Master of Science in Emergency Management
Building a Workforce of Leaders in Preparedness and Disaster Management
The Master of Science in Emergency Management (MSEM) degree, which is offered totally online, is designed to educate individuals to plan and coordinate emergency management efforts. Graduates are prepared to serve in a variety of positions in the emergency management field, both in public and private sector roles. Graduates will have gained the required knowledge to attain associate emergency manager status.
Millersville University’s MSEM program is unique as our instructors have real life experience in their respective fields of study. Faculty, emergency management experts, and disaster studies researchers come together to provide a comprehensive program through the interdisciplinary Center for Disaster Research and Education. The program of courses and electives is designed to enhance student skills in leading efforts in planning, mitigation and response to disastrous events. The MSEM program is dynamic, and the courses are continually redeveloped and new courses are added to meet the growing needs of the field.
How does the MSEM program work?
The 30-credit program is designed so that it can be completed in two calendar years. However, the program is also flexible for those who need less or additional time to complete the requirements. The online courses, traditionally taught in the evenings, include faculty and student interaction, discussions, group work and individual projects. Courses are offered year round, with flexibility for the student’s busy life.
The culminating requirement of the program is a practicum course, in which students will use what they have learned throughout the program to improve existing emergency response polices, plans, and practices in an emergency response organization. Using these skills to upgrade the organization’s procedures to reflect best practices and research, the student's practicum may take place at a current job site, volunteer position, or at a field location. The student also has the option to develop and defend a thesis, allowing for both a hands-on or research based project to complete the program.
What if I don't have any emergency management experience?
Our students come from varying disciplines, some with little to no experience or training in emergency management. Other students enrolled in the program are employed in emergency management positions. The mixture of disciplines and emergency management experience of our students makes for a diverse learning environment. Students are learning from our instructors and each other in this expanding field. The program is designed so that it not only benefits those currently working in emergency management but also those seeking to enter into emergency management careers.
Why study Emergency Management at Millersville?
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Intelligent ranks Millersville #1 has ranked Millersville as having one of the best Master's in Emergency Management Degree...
Learn MoreEmergency Management Program is "Best"
Millersville University topped the 2019 national rankings of Best Online Master’s in Emergency Management...
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For Prospective Students
Office Hours
Monday 8:30AM to 2PM
Tuesday 8:30AM to 2PM
Wednesday 8:30AM to 2PM
Thursday 8:30AM to 2PM
Friday 8:30AM to 2PMClosed University observed holidays
Course Information
Click here and select department “CDRE” and “Graduate Courses” for the next available term’s courses.
Remember, if you want to begin your studies immediately you may register as a non-degree student (click for more information) to enroll in classes while your application is being processed.