Wildlife Biologist - Alyssa Lutz '23

Alumnus Overview:

Alyssa Lutz '23 worked as a wildlife biologist on a seasonal project that studied 3 at-risk turtle species: Eastern box turtles, spotted turtles, and wood turtles. This project was a joint effort between Virginia Tech University, The National Park Foundation, The National Park Service, and USGS. All of the work took place in National Park lands in the Mid-Atlantic region. The job consisted of either trapping or conducting walking surveys, depending on the target species. Once a turtle was found, she worked with others to collect data including measurements, weight, age estimate, disease swabs, blood samples, and photos. She then marked the turtle with a notch on the marginal scutes so it can be identified if recaptured at a later date. The project was very successful during the Spring '24 field season, and is continuing for future years. Alyssa's next seasonal position is studying Sonoran Desert Tortoises with the Arizona Game and Fish Department. 


Advice to current & future MU biology students:

"Get involved! Go beyond what is required to get your degree. Join clubs, volunteer, take field courses, get a job in your department, and/or do an internship." She also highly recommends getting involved in research with a professor in the department. "All of these things will give you fantastic experience beyond what you would get in a normal classroom setting", and she wishes she had taken advantage of these opportunities earlier in her college career. "The experiences you gain from these opportunities can help you gain a better understanding of your passions and will make you much more competitive for jobs post-graduation."