Dr. Leslie Gates
Professor in Art Education (Undergraduate & Graduate Coordinator of Art Ed)

Contact Information
Office: Breidenstine Hall I Room 209A
Phone: 717-871-7257
Fax: 717-871-7929
Office Hours
M: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (in person or online)
T: 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM (in person or online)
W: 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM (in person or online)
Comments: When possible, please schedule a time in advance at https://tinyurl.com/GatesOfficeHours
Dr. Gates joined the Department of Art & Design in 2012. Dr. Gates has taught visual art in public schools located in both urban and rural contexts, and has experience at both the high school and elementary levels. Leslie has served as a curriculum consultant to public school districts, given invited lectures, and facilitated opportunities for professional learning at various conferences, seminars, and workshops. In addition to her position at Millersville, she serves on the editorial board of Art Education, published by the National Art Education Association.
Leslie has won the following awards:
- PA Conference for Women Featured Storyteller (Pennsylvania Conference for Women and Target®, 2021)
- Juror's Choice Award, Both/And Exhibit (Juried by Micaela amateua Amato, 2019)
- Outstanding Artist Teacher (Kutztown University Department of Art Education, 2019)
- Young Alumni Achievement Award (Millersville University Alumni Association, 2018)
- Pennsylvania Art Educator of the Year (Pennsylvania Art Education Association, 2017)
- Elementary Art Educator of the Year (Pennsylvania Art Education Association, 2007)
- Children and Their Ideas (UNIV 103)
- Art Integration (ART 128)
- Introduction to Art Education (ART 221)
- Designing Meaningful Art Education Experiences (ART 324)
- Methods and Pedagogy for Art (ART 325)
- Current Trends in Art Education (ART 523)
- Curriculum Seminar (ART 526)
- Qualitative and Arts-Based Research Methods (ART 602)
- Assessment in Art Education (ART 603)
- Student Teaching in Art (EDAR 461/462)
- B.S.E. Art Education - Millersville University of Pennsylvania, 2003
- M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction - Shepherd University, 2006
- Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction - University of Maryland College Park, 2011
Dr. Gates' research interests include assessment in the arts, and postmodern and choice-based approaches to teaching art. She enjoys coaching graduate students in identifying their own problems of practice and using research as a tool to explore possible solutions in their own classrooms.
- Gates, L. (2023). Mapping as artistic practice, Art Education, 76(2), 57-65.
- Gates, L. (2022). Families separated and detained at the border: A photo essay, Book 2.0, 12(1), 87-96.
- Dreon, O. & Gates, L. (2022). Building a comprehensive faculty mentoring program: A case study, The Best of the 2021 Leadership in Higher Education Conference, 10-12.
- Gates, L. (2021). Collaborative inquiry: Searching for ways to be a feminist educator in a university context, In K. Keifer-Boyd, L. Hoeptner-Poling, S. Klein, W. B. Knight, & A. Pénez de Miles (Eds.), Lobby Activism, Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
- Hilsdorf, U. & Gates, L. (2021). Influences of a classroom setting on student's artistic process, Visual/Arts Research, 47(2), 67-78.
- Gates, L. (2021). Working in the rectangle, Art Education 74(1), 15-16.
- Clarke, D. & Gates, L. (2020). Response as catalyst. Capacious Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry, 2(1-2),
- Gates, L. (2023, October). Assessment Heat Maps. Pennsylvania Art Education Association Annual Conference. Erie, PA.
- Gates, L. (2023, July). Mapping Your Leadership Landscape. Pennsylvania Art Education Association Leadership Conference. Kutztown, PA.
- Gates, L. (2023, May). Having Difficult Conversations. PASSHE Women's Consortium Staff Leadership Institute. Kutztown, PA.
- Gates, L. (2023, March). Mapping as Artistic Practice. National Art Education Association National Convention. San Antonio, TX.
- Gates, L. (2022, October). Mapping as Artistic Practice. Pennsylvania Art Education Association Annual Conference. Lancaster, PA.
- Dreon, O. & Gates, L. (2022, February). Developing a community of practice to support faculty mentoring. International Mentoring Association Conference, Gainsville, FL.
- Uhlig, S. & Gates, L. (2023, March). Wish You Were Here: The Pedagogy of Postcards. National Art Education Association Annual Convention. San Antonio, TX.
- Gates, L. & Dreon, O. (2021, October). Building a Comprehensive Faculty Mentoring from Scratch: Lessons Learned. Leadership in Higher Education Conference. Baltimore, MD. (Invited presentation).
- Uhlig, S. & Gates, L. (2021, October). Wish you were here! (where I am right now): The pedagogy of postcards. Pennsylvania Art Education Association Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
- Gates, L., Chronister, R., Alba, B. & Yom, S. (2020, June). Teaching art remotely: Making art with "around the house" materials. Supporting Learners in an Online Environment: We Are All in this Together. Millersville University [Online Conference].
- Dreon, O., Gates, L. & Mahoney, T. (2020, February). Partnering to Build a Shared Understanding of Disposition Assessment. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 72nd Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.