Sam Earman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Geology

Office Hours
M: 11:00 AM - 12:40 PM
T: 11:00 AM - 12:40 PM
R: 11:00 AM - 12:40 PM
Comments: Or schedule an appointment
Ph.D., Earth and Environmental Science with Dissertation in Hydrology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
M.S., Water Resources Management, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
B.A., majors in Geology, Environmental Studies, and Anthropology, Macalester College
Assistant Research Professor, Desert Research Institute (2007-2009)
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Desert Research Institute (2004-2007)
ESCI 101: Earth Systems and Natural Hazards
ESCI 102: Origin and Evolution of the Earth
ESCI 120: Environmental Geology
ESCI 121: Environmental Geology Lab
ESCI 221: Physical Geology
ESCI 221H: Honors Physical Geology
ESCI 221L: Physical Geology Lab
ESCI 226: Geology of Earth and Energy Resources
ESCI 322: Environmental Hydrology
ESCI 329: Aqueous Geochemistry
ESCI 421: Advanced Geology
ESCI 423: Applied Geophysics
ESCI 425: Geodynamics
ESCI 426: Groundwater Resources and Contamination
Climate change impacts on water resources
Snowmelt contribution to groundwater recharge
Groundwater recharge and movement in mountains
Basin-scale evolution of groundwater chemistry
Natural tracer applications to investigations of groundwater systems
Geophysical applications to investigations of groundwater systems