Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth

On the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, Millersville University community members share their commitment towards a more sustainable future and restoring our Earth.

“It Takes a 'Ville-age to Save a Child," when we fully return to campus. All members of our MU family will be invited to practice sustainability right where we live and work.”

- Dr. Nadine Garner | Associate Professor of Psychology

“I love the earth and so should you! Climate change and pollution are real, and it affects everything! Not just the Earth, but the humans who live here also. I don’t want to see our beautiful earth go to shambles, so I’m doing my part to make sure that it stays beautiful for our future generations to enjoy! ”

- Michael Zubak

“This Earth Day I am committing to moving out of my comfort zone to educate those who are skeptical of the climate crisis and sustainable practices. I am ready to have uncomfortable conversations, because the survival of our beautiful planet depends on it. I am hopeful for change, and every day a new person commits to achieving a sustainable future, we become one step closer to preserving the Earth.”

- Annabelle Tierney | Senior, Marine Biology

“I pick up any trash or litter that I see on the sides of roads, parks, and beaches. Dispose of It properly to take care of the earth and educate family and friends on the importance of recycling and littering. ”

- Leah Austin

1970 Earth Day Snapper Article

Earth Day Activities Slated for Millersville, Lancaster

Read the Snapper Article

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. ”

- Jane Goodall | Contributed by Audrey Eser, Geography Major

“The Summer Day is one of my favorite poems because the poet calls our attention to the small and beautiful moments in nature and in doing so challenges us, in a gentle way, to be hopeful as we consider our own wild and precious lives. ”

- Heidi Leitzke | Assistant Professor & Director, Eckert Art Gallery Department of Art & Design

The Summer Day

A poem for Earth Day

Read The Summer Day