Accommodations and Services

Eligibility Guidelines

Eligibility for accommodations and related services for students are coordinated by the Director and staff of the Office of Learning Services. Students are made eligible for services on an individualized basis. 

Accommodations for Students with ADHD, Cognitive, Neurological and Other Learning Disabilities

Services may include but are not limited to academic accommodations, auxiliary aids, housing, etc. such as the following:

  • Individualized academic skills assistance*
  • Distraction-reduced testing
  • Extended testing time
  • Out of class testing
  • Note-takers
  • Assistive technology
  • Recorded lectures
  • Early Registration
  • Learning Disability Screenings
  • Coaching for students with ADHD
  • Coaching for students with Autism & Asperger's Disorder
  • Advocacy with faculty and staff

*Individualized academic skills assistance/coaching may be provided to students with learning disabilities, including those with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Areas of assistance include: assistance from one of our graduate assistants who are psychologists in training who will provide individualized interventions in critical thinking, organizational and time management skills, study skills, reading comprehension, and writing. Workshops are also provided in these areas to the general student population.

Steps to obtain accommodations and services:

Students applying for disability accommodations should send their documentation by e-mail to or our secure fax to 717-871-7943.

There are two basic steps to obtain accommodations through the Office of Learning Services.

  1. For a student with a learning disability (including ADD/ADHD, cognitive,neurological and other learning disabilities), complete a Special Assistance Request Form for Students with Disabilities. This form must be returned to the Office of Learning Services (the address is shown on the first page of the form). Newly admitted students may receive a link to this form from Admissions. Note: This form must be signed by the student before services can be rendered.
  2. Submit a complete psycho-educational, psychological, neuropsychological, evaluation report (ER) or re-evaluation report (RR) as your official documentation of a learning disability. 504 Plans may also be submitted for Other Health Impairment and other disorders that affect learning. Documentation may be sent to the Office of Learning Services along with the Special Assistance Request Form for Students with Disabilities or sent alone. (For detailed information about what must be part of the documentation, click on the Documentation Guidelines link.)

Note: This form must be signed by the student before services can be provided.

When these two documents have been received, they will be reviewed by the Director of the Office of Learning Services who will complete a list of the accommodations for the new student. The student will receive a confirmation letter listing the accommodations and provided general information about receiving services from this office. Please note:There will be ample opportunity for an exchange of information through a deliberative process between the Director, Office of Learning Services and any student requesting accommodations. Students are welcome to contact the Office of Learning Services at 717-871-5554 to request an appointment to discuss their accommodation needs at any time during the process of requesting initial services or throughout their enrollment at Millersville University. Upon consultation with the Director, students may request additional accommodations that are supported by their documentation.

Accommodations for Students with Developmental, Medical, Mobility, Physical and Psychiatric Disabilities 

Accommodations may include:

  • Individualized academic skills assistance*
  • Distraction-reduced testing
  • Extended testing time
  • Out of class testing
  • Note-takers
  • Assistive technology
  • Recorded lectures
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Early Registration
  • Dining (special dietary restrictions)
  • Housing accommodations (private rooms, private bathrooms, room configurations, etc.)
  • Advocacy with faculty and staff

Steps to obtain accommodations and services:

There are two basic steps to obtain accommodations through the Office of Learning Services.

  1. For a student with a physical disability (including asthma, allergies, developmental disorders including Autism, mobility and psychiatric disabilities), complete a Special Assistance Request Form for Students with Disabilities. This form must be returned to the Office of Learning Services (the address is shown on the first page of the form). Newly admitted students may receive a link to this form from Admissions. Note: This form must be signed by the student before services can be rendered.
  2. Submit documentation from your physician, neuropsychologist, psychologist, therapist or qualifying practitioner with your diagnosis and the types of accommodations that may be required by the disability. This documentation should be on the practitioner’s letterhead, signed by the practitioner, and indicate how the disability impacts your learning. Disability documentation that does not meet guidelines will be returned to the student. (For detailed information about what must be part of the documentation, click on the Documentation Guidelines link.) Documentation may be sent to the Office of Learning Services along with the Special Assistance Request Form for Students with Disabilities or sent alone.

Note: This form must be signed by the student before services can be provided.

When these two documents have been received, they will be reviewed by the Director of the Office of Learning Services who will complete a list of the accommodations for the new student. The student will receive a confirmation letter listing the accommodations and provided general information about receiving services from this office. Please note: There will be ample opportunity for an exchange of information through a deliberative process between the Director, Office of Learning Services and any student requesting accommodations. Students are welcome to contact the Office of Learning Services to request an appointment to discuss their accommodation needs at any time during the process of requesting initial services or throughout their enrollment at Millersville University. Upon consultation with the Director, students may request additional accommodations that are supported by their documentation.

The Director of the Office of Learning Services may ask the student to make an appointment and come into the office to discuss their accommodations. Students with physical disabilities who have any type of mobility issues and/or are in need of special classroom setups are encouraged to meet with the Director prior to their attendance at Millersville University to discuss possible accommodations and campus accessibility issues. However, students are welcome to discuss their needs as they arise and can do so by contacting our office at 717-871-5554.