Dual Enrollment-Starting Classes

Welcome to Millersville!

If you have not yet been admitted to the MU Dual Enrollment Program and are seeking additional information, please visit the Dual Enrollment Admissions page.

Congratulations!  YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A MARAUDER! We are excited that you are taking advantage of the opportunity to participate in college courses on our campus. The information below is provided to help acclimate you to campus programs and services that you may access. Additionally, we are providing several opportunities for you to visit the campus in advance of the start of classes, to ask questions, and to gain a greater understanding of the differences between high school and college courses. Your participation is not mandatory, but we hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the Millersville campus, its services, and college academics.

We look forward to meeting you and your family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of New Student Programs at 717-871-4370 or orientation@millersville.edu

Before Attending Classes

MU Mobile Credentials

Millersville University has transitioned to digital credentialing rather than a physical ID card. The credneitals reside on your mobile device and can be used in the same way as a traditional ID card, Your credentials can be used to check out books from McNairy Library, make purchases at the school store and dining locations (using Marauder Gold), and access the Ware Center (in Lancaster City). Students without mobile devices or who are more confortable with a traditional ID card may request one instead, however, only one form of identification (digital or physical) may be chosen.

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Marauder Gold

Marauder Gold is a declining balance program that works like a credit card in reverse. Money deposited into your Marauder Gold account may be used to make cash-free purchases at various on and off campus locations that display the Marauder Gold logo.

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myVILLE is a campus-based portal permitting you to access many technology resources at the University. You’ll use your myVILLE account to access University email, your student records, computer lab resources, the online education platform, and the wireless network. From myVILLE you are able to access all the resources listed below.

To activate your myVILLE account you will need your student identification number, often referred to as your M#. This number is listed on your Admissions Acceptance Letter.

For complete instructions on activating your myVille account, visit https://www.millersville.edu/activate.

Web Email

myVILLE Email uses the Outlook Web Email service (mail.millersville.edu). Enter your myVILLE username and password and you are good to go! Once you activate your Millersville email account, check it regularly. Millersville email is the primary means by which the University communicates with students.

Brightspace D2L

Brightspace D2L, or D2L, is an integrated learning platform designed to create a single place online for instructors and students to interact, either for a completely online course or as a supplement to a face-to-face course. Ask your professor if you will be using D2L. Your D2L username and password are the same as those you use to log into your Millersville email and the myVILLE portal.

Millersville Access System (MAX)

MAX, the Millersville Access System, gives you real-time access to course registration, grades, transcripts, Marauder Gold, and other student records. The link for MAX can be found on the myVILLE Portal (https://www.millersville.edu/logins/). MAX can assist you with obtaining a parking sticker, making bill payments, and viewing and printing records and information. Your MAX username and password are the same as those you use to log into your Millersville email and the myVILLE portal.


Parking decals may only be purchased through your MAX account. You must go to the Parking Office in Lebanon House (237 N. George St.) to pick up the actual decal. You must have your Marauder OneCard in order to pick up your parking decal. The current commuter parking cost is $100 for the year or $68 per semester. This entitles you to park in any commuter space on campus. The portal to purchase your decal opens one month prior to the start of the semester (August 1 and December 1).

If you wish to save on costs, you may instead purchase a Restricted Parking Decal (i.e., Green Sticker), available for $70 per year. The Restricted Parking Decal permits you to park only in the Prince Street Garage (at the corner of N. Prince St and W. Cottage Ave). The University shuttle stops at the garage every 15 minutes.

For complete instructions on registering for a parking decal, visit Parking Portal

Other MU Resources


If you have a learning disability that may require accommodation while taking your Millersville University class(es), you must register with the Office of Learning Services and provide a copy of your documentation.


Sign up for the Millersville University Emergency Alert System.  This system will ensure that you are notified of any emergency occurring on campus as well as weather closings and delays. Family members may also sign up for these alerts.


LiveSafe is a mobile safety system utilizing the latest smartphone technology. With this application, it empowers students to take more ownership in their campus’ safety by turning their smartphones into powerful personal safety tools, increasing communication between students and university police officers, and becoming more aware of safety issues. It facilitates discreet and risk-free bystander intervention.

LiveSafe is free for students, parents, faculty, and staff. Supported on Apple iOS and Android operating systems, it is available for download from both the iTunes Store and Google Play.


The Department of Academic Advisement and Student Development is available to help you consider your college matriculation at MU via the coordination of coursework while still in high school, clarification of MU majors and minors, and serving as a liaison between you and your future department.


Millersville University has more than a dozen computer labs located on campus. Mac and Windows stations are available to you and are accessed with your myVILLE username and password.

Labs open the first day of classes; some are open 24 hours. The labs are frequently reserved for classes, during which they are not available for general use. Computer labs are closed during official university holidays and semester breaks.

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