023 at the Ware Center in downtown Lancaster. Millersville University was well-represented with over 15 students and faculty in attendance, along with many, many alumni. Samantha Noggle and Dr. Stephanie Schwartz gave a presentation called "Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Users' Listening Experiences".
CPOSC is organized by many local technology enthusiasts. This year two MUCS alumni, Elyse Ewing (2009) and Emma Montgomery (2018) were two primary coordinators, along with many other alumni who were involved in this great event. We look forward to next year!
Congratulations to Zacaria Tawfick, Lincoln Craddock and Tristan Rush!
Among the 8 states, 20 universities and 31 teams our team received 2nd place in the programming competition at the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC).
Marshal Feng, John Hershey, Evan Magill, Tristan Rush, Lincoln Craddock, and Zacaria Tawfick represented Millersville at the 2024 edition of the International Collegiate Programmig Competition. The team of Marshall, John, and Evan won first place at our competition site.
If you are a Millersville University Computer Science Alumni, please update your contact information.
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it." -William Arthur Ward