About us
The University Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee (UCAPC), formerly Faculty Senate, is the representative body of the faculty that recommends policies and programs in academic and student affairs and curriculum. Faculty Senate is a body established by the faculty and with the consent of APSCUF-MU fulfills the requirement for a Curriculum Committee as specified in the CBA.
The UCAPC is a representative body of the faculty. Each department elects one member to the Faculty Senate. The Council of Interdisciplinary Directors elects a Faculty Senator(s) from faculty teaching within the programs. One senator shall be elected for every five programs, with a minimum of one elected senator representing the interdisciplinary programs at all times (e.g., 10-14 programs = 2 senators, 15-19 programs = 3 senators).
The UCAPC reflects the professional judgment of the faculty and recommends policy in writing to the University President in such areas as curriculum, admissions and standards practices, educational programs, University organization, advisement and counseling, student affairs and matters of similar import.
The UCAPC keeps the faculty informed of its deliberations and recommendations.
The UCAPC may refer appropriate issues to the faculty for action through the President of APSCUF-MU.
A senator primarily represents a department or the Council of Interdisciplinary Directors, but acts on behalf of the entire faculty.
When a department or the Council of Interdisciplinary Directors instructs its senator to present an item to the UCAPC he/she shall do so; but the senator has the right to use independent judgment in voting.
Meeting Schedule
UCAPC meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month during the academic year.
Meetings are held from 4:00pm to 5:45pm in 200/201 Osburn Hall.
Summer meeting to be announced.
Contact Us
UCAPC Officers:
Chairperson: Aileen Hower, Tel: 871-7341, E-mail: Aileen.Hower@millersville.edu
Chairperson Pro Tempore: Shaun Cook, Tel: 871-7270, E-mail: Shaun.Cook@millersville.edu
Secretary: Antonia Cardwell, Tel: 871-7306, E-mail: Antonia.Cardwell@millersville.edu
Parliamentarian: Shaun Cook, Tel: 871-7270, E-mail: Shaun.Cook@millersville.edu