University Emeriti
The granting of emeritus status is a time-honored way for a university to give tangible recognition to retired faculty members, administrators and others for distinguished service to the University.
Millersville University has a long history of honoring and recognizing faculty, staff, administrators, trustees, alumni, and friends who have earned distinction for their work at the university or in the greater community. These university honors and awards, bestowed by the Council of Trustees or the President, are given to ourstanding recipients who demonstrate excellence in teaching, research, service, as well as athletic, artistic, creative and philanthropic endeavors.
The granting of emeritus status is a time-honored way for a university to give tangible recognition to retired faculty members, administrators and others for distinguished service to the University.
Millersville University is proud to invite outstanding alumni, university and community leaders, and other notable figures as commencement speakers. Commencement speakers offer words of reflection and inspiration to our graduating students.
Millersville University is privileged to grant honorary degrees to persons who have made outstanding contributions to the welfare and well-being of the community at large. Such degrees are granted to recognize individual creativity, distinguished...
Awarded by the president to honor and recognize individuals, corporations, or other organizations who, by their accomplishments, deeds, or example, have demonstrated a commitment to the values central to the mission of Millersville University.
The Council of Trustees, through a Resolution of Appreciation, or the University President, through a Presidential Proclamation, may recognize any University group or individual who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the University.