Addition and
two pages describe the rules for addition and subtraction. In both the addition rule and the
subtraction rule, dashes are placed between numbers to show that they have
different units. These units include
dollars, dimes, and cents. Some of
the addition and subtraction problems have more than these three units. I am unable to determine what the unit
of currency is for these columns. I
have provided the direct rules from the ciphering book and some sample
of Federal Money Rule: "Place the numbers according to their values that is
dollars under dollars dimes under dimes cents under cents"
Subtraction Rule: "Place the least number under the greatest so that units may
stand under units tens under tens and so on draw a line under them and begin at
the right hand and take each figure in the lower line from the figure above it
and set down the remainders if the lower figure is greater than that above it
give ten to the upper figure from the next number to increase take the lower
and set down the remainder carrying one to the not lower figure with which
proceed as before and so on until the whole is finished"