
  • Above all— if you can be anything, choose to be kind.

    Alysia Smith
  • Kindness and respect give people the courage to be vulnerable with each other and gain an understanding of the other.

    Scotty Lewiss
  • Humanity Defined: Compassionate, sympathetic; generous behavior or disposition; the quality or state of being humane. Humanity Applied: DIVERSITY TO INCLUSION

    Felicia Brown-Haywood
  • Let's be known not for excluding, but for who we include, support and raise up.

    Ann Gaudino
  • It costs $0 to be kind to others.

    Kimmai Tran
  • Our EPPIIC values are a wonderful expression of our campus ethos. Together, we can soar to incredible heights if we have the collective will to live our core values.

    Victor DeSantis
  • “We need more light about each other. Light creates understanding, understanding creates love, love creates patience, and patience creates unity.” – Malcolm X

    Jerrell Blaine
  • We all have a story. Taking the time to develop authentic relationships with one another opens our minds and our hearts and fosters empathy and compassion for each other.

    Karen Rice
  • "Diversity is being invited to the party. INCLUSION is being asked to dance." - Cynthia Marshall, Dallas Maverick's CEO

    Alison Hutchinson
  • I've found our community has a caring heart, a good soul. Smiles and kindness are passed forward at the Ville. And..."Where there is hatred, let me sow love." - Saint Francis

    Pete Anders

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