Dr. Erin J. Shelor
Associate Professor of History
Student Hours
M: 9:00 - 9:50 AM and 2:00 - 3:00 PM and 5:30 - 6:00 PM
W: 9:00 - 9:50 AM and 2:00 - 3:00 PM
F: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
Comments: SP 2025 Student Consultation Hours; Or by appointment (in person or on Zoom); Zoom Office: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/7497161573
- HIST 102: Europe and the World, 1789-Present
- HIST 105: History Matters
- HIST 222: Modern Britain
- HIST 330: Nineteenth-Century Europe
- HIST 334: Victorian England
- HIST 405: Senior Seminar
- HIST 480: History of Medicine
- HIST 506: Graduate Readings in the Age of Revolution, 1789-1914
- HIST 511: Graduate Readings in Epidemics in World History
- HIST 611: Graduate Seminar in European History
Recent Publications:
“Working Conditions and Attempts to Reform the Poor Law Medical Services in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Britain,” Virginia Social Science Journal 49 (2014): 97-131.
“The Common Experience of the First Industrial Revolution in Britain: A Radical Change in Daily Life.” Daily Life through History. ABC-CLIO. http://dailylife2.abc-clio.com/.
Book Review of Stephen T. Casper, The Neurologists: A History of a Medical Specialty in Modern Britain c.1789-2000, in History: Review of New Books 45:2 (2017): 38-39.
Book Review of Anne Borsay and Peter Shapely, Medicine, Charity and Mutual Aid: The Consumption of Health and Welfare in Britain, c.1550-1950, in Journal of British Studies 49:1 (January 2010): 181-82.
Book Review of M. Anne Crowther and Marguerite W. Dupree, Medical Lives in the Age of Surgical Revolution, in Journal of British Studies 47:3 (July 2008): 692-93.
Book Review of Andrea Broomfield, Food and Cooking in Victorian England: A History, in Food and Foodways 15:3-4 (July-December 2007): 307-311.
Book Review of Tim Hitchcock, Down and Out in Eighteenth-Century London, in History: Review of New Books 33:4 (Summer 2005): 148-49.
Selected Presentations
“Competition and Rivalry within State Medicine in Nineteenth-Century Britain,” Mid-Atlantic Conference on British Studies, March 2015
“Grave Robbing and the Study of Anatomy in Early 19th Century Britain,” Millersville University Biology Department Colloquium, February 2017; Millersville Area Historical Society, October 2015; Quest for Learning lecture, Eighth Annual Richard Keller Memorial Series, October 2014
“Food Adulteration in 19th Century Britain,” Quest for Learning lecture, Fifth Annual Richard Keller Memorial Series, September 2011
“Food Adulteration and Claims of Medical Expertise in Nineteenth-Century Britain,” European History Section, Southern Historical Association, November 2009
“Assigning Research Papers Using Newspaper Sources in an Undergraduate Victorian England Course,” North American Conference on British Studies, October 2008
“The Obligations of Citizenship: The Metropolitan Poor Law Act (1867) and Equalization of the London Poor Rates,” Southern Conference of British Studies, November 2003
“An Appeal to the Pocketbook: Joseph Rogers and Poor Law Medical Reform,” European Section, Southern Historical Association, November 2001
“Grievances of the Poor Law Medical Officers: Richard Griffin and the Failure of the Poor Law Medical Reform Association,” Ninth Annual Bluegrass Symposium, University of Kentucky, March 2001
“Voices in the Wilderness: The Poor Law Medical Services, 1834-1859,” Midwest Conference on British Studies, October 1998
Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British History; Nineteenth Century European Social History; History of Medicine and the Medical Profession; History of Health and Disease, History of Autism and History of Disabilities.