Applied Conservation Lab Homepage
Student Publications (*Student Author)
Notarianni, N*. A. Haines, J. Zeyzus and C. Hauer. In Press. Acoustic surveys for rare bat species at Lehigh Gap Nature Center and other natural sites along the Kittatinny ridge. From Superfund Site to Wildlife Refuge: A Story of Ecological Restoration at the Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania. A Publication of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science.
Haines, A.M., Costante, D., Freed, C*., Achayaraj, G, Ritter, E*., Bleyer, L*., Lielbriedis, L*., Salerni, G*., French, F*., Achayaraj, G*., Emeric, C*., Stieha, C., Isdell, R., and Leu, M. 2024. The Impact of Invasive Alien Species on Threatened and Endangered Species: A Geographic Perspective. Wildlife Society Bulletin: e1552.
Berry, L.* 2023. Search for elusive weasels at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. Hawk Mountain News. 143: 13-15.
Tirado, S.* 2022. Comparison of small mammal trap for conducting biological surveys. Made in Millersville Journal.
Notarianni, N*. A. Haines, J. Zeyzus and J. Chenger. 2021. Acoustic bat survey kiosk for public outreach and research. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. 94: 60-72. (E-mail for Paper Copy)
Haines, A. Leu, M, D. Costante*, T.C. Treakle, C. Parenti*, J. Miller, J. Malcom. 2021. Benchmark for the ESA: Having a Backbone is Good for Recovery. Frontiers in Conservation Science. 10.3389/fcosc.2021.630490.
Notarianni, N.* A. Haines. 2020. Hawk Mountain Kiosk Allows Visitors to Survey for Rare Bats. Hawk Mountain News 133: 14-17.
Leu, M., A. Haines, C. Rachel*, C. Check*, D. Costante*, J. Evans, M. Hollingsworth*, I. Ritrovato*, Rydberg*, A. Sandercock*, K. Thomas* and T. Treakle*. 2019. Temporal Evaluation of Threats to Listed Species to Improve Wildlife Conservation Efforts. Conservation Science & Practice 1: e78.
*Bridgehouse, T., Grace Nussbaum*, and A. M. Haines. 2018. Longevity of hair dyes used for small mammal research. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 92: 68-74.
Haines, A.M., *A. M. Fetterolf, *M. G. Griffin, *T. A. Conrad and S. M. Kennedy. 2017. Use of soil chemical analysis to detect commercial wildlife game baits. Human-Wildlife Interactions 11:208-216.
Haines, A. M., S. Webb and *F. Meshe. 2016. A Survey of Wildlife Law Enforcement Needs: Nearly 40 Years Later. The Wildlife Professional. October: 34-36.
*Wolfgang, A. and A. M., Haines. 2016. Testing automated call recognition software for winter bird vocalizations. Northeastern Naturalist 23: 249-258.
*Kessler, A.J., J. Rutt*, S. Moyer*, K. Lopez* and A. Haines. 2016. A study of home range size and habitat preference of pen-raised ring-neck pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) released at Lancaster County Central Park. Final Report, Lancaster County Central Park.
Baker, J. R., Adams, D., *Andrews M., Betler, L., Brackern T., Braune, K., *Frye, B., *Fulton, N., Layden, T., *Scott, K., *Sell, M., *Way, S., *Yuditsky, K and Haines, A. M. 2015. Rapid biological assessment of terrestrial vertebrate species at Wallops Island National Wildlife. Final Report, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge.
*Strauser, K. and A. H. Haines. 2014. Detection of urine-based deer lures to mitigate CWD transmission in Pennsylvania. Keystone Journal of Undergraduate Research 2:1-7.
Haines, A. M., M. Zak*, K. Hammond*, J. M. Scott, D. D. Goble, and J. L. Rachlow. 2013. Uncertainty in population estimates for endangered animals and improving the recovery process. Animals 3: 745-753.
Haines, A. M. and T. Nauman*. 2013. Soil test signals deer baiting (Field Notes). The Wildlife Professional 7:68.
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